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Author Topic: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2  (Read 90450 times)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #125 on: May 28, 2022, 10:32:17 PM »
Item Name: Eyes of Garyx
Item Type: Sickle

Weighty mantle pieces of inset jewels and runaway gold filigree are coveted at large by avaricious collectors, posturing nobility and tigans alike. Fearful of her waning reputation, a decorative sickle was purchased in a fit of monomania by a crumbling Barovian Heiress. Acquisition now mounted overtop a hearth bereft of warmth, the lonely pied-a-terre of her adopted daughter reflected the neglect and abuse faced by the youthful girl kept locked within.

Isolated following the Heiress’ madness, this young adopted girl suffered alone through fits of fever whilst starvation encroached ere closer. Soon the symbol of her mother’s absence intruded throughout the youth’s waking dreams. Haunted by ruby and peridot reptilian eyes superimposed over etched golden flames, rebellion carried her towards the hollow fireplace. Weary, famished, her ailing muscles trembled as they lifted up the decorative sickle. Set upon by atrophy her grasp of its granite handle slipped, drawing innocent crimson blood into cursed recesses.

Heat, smoke and light emanated up and out from the chimney, carried further by burning timber which crashed onto the icy street. Minutes later the building collapsed. Once the last embers had been drowned by the freezing rain, townsfolk gathered to hoist aside the debris. The Barovian Heiress was pronounced dead, but bloodied and broken her adoptive daughter had managed to survive. Witnessing only a foreigner, an outlander, the mob congregated around the daughter’s decorative sickle, which gleamed without a single blemish.

Piecemeal, a new pyre was erected, the young girl bound up and helpless as strangers condemned her as a witch, deserving to be burned at the stake for murder and vraja. Since that time, the sickle has passed into antiquity, awaiting a worthier successor than she. Now, articles reminiscent of the tale have begun circulating into light, mysterious forces fashioning them anew stirred by their inscrutable motivations.

Cast Spell: Claws of the Savage (7) Single Use
Cast Spell: Combust (3) 5 Charges/Use
Damage Bonus: Fire 1d4 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Reflex -2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline -2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Sleight of Hand -2
Material Gem, Peridot
Material Gem, Ruby
Material Gold
Material Lead
Skill Bonus: Influence +2
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Lawful Good
Weight Increase 5 lbs

Total Cost: 5324

Top: 4, 2
Middle: 1, 4
Bottom: 1, 2
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 05:05:44 PM by EarlofEtheria »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #126 on: June 20, 2022, 12:58:52 PM »
Item Name: Treacherous Eyes

Item Type: Ring

Description: This beautiful ring is said to have been created by a wealthy and paranoid merchant who provided these to his guards for his own protection. Unfortunately for its creator, those gifted with this ring found themselves unwilling to endure the presence of their master much longer after receiving the gift.

Skill Bonus: Spot +4
Decreased Saving Throw: Will -1
Light [Normal (15m)] [Color: White]
Usable only by: Assassin, Blackguard

Appearance: iit_ring_017

Total Item Cost: 968 (This should probably be higher valued on the loot table)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #127 on: June 20, 2022, 03:02:37 PM »
Posing for discussion. A Vardo bag was recently sold IC for a huge sum because it had weight reduction, and only took up one square of inventory space.

Would it be possible to sell boxes like this, without weight reduction?


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2022, 03:17:37 PM »
Item Name: AMPC Resurrection Tool

Item Type: Gem

Description: //AMPC use only for scenes

Cast Spell: Resurrection (13) Unlimited Uses/Day

Plot flagged (cannot be traded)

Appearance: iit_gem_166

Cost: 337837500
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 03:46:24 PM by Dardonas »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #129 on: August 09, 2022, 09:42:37 PM »
Item Name: Staff of the Diabolist

Item Type: Magic Staff

Description: These staves are known for their connection to an devil worshipping cult that once surfaced in Port-a-Lucine in 740 BC, during the Grand Conjunction.  It was said that cultists would go to unsuspecting aristocrats and barter life and soul on behalf of their patron, seeking the most desperate among them.  These staves bestowed great infernal powers to those who wielded them, with unholy bargains often being struck to save their loved ones from death.  Though such a contract had a terrible cost: those nobles who would take these weapons would not go on to live more than six months.  Ironically, through these staves they found the power to save the anyone they cared about, but not themselves.

It is said that after the Grand Conjunction, the connection these weapons had to their infernal hosts was severed and only a remnant of the power remained.

Bonus Feat: Epic Weapon Focus (ranged touch spell attack)
Decreased Saving Throws: Death -2
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock

Spoiler: show

« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 05:36:50 PM by Dardonas »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #130 on: September 15, 2022, 05:36:56 PM »
Item Name: Innocuous Spellbook

Item Type: Fashion accessory

Description: There are numerous copies of books such as these through the Core, especially in places where blooded magic and pacts of power are particularly shunned, such as Dementlieu. Every page is identical to what a spellbook may have, even capable of fooling apprentice wizards at first glance. The amount of detail that went into this specific copy seems to have used a genuine source, offering scholarly notes of spells and wizardry.

Unfortunately, any true learned arcanist will quickly determine that this spellbook is a fake if they ever attempted to cast spells from it. So long as those who hold these books are undiscovered by those who would persecute them, their usefulness will always remain.

Decreased Skill Modifier: Hide -4
Skill Bonus: Disguise +4
Skill Bonus: Influence +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer

Spoiler: show

Note: Requesting that this item is appearance locked to the specific appearance above.

Cost: 3640


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #131 on: November 08, 2022, 10:07:01 AM »
-Item name: A Hunter's Guide to Fey

-Item type: Fashion Accessory

-Description of the item: Not so much a true guide as a collection of observations, theories and the occasional anecdote. Those in the line of hunting monsters often require a way to organize their thoughts, the most straight forward answer being to write out their notes.

This particular example seemed to have belonged to an unnamed hunter of various types of fey. Particular interest seems to have been taken in the Arak and methods to combat them including the usage of certain metals such as cold iron or copper, and sunlight should total destruction be desired. The author appears to take particular pains to express never to partake in the hospitality of the fey.

Whether these notes were published or simply lost when the writer fell to one of the creatures they devoted themselves to hunting is difficult to ascertain.

Bonus Feat: Favored Enemy: Fey
Skill Bonus: Lore +5
Use Limitation: Class: Monster Hunter


Spoiler: show

-Cost: 5063

Note: This is just the first of a group of similar items that I had an idea for. I'm quite willing to make the others too.

Edit: I've modified the properties to more accurately depict what I feel the purpose of the item would be and updated the cost accordingly.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 09:22:00 PM by ChrisRanHimselfOver »
Currently Playing: Coltan Viris
Shelved: Tristan Hawkins, Robin Moreau


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #132 on: December 06, 2022, 11:11:47 AM »
-Item name: A Hunter's Guide to Aberrations

-Item type: Fashion Accessory

-Description of the item: Written by a man that claims to have originally come from beyond the Mists, this thick tome details his life's study of aberrant creatures. There are notes that discuss those that were created through experimentation, creatures said to have originated in different times, and those that come from distant maddening planes.

The quality of the writing deteriorates significantly as the book goes on. What begins as a clinical observation of creatures such as the drider or the broken ones that inhabit Markovia becomes a raving rant as the writer begins going into the tentacle-faced creatures that might be discovered in Bluetspur. Upon reaching the final series of creatures, the author's writing is almost entirely incoherent with the only clear account being, "gelatinous mass, covered in tentacles" and "hideous piping." The piping is described as the repeating phrase "tekeli-li" over the course of sixteen pages.

Bonus Feat: Favored Enemy: Aberrations
Skill Bonus: Lore +5
Use Limitation: Class: Monster Hunter


Spoiler: show

-Cost: 5063
Currently Playing: Coltan Viris
Shelved: Tristan Hawkins, Robin Moreau


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #133 on: January 16, 2023, 12:50:37 AM »
-Item Name: Slice Of Vengeance

-Item Type: Scythe

-Description: The Grime trekker has spent countless hours beneath the surface creating an item to fuel their hate for the creatures below the surface. While an extremely powerful weapon, the hideous appearance of the item is off putting to say the least. No one who wields this weapon is likely to be taken lightly, nor to be respected by those around them.


Vampiric Regeneration +2
Massive Critical 2d6
Charisma -2
Grime trekker Only

Appearance: Top 3 Color 4; Middle 2 color 2; Bottom 3 color 4
Cost: 5076
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 01:29:15 AM by noah25 »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #134 on: January 16, 2023, 01:03:15 AM »
Item Name: Grime Boots

Item Type: Boots

Description: These are a very oddly designed pair of boots made for someone who treks about the sewers and the underground. These boots have been magically enchanted to be extremely resilient to acid and light enough to quickly evade a rats bite. However, they are extremely flimsy, thin and flammable and as such should be warn with caution. Definitely not the boots you want to step over a trap in....


