Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeFebruary 4th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31qJanuary 29th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31p
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Spring Greens with LemonLocal and Imported LiquorThe pretense of caring about your problems֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Shepherd's PieLocal and Imported LiquorCritiques on your garments֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Curried Goat StewLocal and Imported LiquorHay, as some people seem to misbelieve this is a barn֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Chicken Pot PieLocal and Imported LiquorGames Involving Drinking֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Grabenite KöttbullarStrawberry FoolLocal and Imported LiquorAll drinks half price if you drink out of the cook's boot֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Grabenite KöttbullarStrawberry FoolLocal and Imported LiquorThorough explanations of how to shut a door behind oneself.֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Rokuman Mackeral StewApple & Butterscotch CheesecakeLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
A NIGHT OF DANCE֎ ֎ ֎This time we'll perform:Rose of MorningThe Gallop of YesteryearOld Bear's Ugly Mug֎ ֎ ֎Look for Annie on the stage.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Borcan Chicken PrimaveraPretty Little Lemon TartsLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Borcan Chicken PrimaveraTapioca PuddingLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Grilled SwordfishPumpkin Crème BrûléeLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Longaniza & MashHot Cocoa or CiderLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK & THE DANCER ARE IN֎ ֎ ֎Today's menu:Crab Cakes with SaladGrape ClafoutisLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Let Henri and Duckie serve you!
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Mystery PieApple & Marzipan TurnoversLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.
THE COOK IS IN֎ ֎ ֎Today we are serving:Henri Talking to HimselfFig & Goat Cheese SaladCrippling LonelinessPoached Cherries with CreamLocal and Imported Liquor֎ ֎ ֎Ask for Henri at the bar.