« on: January 22, 2018, 10:10:30 PM »
Best Goods
1. Verinne (Yes! Much Yes!) Morrigan (Get loose trousers for when she is around)
2. Morrigan (No, but want) Verinne (Still nice, but something is changed)
3. Vardo Lady Merchant (Married. Probably small Borcan man, no threat.)
4. Woods Lady (Married? Watch out for Axe-Man)
5. Krofburg Stewardess (Lippy, but ample)
6. Ex-Slave Fey (Exotic. Squeeze and flee)
7. Forfarian Ezrite (Holy treasure or cultist trap?)
8. Dawn Cultist (Armor makes difficult to tell, possible cultist trap)
9. Red-Head Minstrel (Bounce to the music)
10. Gundarakite (Look, never touch)
Port Al's Urceen was horrible. Don't go back until I can understand their lady-tongue.
Axe is working nice. Cuts all beasts, even trolls the size of the Liberator's statue! Don't try again though. Funny to watch fall, not so funny when they hit you.
Need new suit. Something dashing-er. Will take walk in resident's district after, let merchant's daughters swoon.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 08:19:54 PM by a peasant and his pitchfork »
The everyman half corpse.