Acid Resist: /15
+4 AC Vs Vermin
Damage Vulnerability Cold: 100%
Damage Vulnerability Fire: 100%
Damage Vulnerability Piercing: 50%
Only Useable By Grimetrekker

Appearance: Top 4 Color 1: Middle 4 color 1; Bottom 4 Color 1

Cost: 7494

« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 01:09:45 AM by noah25 »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #135 on: January 16, 2023, 01:15:10 AM »
Item Name:  Sewers Stench

Item Type: Ring

Description: This ring embodies the stench of the sewers, and it is so foul, only a select few possess the constitution necessary to wield it. There are no telling what type of diseases, grime, and bacteria this ring has seen in its time. As a result, the wielder, seemingly immune to this, gains a significant bonus to their fortitude. Additionally, if the wearer chooses to shatter the ring a noxious fog encases the area overwhelming all but those with the highest constitution.

Stinking Cloud, Single Use
Fortitude +3
Influence: -5
Only Useable By Grimetrekker
Appearance: Ring ID 32

Cost: 6317


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #136 on: January 16, 2023, 01:27:53 AM »
Item Name: Woven Wererat Lord Tails

Item Type: Amulet

Description: Someone has decided to weave a wererat lords tail around its skull and make an amulet from it. Although it is gruesome and not aesthetically pleasing, rumor has it that it is effective in dealing with Lycans.

Bonus Feat: Cleave
Skill Decrease: Animal Empathy -4
Skill Decrease: Influence -4
Bonus Feat: Warding Gesture, Shape Changer
Only Useable By Grimetrekker

Cost: 1001 without warding gesture, can't pick it in the toolset

Appearance: Necklace ID 26


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #137 on: March 09, 2023, 09:57:48 PM »
Item Name: Cleaner's Wrench
Item Type: Club

From under the grime slick streets of Nosos, sewage regularly spills upwards. Mingling with the pervasive garbage, these intermittent tides of filth inevitably threaten the operations of a thriving coal industry. Blockages grow impossible to clear, tunnels submerged entirely at times by sludge. The practice of breaking pipeage, redirecting pressure elsewhere, has become a mark of callous efficiency exhibited by cleaners tasked to "handle it" by any means. Among the tools provided by wealthy employers are these heavy wrenches, coated in a mysterious grey paint oozes find violently unpalatable.

((OOC: Appearance cannot be modified.))

Damage Bonus vs Racial Type: Ooze, 1d10 Negative Energy
Skill Bonus: Disable Trap +1
Skill Bonus: Set Trap +1
Decreased Skill Modifier: Parry -2
Material: Iron
Material: Unknown
Weight Increase 10 lbs
Ability (as Crowbar)

Top 6, 1
Middle 6, 1
Bottom 11, 1

Total Cost: 1652


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #138 on: March 10, 2023, 12:26:38 AM »
Item Name: Foul Flutist's Garb
Item Type: Armor, AC 0

In the disease ridden metropolis of Nosos, there are a number of peculiar traditions between the downtrodden or disowned performance troupes. In lieu of gate crashing masquerades, some hone their arts atop towering trash heaps and dung piles, charming they say, masses of verminous rats and scavenger birds to play for. While attributed as mad jesters, fey struck or outright insane, they play a pivotal role in quelling the destruction an audience of gnawing rodents might otherwise lend to merchants. The scent of a Machiavellian musician who revels in stench is pervasive, unable to be washed out from their garbs. Nauseating odors such as these are an ever-present reminder of the fabled twilight city.

Bonus Feat: Vermin Trainer
Decreased Ability Score: Charisma -1
Decreased Saving Throws: Mind-Affecting -2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Influence -3
Skill Bonus: Animal Empathy +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +2

Leather: Light/Pale Cream
Cloth 1: Any Drab Green/Olive
Cloth 2: Light/Pale Cream
Metal: Light Rust

Neck 002
Torso 014
Belt 000
Pelvis 070
Shoulders 000
Biceps 037
Forearms 001
Hands 001
Thighs 058
Shins 009
Feet 043
Robe 053

Total Cost: 928


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #139 on: March 16, 2023, 09:55:05 AM »
-Item name:  François' Main-Gauche

-Item type: Dagger

-Description of the item: This Main-Gauche is of Dementlieuse origin. It is used in the non-dominant hand primarily for defensive purposes, while a longer reaching weapon such as a rapier is kept in the dominant hand to strike with. It is said that a dueling enthusiast by the name of François kept an unusual Main Gauche, some strange invention of his own. It imparted a resonation into blades it came in contact with, causing issue to his opponent in making the precise attacks required. Unfortunately, his secret was revealed when he once left it lying on a metal container before the duel. Other prominent fencers branded him a dishonorable coward, boasting that they would all have won against him if not for this deciept. Nevertheless, an advantage is an advantage, and copies of the Main-Gauche soon began to appear.


+2 Deflection AC
1 Sonic Damage
-5 Antagonize
-5 Move Silently
-3 Tumble


Top: 21
Middle: 21
Bototm: 22


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #140 on: April 08, 2023, 10:09:40 AM »
- Item Name: Sparring Gear
- Item type: Any kind of generic mundane base weapon (eg: Boxing gloves, Dull Blades, Softened Blunt weapons)

- Description: this weapon is a non-lethal version of its counterpart used in real combat. Mainly used for combat training and sparring.

- Statistics

1d2 -10 damage
Active: Zalbaag Hyrule- Salmour Crovas
Sometime: Wolrath / Greeven / Ixivill


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #141 on: April 20, 2023, 09:41:13 PM »
Name: Dread Troll's Girdle
Item Type: Belt
Icon: iit_belt_173

Description: This girdle was made from the tanned skin of a Falkovnian dread troll, a surprisingly intelligent and manipulating creature compared to its common cousins, then enchanted for use in the Radiant Tower. The hide, already quite difficult to pierce or tear, was magically imbued to cushion most cuts or piercings, at the heavy cost of mobility and its unwieldy weight. Unfortunately, the costly nature of the project for its mixed returns resulted in the project being scrapped. The remaining straps were slowly found disseminated throughout the Core, most commonly placed on scarecrows to ward off similar creatures in places like Invidia.

AC Deflection Bonus vs. Racial Group: Giant +4
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Will -1
Immunity: Damage Type: Piercing 10% Immunity Bonus
Immunity: Damage Type: Slashing 10% Immunity Bonus
Use Limitation: Class: Barbarian
Weight Increase 100 lbs. 100 lbs.

Cost: 6373


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #142 on: April 23, 2023, 08:02:44 PM »
Name: Silt Needle
Item Type: Short Sword

Utilized by the most reviled of defilers, these bone daggers were blessed by clerics and mystics that commune with the spirits of Silt. These weapons are imbued with the chaos of the silt storms that plague the world of Athas, blinding their targets while also costing the user their perception as well.

Bone: (Attack and Damage Penalty -2, Base Item Weight Reduction 40% of Weight
Cast Spell: Blindness/Deafness (3) (3 Charges/Uses)
Decreased Skill Modifier: Listen -9
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spot -9
On Hit: Blindness DC = 18, Duration 50%/2 Rounds

Cost: 4816

Name: Simbi's Staff
Item: Quarterstaff

Description: Simbi the magician was often sought after for his knowledge and secrets. This staff, while not effective in combat, whispers Simbi's wisdom granting the voodan a slight edge in their casting.

Bonus Feat: Arcane Defense [Evocation]
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus [Evocation]
No Combat Damage
Use Limitation Class: Voodan

Cost: 3000

Name: Ulwaddithri's Bane
Type: Amulet
Icon: iit_neck_005

Description: Ulwaddithri, being the most reviled of the Loa, often is only prayed to as to cast her attentions elsewhere. This necklace was fashioned by patrons of Sehkelo in order to repel the Consuming One's plague and all the horrors that come with her.

Bonus Feat: Favored Enemy: Vermin
Bonus Feat: Plant Domain Powers
Damage Vulnerability: Acid 25% Damage Vulnerability
Decreased Saving Throws: Poison -5
Use Limitation: Class: Voodan

Cost: 2898

For this one specifically, I would like to see if it would be possible to give a voodan, Turn Spirit (Vermin), as I didn't see Turn Spirit in the toolset.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2023, 08:11:19 PM by cooachlyfe »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #143 on: April 24, 2023, 05:36:24 AM »
Item Name: Mark of the Chosen

Item Type: Ring

Description: Legends say that when the crimes of Ankhtepot became known and a war upon the clergy was declared a bloody conflict ensued between the faithful of the divine and the loyal servants of the Pharaoh. Priests and faithful were slaughtered, tortured and worse. The Pharaoh's spies infiltrated the temples and caused distrust and mayhem within their ranks. It is then that an unknown priest and his acolytes created these rings to identify and empower the bestowed - those who have been blessed by the divine to lead and protect the faithful.

Alas, they did not know that the servants of a malevolent force were also at play.

Many years later, these rings can still be found around the core.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Favored Soul Level 4
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Favored Soul Level 2
Only usable by : Favored Soul

appearance:  iit_ring_036

Grendlykins, Simp of Azalin Rex

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #144 on: July 05, 2023, 06:06:45 PM »
So recent threads suggested something that we don't actually have in-game, which I think would be a novel addition; hollowed out books as bags.

Item Name: Hollowed Book (Able to be altered via quill)

Item Type: Bag

Description: Seemingly a reproduction of a popular work of literature found throughout the core, this particular example has had it's pages glued together and then had the centre gouged out, creating space for a few choice trinkets to be hidden within. Such items are used by smugglers and ne'er-do-wells to hide their more contentious possessions from prying eyes and sticky fingers.

(Also able to be altered via quill, so that the player can just give it a bland description of text.)

Statistics: Literally just use a stock standard bag with a book icon.

Appearance: Make like ten different versions each with a different book icon of your choice, preferably ones that mirror books widely available.

Cost: Probably artificially price this thing at 100 gp or something, to represent the work involved in making it. Otherwise it's 10 gp.

The idea being that this thing can be used to hide illicit objects in the inventory, being able to present them before an inspecting party without raising eyebrows (Unless they actually read the thing the whole way through and notice down the bottom it doesn't say it's a book. I don't believe NWN permits you to assign an item type tag such as Book and still retain it's container functions. If it does, label this as a book then. Still not fool-proof, but it provides opportunities for players to engage in attempted hiding of things without necessarily having to rely on either opposed rolls, or just being vague about what a search of their inventory has yielded.)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #145 on: July 16, 2023, 03:19:39 PM »
Some item ideas for warlock i have been thinking about for some time, to help round out the class a bit and bring some more eldritch flavor into the loottables c:

Item Name:
Stygian Knot

Item Type:

Item Description:
Etched upon the surface of the iron disc, is an intertwining knot depicting the flowing currents of the Styx, the eternal river of souls that winds through the lower planes. Through this eldritch sigil, the bond between warlock and otherworldly benefactor is fortified, thereby amplifying the influence the practitioners invocations have on their foes.

Bonus Feat: Invocation Focus
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock
Material: Iron, Cord
Weight: 0.1 lb
Cost: 1002 gp


A simple item that does exactly what it says on the tin, nothing more nothing less, similar to the Dented Holy Symbol and Hexbands.

Item Name:
Book of Utter Dark Secrets

Item Type:
Fashion Accessory

Item Description:
Within the pages of this tome, lies the key to unraveling the secrets that lie hidden in the darkest recesses of existence, granting the reader the ability to gaze trough utter darkness and beyond. The cryptic and occult text inscribed upon its aged parchment possesses the uncanny quality to captivate one's attention, making it exceedingly difficult to focus on anything else or perceive the immediate surroundings. A word of caution befalls the curious reader, advising against prolonged immersion in its contents, for extended exposure may lead to a detachment from reality itself. It is recommended to limit one's readings to brief intervals, lest the perilous path of knowledge exacts a toll upon the fragile fabric of sanity.

Charges: 101
Cast Spell: True Seeing (15) [Single Use]
Cast Spell: Ultravision (3) [2 Charges/Use]
Skill Bonus: Lore [+3]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Concentration [-4]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spot [-5]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Listen [-5]
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock
Material: Hide, Papyrus
Weight: 0.3 lb
Cost: 991 gp

Top: Model 1/Color 1
Middle: Model 9/Color 3
Bottom: Model 1/Color 1

A utility item that help round out the class with some useful spell charges, similar to Old Lore Ranger Belt.

Item Name:
Cursed Loop of the Imp Archivist

Item Type:


Item Description:
These malefic iron bands were created within the city of Dis, to be forcefully placed upon the writing hand of particularly lazy lesser devils, that work within the soul crushing machinery that is the bureaucracy of Hell. Forged with infernal craftsmanship, these cursed rings compel the wearer's hand to move with unnatural swiftness, enabling the rapid transcription of documents, contracts, and other tasks requiring dexterous digits. Yet, such a boon does not come without its price, for the accelerated motion exacts a toll upon the very essence of the bearer. The strength required to hasten their hand's movements is siphoned from the rest of their body, leaving these disobedient servants weakened and further entrapped within the clutches of their relentless overseers. Thus, the chains of efficiency become both their instrument of productivity and the shackles binding them to their laborious existence within the depths of Hell.
Some of these accursed rings have found their way into the land of the mists, likely discarded remnants from the ill fated devils who were summoned to this plane. Those who chance upon these relics may find themselves intrigued by the latent power that lies within, but let caution prevail, for their origins are steeped in malevolence and their effects carry the taint of infernal entrapment. To covet their swiftness and nimbleness is to tread upon treacherous ground, for the lingering essence of the rings serves as a stark warning against the hubris of mortal beings who dare meddle with the sinister arts of Hell.


Bonus Feat: Automatic Quicken Spell I
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand [+2]
Decreased Ability Score: Strength [-2]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline [-8]
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock
Material: Iron
Weight: 0.1 lb
Cost: 2813 gp


Considering how important auto quicken spell is for warlocks (one of the three currently existing items, is part of every warlocks arsenal), i find it just for them to have their own version, with a unique twist.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2023, 03:52:31 AM by Bounty »

Madame Trousers Son

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #146 on: July 27, 2023, 08:42:17 AM »
Item name: Experimental Lamordian Repeater
Item Type: Flintlock Musket
Description of the item: Invented by an eccentric Lamordian gunsmith, this repeating fire revolving chamber musket, or "repeater", was nicknamed the "Whirling Cavalcade of Death" by fans and critics alike; its fans say that the device is a true equalizer, bringing the firepower of firearms to the masses, not just an exclusive traomed elite. Its critics point out that, on top of being far more inaccurate than traditional flintlocks, the unstable contraption is so prone to backfiring that it has probably killed as many people who were wielding it as people who were its targets.
Statistics: -2 AB, Quality: Unknown  ((OOC note: that's the worst one, with 33% misfire chance)), Feats: Gearling's Superposed Loading Technique, Delven's Maneuver
Appearance: (Not sure what different models are available for Muskets, actually)

Discussion link:

Edit Note: changed from pistol to musket to prevent a dual wield exploit.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 10:20:17 AM by Madame Trousers Son »
"The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs."

 - Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #147 on: October 02, 2023, 10:42:19 PM »
Fuil Itheadair


Decreased Skill Modifier: Heal [-2]
Light [Dim (5m)] Color: Green
On Hit: Wounding [DC=11]
Poison: Bloodroot
Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Neutral
Use Limitation: Class: Shaman

Value 2746 GP

Earthy tones and russet streaks of lichen speak towards the mystical origins of Blood Eater, spirit gloves of old Forfarian folklore. The inner palms are decorated with swirling knots of wheat coloured embroidery, while reddish roots parasitize a strangled circumference of tartan. Dwelling ominously are spirits, their presence a dim green resplendent landscape. Superstition tells that the Fuil Itheadair favour those with locks of red hair, blooming mistletoe in blessing. When revered through the proper ritual, the spirits will pulsate a reddish hue and salivate for blood, lashing roots outwards to feed. Wielders without commitments towards balance risk becoming hapless victims of the Fuil Itheadair's predatory appetite.


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 219
  • No shame in weakness, only in its denial.
Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #148 on: November 05, 2023, 12:00:25 PM »
Item name: Sake

Item Type: Potion

Description of item: Sake is an alcoholic beverage made from rice through fermentation and filtration. For fermentation of sake, rice koji, a kind of fungi grown on rice, is used. It is most similar to a dry white grape wine, with a mild and slightly sweet taste. It has a hint of umami to it, and some sake drinks are drier or sweeter depending on the brewing technique.

Statistics: Alcohol, Wine Single Use

Value: 35GP


I'd see this added to any Wine vendor if possible.
Characters Closured:
Thane Ljot Solvor, the Skald

Active Characters:
Anisa' the Medjai


  • Undead Slayer
  • ***
  • Posts: 219
  • No shame in weakness, only in its denial.
Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #149 on: November 05, 2023, 12:05:18 PM »
Item name: Mead

Item Type: Potion

Description of Item: A brew made from honey, yeast and water. Some call it "honeywine", but it's not as sweet as honey or even a wine. It's an alcoholic drink that is very light, smooth and semi-sweet. It can also have fruit and berry flavors depending on the seasons and the location of the breweries.

Statistics: Alcohol, Wine Single Use

Value: 28GP


I'd see this added to any wine vendor if possible.
Characters Closured:
Thane Ljot Solvor, the Skald

Active Characters:
Anisa' the Medjai