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Author Topic: Vallaki - Western Outskirts  (Read 62192 times)


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #250 on: August 24, 2022, 10:44:30 AM »
[The letter was removed by a garda wearing a gold pin]


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #251 on: October 01, 2022, 11:27:33 PM »
Passersby would notice the familiar form of Giles Hawkins loading a sturdy looking wagon just outside of the Western Outskirts with a variety of materials, notably stacks of wood that took up a large portion of space upon the wagon. For what purpose all these materials were being gathered, who would know?


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #252 on: October 06, 2022, 04:48:29 AM »
Come first light on the sixth day, the Wagon of Giles Hawkins was hitched by a stout Ox, Cart and rider trotting east, to where? Who could say.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #253 on: October 23, 2022, 04:54:46 PM »
Late one evening, not long before dawn, a mad bout of haunting, ghostly laughter fills the upstairs halls of the Lady's Rest. The scent of opium lingers in its wake.

Anamaria Cosovei - Reporter, truth-teller, story-seeker


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #254 on: October 24, 2022, 03:39:05 PM »

Written in Akiri.

A small woman in cheerful pinks and yellows scrawls out a note and sticks it to the tree in the outskirts, a few mourning lilies (a traditional mourning flower) tacked against the free along with it. She leaves shortly after.

Anamaria Cosovei - Reporter, truth-teller, story-seeker


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #255 on: October 26, 2022, 12:00:05 AM »
The morning is met with a train of Barovian refugees from the west. They make little attempts to converse with the Outlanders near the city, heading straight to the Guardhouse.

Rumors and whispers spread among the city that a number of small lumber villages along the River Luna are evacuating. What has caused these evacuations is a yet a mystery to the inhabitants of the Grey City.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #256 on: November 28, 2022, 09:16:51 AM »
In the early evening hours, a familiar figure in a dark armoured coat strides into the Outskirts, hammering a notice into the well used board before stepping back into the city once more.

Spoiler: show
There be Darkness in this world!


would like to thank all that aided us in seeking the remains of Guardian Melian. Whilst we pray for her to return to us, I would also like to thank the unlikely source who brought her to us. Though you serve the thrice cursed duke, my offer still stands to you. you can be redeemed yet, red warmage. 

To the snivelling cockroaches of the despicable Brotherhood of the Whip, know that your days are numbered. We come for you, even from within.

~Giles Hawkins.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #257 on: November 30, 2022, 12:47:05 AM »
[An nicely dressed elven woman with long, dark tresses was seen putting up notices written in a delicate, aesthetic hand on light parchment paper in the Outskirts and Vallaki. if one observes one of these notices, this is what they would see...]

[OOC: Send IC letter via forums to Avela or discord at Avela#0270. Times and positions of work flexible. Any and all OOC questions welcomed~]

Plain Text Version:
Spoiler: show

The Silver Aster: Seeking Talent!

The Silver Aster seeks to return to warm the hearts of Vallaki once again. In doing so, we have decided to open our doors to new applicants!

We seek individuals of all kinds- from talented musicians, to artful songstresses, to those knowledgeable in liquors and fine wines... those who find they have a captivating aura, and wish to make others feel warm and welcome. The Silver Aster is proud to cater to a wide variety of whims, so every presented talent will be considered on its own merits.

If you are one who takes joy in making others welcomed and amused, consider meeting with Ellavyra or writing to the Silver Aster expressing your interests.

We look forward to meeting you.
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Lady Ellavyra
Mi'zzerrah Rilyn'qai


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #258 on: December 04, 2022, 01:54:52 AM »
[A familiar figure in a heavy black coat is seen leaving the western outskirts. Further down the road, a notice is nailed to a tree]

Spoiler: show

The Wayfarer Kinship enacts the right of Parley.
Meet us upon the great hill on the road to Zeidenburg.
There we will discuss terms and settle the matter.
By the right of Parley, no blood will be spilt whilst enacted.

Break the terms of Parley, and there will be no second chance.

 We will await your decision.

//posted in game


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #259 on: December 07, 2022, 05:21:36 PM »
A familiar trio bearing the standards of The Wayfarer Kinship and Morninglordians are seen leaving the outskirts at dusk, the flags flapping in the winter breeze as the darkness reaches out to envelop them...They are not seen until Dawn the next day..


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #260 on: December 25, 2022, 02:47:31 AM »
[A woman of Elven origin in green and browns is clearly seen planting a notice on the noticeboard.]

Quote from: Elvish kin, LEND ME YOUR EARS!

Elvish kin, LEND ME YOUR EARS!

The Seelie Court of Degannwy welcomes you, cousins and kindred.

Tel-quessir of all kinds, stripes, shapes, and sizes are welcomed, as long as you respect the grove.

Come as you are, and come in peace.

Tranquility and kinship awaits you in Degannwy. Come and look to the Southern Woods!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 02:49:10 AM by Branchie »


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #261 on: January 01, 2023, 07:35:28 PM »
In the dead of night, a large gathering of Kinship streamed out of the gates into the darkness...

Vallaki Justice

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #262 on: January 03, 2023, 10:46:52 PM »
A riled up Barovian mob marched out of the Lady's Rest and began to demand the outlanders, fey and witches leave Vallaki with all their troubles, neuri and vraja. Though for a time the outlanders did disperse, screams of death and tragedy resonated throughout the outskirts after a clash of steel and pitchforks. The grass and dirt once used for bustling market and trade are profaned with the blood of the twenty-odd dead Barovians. Whispers and rumors spread that the blows were exchanged not with outlanders, but between the peasants and the servants of the Burgomaster.

The day is remembered as the 778 Vallaki Riots.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 11:29:58 PM by Look Man »

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #263 on: January 03, 2023, 11:08:40 PM »
Spoiler: show

As night takes the sky a brightly dressed Morninglordian is seen working on a small shrine in the graveyard of the Coming Dawn Sanctuary. Upon a small wooden table is a series of dimly light wax candles surrounding a golden statue of the Morninglord. Golden Asters lay around the base of the statue and a neatly written parchment joins it. The writing is Balok and it says the following;

O Dawnfather, support these souls as they greet you in the light. May they find rest now and their woes be no more.

The people of Barovia suffer, their pain and suffering does not go unheard of

Though they could not see it through let us pray others may see the dawn that will come.

Those who lost their lives on the 3rd Day of the First Month of 778's shall not be left unheard. Their pain was heard.

Let them rest now with you now, Morninglord. Let their woes be no more and peace take them.
"Morninglord?" - Martyn Pelkar

DM Indolence

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #264 on: January 05, 2023, 09:36:21 PM »
Shortly before dawn, horsemen clad in mail and steel and wearing the heraldry of the Von Zarovich line depart the western gates of Vallaki, dragging behind them a grizzly haul of bloodied sacks, the broken bodies within outlined and visible by the light of the moon. After an hour's work, the corpses of near a score of Vallaki's residents hang in the trees of the Crossroads. Nailed to the tree is a warning.


Your LORD suffers not incursions against his RULE, nor those he appoints to keep it. Mark the names and faces of TRAITORS. There are worms and branches aplenty for those who would join them.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 09:38:53 PM by DM Indolence »
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #265 on: January 07, 2023, 03:00:52 AM »

As the day carried on with the early morning hour passing by through everything else to the usual downtrodden affairs of the peasantry, a courer is seen thundering out from the gates of Vallaki to Watcher Lands, riding a chestnut stallion to speed him along towards his task. It was short and brief, he rode on past without any address and kept to his route.

In other rumor, a band of Gundarkites have set up a dangerous encampment and dug themselves bordering the lands of Vallaki and Wachter. It seems the days are about to darken ahead, as word has passed by that the Garda are being mobilized on their side.  It would appear a conflict will be inevitable soon enough for a bloody end.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #266 on: January 07, 2023, 09:19:13 PM »

As the day carried on with the early morning hour passing by through everything else to the usual downtrodden affairs of the peasantry, a courer is seen thundering out from the gates of Vallaki to Watcher Lands, riding a chestnut stallion to speed him along towards his task. It was short and brief, he rode on past without any address and kept to his route.

In other rumor, a band of Gundarkites have set up a dangerous encampment and dug themselves bordering the lands of Vallaki and Wachter. It seems the days are about to darken ahead, as word has passed by that the Garda are being mobilized on their side.  It would appear a conflict will be inevitable soon enough for a bloody end.

Following into the next morning, drills and training were pressed hard at hand to get the Garda ready for their march. They were mobilized and then equipped to the teeth to deal with the threat, after using extended warfare tactics the gate was busted down and eventually the Gundarakites were pressed to desperate measures. They would not surrender, they pressed into attack and a clash between Vallaki Garda and Rebels would ensue with battle. It was a bloody conflict that found end with the Rebel detachment stationed along the forward. There was just bodies now for the Noapte and wildlife to take and feed from, the leftovers from the remnants scattered and no doubt vowing to eventually returning again one day.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #267 on: January 08, 2023, 07:47:14 PM »
The following morning the Vallaki Garda are observed grimly staking the head of a man before the western gates of the grey city.
It once belonged to a man of native coloring, though in time even that will be but a memory of who he had been.
No longer a name, no longer a face, but a lesson for all gruesomely displayed...


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #268 on: January 11, 2023, 03:59:54 PM »
A garda nails notices to the door of the Morninglord Temple, and another at the sign near the graveyard, both saying much the same thing:

To Your Leadership,

Let it be known that a representative from your organization has been summoned to appear at the Burgomaster’s Court help January 14th, 778.

At least one person with the authority to speak for you all is required to attend by order of the Burgomaster.

Let this serve as due notification.

Private Ecaterina Zamfir,
On behalf of the Vallaki Garda
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 04:01:39 PM by Agony »

Sithican Salt Mink

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #269 on: January 16, 2023, 03:36:41 AM »
Shieks of inhuman rage and sorrow echo through the dark of the night. Battlecries mingled with the sound of combat drift over the walls of Vallaki, as outlander steel clashes against rotting flesh and seething shadow. Defying both the curfew and the howling shades, a clanking cadre of a dozen armoured warriors sally forth from the Sanctuary of the Coming Dawn to face the onslaught. In the morning, wilted grass is left strewn with blood and viscera, slowly soaking away into the dirt in the morning rain ...

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #270 on: January 20, 2023, 09:41:49 PM »
[The western outskirts of Vallaki were filled with the horrifying wails of rage and agony, as a cadre of guards were seen executing the former Guardsman, Cosmin Barledeanu, by staking. The corpse was left on the stake, a grim reminder of the fate of traitors.]
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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #271 on: January 26, 2023, 08:12:50 PM »
a flyer was pinned to the notice board (placed in game)


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #272 on: January 31, 2023, 09:15:07 AM »
A party descends into the lower crypts near the outskirts, for the better part of the day.  Once, a man emerges with the badly-maimed corpse of a darkon woman, and it is raised by the generosity of another ... only for them to descend again.  Filled with worry .. a second party musters to see what went on ... and both first and second parties returns to the outskirts temple just as the sun sets ... the first looking utterly battered, bloodied, and weary.
Nicole du Claire - Richemulotoise noble duelist

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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #273 on: February 02, 2023, 05:03:26 PM »
A bloody altercation takes place earlier this day between several garda and an axe wielding caliban wearing a boar helmet just infront of the city's western gates.

The garda are struck down and the lifeless body of one of them is taken away.


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Re: Vallaki - Western Outskirts
« Reply #274 on: February 03, 2023, 02:23:48 PM »
[A tall, fair elven woman with long black hair pulled into an elegant up do, wearing a fine looking blue gown, is seen setting a notice by the tree by the Lady's Rest, before stepping into said inn without so much as a word.]

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Lady Ellavyra
Mi'zzerrah Rilyn'qai