Author Topic: LAWS OF VALLAKI  (Read 6529 times)


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« on: October 19, 2018, 12:11:02 AM »
In this year, the year of the Barovian Calendar seven hundred and seventy-three, I, Simona Grecu, clerk to the Burgomaster, by the command of Nadia Ionelus, his Steward, do set down on paper those customs and usages of the people of Barovia and those laws decreed by the Burgomaster in the name of the Count of Barovia, Strahd XI von Zarovich, whose servant he is, as are regularly referenced in the present day. While I do not deny the existence of still other ancient customs and laws that may yet be used in pleading before the Burgomaster or in interpreting his will, to properly compile every custom of this land and city, and every edict spoken by a Burgomaster, would be practically impossible, as every day new customs are established and new edicts made.

Should a man stand accused of a crime that was not witnessed by a servant of the Burgomaster, let him produce witnesses to swear to his innocence, and let witnesses be produced by the accuser to swear against him, and should he succeed thus in producing them, let the Burgomaster, his Steward, or an appointed officer decide as to the man's guilt or innocence, and let him be judged accordingly. Should the man not dispute the facts of the crime but rather dispute that his actions violated the Burgomaster's law, let him stand before the Burgomaster, his Steward, or an appointed officer, and demonstrate by usage and custom that he should be placed at liberty and, should he succeed thus in his arguments, let him be so placed.

Should a man believe himself slighted, dispossessed, or damaged by another, let him place the matter before the Burgomaster, the Burgomaster's Steward, or an appointed officer, and let him argue by usage and custom that he should have restitution, and let the accused argue against him, and let judgment be made according to the merits of the arguments.

Here follow the LAWS:

1. Let it be known by all that the boundaries of the city of Vallaki and its territory are marked to the west by the banks of the river Luna, to the east by the easternmost farm in the farmland beyond the city, to the north by the great stone on the north-east bank of Lake Zarovich, and to the south by the first bridge on the path to Krofburg.

2. Let it be known by all that the rights to tolls upon the Old Svalich Road within the territory of the city of Vallaki are held in the name of the Count by the Burgomaster and the Burgomaster alone, and only his men and those of the Count may keep order or give commands upon it.

3. Let it be known by all that he who disturbs the Count's peace or interferes with the performance of the duties of the Count’s representatives in Vallaki, including the Burgomaster and his servants, will be punished according to the severity of his offense.

4. Let it be known by all that he who commits assault upon the body of another will be himself harmed twice over according to the severity of his assault. He who commits assault upon the body of a servant of the Burgomaster will be put to death. He who is judged to have committed an assault clearly intended to kill shall be judged guilty of murder.

5. Let it be known by all that he who commits murder will be put to death.

6. Let it be known by all that he who commits rape will be put to death.

7. Let it be known by all that he who commits thievery will be punished according to the scale of his theft; he will additionally make restitution of the full value; if he or his sureties cannot, he will lose a hand. The thief who continues to flout the law of the city of Vallaki will be put to death.

8. Let it be known by all that he who destroys or damages the property of another must give compensation to the full value of the property.

9. Let it be known by all that he who trespasses upon the holding of another will be punished according to the severity of his offense.

10. Let it be known that any merchant selling wares or services must secure the sanction of the Burgomaster through the Garda. Trade is strictly prohibited outdoors during the night and must be conducted indoors during these hours. Any who defy this usage will be punished according to the duration and severity of their offense.

11. Let it be known that he who forges or falsifies the seal of the Burgomaster, the seal of the Count, or the coinage of the Domain, shall lose his eyes.

12. Let it be known by all that duels are prohibited except in the presence of three witnesses of good repute.

13. Let it be known by all that no Gundarakite in the territory of the city of Vallaki will carry any arm or weapon, nor undertake any martial endeavor, without leave from the Burgomaster. Any found in violation of this law will be punished according to the severity of their offense. Any who break this law in using a weapon to harm Vallaki or its interests will be put to death. Only weapons which are tools: daggers, shortbows, staves, scythes, sickles, woodaxes, hammers, and flails will be permitted.

14. Let it be known by all that all Gundarakites must at all times speak Balok or the Common Tongue. Furthermore, it is also prohibited to teach Luktar. Any violation of this law will be punished according to the severity and duration of the offense.

15. Let it be known by all that no Gundarakites may hold land within the boundaries of Vallaki, nor own boats. Any violation of this law will be punished according to the severity and duration of the offense.

16. Let it be known that it is forbidden to congregate and loiter outdoors during the night hours. Those who are found guilty of this trespass will be punished according to the severity and frequency of the offense.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 05:15:44 PM by DM Vetala »
Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn.