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Author Topic: New Feat suggestion: Toxic blood  (Read 712 times)


  • Dark Power
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  • Posts: 1109
New Feat suggestion: Toxic blood
« on: March 30, 2019, 07:00:44 PM »
Toxic Blood
Type of Feat: Class(GrimeTrekker, Ranger, Monster Hunter)

Prerequisite: Any Favored Enemy feat

Specifics: There are hunters who have dedicated their life to hunt certain creatures. Eventually they realised that there will come a time when they will be defeated by the very foe, they seek to destroy. Thus they have taken drastic measures to ensure that if they are bested, they will still bring down the beasts along with them. They have started to ingest things along with their food that are known to be deadly for the creatures of their choosing.
Thus for each level of their class with favoured enemy (if multiple the one associated with the creature) they receive the following. If they are feasted upon or hit by a bite attack from one of their Favoured Enemy, the enemy creature must make a fortitude save vs 10+level no.+int bonus or get poisoned. This poison will eat away their constitution. (D6 in the first round thereafter -1 con until the creature either dies or makes a successfull fortitude save.)
Use: automatic
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