Author Topic: Elodie Eppinette- Conte des couchers de soleil (Tale Of The Setting Suns)  (Read 2685 times)


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter I

"Le premier coucher de soleil"

The First Sunset

(L'eau est chaude, Elodie)

"The water is warm, Elodie."

Her mother basked in the ending gleam of the sunset, her skin radiating warmth, as did her smile as she extended out a tender hand from the darkened waters. Elodie gazed to her mother quizzically, she slowly arched her back, taking small steps closer to the woman, who she called mother, who made her life have a home. The sand
seeped through the cracks in her toes, the water taking its rounds in a rhythmic matter, dangerous and peaceful at the same time but most importantly-beautiful.
Elodie remembers very few things about her mother, however her beauty she remembers with utter clarity. Her hair was the color of corn, and her eyes were the color of the ocean she frequented quite often. Her skin was fair, well cared for, unharmed- a clear marking of the privilege her daughter would never have. Her voice was
at the pace of a gentle melody, and at the tone, of an autumn breeze; cool and collected.

(Il n'y a rien à craindre, mon cher)
"There is nothing to fear dear."

Her mother ushered her closer, as the tides nearly pushed Elodie back, keeping her footing was a challenge, doing so on the ocean floor was a whole other matter entirely. Eventually, however, she'd reach her mother's arms, the place where she always wished to be, and luckily where she stayed at this moment in her life.
Her mother held her close to her chest, brushing back the wild curls on her head, she'd lower herself down to mutter into the child's ear- sweet and serene.

("Tu vois. Tu ne dois pas avoir peur de faire un pas, parce que tu ne peux pas faire un pas que je ne serais pas avec toi.")
"See. You must not be afraid to step, because there is no-where that you could step that I would not be with you."

Elodie thought very little about the relevance of this statement, at the moment in which it was being said because her eyes were focused on the sunset. She was
fascinated by the vast use of colors, she lifted a tiny palm to the light, attempting to snatch it within the tiny spaces in between her fingers as if wishing to hold
unto its beauty forever. Her mother smiled down to her lightly before en clasping her hand around the child's, a sharp comparison between the two.

("On ne peut pas regarder le coucher du soleil cher, il doit tomber s'il y a un espoir pour que l'aube vienne.")
"One cannot keep the sunset dear, it must fall if there is any hope for the dawn to come."

Elodie frowned slightly at that, her lips pursed in dejection as she continued to stare at the sunset. Her mother began to lead her out of the water,
and upon the shore, around the dock, and back to the alley. All the while, Elodie's tiny, grungy, and curious hand, reached out to the sunset.

Wishing To Keep It
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:03:46 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter II

"Elle se dirigea vers le coucher de soleil"

She Drifted Into The Sunset

("vous savez ce que cela signifie, n'est-ce pas?)
" You know what this means, don't you?"

Elodie turned her head, she knew what it meant- however she didn't know how to process it, how greatly it would affect her.

("Elle est partie")
"She's Gone."

Her father nodded lightly, rubbing his temples, as if he could ease his pain, by simply allowing himself to forget. He turned to Elodie, nearly shoving the jar into her hands, disgusted, enraged, too pained to even hold the pot, for he knew what it held, and what he wished it didn't. Elodie peered down to the pot, expressionless. It was not for lack of emotion, her emotions were crashing inside of her, like the tides of an ocean, she was pushed and pulled every way at the realization of her mother's death. However, feeling emotion, and expressing it were two separate things. She sighed quietly, looking up to her father, with large rounded eyes, searching for words that a child should never be asked to find. Her father turned to walk away, muttering...

("Vous savez quoi faire avec ça.")
"You know what to do with it."

Elodie nodded. She watched her father drift out of her vision, with every step he took.

She knew how to do it
She just didn't want to do it alone.
She knew she didn't have a choice in the matter.

Elodie took off the lid of the jar, and proceeded to walk, step by step, into the ocean. She walked slowly, not because she was hesitant, but nostalgic of a time when she once was. She stood where her mother once stood, the waves crashed into her chest, but yet she stared into the sunset, eyes wide open as if wanting to feel every wave, crash into her even when the made her knees buckle, almost causing her to fall over. She turned her wrist, allowing her mother's ashes to become part of the sea that she cherished so much. She watched as the tides carried her, and drifted her among the surface, crashing into the distance, perspective making it look as though it was challenging the sunset.

Elodie would raise up a hand, fingers spread towards the sunset.

Wishing To Keep it.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:11:53 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter III

"La chasse"

The Chase

" El, El! ELLL!"

Jacques came running through the streets, screaming as children do, as the worn souls of there shoes slapped against the street, their laughter echoing throughout the poverty-stricken streets.

("Tu ferais mieux de revenir avec mon livre, sale crasse!")
"You better come back with my book, you filthy scum!"

Jacques snickered.

("Tu ferais mieux de m'attraper!")
 "You better catch me!"

Elodie charged after Jacques, who she adoringly called "Jack" from time to time. She had met him, a couple of weeks after her mothers passing, which she caught him trying
to steal from the local bakers stand, they had an agreement that if he as going to steal- he had to promise her a loaf a week to keep her mouth shut- which Elodie
argued, that "it was a lot easier to do when your mouth is stuffed with bread." And thus, the friendship erupted.

Jacques turned the corner quickly, and Elodie whipped her head around, eyes narrowed.

("Où êtes-vous allé!?")
"Where did you go!?"

Jacques leaped down in front of her, seemingly from nowhere, smirking wide as he extends out the book.

("Je vous manque?")
"Miss me?"

("À peine.")
Elodie huffed, snatching the book back.

Jacques snorted lightly, leaning against the alley wall.

("Tu m' adores.")
"You adore me."

("Je te tolère.")
"I tolerate you."

 Elodie smirked in turn, opening her book, her eyes slowly looking up to glare at him in jest.

("Mhm. Fais-le face, Elly, Je Suis ton unique et unique ami, Alors Je suis ton Meilleur Ami.)
"Mhm. Face it- Elly, I am your one and only friend, so therefore I am your best friend."

("Bien sûr Jack. Tu es par defalt, mon meilleur ami.")
"Sure Jack. You are by default, my best friend."

Jacques rolled his eyes.

("Je ne vois personne d'autre voler des romans pour toi, mon cher.")
" I don't see anyone else stealing novels for you, dearest."

("Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?")
"What are you talking about?"

Jacques reached behind his back, pulling out a book of poetry, one that was collected by all the great poets of the core.
 Elodie reached out a grubby hand, eyes beaming- dancing even.

("Salut, c'est facile avec les mains, El. Tu connais ce grand bâtiment, comment ça s'appelle ... euh ...")
"Hey there- easy with the hands, El. You know that big building, what's it called... uh.."

Elodie sighed quietly.

("La bibliothèque?")
 "The Library?"

("Oui là-bas! Vous savez comment les nobles vous ont empêché d'entrer l'autre jour et à quel point vous étiez contrarié?")
"Yes there! You know how the nobles stopped you from entering the other day, and how upset you were about it?"

("... Oui, merci d'avoir soulevé cela à nouveau.")
"... Yes, thank you for bringing that up again."

She commented sarcastically.

("Bien. J'ai vu un homme sortir par là, je l'ai suivi un peu, j'ai attendu jusqu'au coucher du soleil, et puis je me suis bien…")
"Well. I saw a man exit there, followed him around a bit, waited till sunset, and then I well..."


("Bien, je l'ai un peu agressé!")
"Fine, I mugged him a little!"


(".. comment tu chopes quelqu'un 'un peu'")
".. How do you mug someone 'a little' "

("..Bien je ne l'ai pas tué.")
"..Well I didn't kill him."

(".... Je Pense Que Vous Vous attendez à Ce Que Je Vous félicite.")
"....I feel like you expect me to congratulate you on this."

("... Je pourrais vendre le livre, tu sais.")
"... I could sell the book you know."

("Non, non-non. Merci Jack.")
"No, no- no.Thank you Jack."

("Tu vois, était-ce si difficile?")
"See, was that so hard?"

("Qu'est-ce que tu veux, hm?")
"What do you want, hm?"

("Un baiser. Juste un. Sur les lèvres, cinq secondes.")
" A kiss. Just one. On the lips, five secounds."





(".... Pourquoi veux-tu que je t'embrasse de toute façon?")
".... Why do you want me  to kiss you anyways?"

(".... Pour que tu puisses dire à Ada que je suis le meilleur amateur de Port!")
".... So you can tell Ada I am the best kisser in all of Port!"

Elodie sighed heavily, kissing the boy without fear, without hesitation, she was as brave as she was intelligent, as fearless as she was foolish.

Perhaps that is why she chased many things,

The sunset being just one of them.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:19:36 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter IV

"En attendant un autre coucher de soleil"

Waiting For Another Sunset

(“Bonjour papa.”)

“ Morning, Papa.”

Elodie was much older now, she grew as children do, in tandem with Jacques. It’s not metaphorical to say they did so, hand in hand, as well. Needless to say, Elodie was introducing her early teens at this time. She stood in the doorway, of the home she was living in at the time, to call it a “Home” however was generous. To call it a “house” was even more so. It was four pieces of wood, thrown together with a blanketed roof. What’s even more unfortunate, is this would be the nicest establishment that Elodie would ever claim as her own, but even this was temporary.  Her father rolled over in his makeshift bed, that was constructed out of leaves, and surrounding trash, it looked more like a nest fit for an animal, then a bed made for a man. He squinted at Elodie, as if having trouble seeing her, it was not for his old age, for the man was barely old at all if it was not for the shortened life expectancy in the slums, one might consider him ‘middle-aged.’
His voice was cold, harsh, as it had always had been.

(Où étiez-vous?")
“ Where were you?”

Elodie glanced off, shaking her head.

(“J'étais avec… Jacques…”)
“ I was with… Jacques..”

Her father grumbled, stumbling to his feet in a hangover manner when it came to her father- he had ALWAYS been drinking.  He walked over, grabbing her arm, tightly.

("Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit à propos de voir ce garçon?")
“What did I tell you about seeing that boy?”

Elodie narrowed her eyes, as she always did before she was about to cry, something that she was much better at controlling now, but in her youth, was another story.

("... Je sais ce que tu as dit.")
“... I know what you said.”

Her father raised his voice, lifting a hand to her cheek, he struck her. Without thought, without hesitation, in a swift motion. A practiced motion, this was not the first time. Even though it did not strike him, it struck her as if it was. She was a relatively small thing, a fragile thing, a weak thing, although she would have never admitted it then, and she would like never admit it. She was malnourished, and awkwardly tall when it came to her stature, she was all legs, it didn’t take much to bring her down. When she fell, she fell hard. She didn’t look at her father, she didn’t move, she knew better. She also knew that the man who stood before her was not her father.

Her father stood over her, overpowering her.  Pools of blue, and rage glanced down to his daughter, who was the mirror image of the woman he had once loved but know lost. The drinking he did blur his vision, and the pain he had impacted his judgment.

Neither of these was an excuse, but instead an explanation.

Elodie knew why. 

Elodie knew that come sunset, the pain would stop, her father would leave to find more poison.

Every day, she longed for the Sunset.

("Ce garçon ne t'aime pas, il n'est pas bon pour toi, il ne t'emmènera jamais dans la vie.")
“ That boy, doesn’t love you, he’s no good for you, He’s never going to take you anywhere in Life.”

He continued, it seemed like he continued forever at that moment, eventually, her vision blurred, as the tears collected in her eyes, clouding her vision, the blows continued, the insults continued. She never fought back, she wasn't feisty then.

She wasn't powerful then.

She wasn't Elodie then.

She was just the girl who longed for the Sunset to come.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:24:37 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter V

"Elle l'aime"

She Loves Him

Elodie Sighed heavily, inhaling the salted air throughout her nostrils. She watched as the sunrise, as the city was
just starting to wake up. She hated the sunrise.  She stood, jack a pace in front of her. He wore a large pack on his back, and a bittersweet smile on his cheeks, as he looked over. Reaching up a hand to rest on her cheek.

("Ce ne sera pas aussi long qu'il y paraît, El.")
"It won't be as long as it seems, El."

("... Tu ferais mieux de ne pas mourir.")
"... You better not die."

She laughed to herself as if almost forcing herself to distract herself from what she wanted to, which was cry. Jack shook his head,
setting his hands to her waist, as he smirked, drawing her in closer somewhat.

("... Je ne peux pas mourir, il y a cette amère sorcière qui causerait des ravages dans les rues du port, si je le faisais.")
".. I can't die, there's this bitter hag, that would cause havok on the streets of Port if I did."

 Elodie snorted rolling her eyes.

("Je suis sérieux ... S'il te plaît, viens à la maison.")
" I'm serious.. Please come home."

("Je pars, donc quand je reviens, nous avons assez de pièces de monnaie et pouvons construire un endroit où appeler à la maison.")
" I'm leaving, so when I come back we  have enough coin, and can build a place to call home."

("... j'ai déjà une maison, avec toi.")
"... I already have a home, with you." 

("... je veux dire un quatre murs El.")
"... I mean one four walls El."

He smirked, turning away from her, tipping his cap as he moved to step off.
Elodie wrung her hands out, before managing to speak out.


He paused, looking over his shoulder.


She gave a stupid smile, a rare one, a sincere one.

("... Je t'aime.")
"... I love you."

He shook his head.

("Je t'aime aussi longtemps que je te connais.")
" I'ved loved you for as long as I've known you."

She nodded lightly to that, rubbing her forearm, a bit stunned.  Jack beamed at her response, before fully walking off,
adjusting the weight on his back, seeming to be struggling with it. He'd pause ever three feet to wave back to Elodie,
she'd wave back, before shooing him off to continue. She watched ever one of his steps, from the sands to the docks,
to the ship. She memorized every step that he took away from her.

She watched the ship disappear upon the horizon.

She counted every step, as she would count every sunrise, until he was promised to return home.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:27:29 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter VI

"La danse sous le coucher de soleil"

The Dance Beneath The Sunset

("Tu ne te moqueras pas de moi Elodie.")
"You will not make a Mockery of Me Elodie."

she nodded lightly, as she held her breath, tightening her corset.

("Tu m'entends, ma fille? Assez de ce Jack Nonsense, tu ne vieillis pas.")
"You Hear me Girl? Enough of this Jack Nonsense, you are not getting any older."

("..Je souhaite être courtisé par Jack, Père.")
"..I wish to be courted by Jack, Father."

("La vie ne consiste pas en ce que tu souhaites, mais ce que tu dois faire. Ne me déçois pas.")
"Life is not about what you wish, but what you must do. Do not disappoint me."

He hovered over Elodie, forcing his hands to her shoulders, forcing her to sit down. He leans to speak into her ear,
his voice as callous as it always was.

("..Vous ferez ce que vous allez dire.")
"..You will do what you will told."

Elodie glared at her reflection in the mirror, more importantly, she glared at the man who stood behind her.
She said nothing more as the tears collected in her eyes, the thoughts of running scanned her mind, her father took a
breath, lightening his voice. Not because he felt remorse, but because he felt his daughter was soon to rebel. He attempted to speak sweetly, but it was so out of his nature, that it sounded ominous and almost toxic to her ear. She flinched from words, from his touch, for good reasons beyond the obvious.

("Une jolie fille comme toi Elodie, mérite mieux que ce que je peux te donner, ou une racaille comme Jack pourrait te donner ...
Il a fallu que je tire quelques faveurs de Madame Lavine pour vous confectionner cette robe. Viens un cher, je suis ton père, et
c'est tout ce que je demande. ")

" A Pretty girl like you Elodie, Deserves better than What I can give you, Or A scum like Jack could give you...
I had to pull a couple... favors... with Madame Lavine to even make you this dress. Come one dear, I am your father, and
this all I ask."

She said nothing more, taking a deep breath as she relaxed her breath, stepping out the door. Her father made no motion to
stop her, for she knew she was as weak as she was obedient, the two seemed to go hand in hand. She knew the road, quite well to the manor house. She had taken the route multiple times when she and Jack were children. He'd take off his hat that was three sizes too big for his head, and point, at the building, his smile unfaltering, as she presented it to Elodie as his own.
Perhaps because in some other life, they had dreamed of it being so. She remembered him gesturing to the front porch once,
and stating.

("Là, juste là. Ce premier pas est l'endroit où je vais te voir, chaque jour quand je rentre à la maison. Avec un livre dans un bras,
et notre enfant dans l'autre. ")

"There, Right There. That First Step is where I'm going to see you, every day when I return home. With a book in one arm,
and our child in the other."

As she stepped on the same stair, years later. She frowned, knowing that by stepping on it now, the dream she had once had
would likely never come true.

As she stepped up, she glanced at the guard, who was too busy chatting with one of the local wealthy women, to pay the street rat, any notice. She flattened her gown. Stepping into the life of luxury for the first time, was a lot to take in.
The walls were high as if reaching up to the gods, the windows were broad as if one could see all of the port city in one
glance. Fur was everywhere, to display wealth, and crystals were used in merely everything possible to ensure jealousy.
The women were painted in their faces to hide their age and forecast a false use, their dresses were enlarged to hide the
fact they had no curves, and amongst these women, stood Elodie. The malnourished child, with the stark blonde hair, deepest ocean eyes, and a dress made of linen, simple and plain as the unpainted features that dawned her face. It was not long,
before she caught the attention of the wandering eyes, from the Noblewomen. She stepped out, trying to fit in, however,
every step was jarring, and only made evident of the fact, that the girl was certainly not meant to be there.

