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Author Topic: Item Request Discussion Thread v2  (Read 126610 times)


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #350 on: March 25, 2022, 10:12:13 PM »
I have a request that is nothing special, just very practical:  I love the new crafters bags -- along the same vein, is there a way to have "garment bags"?  As in a special crafters bag for storing large amounts of crafted clothing?  If you are hypothetically trying to make a bunch of suits and dresses for say, a Red Vardo Fashion Show coming up (hypothetically), then it would be nice to have a way to portably carry all of it without hogging up an irrational amount of inventory space.

A gentle remender that this thread is to discuss items submitted in, and following the rules, of the Item Request Thread . But I will answer you.

There is more than sufficient space enough with 6 pages of inventory and the ridiculous amount of magic bags one can carry already. The crafter's bags and supply bundles are there to alleviate the burden of craters as they need to gather large quantities of resources to craft.

More importantly, I would have to modify all the scripts and add unique variables to cover each of the 3876 different items that can be made with the new tailoring. And possibly add a copy of each items in the Palette (something I'm not even sure the module could support). You can also bet that if it's done for tailoring it will be requested for other crafts as well, and the amount of work would explode exponantially. An even surer bet is to count on me giving up all this scripting nightmare before it even started.
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia

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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #351 on: March 25, 2022, 11:58:13 PM »
You had me at "no" MAB

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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #352 on: March 26, 2022, 12:13:12 AM »
Well... Yes, but I like to give complements of information.  :lol:
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #353 on: March 28, 2022, 10:35:05 AM »
Item name: Wahigasa

I like that you took the time to reference a Ravenloft domain in your item. Increasing in-game lore about the setting is always good. I'm not keen on weapons that do not look like weapons. I do not think it adds anything positive to immersion. That would be reason enough to stay away from it, but there are 2 other issues with your item. One is the fact that craftable clubs can already reach higher damage outputs. Secondly that the bonus AC on weapon will simply not stack with any other type of deflection AC bonus you may already have from other items (presumable from cloaks, boots or helms) or spells. The AC bonus would just be redundant and ineffectual most of the time. Combined this makes an item that will be less useful than a crafted club, with the sole difference that you also get a -1 to reflex. It would at the very least require a kind of bonus you would not have otherwise.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #354 on: May 21, 2022, 07:10:45 PM »
I love that we have male and female crafting dummies so people can design clothes for literally anyone. Would it be possible to sell an item in tailoring shops that allows you to equip ALL classes of armor? Give it so many negatives that it's utterly useless for anything other then equipping items to tailor them. Second time this week I've been designing clothes for someone, and I can't equip it to do so.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #355 on: May 21, 2022, 07:27:45 PM »
I love that we have male and female crafting dummies so people can design clothes for literally anyone. Would it be possible to sell an item in tailoring shops that allows you to equip ALL classes of armor? Give it so many negatives that it's utterly useless for anything other then equipping items to tailor them. Second time this week I've been designing clothes for someone, and I can't equip it to do so.

Gloves of the Clothier

Special Properties:
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Light)
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Decreased AC: AC Armor Modifier -5
Decreased AC: AC Dodge Bonus -5
Decreased AC: AC Deflection Bonus -5

Though the problem with this is that someone could equip these, equip armour, and then remove the gloves. I don't know if there's a workaround for that.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #356 on: May 23, 2022, 07:59:48 AM »
i suck at thinking of item stats.

anyone willing to suggest clerical items please post them.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #357 on: May 29, 2022, 09:32:52 AM »
To EarlofEtheria, about your Eyes of Garyx.

When submitting an item, I would suggest that you make it as inclusive as possible. A Garyx themed item is obvioulsy about dragons, but it doesn't mean it has to be restricted to dragon disciples.

There is staggering number of 8 malus properties on your item (some of which the guidelines clearly suggest you keep away from), plus 3 use limitation restrictions on your item. I get it that the idea is to lower the cost of the item, but that is too much. Nowadays we try too keep away from such items. You should tone down both the bonuses and maluses instead.

While I do like the idea of items that could only be used by a given alignment and its opposite (a series of items could be devised around that theme), I find greater issues in restricting said item to a class that absolutely does not need help. I would suggest you instead focus on weaker classes such as grimetrekkers or monster hunter.

