Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Announcements and Notices

[Declarations of the Praesidia Iustitiae]

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A smattering of notices appear above and below Vallaki.

--- Quote ---It is here declared that Simon of Vorostokov has been terminated for crimes against Gods and Men.
However, since his act of evil he has taken steps to make amends for his crimes.
As such, he has been spared the eternal void of a permanent death.

The wicked will be punished in a manner that befits the crime. Redemption is possible.

 - J
--- End quote ---

A smattering of notices appear in the sewers of Vallaki.

--- Quote ---People of Vallaki!

The wicked roam amongst you. Sheltered by privilege, power, and duplicity.
These malefactors prey upon the innocent, and yet, openly pass your children on the street.

You see injustices everyday. The Laws of Men and Gods are desecrated. Your heart breaks and yearns for righteousness.

We of the Praesidia Iustitiae hear you. We seek justice and to deracinate corruption.
We judge and punish immorality, that would otherwise be allowed to flourish.

As witnesses and victims, you must become heralds of immorality.
Scrawl upon notes the name, description, and accusation against the accused. We will see justice fulfilled.

Be warned. Those that attempt to deceive the Praesidia Iustitiae, and therefore hamper righteousness, will be judged and punished accordingly.

 - C

On behalf of the Praesidia Iustitiae!

[Stamped in black ink at the bottom is a sword with scales as the cross-guard.]
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A smattering of notices appear in the sewers of Vallaki. The hand they are in is different to the last set.

--- Quote ---People of Vallaki!

The Praesidia Iustitiae watch over you. Do not walk in fear of they that break the laws of Gods and Men.

Do not suffer the wicked to walk among you.

Make a report here of the names and descriptions of the wicked as well as their crimes that they may be judged and punished.

Any attempt to deceive the Praesidia Iustitiae will invite judgement of the offending party.

Blessed be the eye that watches. Blessed be the hand that scribes.

 - J

On behalf of the Praesidia Iustitiae!

[Stamped in black ink at the bottom is a sword with scales as the cross-guard.]
--- End quote ---

A smattering of notices appear in the poorer areas of Port-a-Lucine. The hand they are in is again different to the last set.

--- Quote ---People of Port-a-Lucine!

You toil daily for barely enough to get by. The powerful squeeze you for profits they do not need to spend on lifestyles they do not deserve! The wicked think themselves protected by their power and position, that they may exploit the common man with impunity.

The Praesidia Iustitiae offers justice to they that have been misstreated by the powerful. Do not suffer dangerous working conditions! Do not suffer abuse from the enforcers of the powerful! You know injustice when you see it, you know when your liberty is trampled on.

Write here the name, description and crimes of the wicked that they may be justly judged and punished accordingly. We are a nation of peace but violence against the common man, against liberty itself, must be curtailed!

Any attempt to falsely condemn they that do not deserve it by making false reports will be met with judgement and punishment.

Suffer no longer!

 - R

[Stamped in black ink at the bottom is a sword with scales as the cross-guard.]
--- End quote ---

Notices appear in the sewers of Vallaki.

--- Quote ---Trial of Valentin Antonescu

The eyes of Justice fall on Valentin Antonescu. He has been found guilty of use of methods both excessive and cruel in the course of his duties. Such abuses of power will be punished with termination. However, we are merciful in our judgements. The foolish, drunk on power, can yet be redeemed. If Antonescu curbs his foul urges he will be spared.

It is now that his trial period begins. Any transgression, however minor, against his fellow mortal will be met with termination. We invite they that observe Antonescu to leave here any reports of transgression. The good people of Vallaki will make their own judgements about whether this man has reformed.

Blessed be the rising sun. Blessed be the light of truth.

 - J

On behalf of the Praesidia Iustitiae!

[The image of a sword with scales as the cross-guard is printed at the foot fo the page.]
--- End quote ---


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