It was not, however until the music started once more, and every woman had a match, and every step had a purpose.
Elodie stood by the wall, her lips pursed, as much as she tried to hide it, the girl was apologetically bored.
She was staring out, watching the pairs dance, lost in thought, lost in the rhythm, She barely noticed when the man approached her.

A man with a polished black suit and a roguish smile approached her, it was evident he was confident in every word,
every action that he ever took.

("Puis-je avoir cette danse, Mademoiselle?")
"May I Have this dance, Miss?"

Elodie nodded silently, sheepishly. She didn't wish to dance with the man, nor even be in his presence. But she did so,
taking his hand in her own. He was swift, Elodie was clumsy. He was confident, Elodie was uncomfortable. She wanted nothing more for this moment to end.

He smirked down to her, making an excuse to get close to her, to mutter into her ear.

("Tu sais, la plupart des femmes s'évanouiraient en ce moment. Ce n'est pas à chaque instant que tu arrives à danser avec un homme de haute stature, comme moi.")
"You know, most women would be swooning in this moment. It is not every moment you get to dance with a man of high stature, such as myself. "

Elodie took a breath, turning her head away from the man somewhat.

("... Je ne suis pas comme la plupart des femmes .)
"...I am unlike most women.."

He scoffed.

("Toutes les femmes se ressemblent ... Ne prétendez pas que vous êtes unique, Miss. Je sais qui vous êtes, oui. Elodie Eppinette,
une femme éduquée, débrouillarde et autoproclamée, quand vous êtes simplement un streetrat, désirant réclamer un
Titre. ")

" All women are alike...Do not pretend like you are unique, Miss. I know exactly who you are, yes. Elodie Eppinette,
a resourceful and self-proclaimed educated woman, when merely you are nothing more than a street rat, wishing to claim a
title. "

Elodie Arched a brow, somewhat defensively, still dancing with the man, her steps somewhat more aggressive as the dance progresses.

("... Alors dis-moi, pourquoi je ne m'évanouis pas?")
"... Then tell me, why I am non swooning?"

("Tu ne t'évanouis pas, ou tu ne t'admets pas tout simplement?")
" Are you not swooning, or just not  admitting to yourself?"

Elodie smirked at that then, almost evilly.

("... Je ne suis pas évanouie et, contrairement à la plupart des femmes, je n'ai aucune honte ni aucune hésitation à te nier.)
"... I am non swooning, and unlike most women, I have no shame  nor hesitation in denying you."

She took a step, lifting her chin to the man somewhat, stepping past the man.

("... Tu vas le regretter.")
"... You'll regret that.

He shouts, the entire ballroom stops, to stare at Elodie. She glances across the crowd, and then past them to the open door.

She smirks, seeing the door open, the sun setting at the Horizon.

"I might regret it for the consequences, but never for the action."

and with that, she stepped past the silent room, the dirt clinging to her dress, and the smirk clinging on the corners of her cheeks.

She was a woman of many regrets,

But chasing the Sunset, Was Never One of them.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:31:53 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 526
  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter VII

Lettre d'amour

Love Letter

29 septembre 769


au moment où vous lisez cette lettre, j'aurai déjà quitté le port et je serai à nouveau sur les mers déchaînées.
Cela fait des semaines que nous nous sommes quittés pour la dernière fois et, bien que beaucoup de choses se soient passées et se soient modifiées dans ma vie, rien n’a
changé la façon dont je te vois, ni la façon dont je t'aime .. Quand j'ai eu cette offre d'emploi à l'origine, je voulais la refuser
Je me suis souvenu que si je devais obtenir la permission de vos pères d’avoir votre main, je devrais
être un homme riche. Ce travail ne fera pas de moi un homme riche, mais c’est un pas de plus. Un pas de plus pour pouvoir
de t'appeler ma douce femme.
Je parle constamment de toi à mes amis, même s'ils me taquinent sans cesse. Tu devras me pardonner,
car je leur ai tellement parlé de vous, que je crois qu'ils pourraient commencer à vous connaître mieux que moi. Dieux, tu me manques.
La façon dont vous me corrigez et me traine par la main me manque.

Ton amour pour la connaissance me manque et la lumière dans tes yeux me manque.

Mais je vous assure que tout va bien ici moins mon profond désir pour vous.

Je sais que vous jouez "difficile à obtenir" mais faites-moi une faveur et répondez,



September 29th, 769


by the time you are reading this letter, I will have already left the port and be once again on the raging seas.
It has been weeks since we last parted, and while many things have happened and changed in my life, nothing has
changed the way that I see you, nor the way I love you. When I originally got this job offer, I wished to decline it
heavily, but then I remembered that if I were to ever get your father's permission to have your hand, that I would have to
be a wealthy man. This line of work will not make me a wealthy man, but it is a step closer. A step is closer to being able to call you my sweet wife.
I tell my mates about you constantly, even though they tease me none stop about it. You'll have to forgive me,
for I've told them so much about you, that I believe they might start to know you better than I do. Gods, I miss you.
I miss the way you'd correct me, and drag me through the streets by the hand.

I miss your love for knowledge and the light in your eyes.

But I assure you, all is well here minus my deep longing for you.

I know you are playing 'hard to get' but do me a favor and write back,

Would you?


13 octobre 769


Je ne sais pas quand vous recevrez cette lettre, mais j'espère que cela vous apportera autant de joie que la vôtre me l’a apporté.
J'espère que les mers vous traitent bien, les eaux, je crois, me rendraient plutôt malade, mais vous avez toujours eu le cœur et
l’estomac pour faire face à ce qui est peu recommandable, c’est l’une des choses que je préfère en ce qui me concerne. Essayez de ne pas dire à votre
travailleurs tout ce qui me concerne, je crains que vous ayez à raconter au fil des ans de nombreuses histoires embarrassantes, au point où elles pourraient
ne me prenez jamais au sérieux, s'ils me voyaient en personne. Quant à mon père, je ne sais pas pourquoi l'un de nous essaie de faire plaisir
lui plus. Je dirais que vous et moi aurions dû monter dans le bateau et naviguer n'importe où dans le monde que nous souhaitions - simplement partir.
J'aurais été contente sans l'argent, tant que je t'aurais eu. Tu ferais mieux d'être en sécurité, tu m'entends? Sûr. Aucun de
votre théâtre "Jack". Je veux que tu rentres à la maison, plus important encore. Je te veux à la maison. Quant à être ta femme, je ne comprendrai jamais,
pourquoi voudriez-vous me courtiser de toutes les femmes, cependant, je suppose- si le moment venait, je n'aurais pas d'autre choix alors
être votre épouse.
 Les mots ne pouvaient pas décrire à quel point tu me manques profondément.
Vous avez créé de la couleur dans ma vie alors qu'elle était censée être terne et inépuisable.
Le garçon qui m'a appris à rêver et passe son temps à les occuper me manque.

Était-ce bien? J'essaie d'être romantique ici.


October 13th, 769


I am not sure when you will receive this letter, but I hope it will bring you as much joy, as yours has brought to me.
I hope the seas are treating you well, the waters I believe would make me rather Ill, but you always had the heart and the stomach to deal with the unsavory, this was one of the things I believe I favor most about you. Try not to tell your
workers everything about me, I fear you have too many embarrassing stories over the years to share, to the point they could never take me seriously if they were to see me in person. As for my father, I don't know why either of us tries to please
him anymore. I'd say, I and you should've gotten in the boat, and sailed anywhere in the world we wished- simply away.
I would've been content without the money, as long as I would've had you. You better be safe, you hear me? Safe. None of your 'Jack' theatrics. I want you home, more importantly- I want you home. As for being your wife, I will never fathom,
why you would wish to court me of all women, however, I suppose- should the time come, I would have no other option than
to be your bride.
 Words could not describe how deeply I miss you.
You created a color in my life when it was meant to be dull and unfulfilling.
I miss the boy who taught me how to dream and spends his time occupying them.

Was that good?, I'm trying to be romantic here.



26 octobre 769

Mon el,

C'était plutôt inattendu de votre part, mais je ne me plains pas. Qui a connu la même fille qui pourrait emballer un coup de poing, pourrait également
créer de belles combinaisons de mots. Ah, le livre commun que theif a fait! - (ne pas se vanter). Comment allez-vous amour As-tu trouvé
travailler, encore? Comment ... votre père est-il moins évident? Quant à votre commentaire de départ, je ne suis jamais du genre à fuir de mon
problèmes El, et je suis sûr que votre père était un homme de raison une fois, qui peut dire qu'il ne peut pas être à nouveau? Tout le monde aime un audacieux
histoire d'amour de toute façon. Je vais travailler sur les ligestics, mon cher. Tout ce dont tu as à t'inquiéter, c'est de cette jolie petite robe blanche.
et où vous obtiendrez une telle chose. Parfois, je suis distrait par les tâches quotidiennes que je fais, simplement en pensant à voir
toi dans une robe de blanc, comme tu vas être belle. Cela ne veut pas dire que vous n'êtes pas toujours belle, mais bon, vous savez
ce que je veux dire, je suppose qu’à ce stade, je me plonge tout simplement dans un tout plus profond. Ai-je mentionné que je suis fou de toi,
et juste totalement captivé par votre présence? Je te choisis Elodie, pour cette raison même, ne doute jamais de mes motivations, ni
mes intentions, pour les auvents seront tout simplement. Vous êtes au centre de presque tout ce que je fais.

Si je ne l'ai pas fait assez évident,


October 26th 769

My El,

That was rather unexpected of you, but I am not complaining. Who knew the same girl who could pack a punch, could also
create beautiful combinations of words. Ah, the common book thief did!- (not to boast). How are you love? Have you found work, yet? How.. is your father- minus the obvious? As for your comment of sailing away, I am never one to run from my problems El, and I am sure your father was a reasonable man once, who's to say he can't be again? Everyone loves a daring love story anyhow. I will work out the linguistics, my dear. All you need to worry about is that pretty little gown of white,
and where you would get such a thing. Sometimes I'll get distracted doing my daily tasks her, simply thinking about seeing
you in a gown of white, how beautiful you will look. That's not to say you are not always beautiful, but well, you know what I mean, I suppose at this point, I am simply digging myself into a deeper hole. Did I mention I'm crazy about you,
and just utterly enthralled by your presence? I am choosing you Elodie, for that very reason, never doubt my motives, nor
my intentions, for the answers will simply be- you. You are the focus of nearly everything I do.

If I haven't made that quite obvious,


12 novembre 769


J'ai trouvé du travail, et bien je suppose que c'est plus un système de troc que de travail. Je travaille chez le tailleur local
magasin pour apprendre le métier, prendre note des commandes de base, le propriétaire est une femme assez gentille, je suis tellement reconnaissante qu’elle m’a emmenée.
Elle paie avec les produits de boulangerie qu'elle fabrique, ils sont corrects, au moins copieux. Le pain ressemble presque à de la pierre
notre père est ... Père, quand il ne me jette pas sur un noble, il me fait faire son
sale boulot, ou payer pour sa survie. Quand exactement rentrez-vous à la maison pour me chasser? Je meurs lentement en attendant
pour ce jour. De plus, je suppose que cela résout tout le scénario de la «robe blanche», SI je vous épousais.
Je pourrais avoir besoin de convaincre, vous savez? Je sais qu’il est trop facile de se laisser distraire par la pensée de vous, j’ai
piqué mon doigt, cousant plusieurs fois, en le faisant.

Combien de jours est-ce?

Non ... que je compte !!!


November 12th, 769


I have found work, well I suppose it is more of a barter system more so than work. I am working at the local tailoring shop to learn the trade, take note of basic orders, the owner is a fairly nice woman, I am so grateful she took me in.
She pays with the baked goods she makes, they are decent, at least filling. The bread is almost rock-like, like the kind we recovered from the nobles rejects. Father is... Father, when he is not throwing me at a noble, he is making me do his dirty work, or pay for his survival. When exactly are you coming home to whisk me away? I'm am slowly dying as I wait for that day. Also, I suppose that solves the whole 'white gown' scenario, IF I were to marry you.
I might need some convincing,  you know? I know it is to so easy to be distracted with the thought of you, I have pricked my finger, several times sewing, while doing so.

How many more days Is it?

Not... that I'm counting!,

« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:38:27 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
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Chapter VIII
“Couchers de soleil sans toi.“

Sunsets Without You.

3 décembre 769


Le soleil se couche et tout ce à quoi je peux penser, c’est vous, à quel point vous auriez aimé le voir.
C'est beau, ici au large, ça donne à un homme le temps de réfléchir. Tout ce que je souhaite dans cette vie, c'est toi. Dans peu de temps, je pourrai vous appeler ma fiancée, rien ne me fait plus plaisir. Pour penser, il n’a fallu que neuf ans pour vous convaincre. (Je pense que cela a aidé, vous soudoyant avec du pain.) Je plaisante, mais ce n'est pas un secret que je voulais que vous soyez à moi, à partir du moment où je vous ai rencontré. La séparation de vous n’est pas facile, c’est en fait plutôt difficile, car il me manque de regarder le soleil se lever et se coucher dans vos yeux d’océan. Maintenant, je suis parti, sur l'océan - et même s'il est beau, il n'a aucune comparaison avec vous.

Travailler sur le navire m’a apporté une construction plus solide, je pense que vous aurez du mal à reconnaître l’homme que vous connaissiez jadis. Je ne suis plus le rat de rue maigre, avec les joues creusées, ils me nourrissent bien ici, ils le font. Je pourrais m'habituer à cette vie Élodie, ne pas avoir à voler, acheter ou manipuler mon chemin à travers la vie… pour une fois, ma vie est confortable. Le seul inconfort est de ne pas pouvoir vous voir.

On me dit que ce temps passera rapidement.

Je me mords la langue

December 3rd, 769


The sun is setting, and all I can think of is you, how you would’ve loved to see it.
It is beautiful, out here on the open sea, it gives a man time to think. All I wish for in this life is you. In a short time, I will be able to call you my bride, nothing makes me happier. To think, it only took nine years, of convincing you. (I think it helped, bribing you with bread.) I jest, however, it is no secret that I wanted you to be mine, from the moment I met you. The separation from you is not easy it is rather hard because I miss watching the sunrise and set in your ocean eyes. Now I set sail, on the ocean- and while it is beautiful it holds no comparison to you. 

Working on the ship has given me more of a stronger build, I think you will find it hard to recognize the man you once knew. I am no longer the scrawny street rat, with the hollowed cheeks, they feed me well here, they do. I could get used to this life Elodie, not having to steal, bribe, or manipulate my way through life… for once, my life is comfortable. The only discomfort is not getting to see you.

I am told this time will pass quickly.

I am biting my tongue,


13 décembre 769


Regarder les couchers de soleil sans toi est une vie que je n’ai vraiment pas voulu vivre. Bien qu’elles soient belles, je me demande parfois si c’étaient les couchers de soleil que je poursuivais, ou tout simplement vous. La pensée d'être votre fierté me procure la plus grande joie de vivre. La promenade de la veuve est un endroit si morne, sombre et affreux. C'est insensible et vil, et chaque pouce de ma peau le méprise. Je ne voudrais rien de plus que de vivre une vie confortable avec vous, loin de tout cela. Je souhaite juste que votre départ ne soit pas le moyen de le faire. J'ai entendu des histoires de sirènes, si vous me quittez pour une femme-poisson, je vais sûrement vous tuer. Moi aussi je plaisante, un peu. Très bien, je ne le fais pas. En ce qui concerne le fait que nous soyons «forts», c’est quelque chose que je devrai attendre avant de voir, car je ne peux pas l’imaginer dans mon esprit. La pauvreté nous a rendus malnutris depuis la naissance, seuls ceux qui sont nourris peuvent développer des muscles.

Tu te souviens quand on s'est faufilés dans la figue d'or, cette fois? Je n’oublierai jamais cette époque: nous nous sommes posés comme serveurs et nous nous sommes faufilés dans la cuisine pour voler tout ce que nous pouvions emporter. Nous avons été attrapés bien sûr, nous n'étions que des enfants. Parfois, je me demande si le chef n’a pas eu de cœur et s’il nous a signalé. Que serions-nous devenus? Bien que j'espère une vie confortable avec vous, je ne souhaite jamais oublier d'où nous venons. Je ne veux jamais être si à l'aise, que j'oublie ce que c'était de naître dans la pauvreté. Je souhaite ne jamais être si noble, que j'oublie qui je suis et, plus important encore, que je suis avec vous.

Je te verrai bientôt est relatif,


December 13th, 769


Watching the sunsets without you is a life I truly never wished to live. For while they are beautiful, sometimes I wonder if it was the sunsets I was chasing, or merely you. The thought of being your bride gives me the greatest joy in life. The widow's walk is such a dreary, dark, and awful place. It is callous and vile, and every inch of my skin despises it. I would want nothing more than to live a comfortable life with you, away from all of this. I just wish you leaving wasn't the way to do so.  I’ve heard tales of sirens, if you leave me for a fish-woman, I will undoubtedly kill you. I to jest, somewhat. Alright fine, I don’t. As for either of us being ‘strong’ that is something I will just have to wait to see, for I cannot picture it in my mind. Poverty has made us malnourished since birth, only those that are fed can build muscle.

Do you remember when we snuck into the golden fig, that one time? “The Finest Restaurant, In All Of Port ‘a Leucine”. I’ll never forget that time, we posed as waiters, and snuck into the kitchen, only to steal as much food as we could carry. We were caught, of course, we were just children. Sometimes I wonder if the chef hadn't have had a heart and if he would’ve reported us. What would’ve become of us? Although I am looking forward to a comfortable life with you, I never wish to forget where we come from. I never want to be so comfortable, that I forget what it was like to be born into poverty. I wish to never be so noble, that I forget who I am, and more importantly, forget who I am with you.

I will see you, soon is relative,


3 janvier 770

Les couchers de soleil vont disparaître assez longtemps, et les jours vont disparaître, nous nous reverrons bientôt, j'en suis sûr. Je chasserais un million de couchers de soleil pour regarder le lever du soleil avec vous. En plus, nous savons tous les deux combien je suis persévérant, c’est la seule chose qui m’a gardé en vie toutes ces années, vous aussi. Je me souviens de l’incident Golden Fig, comme si c’était hier, c’est la seule fois où je me suis fait prendre à voler. Je me souviens de vous avoir tenu proche, de vous sentir si coupable de vous avoir mis dans mes affaires, mes crimes, quand je me suis promis de ne jamais vous blesser, de prouver que votre père avait tort, qu'un jour je serais digne de vous Elodie Eppinette
J'attends toujours ce jour-là.
Je vous regarde et me demande si ce jour viendra jamais.
Parce que bientôt tu seras ma femme, la mère de mes enfants,
Et comment vais-je vous rembourser d'avoir rendu ma vie entière?
Comment vais-je me mesurer?
Ton père a raison, je ne suis pas assez bon pour toi, El. Mais personne ne l'est.
Personne ne le sera jamais.
Mais je vais passer toute ma vie,
Essayer d'être.

jusque là,

January 3rd, 770

The sunsets will fade into days long enough, and days will fade into weeks, we will see each other soon, this I am sure of. I’d chase a million sunsets to watch the sunrise with you. Besides, we both know how persistent I am, it’s the only thing that’s kept me alive all these years, you as well. I remember the Golden Fig Incident like it was yesterday, it’s the only time I’ve gotten caught- thieving. I remember holding you close, feeling so guilty for getting you into my mess, my crimes when I promised myself that I’d never hurt you, that I’d prove your father wrong, that one day I’d be worthy of you, Elodie Eppinette.
I’m still waiting on that day.
I look at you and wonder if that day will ever come.
Because soon you’ll be my wife, the mother of my children,
And how will I repay you, for making my life whole?
How will I measure up?
Your father is right, I’m not good enough for you, El. But no-one is.
No one will ever be.
But I’ll spend my whole life,
Trying to be.

Until then,

23 janvier 770


Personne ne se compare à vous ni ne mérite mon amour plus que vous. Personne ne l'aura jamais non plus.
Vous occupez tellement mes pensées que je pensais les écrire sur papier, ce qui me permettait de composer un poème.

Quand le vent dans tes voiles brille sur la mer, souviens-toi de moi.
Quand le whisky dans votre chope est vidé, souvenez-vous de moi.
Quand les raz de marée tombent sur vous, souvenez-vous de moi.
Quand vous vous sentez comme si vous vous noyiez, souvenez-vous de moi.
Car il n'y a que toi, dont je me souviens,
A travers les ténèbres de décembre,
Souviens-toi de moi?

C'était affreux, je sais. Mais je devais mettre quelque chose sur papier pour que vous sachiez à quel point je vous aime. Parce que je le fais. Peut-être, de manière embarrassante.

Viens à la maison. Tu me manques,

Votre El.

January 23rd, 770


No--one compares to you or deserves my love more so than you. No-one will ever have it, either.
You occupy my thoughts so much, I thought I’d write them down on paper, when doing so I composed a bit of a poem.

When the wind, in your sails, shines across the sea- remember me.
When the whiskey in your tankard is emptied- remember me.
When the tidal waves are crashing down upon you- remember me.
When you feel as if you're drowning- remember me.
For there is only you, who I remember,
Through the darkness  of December,
Will you,
Remember me?

That was awful, I know. But I had to get something down on paper, to let you know how much I love you. Because I do. Perhaps, embarrassingly so.

Come home. I miss you,

Your El.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:43:48 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan

Chapter IX

“Elle qui est ada“

She Who Is Ada.

("Jack, il y a une autre lettre ici, pour toi!)

“Jack, There is another letter over here, for ya!”

commented one of his crewmates, as he stumbled over, half-drunk, half exhausted, all the combination of a true sailor.

("Elodie Vous avez ma lettre si vite?")

“Elodie Got my letter so soon?

The Drunken sailor shook his head, turning the letter over, hading it upside down before, he reads slowly, ignorantly.

(“Euh… non, pas de votre fille, de… quelques-uns… Ada? Est-ce votre maman?”)

“Uh… Nah, not from your girl, from… some... Ada? Is that your Ma?”

Jack blinked twice. He hadn't heard from  Ada, in years. She used to be his fascination for a time, and why wouldn’t she be? She came from a good, noble family, she was educated, she was simply stunning. Her hair was quill straight, and it shined beyond no other comparison. Her eyes were of midnight, as was her locks, and she had freckles that spread over her button nose, and below her almond-shaped eyes. She was rather womanly shaped, blessed to say the least on top of that. However, one could suppose, that when one is fed, that they can easily attain such. Needless to say, Ada heavily favored in the port of Leucine. Ada Pelletier, the daughter of a privileged ancestry of fur traders, who brought such into fashion, in the great city of lights. With her great-grandfather's work, her blood-line would be set for life.

A foreign concept, to both Jack, And Elodie.
He shook his head smirking lightly, he searched for adjectives, but never found a suitable one, to describes his importance to the woman.

("Non, juste ... un de mes vieux amis.”)
“No, Just… an old ‘friend’ of mine.”

The friend was a lack-luster term, to describe the woman. She was never his friend, nor would she ever be, she was manipulative, a woman of needs, a woman of wants, and a woman who simply, and genuinely, always got it. She had led Jack astray from months, slept in his sheets, made a home in his heart, only to abandon such when a fellow noble asked for her hand in marriage.

She wasn't his friend.

But yet he wanted so much more than that.

The sailor slapped his back, sharing a smirk of his own.
(“".. Je ne reçois aucune lettre d'aucun de mes" amis ".")

“.. I don’t get letters from any of my ‘friends’.”

Without the sailor walked off, shaking his head, as he went about on his duties, a smug expression, and a tankard in his grip, somehow he was more the wiser, than dear jack.

Jack scoffed to himself, before turning over the letter. His thumb pressed over her delicate writing, “Ada Pelletier.” He’d recite her name, continuously in his mind, several times. He liked the jarringness of it all. He liked that, that was the only jarring thing about her. It enthralled him, in such a manner, that he never felt guilty for it. The letter was sealed, with the crest of her lineage. He pressed it open gently, to pull out a crisp paper scented with a red rose, a smell he’d remember. He enfolded the letter, his eyes of jade scanning over it eagerly, greedily.

Des années ont passé depuis notre dernière conversation et j'espère que vous vous souviendrez de moi. Car je me souviens de toi, comme si c'était hier. Nos moments ensemble me manquent, même s'ils ont été brefs, personne ne peut douter qu'ils étaient adorables.
Je m'excuse sincèrement, de ne pas vous avoir écrit plus tôt, cela a été très mal vu, après avoir accepté mes fiançailles et me soit plus tard marié. C’était un mariage sans amour que je regrette sincèrement. Bien que je ne souhaite jamais la mort à quelqu'un, je lui suis reconnaissant de son décès. Cela m'a offert une immense quantité de liberté. Liberté d'aimer, liberté de choisir. J'ai entendu parler de votre récente occupation. Toutes nos félicitations! Je suis si fier de toi, rien ne rend une veuve plus joyeuse.
C'est étrange, de me considérer comme une veuve, j'ai beaucoup d'hommes qui frappent à ma porte. Ironiquement, le seul homme que je souhaite prendre ma main, a mis les voiles vers la mer.
Je ne suis rien, si je ne suis pas une femme patiente.

Years have passed since we last spoke, and I do hope you remember me. I remember you as if it was yesterday. I miss our times together, though they were brief, no-one can doubt they were lovely.
I sincerely apologize, for not writing to you sooner, it was heavily frowned upon, after I accepted my engagement, and later got wed. It was a loveless marriage, one that I sincerely regret, and while I would never wish death upon someone, I am grateful for his passing. It has offered me an immense amount of freedom. Freedom to love, freedom to choose. I heard the word of your recent occupation. Congratulations! I am so proud of you, nothing makes a widow more joyful.
It is strange, to consider myself a widow, I have many men knocking on my door. Ironically so, the only man I wish to take my hand has set his sails to the sea.
I am nothing if I am not a patient woman.