Thematically the powers do not make much sense either. Garyx is a dragon deity of fire and destruction caring little for his followers. It's on these themes the item should revolve around. Magic and divine damage, or even just bonus spell slots are off the mark here. Perhaps you should consider an item dedicated to Kereska, a draconic goddess of magic instead.

Do note. Work has been done very recently to make sure that all casting classes have a fair amount of spell slot items in the treasuries. Sorcerers certainly do not need more and it is highly unlikely we'll add more. But if you still feel like suggesting one anyway, my advice is to put it on an item type that will force a sorcerer to make a choice. For instance, if an amulet already exists that gives a level 4 spell slot, make an amulet that also gives a level 4 spell slot but with different accompanying bonuses. This way you give customization options to players without adding to the powercreep of mid/high level casters.

Also, keep the bonus spell slot to lower levels. I would not exceed 5th level personally, and that is stretching the limit already (but that's just a personal opinion, don't read that as the official DEV stance).
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #358 on: May 29, 2022, 02:02:56 PM »
I love that we have male and female crafting dummies so people can design clothes for literally anyone. Would it be possible to sell an item in tailoring shops that allows you to equip ALL classes of armor? Give it so many negatives that it's utterly useless for anything other then equipping items to tailor them. Second time this week I've been designing clothes for someone, and I can't equip it to do so.

Gloves of the Clothier

Special Properties:
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Light)
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Decreased AC: AC Armor Modifier -5
Decreased AC: AC Dodge Bonus -5
Decreased AC: AC Deflection Bonus -5

Though the problem with this is that someone could equip these, equip armour, and then remove the gloves. I don't know if there's a workaround for that.

Feels like this sort of item could be created in the toolset, and given to a PC that requests it, to allow tailoring RP without exploitation (or at least, with exploitation that is a clear and obvious breach of what you agreed to by requesting it)

Have you turned on LFRP today?


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #359 on: May 29, 2022, 02:39:17 PM »
Feels like this sort of item could be created in the toolset, and given to a PC that requests it, to allow tailoring RP without exploitation (or at least, with exploitation that is a clear and obvious breach of what you agreed to by requesting it)

No. This item as it is remains too easily exploitable. Nor is it desirable to add any kind of items requiring DM oversight. They have enough on their plate.
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #360 on: May 29, 2022, 02:45:30 PM »
To EarlofEtheria, about your Eyes of Garyx.

When submitting an item, I would suggest that you make it as inclusive as possible. A Garyx themed item is obvioulsy about dragons, but it doesn't mean it has to be restricted to dragon disciples.

In this case, restricting the sickle to Dragon Disciples kept it out of the hands of full Sorcerers who frankly do not need an item this powerful. Druids, Clerics, and Favoured Souls could be added to to the list, or really all classes except Sorcerer and Pale Master. To avoid bloat Dragon Disciple was the listed restricted class.

There is staggering number of 8 malus properties on your item (some of which the guidelines clearly suggest you keep away from), plus 3 use limitation restrictions on your item. I get it that the idea is to lower the cost of the item, but that is too much. Nowadays we try too keep away from such items. You should tone down both the bonuses and maluses instead.

Dragon Disciples who remain dual classed Sorcerers sacrifice a lot , losing out on 8th and 9th level spells (or even 6th and 7th), and a far slower progression of magic. The design could be trimmed down to only a weapon or only a caster's aid, though I worry if it will be desired enough as a weapon (being a sickle). Dragon Disciples gain martial bonuses which makes the former important to the archetype. I admit that the maluses stacked up when adding those spell slots in an effort to maintain desirability, while trying to keep the idea of an regal and unwieldly mantlepiece (that players would still want to fight with, even with a -2 to hit and damage). With how the item's last paragraph is written, they don't need to be gold and stone at all, something to consider.

While I do like the idea of items that could only be used by a given alignment and its opposite (a series of items could be devised around that theme), I find greater issues in restricting said item to a class that absolutely does not need help. I would suggest you instead focus on weaker classes such as grimetrekkers or monster hunter.

The Eyes of Garyx were conceptualized for those who wanted to play as a Sorcerer Dragon Disciple, a PRC combination with no specific reward for going Sorcerer 10-15 (where sorcerers are supposed to be dominating the class' population, the minimum in sorcerer is often better taken and multiclassed if not ignored for Bard and Hexblade). If there was a Dragon Disciple restricted item, I believe it would benefit sorcerers.

Thematically the powers do not make much sense either. Garyx is a dragon deity of fire and destruction caring little for his followers. It's on these themes the item should revolve around. Magic and divine damage, or even just bonus spell slots are off the mark here. Perhaps you should consider an item dedicated to Kereska, a draconic goddess of magic instead.

Garyx is also worshipped by rogue Gold Dragons and Druids, believing in the Renewal (unsupported Domain) brought from fire's destruction, hence some duality or benevolence from their followers is plausible. I'll reconsider the damage types and theme, though the spell slots were certainly my vision behind this.

Do note. Work has been done very recently to make sure that all casting classes have a fair amount of spell slot items in the treasuries. Sorcerers certainly do not need more and it is highly unlikely we'll add more. But if you still feel like suggesting one anyway, my advice is to put it on an item type that will force a sorcerer to make a choice. For instance, if an amulet already exists that gives a level 4 spell slot, make an amulet that also gives a level 4 spell slot but with different accompanying bonuses. This way you give customization options to players without adding to the powercreep of mid/high level casters.

As described earlier, the choice to remain invested in Sorcerer as a Dragon Disciple is one often hard onto impossible to swallow with the lack of PRC spell progression. The high tier spell slots of the Eyes of Garyx only reward those who consciously maintain the Sorcerer class like 10 Sorcerer/10 Dragon Disciple over something like 9 Cleric/1 Sorcerer/10 Dragon Disciple.

Also, keep the bonus spell slot to lower levels. I would not exceed 5th level personally, and that is stretching the limit already (but that's just a personal opinion, don't read that as the official DEV stance).

I doubt it would be an issue, should it remain restricted to Dragon Disciples. Perhaps such a non-issue in that we may never see the spell slots utilized except by Sorcerer/Rogues?


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #361 on: May 29, 2022, 05:11:01 PM »
Edited my posting of the Eyes of Garyx, no spell slots, instead stored combust with changed damage typing. I'll use different lore for sorcerous items regarding Dragon Disciples.

Old Version for Reference
Spoiler: show

Item Name: Eyes of Garyx
Item Type: Sickle

Weighty mantle pieces of inset jewels and runaway gold filigree are coveted at large by avaricious collectors, posturing nobility and tigans alike. Fearful of her waning reputation, a decorative sickle was purchased in a fit of monomania by a crumbling Barovian Heiress. Acquisition now mounted overtop a hearth bereft of warmth, the lonely pied-a-terre of her adopted daughter reflected the neglect and abuse faced by the youthful girl kept locked within.

Isolated following the Heiress’ madness, this young adopted girl suffered alone through fits of fever whilst starvation encroached ere closer. Soon the symbol of her mother’s absence intruded throughout the youth’s waking dreams. Haunted by ruby and peridot reptilian eyes superimposed over etched golden flames, rebellion carried her towards the hollow fireplace. Weary, famished, her ailing muscles trembled as they lifted up the decorative sickle. Set upon by atrophy her grasp of its granite handle slipped, drawing innocent crimson blood into cursed recesses.

Heat, smoke and light emanated up and out from the chimney, carried further by burning timber which crashed onto the icy street. Minutes later the building collapsed. Once the last embers had been drowned by the freezing rain, townsfolk gathered to hoist aside the debris. The Barovian Heiress was pronounced dead, but bloodied and broken her adoptive daughter had managed to survive. Witnessing only a foreigner, an outlander, the mob congregated around the daughter’s decorative sickle, which gleamed without a single blemish.

Piecemeal, a new pyre was erected, the young girl bound up and helpless as strangers condemned her as a witch, deserving to be burned at the stake for murder and vraja. Since that time, the sickle has passed into antiquity, awaiting a worthier successor than she. Now, articles reminiscent of the tale have begun circulating into light, mysterious forces fashioning them anew stirred by their inscrutable motivations.

Attack and Damage Penalty -2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Sorcerer Level 5
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Sorcerer Level 6
Damage Bonus: Divine 1d6 Damage
Damage Bonus: Magical 2 Damage
Damage Vulnerability: Divine 100% Damage Vulnerability
Damage Vulnerability: Magical 100% Damage Vulnerability
Decreased Ability Score: Dexterity -2
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Reflex -1
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Will -2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Concentration -3
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline -3
Material Gem, Peridot
Material Gem, Ruby
Material Gold
Material Stone, Granite
Quality Polished
Skill Bonus: Influence +2
Use Limitation: Class: Dragon Disciple
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Lawful Good
Weight Increase 5 lbs.

Total Cost: 4158

Top: 4, 2
Middle: 1, 4
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #362 on: May 29, 2022, 05:40:29 PM »
Much better, but I would not give it "Claws of the savage". As appropriate it may be thematically, this is a druid only spell and care should be given in keeping class exclusive abilities as such. I furthermore question the value of that spell on a weapon given you'd have to unequip said item to benefit from the spell, and therefore entirely void any penalties on the item. Why piercing damage?
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #363 on: May 29, 2022, 05:48:30 PM »
Much better, but I would not give it "Claws of the savage". As appropriate it may be thematically, this is a druid only spell and care should be given in keeping class exclusive abilities as such. I furthermore question the value of that spell on a weapon given you'd have to unequip said item to benefit from the spell, and therefore entirely void any penalties on the item. Why piercing damage?

Claws of the savage is also in the voodan, cleric, blackguard and FS spell lists afaik.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #364 on: May 29, 2022, 05:55:21 PM »
Much better, but I would not give it "Claws of the savage". As appropriate it may be thematically, this is a druid only spell and care should be given in keeping class exclusive abilities as such. I furthermore question the value of that spell on a weapon given you'd have to unequip said item to benefit from the spell, and therefore entirely void any penalties on the item. Why piercing damage?

Given that the activation is Single Use, the weapon would be destroyed replacing it with a temporary bonus (conveniently 'unequipping' it for you). There are also misc items which cast Claws of the Savage in the loot pool, so I don't think it's too far of a step to permit what's on theme. A sliver of Piercing felt right for the weapon's appearance, bigger, heavier, nearing a pickaxe in weight.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #365 on: May 29, 2022, 06:49:00 PM »
HUh I stand corrected for Claws of the Savage. Had another spell in mind it seems.
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #366 on: June 23, 2022, 02:26:58 AM »
Posing for discussion. A Vardo bag was recently sold IC for a huge sum because it had weight reduction, and only took up one square of inventory space.

Would it be possible to sell boxes like this, without weight reduction?

Anyone have thoughts on this?


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #367 on: June 23, 2022, 02:40:35 AM »
Posing for discussion. A Vardo bag was recently sold IC for a huge sum because it had weight reduction, and only took up one square of inventory space.

Would it be possible to sell boxes like this, without weight reduction?

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Wont happen as this would increase the number of items per inventory even more. It had been stated before by the dev team that this is what causes significant issues for server performance.

Also, Im not sure why they are referred to as vardo bags. The ones I know of at least were rare DM items and had no connection with the vardo.
The normal 60% Magic Bags can also be found outside of a vardo store.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #368 on: June 23, 2022, 05:57:12 AM »
Just to clarify, and this is pure OOC so please use the information you have ICly about them, the bags in question were part of DM plots/interactions. They are by no means standard issue as the description highlighted too.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #369 on: June 23, 2022, 09:10:39 AM »
A gentle reminder here. This thread is only to discuss items suggested in and following the guidelines of this thread. For anything else you are kindly asked to open a new thread.
Best Regards!

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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #370 on: June 23, 2022, 11:56:35 PM »
Item Name: AMPC Resurrection Tool

I question the need for such a tool. Unlimited resurrection would lead to abuses and exploits, I also think that would only take away from the quality of MPC roleplay.

1) Starting from the principle that MPCs are there to tell a story, they should only kill if the scene calls for it. In this situation, there is little reason to raise the victim back.
2) If the idea is instead for the possibility of raising back allies, then again it should not be in an unlimited way and should entirely depend on a character's normal abilities.
3) If it's because an MPC may cause too much death and carnage, well tough luck. Learn to control your abilities and deal with each deaths in-character.
4) MPCs do not need such tool anyway. If they kill a PC they need only to leave the body where it will be found. Others will handle the victim's resurrection.
5) I'm fairly certain MPCs can ask for a few Mists Orbs anyway. This is a better solution, as it gives MPCs the ability to bring back others, but in a limited and controlled way as to avoid abuses and exploits.
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #371 on: June 24, 2022, 12:07:32 AM »
Item Name: AMPC Resurrection Tool

I question the need for such a tool. Unlimited resurrection would lead to abuses and exploits, I also think that would only take away from the quality of MPC roleplay.

1) Starting from the principle that MPCs are there to tell a story, they should only kill if the scene calls for it. In this situation, there is little reason to raise the victim back.
2) If the idea is instead for the possibility of raising back allies, then again it should not be in an unlimited way and should entirely depend on a character's normal abilities.
3) If it's because an MPC may cause too much death and carnage, well tough luck. Learn to control your abilities and deal with each deaths in-character.
4) MPCs do not need such tool anyway. If they kill a PC they need only to leave the body where it will be found. Others will handle the victim's resurrection.
5) I'm fairly certain MPCs can ask for a few Mists Orbs anyway. This is a better solution, as it gives MPCs the ability to bring back others, but in a limited and controlled way as to avoid abuses and exploits.

1) Accidents happen, and sometimes there is a need to kill people to extract them to a different area for a personalized scene.  This is actually the sort of guidelines that have been given to me by DM Brimstone during my first AMPC.  He suggested that I can grab someone's body and go off to a cave or a lair somewhere to continue a more personal scene.
2) Raising allies is already done and allowed with DM oversight; if its a situation that feels like abuse then it can be handled by the DMs.  You know what's cool is a vampire doing a cool resurrection scene with candles in a dark and evil lair to bring back some ally from the Charnel House.
3) Not this.
4) There are many cases when someone gets badly impaired due to the odd crit, or when a Mist Orb fails, even for MPCs.
5) We can ask for Mist Orbs, but Mist Orbs are not fool-proof and can fail.  They are also limited in use.  Sometimes the person you're bringing back is badly impaired.

The tool allows for A/MPCs to resurrect people without DM oversight.  If you are worried about normal players exploiting it, don't be.  If an A/MPC is abusing their position as an A/MPC, their template can be revoked.  We should trust these players to use these items.  We already trust A/MPCs enough to give them tons of potions and not distributing those things out.  We trust them with carpentry.  We trust players with the @spawn tool for rentals.  Why can't we trust players who have to apply and be approved by the DM team to be mature enough not to abuse this sort of tool?

A/MPCs should be able to tell their story without a DM's oversight, that's even written in their rules.  This makes them more independent.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 12:15:33 AM by Dardonas »


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #372 on: June 24, 2022, 12:45:01 AM »
AMPCs are an approved application with entrusted responsibilities in the role they are playing out. We already entrust them with various mechanical advantages with the understanding they will not abuse those mechanics or privileges.

We already supply our AMPCs with various potions and items to enhance roleplay, horror, and the unintentional mistake. The name of the game is roleplay and its hard to Roleplay with a corpse. because of this they are allowed healing potions and Mist orbs as a courtesy, so the rolepaly can flourish.

Considering we already allow them these items, it would not be a stretch to take out the element of chance in tool that is already used to prevent that ooc miss-click or accident that often can occur in any given conflict.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 12:52:42 AM by DM Strigoi »


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #373 on: June 24, 2022, 12:56:07 AM »
As someone who had at least 4 instances of a person turning into a zombie from Mist Orbs, ruining a scene I'd set up, and having to send the players Tells with apologies because it wasn't my intent for them to stay dead, I agree with the tool and Dardonas and Strigoi's take.

This would be remarkably easy to police even on the already small chance that someone who had an AMPC/MPC appr approved chose to abuse it.


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Re: Item Request Discussion Thread v2
« Reply #374 on: June 24, 2022, 02:50:24 AM »
I am very much in favour of a mpc resurrection tool. It's no fun for anyone to roleplay with a corpse.