Author Topic: Item Request Discussion Thread v2  (Read 126612 times)


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #375 on: June 24, 2022, 02:52:57 AM »
Very much in favour, it's these kinds of small quality of life things that there should be more of. AMPCs need all the help they can get.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #376 on: June 24, 2022, 03:24:06 AM »
Echoing the above. It would be good quality of life for the monstrous player with little to no downside.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #377 on: June 24, 2022, 03:33:23 AM »
I think this A/MPC tool is a great idea and there should be little reason to fear exploiting this more then other APMC privileges.
The item can also get the not-tradeable flag to make sure it wont fall into the wrong hands.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #378 on: June 24, 2022, 04:26:34 AM »
A/MPC resurrection tool good


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #379 on: August 09, 2022, 09:50:52 PM »
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Item Name: Staff of the Diabolist

Item Type: Magic Staff

Description: These staves are known for their connection to an devil worshipping cult that once surfaced in Port-a-Lucine in 740 BC, during the Grand Conjunction.  It was said that cultists would go to unsuspecting aristocrats and barter life and soul on behalf of their patron, seeking the most desperate among them.  These staves bestowed great infernal powers to those who wielded them, with unholy bargains often being struck to save their loved ones from death.  Though such a contract had a terrible cost: those cultists who would take these weapons would not go on to live more than six months.  Ironically, through these staves they found the power to save the anyone they cared about, but not themselves.

It is said that after the Grand Conjunction, the connection these weapons had to their infernal hosts was severed and only a remnant of the power remained.

Bonus Feat: Epic Weapon Focus (ranged touch spell attack)
Decreased Saving Throws: Death -2
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock


Cost: 5199

Clever way to get an item that has +1 ab with edlritch blast.

It's useful at all stages for warlock, but it's not so good that it would be "required."

Nice item!
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #380 on: August 11, 2022, 12:50:33 AM »
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Item Name: Staff of the Diabolist

Item Type: Magic Staff

Description: These staves are known for their connection to an devil worshipping cult that once surfaced in Port-a-Lucine in 740 BC, during the Grand Conjunction.  It was said that cultists would go to unsuspecting aristocrats and barter life and soul on behalf of their patron, seeking the most desperate among them.  These staves bestowed great infernal powers to those who wielded them, with unholy bargains often being struck to save their loved ones from death.  Though such a contract had a terrible cost: those cultists who would take these weapons would not go on to live more than six months.  Ironically, through these staves they found the power to save the anyone they cared about, but not themselves.

It is said that after the Grand Conjunction, the connection these weapons had to their infernal hosts was severed and only a remnant of the power remained.

Bonus Feat: Epic Weapon Focus (ranged touch spell attack)
Decreased Saving Throws: Death -2
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock


Cost: 5199

Clever way to get an item that has +1 ab with edlritch blast.

It's useful at all stages for warlock, but it's not so good that it would be "required."

Nice item!

Yeah.  I believe Epic Weapon Focuses are supposed to stack alongside other feats, so this makes it so that Weapon Focus: Ranged Touch Spell Attack is still useful as a feat and does not diminish its place.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #381 on: August 23, 2022, 07:44:07 AM »
I dont know if this is the right place to write, but there are two ineffective items id suggest to modify.

The Varaji of the Lost Hero gives Bear Endurance but it is worth 1GP, no matter how high the appraise

The Hat of Anonimity is a cloak, which makes comparing existing items a tad complicated and use it on top of a hood, but without a cape.

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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #382 on: August 23, 2022, 08:08:55 AM »
It is indeed not the right place. Open new threads when uncertain.

But to answer you, warajis were light tie-on sandals, made from (usually straw) ropemaking fibers, that were the standard footwear of the common people in Japan. They would never particularly look comfortable nor valuable, hence the price value.

The Hat of Anonymity is a game engine limitation. Though I don't like its current setup anymore than you. I'll see what can be done but make no promises.

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Barovian arming sword
« Reply #383 on: November 04, 2022, 09:51:01 AM »
Would be a nice idea to try and unify standard Garda gear 😊

Idea is - longsword type, one handed grip and tapered point.

Maybe iron quality item with +2 bludgeoning, and 6 weight?

(Idea is heavier and at best medium quality sword)

Since all the Garda NPCs use one hander/large shield I figured would be a nice idea to introduce the arming sword historical concept.



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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #384 on: November 08, 2022, 03:33:58 PM »
-Item name: A Hunter's Guide to Fey
Favored Enemy being a class restricted skill, it should not be added on an item. Remember always that even though you put a class limitation on the item, every characters with a high enough UMD will be able to use said item. Giving access to class restricted abilities reduces the uniqueness of said class and is to be avoided.
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1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia

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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #385 on: December 06, 2022, 05:01:35 PM »

Similar to the previous answer, class restricted skill. There is also a similar book IG, excerpts from a famous monster hunter that gives a +4 lore bonus without the hassle, so it will likely be passed over entirely in loots.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #386 on: December 06, 2022, 06:27:13 PM »

Similar to the previous answer, class restricted skill. There is also a similar book IG, excerpts from a famous monster hunter that gives a +4 lore bonus without the hassle, so it will likely be passed over entirely in loots.

Allow me to explain the thoughts on this. First of all, the feat will do very little to aid any class that uses the book via UMD. It will be a +1 bonus to damage, spot, listen and antagonize against the specific favored enemy at most. Additionally, it would do little to aid a ranger multiclass because they would have to keep the book equipped and use it as a weapon for those bonuses.

What it will do is provide a boost unique to Monster Hunters as they can equip these books and apply Studied Foe in order to gain the Studied Foe bonus for an enemy that they had not been able to include in their build. This aids in the image of the Monster Hunter as a scholar because they will want to carry around books to help round out their knowledge and it will help provide power to a class that most seem to believe lacks power. Because this can be such a powerful bonus, I am limiting these books to enemy types that are reasonably rare within the space of the server and mostly keeping away from any creature type that PCs can acquire. Keeping the items as a book prevents Monster Hunters from equipping two of such items and getting the bonus against multiple enemies.

Finally, there already is precedent for favored enemy on an item within the module. And it is the whole reason I know this would work as I've already tested it.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #387 on: December 06, 2022, 06:37:12 PM »
The idea of FE weapons is interesting to me but I can understand why the dev team is apprehensive about adding more. Weapons which grant AC vs. certain types of enemies that only MH can wear could be the path forward. That could be a really useful precursor to an enchanted weapon, or fending off MPCs of the appropriate type without having the support of a mage.

But I don't think we're going to see more +2, +3, or +4 weapons added and convincing the dev team to add more feat-granting items could be a wild goose chase.

There are a few conventions I'm not really into, like books being used for combat. Spell slots is one thing, but it looks weird on the clash. The idea that your character would have the book open and continually glancing at it is just too much for me. I would rather you are wielding some kind of talisman or something that grants you divine knowledge of an enemy's weaknesses or something.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #388 on: December 06, 2022, 06:57:36 PM »
The idea of FE weapons is interesting to me but I can understand why the dev team is apprehensive about adding more. Weapons which grant AC vs. certain types of enemies that only MH can wear could be the path forward. That could be a really useful precursor to an enchanted weapon, or fending off MPCs of the appropriate type without having the support of a mage.

But I don't think we're going to see more +2, +3, or +4 weapons added and convincing the dev team to add more feat-granting items could be a wild goose chase.

There are a few conventions I'm not really into, like books being used for combat. Spell slots is one thing, but it looks weird on the clash. The idea that your character would have the book open and continually glancing at it is just too much for me. I would rather you are wielding some kind of talisman or something that grants you divine knowledge of an enemy's weaknesses or something.

Okay, a couple things to address here. First, AC on weapons provide deflection AC, which is one of the most common AC variants around. It can be found on items that go on the head slot, cloak slot and the hand slot. Of all the AC bonuses available, it is the one that is most widely available and least likely to need a buff. The book coupled with Studied Foe does provide an AC bonus that scales with the level of the Monster Hunter class. From +1 at level 2 up to +5 at level 10. But it isn't deflection, it is either Dodge or Other because it seems to stack with everything.

Second, the books don't need to be used in combat. Studied Foe is a bonus that is applied like a spell and persists so a character would take out the book, apply Studied Foe and swap to their preferred weapon(s). No book bapping required as humorous as it might be. Think of the item less as a weapon and more as a tool that is taken out only to perform a specific task, kind of like the wizard's spellcasting book.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #389 on: December 06, 2022, 07:13:59 PM »
I understand that, but being able to forego a shield/faith spell, or wear head/cloak/rings that provide something else is a boon, not a drawback.

I like an FE weapon more than a simple deflection AC vs. enemy type weapon though, for sure - it's more versatile and of course MHs need that.

But, with that said, now that you mention it, I was thinking of it like favored enemy and was confused. Is it just because of how MH interacts with FE that it gets to use Studied Foe? Do they have to rest to 'enable' the feat, like turning classes do for extra turning items? Either way, that's a lot better than having to hold it out for combat.

edit: This is kind of a tangent but I just feel weird about studied foe in general. I really just think it's so strange that it lasts such a short time. They do all this in-depth study, seeking forbidden lore, probably performing their scholarly training in a ritualistic way (given this class is not a mundane one), to the point of gaining a prestige class, and they get this buff that is very short-lived. It seems cheap to give MHs a "free" extra studied foe by acquiring these books. But then, it lasts such a short time anyway, that it can hardly be called the class's main feature. If it lasted a really long time I would understand, taking a glance at a book with a one-round action to gain the benefit would be kind of cheap. If only it worked like spells where using it off the book meant you had the shorter duration and using your main Studied Foe was better.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2022, 07:21:37 PM by SardineTheAncestor »
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #390 on: March 16, 2023, 09:59:00 AM »
Honestly not sure that is the best idea for a Main-Gauche, but I really wish there is one we can use at higher levels. The Masterwork/Dementlieuse main-gauches have some use early, but with the penalty for dual wielding they are soon swapped out. The reason I did not simply add more parry, is that I wanted this to be useful at higher levels where some might not need more parry.

I had difficulties with the costs of this, I would have liked it to be even better. Right now my character could use it to gain +1 AC, but as soon as Shield is cast or any such, it will have to be swapped out again. My point being, there deserves to be a good main gauche.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #391 on: March 16, 2023, 08:34:33 PM »
Honestly not sure that is the best idea for a Main-Gauche, but I really wish there is one we can use at higher levels. The Masterwork/Dementlieuse main-gauches have some use early, but with the penalty for dual wielding they are soon swapped out. The reason I did not simply add more parry, is that I wanted this to be useful at higher levels where some might not need more parry.

I had difficulties with the costs of this, I would have liked it to be even better. Right now my character could use it to gain +1 AC, but as soon as Shield is cast or any such, it will have to be swapped out again. My point being, there deserves to be a good main gauche.

If you mean levels 14+ for higher levels, I'd actually suggest using parry. There are a lot of options for getting deflection AC at higher levels either through buffs or enchanted gear. Perhaps if it gave a +5 parry bonus equivalent to a Midnighter's Cape, it would find its place.

This would only give it a +1 AC bonus but it would provide a much larger bonus to parry mode if that was something the player was interested in using.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #392 on: July 17, 2023, 01:38:05 PM »
Item Name: Hollowed Book (Able to be altered via quill)

An interesting idea although not one readily possible at this time. This would require a bit of tinkering and a HAK update to make it possible. But this come with two huge problems.

1) On the mechanical side, this would require that we create a significant amount of book/container items so that there may be enough variety not to be able to quickly identify by sight which books are used to hide comprometting papers. Given the game engine limitations, it is best not to bloat the palette with multiple copies of a same item.

2) Right clicking on a book would show outright if it is a container or not, and thus likely single you out quicker than if you just handed current containers with claims to a garda/gendarme to do the search himself. So given we'd not add a lot of those books, my money is on the fact that if the garda/gendarme has a lot of other persons to process, is short on time, or only wish to do perfunctory searches, that the regular containers are better to avoid suspicions.

Item Name:
Stygian Knot

Granting class exclusive feats on items is best avoided. A player should invest in the feat to get its benefit.

Item Name:
Book of Utter Dark Secrets

I absolutely love the concept of forbidden lore books, but were not going anymore for items that have that many penalties on them to offset the benefits. Not to mention they'd be pointless on this item as the book would be unequipped as soon as the spells are cast, and not picked back unless there is a need for a lore check. True seeing and ultravision both being readily available through herbalism also makes this item utterly not necessary.

Item Name:
Cursed Loop of the Imp Archivist

Lots of issues with this.
1) As I often remarked in the past, the creation of the Staff of Scientific Wizardry is what I deem my biggest mistake where the addition of items is concerned. I seriously underestimated the feat's might when I added that one and I still believe it should be removed from the game entirely. You can bet that I will not repeat it by adding a new item with it. The fact that warlocks can also use the staff themselves further proves they do not require this item.

Note, if another DEV wishes to add items with Epic Feats that will be their prerogative, I do not block the addition of items, but I would strongly recommend against it.

2) At 2813 gp cost value this would drop WAY too often. Items with epic feats should be in the 7500 to 8000 gp value range and be as rare as a Roc teeth.

3) As stated in our guidelines to suggest items, ability score decreases are to be avoided.

4) We do not go for items with -8 skill penalties anymore.

Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #393 on: July 18, 2023, 01:15:24 AM »
Item Name: Hollowed Book (Able to be altered via quill)

An interesting idea although not one readily possible at this time. This would require a bit of tinkering and a HAK update to make it possible. But this come with two huge problems.

1) On the mechanical side, this would require that we create a significant amount of book/container items so that there may be enough variety not to be able to quickly identify by sight which books are used to hide comprometting papers. Given the game engine limitations, it is best not to bloat the palette with multiple copies of a same item.

2) Right clicking on a book would show outright if it is a container or not, and thus likely single you out quicker than if you just handed current containers with claims to a garda/gendarme to do the search himself. So given we'd not add a lot of those books, my money is on the fact that if the garda/gendarme has a lot of other persons to process, is short on time, or only wish to do perfunctory searches, that the regular containers are better to avoid suspicions.

I'm obviously not well-acquainted with how the PotM editable books/pages system works, but I assume that the combination of it being a container and being editable is the issue RE; tinkering/HAK update? Or does NWN just refuse to allow you to assign container properties to item appearances outside of a static list?

To point one; I'd say ten books is probably overshooting in terms of cluttering the module palette more; three books with the most commonly seen icons would be enough. Maybe make one be that 'personal journal' item as well. There's a fair few books within the module that use the same icon, players so inclined could just edit the name/description to be a 1:1 copy of the real thing in an attempt to obscure what it actually is.

To point two; I'm aware of this limitation of the engine and it is quite true that people can metagame the nature of the item by just right clicking it and scrolling to the bottom to see if it's typed as a book instead of a container. I still think the idea has merits, as I prefer to assume people will not default to metagaming when the opportunity is present.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #394 on: July 18, 2023, 05:33:28 AM »
Item Name:
Stygian Knot
Granting class exclusive feats on items is best avoided. A player should invest in the feat to get its benefit.

Fair enough, although there is a number of items that give class restricted feats. I also see this as not much different from spell focus, which is available for most any school of magic on a multitude of magic items. A character that wants to specialize in DC invocations would have the option to gain greater invocation focus, making the Stygian Knot only interesting to warlocks who want to dabble in it, similar to a Staff of the Apprentice Evoker for example.

Item Name:
Book of Utter Dark Secrets

I absolutely love the concept of forbidden lore books, but were not going anymore for items that have that many penalties on them to offset the benefits. Not to mention they'd be pointless on this item as the book would be unequipped as soon as the spells are cast, and not picked back unless there is a need for a lore check. True seeing and ultravision both being readily available through herbalism also makes this item utterly not necessary.

Maybe i will think about a series of tomes for warlocks, that have more combat oriented spell charges, making downsides more relevant. Or maybe just less powerful in general, with less downsides, which is a tricky think to balance. First and formost i want to create items that people enjoy using and not just land at the next Vistani merchant every time. I would love for them to have a small chance to apply an adverse effect on the user (like blind or confusion) on use, that would make such a book interesting to use both in and out of dangerous scenarios. But that would probably not be feasible within the limits of item creation.

Item Name:
Cursed Loop of the Imp Archivist

Lots of issues with this.
1) As I often remarked in the past, the creation of the Staff of Scientific Wizardry is what I deem my biggest mistake where the addition of items is concerned. I seriously underestimated the feat's might when I added that one and I still believe it should be removed from the game entirely. You can bet that I will not repeat it by adding a new item with it. The fact that warlocks can also use the staff themselves further proves they do not require this item.

Note, if another DEV wishes to add items with Epic Feats that will be their prerogative, I do not block the addition of items, but I would strongly recommend against it.

2) At 2813 gp cost value this would drop WAY too often. Items with epic feats should be in the 7500 to 8000 gp value range and be as rare as a Roc teeth.

3) As stated in our guidelines to suggest items, ability score decreases are to be avoided.

4) We do not go for items with -8 skill penalties anymore.

1) I do understand your concern with the feat, given you created the staff that first implemented it. But at this point auto quicken spell I it is already available, adding another item that provides it will not change anything at the availability of the feat, given an equal rarity of the items (which i would address). Warmages and Sorcerers have their own version of it, even though it is arguably less important from them then Warlocks. It feels very odd that Warlocks are so reliant on the items of another class.

2) The item value might be to low, i am not very experienced at judging this. But i did want to create an item with a significant downside, afaik the value could still be adjusted to make it rarer. If i was aiming for your suggested 7500-8000 range the item would have no downsides at all, which is unreasonable for the power it grants.

3) I was looking for a penalty to makes sense for the item lore, a physical penalty. In earlier drafts i played around with -AC, -Reflex ... but those did not seem severe enough and easily outdone by the warlocks toolkit. -Str is a significant downside for any class, for the reduction in carrying capacity alone. Most warlocks do not rely on str in combat, but one thing that makes them very powerful is UMD (just like any class that has access to the skill). How much mileage you can get out of UMD is greatly determined by how many magic items/scrolls/gear sets you can lug around. There for the Str penalty, seems like a worthy trade off. Ideally i would put something like -15% movementspeed or chance to cast slow on self when it, but those are not really technically feasible, to my knowledge.

4) Fair enough this could be adjusted to a more reasonable number, to increase the items rarity. I would not want to see it gone entirely however, to counterbalance the fact the rings gives +2 sleight of hand as well. Setting the discipline penalty to around -4 would give it 1000gp more value then the warmage chains, which is probably a reasonable comparison.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #395 on: July 18, 2023, 07:50:07 AM »
I'm obviously not well-acquainted with how the PotM editable books/pages system works, but I assume that the combination of it being a container and being editable is the issue RE; tinkering/HAK update? Or does NWN just refuse to allow you to assign container properties to item appearances outside of a static list?

To contain items an item must be a container, irrespective of other qualities, this is an engine limitation... however...

To point two; I'm aware of this limitation of the engine and it is quite true that people can metagame the nature of the item by just right clicking it and scrolling to the bottom to see if it's typed as a book instead of a container. I still think the idea has merits, as I prefer to assume people will not default to metagaming when the opportunity is present.

People can always metagame.  In fact, some people frequently metagame, in ways big and small.  This shouldn't be a reason to deny a cool idea.

To point one; I'd say ten books is probably overshooting in terms of cluttering the module palette more; three books with the most commonly seen icons would be enough. Maybe make one be that 'personal journal' item as well. There's a fair few books within the module that use the same icon, players so inclined could just edit the name/description to be a 1:1 copy of the real thing in an attempt to obscure what it actually is.

Given how much they say crafting bloats out the module this is small fries.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #396 on: July 27, 2023, 08:49:12 AM »
Item name: Experimental Lamordian Revolver


Statistics: -2 AB, Quality: Unknown  ((OOC note: that's the worst one, with 33% misfire chance)), Feats: Gearling's Superposed Loading Technique, Delven's Maneuver

I know that slapping the two gun reload feats on a flintlock is going to be hugely controversial, but let me ask you this: when else can you possibly justify putting the Unknown Quality on a flintlock and at least have it be interesting? ;P With -2 AB and the Unknown Quality, this pistol will still be effectively unusable in any serious build; even BPAs with cleaning kits will only lower the misfire chance to 30%, or 15% with Careful Handling, if I understand it correctly. So this pistol will only be useable by people willing to quaff endless quantities of Lesser Restoration and Healing potions/Elemental Resistance spells to negate the backfires, which would be very expensive both in terms of gold pieces and action economy.

It's mostly offered as: (a) an amusing gimmick (b) a way for people who don't have builds to take the gun reload feats to play around with them a bit, at a very painful cost.

As to whether it fits the time period: it does.

Oh, and the nickname "Whirling Cavalcade of Death" is a wink to Warhammer Fantasy (see )
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 09:16:58 AM by Madame Trousers Son »
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #397 on: July 27, 2023, 09:51:46 AM »
Item name: Experimental Lamordian Revolver


Statistics: -2 AB, Quality: Unknown  ((OOC note: that's the worst one, with 33% misfire chance)), Feats: Gearling's Superposed Loading Technique, Delven's Maneuver

I know that slapping the two gun reload feats on a flintlock is going to be hugely controversial, but let me ask you this: when else can you possibly justify putting the Unknown Quality on a flintlock and at least have it be interesting? ;P With -2 AB and the Unknown Quality, this pistol will still be effectively unusable in any serious build; even BPAs with cleaning kits will only lower the misfire chance to 30%, or 15% with Careful Handling, if I understand it correctly. So this pistol will only be useable by people willing to quaff endless quantities of Lesser Restoration and Healing potions/Elemental Resistance spells to negate the backfires, which would be very expensive both in terms of gold pieces and action economy.

It's mostly offered as: (a) an amusing gimmick (b) a way for people who don't have builds to take the gun reload feats to play around with them a bit, at a very painful cost.

As to whether it fits the time period: it does.

Oh, and the nickname "Whirling Cavalcade of Death" is a wink to Warhammer Fantasy (see )

Just a counter point: afaik, you can dual wield pistols. I could equip two and use only the good one.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #398 on: July 27, 2023, 09:54:04 AM »
Just a counter point: afaik, you can dual wield pistols. I could equip two and use only the good one.

Well, you can't equip two and only fire one AFAIK. You'd have to fire both. But I see your point. I guess it has to be Flintlock Musket to stop that potential exploit. I'll change the original item description.
"The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs."

 - Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #399 on: November 18, 2023, 05:58:47 PM »
Item Name: Homeloaf Maul
Item Type: Warhammer
Description of the item: In certain smaller dwarven holds of Toril, it's common practice for one's mother to forge their son a "Homeloaf"; a square-shaped brick of varying components, most often stone and semiprecious gems of their homeland together with the hold's favored alloys and metals. Each hold and every family tends to have their own "recipe" with the ingredients varying wildly, but one commonality is that each holds a pinch of residuum - a distilled magic powder, left behind whenever a magic item is disenchanted - and familiar spices that hold a mild scent long after forging. To finish each loaf, a short message in a precious metal - commonly gold or silver - is inscribed in runic letters.

It is the weight of the loaf, tradition states, that reminds the journeying dwarf of home and their duty to their family's honor even when trekking in lands unknown. In times of war, it's common practice for warriors leaving home to also be forged loaves by their families, and considering how sturdy the results are - they often find themselves fitted onto the business ends of their warhammers.

The weight makes it all but unwieldable by any race other than dwarves, but to them the familiar scent and girth brings a joy to the heart in the darkest of nights.

-1 Attack
1d4 Blunt Damage
Saving Throw Bonus: Will +1
Use Limitation: Race: Dwarf
Weight Increase 5lbs

Appearance: TBA

Cost: TBA [Average on a bit higher than regular magic warhammers? 2200+?]

Material: Obsidian, Steel, Silver

Just so you know, the cost is not an arbitrary value, it is the cost value returned by the game engine when you create the item through the toolset. It will give it to you in the first tab of the item's properties.

On the item itself, while I like the background surrounding it, I do not see this warhammer getting much use. The +1 Will save is not enough to overcome the fact that it is less likely to hit and deals less damage than a regular crafted steel warhammer. Will saves are easily obtainable through other items as well.
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia