Author Topic: Narcissa Fornellis  (Read 615 times)


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Narcissa Fornellis
« on: November 15, 2018, 04:14:52 PM »
The arrival.

After a long and arduous journey from Darkon, Narcissa wanders into the Vistani camp bathed in pale moon light, a blazing fire casts shadows and its warmth bathes everyone in a pleasant glow. Wolves howl in the distance, a familiar sound in Barovia, an exotic Vistani woman tends to meat cooking in a pot over a blazing fire  and children play by a large body of water. Tired from the journey and eager to find a place to rest her wear eyes she wanders into an old almost ruinous building. Slightly surprised to see a priestess and a handful of guards standing watchful by a staircase as if expecting trouble at any moment, she approaches the woman and is greeted with a pleasant smile. The two woman talk softly for a short time, the priestess, a woman by the name of Bianca, tells her of a troubling tail of the dead rising below the ground beneath their feet in a catacomb of tunnels and old burial pits.

That night Narcissa sleeps only a few hours at a time, waking in the night drenched in sweat and wracked by a chill she cannot shake. Strange and confusing dreams seem to escape her as she wakes, barely recalling the slightest detail as she wakes, unable to retain the nightmarish visions she saw so vividly in her minds eye before being woken.

After a night of little sleep, she awakes and explores Vallaki looking for work.