Jack lowered the letter from his hands, taking a breath as he shook his head.
He had a choice to make.

But never did he feel guilty of making it.

He sat in his bunk, looking at the wall of the ship, in which he had covered, in his letters from Elodie. He took a nail, pinning Ada’s letter on top of such, a smirk coming to his features.

Ada was now a widow.
And he had spent his lifetime, walking amongst the pier, known as the widow's walk.

He knew the steps.

All too well.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:47:38 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter X

calligraphie défectueuse

Faulty Penmanship

Months passed as Jacques Spent his time amongst the raging tides, for the moment being, Elodie continued to work at the bakery, saving any spare change she could for her new life she was promised with her beloved. Against Jaque's better judgment, he’d partake in writing both Ada and Elodie when he could, although his favoritism. Quickly shifted and dwindled, as the letters he wrote would prove to be Self Evident.


Je suis désolé d'apprendre le décès de votre défunt mari, mais si son départ vous a donné un sentiment de liberté, j'espère que vous l'apprécierez énormément. Je me souviens de la connexion que nous avions lorsque nous étions enfants, j'ai si souvent essayé tout ce que je pouvais rassembler pour vous impressionner. Je crains d'avoir pu passer mon enfance avec seulement cet objectif singulier en tête. Peut-être naïf à cela, je sais que vos parents me jetteraient simplement en forme, auriez-vous déjà dit oui. Votre mari - a été un homme chanceux, malgré son départ prématuré, je m'excuse qu'il ne semblait pas s'en rendre compte quand il a été honoré avec vous. Bien que je sois heureux de vous entendre, une partie de moi pense que je dois le demander car je n'aurais jamais pensé recevoir une lettre d'une femme aussi juste que vous… Que puis-je faire pour vous?



I am sorry to hear about the passing of your late husband, but if his departure has granted you a sense of freedom, I hope you enjoy it immensely. I remember the connection we had as children, I so often tried anything I could muster to impress you. I fear I might have spent my childhood with only that singular goal in mind. Perhaps a naive one at that, I know your parents would simply throw a fit, would you have ever said yes. Your husband--was quite the lucky man, despite his early departure, I apologize that he did not seem to realize that when he was graced with you. Although I am pleased to hear from you, part of me feels I must ask because I never thought I would receive a letter from a woman as fair as you… What can I do for you?





Je suis ravi que vous ayez trouvé du travail. Vous méritez plus que votre père, ou tout ce que la veuve pourrait vous offrir. Je vous suggère d'arrêter de compter les jours, j'ai trouvé que c'était un divertissement plutôt dépourvu de lustre et déprimant.



I’m delighted that you have found work. You deserve more than your father, or anything within the widow's walk could offer you. I suggest you stop counting the days, I have found it to be a rather lack-luster and depressing form of entertainment.


Jacques had sealed both of the letters and had given them to the courier when he docked, a wide, cocky grin on his features. For why chase one Sun, When you could chase two?

The letter was delivered, near Elodie’s doorstep, several weeks later. She’d wander home, after a day's worth of work, to the tenement that she saved up for years. It was a crammed, disgusting, and quite a vile environment. But for the first time, Elodie had a bed and a door that locked if it was jiggled in the right way. She was content. She bent down at her hip and scooped up the letter with care. A warm smile was given to the piece of parchment from her hand, as she looked at it, with only a manner that a woman smitten in love could. The moment would fade, however, as she opened the door, and saw her father, on the bed. To say that the man was dying, was, to put it mildly. The man was not leaving life, he was suffering hell on earth. Elodie rushed over to him, although the girl knew very little of medicine.

"Papa ... Je suis désolé d'être en retard, j'étais ... J'essayais d'avoir plus de salaire ..."
“Papa-- I’m sorry I’m late, I was.. Trying to get more pay..”

He grunted lowly, shifting to use the very little energy he had to glare upon her.

Tout comme ta mère. Glouton. Ce que tu as n'est jamais assez bon - n'est-ce pas?

“Just like your mother. Greedy. What you have is never good enough-- is it?”

She had no response, and she never would. She wouldn't stick up for herself in even the slightest degree. She’d raise a hand to her father's forehead-- he was feverishly hot. She sucked air through her teeth quietly, before shifting away from her father, to head toward the door. Her tired feet trailing and squeaking underneath the unforgiving board of the tenement.

"... Je vais vous chercher de l'eau et un médecin décent."
“... I am going to get you some water, and a decent medic.”

Her father scoffed, bitterly.

"Avec quel argent?"
“With what money?”

She shook her head, the question haltering her in the doorway. The question she had wracked herself over since the moment she was born into a life of poverty. She lifted a hand to her face, rubbing at her features.

"... Je vais trouver l'argent."
“... I’ll find the money.”

She glanced at her father, her promise stated clearly, before she drifted out the door, and unto the streets of her childhood once more.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 05:41:59 AM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
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Chapter XI

un million d'hommes

 A Million Men...

And so she found her way.
And gave pieces of herself away to strangers.
Piece by piece, bit by bit,
They began to break her.
Use her.
Abuse her.
All for the sake of moments of pleasure.
All for a handful of solars.

Day after day.

As she slowly lost herself,
Amongst the old profession.

It was not often, that’d she go nights without sleeping.
Her work never ceasing.
The only pause she seemed to take would be to write letters,

Letters that would be returned, without response,
Without explanation,
Without reason.

She’d return home, day after day, year after year.
Only to watch her father slowly drink himself into a grave.

Day after day,

Year after year.

She had found a way .
And she had gotten trapped with it.


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XII

encore une autre porte fermée

Yet Another, Closed Door.

She’d approach the physician’s door, her delicate hand banging on the door lightly, Elodie couldn't have been more than fifteen winters, during this moment, a child that was forced to grow  up far too quickly, but that was not uncommon amongst the inhabitants of the widow's walk.

The Physician would open the door, his visage seemingly annoyed by the young woman's presence, his lips pressing into a thin line as he regarded her.

".. Mademoiselle Epinette-- Avez-vous le paiement?"

“.. Mademoiselle Eppinette-- Do you have the payment?”

Elodie would nod silently as she fished about in her bag, before extending the bag of coin out to him, a rather meager, pitiful sum of coin.

«... C'est court. Cinq cents Solars. "

“... This is short. Five hundred Solars.”

She’d shake her head, wincing that he took the time to count it, or that he had the intelligence to notice. She’d quirk her lips into a frown before glancing off.

... C'est tout ce que nous avons - tout ce que j'ai. Il est .. Trop faible pour travailler, j'ai des frères et sœurs, et ma mère est décédée s'il vous plait-- c'est le mieux que je puisse faire .. Je vous serai toujours redevable-- Je serai un coupable, n'importe quoi. Vous pourriez souhaiter, je vous l'accordera. "

“... It is all we have-- all I have. He is... Too weak to work, I have no  siblings, and my mother passed please-- this is the best I can do... I will forever be indebted to you-- I will be a servant, anything. You could wish, I would grant it.”

The physician would straighten his spectacles before stepping out of his doorway, closing his door a fraction as he stepped down, to loom over Elodie, a hand pressed to her shoulder, as he murmured down to her.
"... Votre père, ... je crains ... a fait des dégâts irréversibles, même si vous aviez les fonds ... mes services seraient probablement trop tard, mademoiselle Eppinette."

“....Your father,...I fear.. Has done irreversible damage, even if you had the funds… my services would likely be too late, Mademoiselle Eppinette.”

Elodie would shake her head, several times, biting unto the side of her cheek in thought, before she replied.

Vous êtes le quatrième médecin qui m'a fait prendre conscience de la gravité de l'état de santé de mon père. Pourtant, il y a deux semaines, ce qui vous distinguait des autres, c'est que vous sembliez penser avoir un remède, mais comme les solars sont courts - il est maintenant considéré comme désespéré?

“You are the fourth Physician that has made me aware of the severity of my father's condition. Yet two weeks ago, what stood you apart from the others, is that you seemed to think you have a remedy, but since the solars are short-- he is now deemed as hopeless?”

Even in her youth, her words were sharp and could have a bluntness to them. The physician would regard the little meak thing, what was Elodie in bitter amusement before glancing off a fraction.

Il a toujours été considéré comme désespéré, mademoiselle ... J'ai des choses plus importantes que de remédier à la vie d'un ivrogne. Adieu."

“... He was always deemed as Hopeless, Mademoiselle… I have more important things than to remedy the life of a drunkard. Adieu.”

Elodie would stare at that door, several moments after the Physician had slammed it in her face. Her breath caught, as she blinked back the tears from running. A hand was set to her stomach, as if a means to keep it calm, a sudden Nausea coming over her.

After several moments, she’d begin her walk home, to that old, disgusting, and, somewhat morbid tenement, catching several glances from her elders and peers, the woman's presence only seemingly welcomed within the night. However as she stepped about the widow's walk, there would be something that would make her stop, and take Notice.

Ada, and Jacques, hand in hand, no longer separated by the Sea. Jacques would lean over, muttering something in Ada’s ear as they both turned then, to regard Elodie. He’d raise a hand to Elodie, dipping his head to the crowd, seemingly excusing himself before wandering over to mutter lowly to her.

He’d pause then, seems to be the only word that he could conjure up, before his eyes washing over her in silent guilt.

“....Tell me that I have gone mad, and this is not what I am seeing.”
She’d quip back out to him, her eyes, quick to water again.

“"... Je dois le faire."

“... El’ I have to.”

He’d sigh, wincing a fraction as he drifted his eyes from her.

"... Vous ne le faites pas. Tu n'as vraiment pas Jack. Tu pourrais rester ici, avec ton peuple, avec ta… Famille.”

“....You don’t. You don’t Jack. You could stay here, with your people, with your… Family.”

Her  voice broke at that, clearly mentioning herself.

.. Elle porte mon héritage." Il laissa échapper carrément plusieurs nuances au-dessus d'un murmure. Il jetterait un coup d'œil, avant de tendre la main sur le bras d'Elodies, l'attrapant un peu fermement avant de murmurer vers elle.

«Elle m'a écrit pendant que j'étais en mer. C'était une veuve solitaire - elle m'a rencontré sur l'un de nos quais - et nous -

“....She is carrying my legacy.”
He’d blurt out bluntly, several shades above a whisper. He’d glance out, before reaching out to set a hand on Elodie's arm, grabbing it somewhat tightly before muttering down to her.

“She wrote to me, while I was away at Sea. She was a lonely widow-- she met me at one of our docks--and we--.”

Elodie would fail as he reached out to, outraged, as she stared at him in clear disgust and betrayal.

"... Et vous aviez une meilleure offre."

“... And you had a better offer.”

Jacques would scoff as she denied him his touch. He’d glare down to her height, just fiery.
“ Parole Elodie, tu n'étais pas une sainte, Tu m'attends vraiment avec une femme - qui a été avec un million d'hommes?! C'est comme ça qu'on vous appelle maintenant… c'est votre réputation, c'est ce que vous avez fait à l'offre déjà impressionnante que vous m'avez proposée… Je n'ai pas honte, je suis conscient que mes actions sont inconvenantes et cruelles .. Mais la différence réside dans le fait que je n'essaie pas de créer cette façade d'être une personne décente comme vous… Profitez de votre vie, mademoiselle Eppinette”.

“... Word Spreads Elodie, you were no saint, You expect me with a woman-- who has been with a million men?! That is what they call you now… that is your reputation, that is what you had done to the already impressive offer you had proposed to me… I have no shame, I am aware that my actions are unbecoming and cruel... But the difference lies in the fact that I do not attempt to create this facade of being a decent person like you do… Enjoy your Life, Mademoiselle Eppinette.”

He’d huff, bitterly, solely, and down-right hateful before stomping back over to Ada, and flashing her a warm, and handcrafted smile. As if the altercation with Elodie was just a mere annoyance and nothing more.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 03:00:17 AM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XIII

"La valse entre l'humour et la mort"

The Waltz Between Humor And Death
Part One Of Four:

When it came down to it, her efforts were not enough, She’d held the ashes of her father with her hands, as she stood back looking over the waters, her eyes welled with tears, as they graced down her cheeks and flooded over her cheap attire.
Death, Loss, is an intricate and somewhat humorous thing.
For when a person has passed we are often to see them in a light that is several hues brighter than what we regarded them during life. She'd purse her lips in thought, as several memories of the man would run through her mind, the few, rare,  memories of when her father was a sane, sober individual.

".. Vous voyez que" lo? "

“.. You see that ‘lo?”

 He asked as he pointed out at the fading sunset, at this time Elodie was nine, perhaps ten. They sat on the roof of one of the tenements, of the decrepit district. His arm slung around her protectively, as he held her to his side like she was something that he couldn't bear to see hurt or damaged.

"Oui ... je le vois ... le coucher du soleil ... On dirait que quelqu'un a fait une peinture ... et ils n'ont pas eu le temps de la finir, alors ils ... Ils ont juste commencé à jeter de la couleur ... sont capables de créer quelque chose de plutôt remarquable ... comme si tout ce dont ils avaient besoin était de se libérer pour pouvoir créer de la beauté. "

“Oui… I see it… the sunset… It looks like someone made a painting..  and they didn’t have the time to finish it, so they.. Just started throwing color… and once they let go of their hesitations, they can create something rather remarkable... as if all they needed was to free themselves to be able to create beauty.”

He’d lean back on his haunches, watching her speak, a faint huff of amusement, as a hand raised to ruffle her curly, ragged hair.

"... Tu parles comme ta mère, quand tu vas sur quelque chose."

“...You speak like your ma when you get goin’ on something.”

There’d be a pained look in his eyes, as he held her a bit closer, planting a kiss to the top of her head. Elodie would tilt her head, to look at him inquisitively.

".. Que voulez-vous dire?"

“.. What do you mean?”

".. Je veux dire que vous voyez quelque chose au-delà de ce que les gens veulent que vous ... Votre esprit ... 'lo ...en grandissant, vous n'aurez pas de mal à garder le monde, le monde aura du mal à vous suivre. "

“..I mean ye see something beyond what people want ya to… Your mind… ‘lo… as you grow, you aren’t going to have trouble keeping up the world, the world’s gonna have trouble keepin’ up with you.”

He’d sigh contently, before laying back on the rooftop, folding his arms behind his head as a pillow.  Elodie would fall silent at his statement, biting the inside of her cheek as she processed it before she would go to lay down beside him, curling into the security of his arms. He’d shift to hold her close to him, protectively, as he draped his cloak around her malnourished shoulders.

"Pouvez-vous me promettre quelque chose?"

“Can you promise me somethin’ ‘lo?”

He’d lift a hand, brushing back the curls on her head, another small sigh escaping him.

Ne attends pas ... Quand le monde te purchaser. Commencez simplement à courir

“ Don’t wait for me... When the world chasin’ ya. Just start running’.”

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 01:29:10 AM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XIV

"la valse entre l'humour et la mort".

The waltz Between Humor And Death

Part two of Four:

Elodie was walking down the various alleyways, the crooks and bends within the widows walk on her way to meet up with Jacques, she was perhaps nine  or ten , and her mind during this state was inquisitive beyond imagination, everything catching her attention, her interest.
She paused in her tracks, her head tilted eastwards as she heard a horrible awful, and rather an obnoxious sound, a cry for desperation thrown in her direction. Her compassionate eyes would narrow, those bleached eyebrows that were barely visible, narrowed in confusion before she’d push past several walls of buildings, eventually finding the source.

In Front of Elodie, was a small, scruffy and rather malnourished tomcat, that had wedged itself in between a storm drain, it’s bottom hanging out of the bars, and it’s head sunken below, meowed helplessly. Elodie kneeled to the cat, assessing the situation, her head of curls resting against the pavement as she spoke to the kitten, in hushed tones of love and admiration, only a child could have.

"... Ne pleure pas ... je reviens!"

“...Don’t cry... I’ll be back!”

 She frowned deeply before her bare feet would pound against the cobblestones, as fast as her feet would carry her, she’d meet her father at their humble shack, her arms shaking his sleeping, hungover form eagerly. He’d rustle awake groaning as he swatted her away. Raising a moment to wipe at his eyes as she looked to her, a brow rose.

"Par l'enfer, tu me réveillerais pour 'Lo."

“What the Hell you’d wake me for ‘Lo.”

She’d glance off, biting the inside of her cheek before she spoke, hesitantly.

".Papa ... Je m'excuse de vous avoir réveillé, mais il y a un chat - et il ... Eh bien ... il est piégé. Et je ne ... pense pas qu'il a beaucoup de temps. "

“.Papa. I apologize for waking you, but there’s a cat-- and he.. Well.. he’s trapped. And I don’t... Think he has much time.”

He let out a notable exhale, his eyes softening as he watched up hers well up with tears, he’d place a hand to her cheek as he walked over.

"... Montre-moi ce chat."

“...Show me this cat.”

His eyes would roll as Elodie proceeded to take his hand and then drag him out and about the various alleyways, before placing him above the struggling cat, who was squirming, begging to break free.

"Nous ne le gardons pas."

“We ain't keeping it.”

He’d warn Elodie, before he placed his knees on the cobblestones, taking out a dull knife from his boot, and using it to ease out the bolts from the grate. He’d take off the grate completely, before gently shimming the cats head through the bar. The Cat in question would look to the man with deep gratitude its eyes set on his as it purred loudly, it faces brushing against his cheek. He’d coo nonsense down to it, before turning to look at Elodie seemingly caught.

