Rumors presist of a young girl seemingly dancing about, though her chant sounds more like that of one mourning a lost lover. It is only in briefest passing that some recall her appearance, but there are a few that swear that they have seen her standing at the edges of the forest whispering into the nothingness of the darkness. Some say she is but a mad child, lost to the torments which plague the land, but others think she is possessed by witchery.
Some traveling from the dwarf city have even said they have seen a similar young lady dressed all in black leading an oxen and cart laiden with copper ingots, though she seems to skirt around the city at a distance before proceeding north. Even a local sneak is saying that she is perhaps possessed, as he followed her from the southern gates of valliki around the outside of the city just to see her and her oxen vanish into thin air, almost as if a spirit fading into the on comming fogs that evening.
What ever the reason, or who ever this person is, it seems to be getting a bit more noisy in the sections of town where the seedy and sneaky hang out, rumors of ill omen surrounding the girl arising as warding gestures are made at the mention of her in drunken whispers.
Lately, even a few claim they have seen the woman in dark cloathing bartering with others who have remained hooded and unknown, and then days later hauling off oxen pulled carts of oddly carved stones.