"... Nous le gardons juste pour la nuit."

“... We’re keeping it just for the night.”

Elodie gave a silent grin to that, her head nodding in silence, as she reached for her father's hand, and wouldn’t let go till they had reached that humble shack, with the rugged, malnourished kitten in tow.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 04:35:36 PM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XV

"la valse entre l'humour et la mort"

The Waltz Between Humor And Death

Part Three Of Four:

Elodie sat on her father's lap, as he held out a book in front of her, trying to read out to her, as he rocked her in his lap as they sat in the corner of a tavern. His gaze set unto her as if he was her entire world during this time in history. She appeared to be three, perhaps four. As his chin rested down on her little head of tight-pin curl stark blonde hair.

“And the farmer had many animals on his farm, but his favorite was the cow because of it’s... “
He’d pause then, his frown furthering as he tried to pronounce the following word. He’d sigh heavily, after several attempts at reading the children's book before stowing it away with a huff and a grumble. He’d suck air through his teeth as Elodie started flailing about disinterested. He’d glance off at a time before his eyes lit up a degree, and he began to stroke back her curls lovingly as his eyes locked on a woman across the tavern. He mumbled down to Elodie, tenderly.

Oubliez le fermier et ne faites pas attention à son intérêt étrange avec ses vaches. J'ai une meilleure histoire à vous raconter: «Lo… À propos de l'homme le plus chanceux de la planète… Tu vois cette femme là-bas? Celui avec les cheveux de la couleur du maïs et les yeux de la mer, .. Eh bien, regardez bien l'ange, puis regardez en arrière le désordre que je suis.

“Forget the farmer, and pay no mind to his odd interest with his cows. I have a better story to tell ya ‘Lo… About the Luckiest man on the planet… Ya, see that woman over there? The one with the hair the color of corn and eyes of the sea,... Well, take a good long look at the angel, and then look back at the mess I am.”

He’d snort, shaking his head as Elodie Chewed on a hem on her dress, her eyes, and head-turning where he motioned nonetheless.

“Well. Women like that don’t usually end up with fools like me… That’s your Ma. The One Singing and playing over there… She could have any man she wants and yet she fell for a gutter rat like me… I wish I had this elaborate story to tell ya kid, of how It happened. How I got her to fall in love with me...But to be honest with ya…I still look at her and wonder if it’s sheer luck, or just by the grace of Ezra…..It ain't much of a story, but it’s the best one I got, and better than anyone you’ll ever read.”

Bien. Les femmes comme ça ne se retrouvent généralement pas avec des imbéciles comme moi… C'est ta maman. Celui qui chante et joue là-bas ... Elle pourrait avoir n'importe quel homme qu'elle veut et pourtant elle est tombée amoureuse d'un rat caniveau comme moi ... J'aimerais avoir cette histoire élaborée à raconter à votre enfant, comment cela s'est passé. Comment je l'ai fait tomber amoureuse de moi ... Mais pour être honnête avec toi ... Je la regarde toujours et je me demande si c'est de la chance, ou simplement par la grâce d'Ezra ... ... Ce n'est pas vraiment une histoire, mais c'est le meilleur que j'ai eu, et mieux que quiconque que vous aurez jamais lu.

He’d loft a hand to smile at the woman in the corner as she sang to a live audience, her eyes rolling back a fraction in mirth before she waved back to the pair. He’d hum content before muttering again.

.Ce ne peut pas être de la chance, car je n'ai pas encore couru .. Court.

“..This can’t be luck, For I’ve yet to run. Short.”


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XVI

la valse entre l'humour et la mort

The Waltz Between Humor And Death

Part Four Of Four:

Elodie would be in the mirror frantically brushing her hair, as she stood in front of a makeshift mirror, which was just a shard of glass that she held up to her face, as she smeared berries across her lips and cheeks, and effort to make her somewhat dull features more alluring.
Her father would walk over to her, a brow raised in faint amusement.

".. Alors tu as finalement dit oui."

“.. So you finally said yes.”

She’d roll her eyes as she leaned away from the glass, before standing and wandering over to her father, as she raked a hand through her curls with a faint smirk.

. Il n'arrêtait pas de demander, il est assez persistant-- est-ce que je vais bien.

“.. He wouldn't stop asking, he's quite persistent-- do... Do I look alright?”

He’d hum quietly, shaking his head in a slightly emotional manner before he wandered over, setting his hands to her narrow shoulders.

Tu es belle, une image crachante de ta mère ... Attends-toi à ce qu'il te manque une chose

“You are beautiful, a spitting image of your mother… except  you are missing one thing.”

He’d raise a finger, before digging into his pocket and holding out a small, silver locket, with engravings of an elaborate willow tree carved into it. He’d motion for Elodie to turn around, before reaching around her, to clasp it underneath her hair, before turning him back to face him, a bit of water collecting at the corners of his eyes as they washed over her. He’d clear his throat before glancing off.

Elodie would tilt her head, confused, before opening the pendant, and seeing a painted portrait of a beautiful, and captivating blonde woman with an easy, worried free smile, and her father in his youth, with his dark auburn hair, and his seemingly soft, hazel eyes. In between their laps rested a toddler, with a full head of hair, and rather large, ears. On the back of the locket would be an engravement that read “ Lilith Eppinette.”. Elodie looked at her father slowly,  her head tilted to him a moment, as she processed that.

Vous .. ne ... Nous ne parlons pas d'elle… J'ai tellement de questions, cela signifie-t-il que vous êtes prêt? Est-ce que ça veut dire--.

“.. You.. don’t…. We don’t... Talk about her… I have so many questions. Does this mean you’re ready? Does this mean--.”

He took his head, moving to step past her with a troubled expression, that evoking a lot from the man, as he squeezed her shoulder in passing.

Sois à la maison. Fais attention. Amusez-vous bien. Essayez d'aller doucement sur lui

“.....Be home. Be Safe. Have a Good Time. Try to go easy on him.”

He’d return to his makeshift bed then, pulling the covers over his form, and turning his back to the wall.

Elodie would stare out at the waters, as the last good memory of her father traced over her mind. She’d unscrew the lid of the urn, before dipping the contents of her father into the beloved waters of the ocean, she did it in a practiced motion. She knew how to do it this time, and she had anticipated doing it alone, as well.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 03:03:47 AM by Colorfullfan »


  • I'm aware I can't spell but look at my art uwu
  • Dark Lord
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  • Aka BrokeCollegeKid/Colorfullfan
Chapter XVII

le dernier soleil couchant

The Last Setting Sun

“The Mist Encampment, Please.”

Elodie would state, as she glanced over the glistening waters of Port- A- Leucine, a terrified but excited smile as her eyes washed over her home, the first chapters of her story. She’d exhale through her nose quietly, before her lithe legs carried her unto the caravan, ringing the old and rusted bell before she took a seat. She’d sort through a scarce pack of her belongings, a pocket full of solars, a brush, and a storybook from her childhood. She had very little to her name, but everything to gain. After a couple of mere hours, of listening to the oxen trot unto the misty past, and the rise and fall of her seat, she had finally made her way to her destination-- or so she thought.

The caravan would come to a stop, and she’d open the canvas opening to poke her little head of blonde, tight ringlet curls, and darkened eyes to gaze about her surroundings. She noted the locals of this new land had looked drastically different from her own, and while she had never stepped into this land, she knew it well, from the books she had read.

She was in Barovia.

She’d slide her spectacles up her button nose before stepping off the caravan, and peering about casually, eventually veering into the outskirts.

She’d pause and study each person, each individual for something unique, something that she had never fixated on before.

This is when she'd find a man slumped against a stone pillar in front of the Morninglord temple, with a staff in one hand, and wearing simple robes. She’d arch a brow a moment, her curiosity peaked as she stepped over.


She’d greet with a soft smile, a naive one perhaps.

The robed man would turn to regard her, somewhat disinterested.

“... Hello.”

Elodie would chew on the inside of her cheek a moment, before attempting to converse with the man again.

“...I’m…. Elodie, but most just call me Elle, I mean well they did. Elle’s fine.”

The Robed Man would take a moment before nodding slowly.

“... Darelimir."

And there he was, something she had never studied before.

Her inquisitive eyes would look up then, peering up at the sunset.

The space in between her fingers would stretch out, not to try and keep it, but to clasp unto the man's hand to shake.

her light shifted.

One can't keep the sunset.
It's going to set regardless of what we wish.
Life is going to change, and evolve around us,
 and as humans,
the best that we can do,
is to prepare to greet the dawn.

Spoiler: show
 Hello! This Wraps Up Elodie's Background Informational story. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read it. Sorry, It took two years for me to finish it! -- Colorfull.