Author Topic: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2  (Read 90755 times)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #150 on: November 05, 2023, 12:07:29 PM »
Item Name: Cloudberry Wine

Item Type: Potion

Description: From the fabled Nocturne Inn that resides in Linde on the shores of the Blackmist River in Tepest, comes this rare and delicious wine. Cloudberries are similar in growth to a raspberry and are not easily farmed. They only produce one crop a year and this wine is highly prized by those who know of it.

The wine is yellowish orange in color and is a sweet white wine with hints of citrus.

Statistics: Alcohol, Wine Single Use


Value: 100GP

I'd like this to be added to a few of the more rare wine sellers in the game. Also 100GP is just an estimation. It should be relatively rare in the Core, so that price may need to be changed.

I'll add this to some shops. - EO
« Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 08:49:17 PM by EO »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #151 on: November 12, 2023, 05:00:51 PM »
Item name: Ring of the Anarchist

Item Type: Ring

Description: A ring fabled to have been forged within the chaotic flames of the hells themselves. Found commonly worn by those who pursue their own selfish whims, it has long since been wielded by people committing deeds both, good and evil.

Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric Level 4
Material: Gem, Sapphire
Material: Silver
Only Useable By: Chaotic Neutral

Cost: Identical to the already existing Nerull's Eye. (Only difference is alignment.) Alternatively: Alter one of the existing non-faction restricted Neutral Cleric Rings to allow for all Neutral.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 05:10:09 PM by Ophie »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #152 on: November 14, 2023, 08:44:31 PM »

Inspired by the "Mask of the Undying" in Faiths of Eberron.

-Item name: Broken Mask of the Undying
-Item type: Helmet

-Description of the item:
The bronze death-masks of the Aereni elves were occasionally employed by the followers of the Undying Court as a way to get a taste of their Deathless ancestors' fate. This one, cracked and weathered by the ages, seems to have lost much of it's old magic, but it still has a few boons to bare.

Decreased Ability Score: -2 Constitution
Material: Bronze
Saving Throw Bonus: Mind Affecting [+2]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+2]
Use Limitation, Racial: Elf

Madame Trousers Son

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #153 on: November 15, 2023, 12:04:26 AM »
Item Name: Ring of Hope
Item Type: Ring
Description of the item: Crafted and blessed by the Church of the Morninglord, these rings are said to be radiant beacons that pierce through the pervasive gloom of the land.  When a wearer dons these rings, a palpable aura of hope envelops them, like a comforting embrace in the face of impending darkness. Their true power of course is revealed in the hands of the clergy of that church.

Yet hope can lead to overconfidence, blinding their wearer to danger or causing them to slip...

AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Undead +1
Bonus Spell Slot Cleric 4
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline -1
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spot -1
Saving Throw Bonus: Fear +2
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Good,
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance: iit_ring_036

Cost: 7565 (Note: the Alignment restrictions and minor Skill penalties didn't drop its price)

Material: Platinum
« Last Edit: November 15, 2023, 12:08:15 AM by Madame Trousers Son »
"The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs."

 - Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #154 on: November 18, 2023, 07:43:36 AM »
Item Name: Homeloaf Maul
Item Type: Warhammer
Description of the item: In certain smaller dwarven holds of Toril, it's common practice for one's mother to forge their son a "Homeloaf"; a square-shaped brick of varying components, most often stone and semiprecious gems of their homeland together with the hold's favored alloys and metals. Each hold and every family tends to have their own "recipe" with the ingredients varying wildly, but one commonality is that each holds a pinch of residuum - a distilled magic powder, left behind whenever a magic item is disenchanted - and familiar spices that hold a mild scent long after forging. To finish each loaf, a short message in a precious metal - commonly gold or silver - is inscribed in runic letters.

It is the weight of the loaf, tradition states, that reminds the journeying dwarf of home and their duty to their family's honor even when trekking in lands unknown. In times of war, it's common practice for warriors leaving home to also be forged loaves by their families, and considering how sturdy the results are - they often find themselves fitted onto the business ends of their warhammers.

The weight makes it all but unwieldable by any race other than dwarves, but to them the familiar scent and girth brings a joy to the heart in the darkest of nights.

-1 Attack
1d4 Blunt Damage
Saving Throw Bonus: Will +1
Use Limitation: Race: Dwarf
Weight Increase 5lbs

Appearance: TBA

Cost: TBA [Average on a bit higher than regular magic warhammers? 2200+?]

Material: Obsidian, Steel, Silver
« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 07:46:52 AM by Nanoro »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #155 on: December 26, 2023, 08:42:00 PM »
Item Name: Lesser ring of jukery
Item Type: Ring
Description: А rather strange ring, which is a fingertip made of very thin metal. Typically used by thieves to safely enter the pockets of robbery victims. Thin metal fingertip serves as protection for the fingers in case the victim's pockets contain something sharper than coins, such as a pair of sharpened razor blades. The blade defense method is sometimes used to cut the hand of an unlucky thief, so this ring was introduced as a countermeasure. Opening locks for the wearer of this ring is a bit of a problem, since the mobility of the fingers is limited by the metal fingertip.

Material Silver
Skill Bonus: Sleight of hand +3
Skill Penalty: Open lock -2

P.S. Currently can't check the cost of it :(

zDark Shadowz

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #156 on: January 04, 2024, 02:30:17 AM »
-Item name: Waxing Crescent
-Item type: Scimitar
-Description of the item:
In a land far removed from here, stories tell of a nameless vagabond and a princess's chance meeting in a sandstorm.

They fought against the latters' father and against the corruption that inhabited their land, coming across many foes and trials, and in the end they were victorious, stopping both the mad king and the puppeteer deity behind the corruption, renewing the seal of the temple they had been contained in.

The cost of their victory was heavy though, with the princess sacrificing her life to maintain the seal. The vagabond left the temple to lay her to rest, an unsung hero among the forgotten sands.

"What is one grain of sand in the desert? What is one grain of sand in the storm?"

Enhancement Bonus:+1
Saving Throws vs Fear: +3
Quality: Masterwork
Material: Leather
Material: Steel
Item Cost (As per hak-testloaded module): 6366
Model, Color
25, 1
1, 6
11, 2


-Item name: Waning Crescent
-Item type: Scimitar
-Description of the item:
In a land far removed from here, stories tell of a nameless vagabond and a princess's chance meeting in a sandstorm.

They fought against the latters' father and against the corruption that inhabited their land, coming across many foes and trials, and in the end they were victorious, stopping both the mad king and the puppeteer deity behind the corruption, renewing the seal of the temple they had been contained in.

The cost of their victory was heavy though, with the princess sacrificing her life to maintain the seal. In his grief, spurred on by the whispers of the sealed deity, the vagabond broke the seal, payment to bring the princess back to life. The two parted ways shortly after, the vagabond now turned villain, while the princess resumed her quest to reseal the deity.

"If you would have your wish... then give me mine."

Regeneration: Vampiric (+2)
Decreased Saving Throws vs Fear: -3
Quality: Ruined
Material: Leather
Material: Steel
Item Cost (As per hak-testloaded module): 6042
Model, Color
25, 4
1, 5
11, 3
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 04:36:31 PM by zDark Shadowz »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #157 on: January 16, 2024, 01:07:05 PM »
Mender's Attire (Leather Armor)

The term mender is a nickname given to healers operating on the field of battle in the various military units of the Core and beyond. While healers would often wear an apron or lab coat to protect them from blood and grime, the mender does not always have such luxury and favors practical and light armors that won't impede their movements amid battle, carrying the tools of their trades in a small bag. This particular armor is enchanted to assist its wearer in its duties.

AC Bonus +1
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 0
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 1
Damage Resistance: Negative Energy Resist 2 / -
Material Cloth
Material Leather
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Value 6389 GP

Cunning Folk's Apron (Clothings)

The Cunning Folk, or wise one, is a dedicated healer tending to the needs of remote and rural communities. Knowledgeable in the arts of medicinal herbs and folk magic, they are sought after by members of secluded communities to cure ailments and provide advice on everyday problems. They favor practical and sturdy clothes that won't impede them while tending to their patients, will protect them from blood and grime, and can be easily changed. Often, this will include an apron or lab coat with plenty of pockets to help them carry the instruments of their trade: hooks, tweezers, pincers, serrefines, bandages, and tinctures. This particular apron is enchanted to assist its wearer in its duties.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 3
Material Cloth
Skill Bonus: Heal +1
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Value 6251 gp

Enchanted Graduation Ring

This silver ring of intricate design is etched with herbal leaf patterns. It is reminiscent of the rings given to all graduates from University of Port-a-Lucine's faculty of medicine. This particular ring is enchanted to assist its wearer in its duties.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 2
Material Silver
Skill Bonus: Heal +2
Skill Bonus: Lore +2
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Value 4692 gp

Blessed Lamordian Stethoscope

Lamordian physicians use these devices to listen to the internal sounds of a human or animal body such as heart beats, breathing in the lungs, blood flowing through veins, or the sounds of digestion in the gut. This particular stethoscope is an oddity if there ever was one. The Lamordians are not known for being pious nor to have any faith in magic whatsoever. If there ever were any gods, they created the world then departed. Yet, this stethoscope pulses with divine magic. How this came to be is anyone's guess.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 3
Damage Vulnerability: Sonic 100% Damage Vulnerability
Material Brass
Skill Bonus: Heal +3
Skill Bonus: Listen +3
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Value 6808 GP

Apothecary's Belt

The apothecary is a healer specializing in preparing and selling medicines and drugs. This belt of simple design contains numerous pouches into which a healer can conveniently transport the herbal medicines and other reagents used in its trade. This allows a healer to be a bit more efficient in its work.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 4
Material Leather
Skill Bonus: Heal +3
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Value 6891 gp

// Will be included in the next HAK update with slight modifications. MAB
« Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 05:27:45 PM by MAB77 »
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #158 on: January 16, 2024, 07:12:11 PM »
Name: Dr. Mordenheim's Manuscript of Experimental Surgeries
Item Type: Holdable book/fashion accessory
Spoiler: show


Dr. Victor Mordenheim is regarded throughout the Core as one of the most gifted and brilliant surgeons. It is said he wrote many such manuscripts as these before turning reclusive in his laboratory in Lamordia. Because they include an array of highly dangerous surgical procedures, such as emergency amputations, hypothetical brain operations, and risky, experimental blood transfusions, these manuals are often regarded as highly advanced texts that only find use by genius physicians or madmen.

OOC: The appearance of this item cannot be changed.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Healer Level 8
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Will -4
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spellcraft -5
Use Limitation: Class: Healer

Cost: 7588

// Will be included in the next HAK update with slight modifications. MAB
« Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 05:28:22 PM by MAB77 »

Alcoholic Squirrel (Birdman)

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #159 on: February 14, 2024, 05:43:08 PM »
Item Name: The Foul Fragment
Item Type: Fashion Accessory*
Unidentified Description of the item: This leatherbound book is mostly destroyed only a few mostly scrapped pages persist...
Identified Description of the item: This book is in poor repair and all that remains from the outside appears to be a hideous leatherbound binding that appears to have been cut, burnt, and bent.

Inside a few pages remain that hold smatterings of lore on lesser fiends, and texts that at best allude to rituals but lead to nothing complete.

One torn up page specifically stands out:

Bonus Feat : Inovcation Focus
Decreased AC : AC Dodge Modifier [-1]
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific : Will [-2]
Skill Bonus : Lore [+1]
Use Limitation: Class : Warlock
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment : Lawful Evil


Cost: 563 without altering the price at all, I would recommend bumping it up to at least 1.5K

Item Name: The Dark Excerpts
Item Type: Fashion Accessory*
Unidentified Description of the item: A leatherbound book that may make the holder feel uneasy...
Identified Description of the item: This codex by an author unknown is  titled 'The Dark Excepts'. It would appear to be a generalists book on black magic and demonology.

Within its pages are less detailed rituals, and a small encyclopedia on less important and inferior fiends.

Though a peculiar inscription stands out:

"The greatest knowledge and the grandest pleasure, is considered his greatest treasure. Look for the pit laced with fire, give an offer as to not earn his ire. Seek He who would control beast and man, seek the dark one Targikan."

Bonus Feat : Invocation Focus
Bonus Feat : Spell Penetration
Decreased AC : AC Dodge Modifier [-2]
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific : Will [-3]
Skill Bonus : Lore [+2]
Skill Bonus : Spellcraft [+1]
Use Limitation: Class : Warlock
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment : Lawful Evil


Cost: 3360 without altering it though I would recommend a bump up to 3.5K at least.

Item Name: The Will of Targikan
Item Type: Fashion Accessory*
Unidentified Description of the item: A book bound in a dark leather. It radiates a feelings of paranoia and uncertainty...
Identified Description of the item: This vile grimoire overflows with feelings of dread and paranoia. The holder could swear they hear whispers of anger, hate, and lamentation upon the wind.

Within rests old but thick paper featuring words written in blood accompanied by venomous illuminations of demons, warlocks, and unspeakable rituals.

The codex describes many examples of these foul rituals, summoning pacts with cruel creatures, and wicked sacrifices to dark and unknown entities.

A particular inscription stands out:

Bonus Feat : Greater Invocation Focus
Bonus Feat : Greater Spell Penetration
Decreased AC : AC Dodge Modifier [-3]
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific : Will [-4]
Skill Bonus : Lore [+3]
Skill Bonus : Spellcraft [+3]
Use Limitation: Class : Warlock
Use Limitation: Specific Alignment : Lawful Evil


Cost: 6490 without alterations I would recommend item up to 7K it is meant to be a ultra rare item

Item Name: Scepter of Eldritch Might
Item Type: Mace
Unidentified Description of the item: This beautiful scepter appears to be made of silvery platinum and crowned with a large ruby. The craftsman ship is exquisite but there is something about it's nature that suggests there is more to this scepter of quality...
Identified Description of the item: This scepter although a truly beautiful example of craftsmanship is in fact a vile and wicked artifact created by greedy misers whose avarice has driven them towards revealing their true nature.

These scepters are usually found in the hands of Warlocks who claim 'The Serpent' as their master. Surrounded by gold coins, trinkets, and baubles.

It hums and crackles with eldritch power empowering those who wield such wicked magic.

Though no exchange for power is ever truly for free. The cursed nature of this object reveals the true nature of it's owner making it harder for them to disguise themselves or convince others of their lies.
Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus (ranged spell)
Decreased Attack Modifier -5
Decreased Skill Modifier: Disguise -10
Decreased Skill Modifier: Influence -10
Material Gem, Ruby
Material Platinum
No Combat Damage
Quality Masterwork
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Spell Resistance 12
Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Evil
Use Limitation: Class: Warlock
Visual Effect: ... Shock, Purple


Cost: In toolset it will only show the item up as Cost 0 and a lot of consideration has to be taken into account that the item is not intended at all to be a weapon in a melee sense; however this should be considered an ultra rare item and cost around 6.5K or more.


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #160 on: February 14, 2024, 06:43:04 PM »
Item Name: Black Fox Stuffed Toy

Item Type: Misc

Unidentified Description of the item: This child's stuffed toy appears to be a black fox with tufts of grey around the ears, tail and eyes to accent the details.  It is soft to the touch and made with incredible detail.

Identified Description of the item: This child's stuffed toy appears to be a black fox with tufts of grey around the ears, tail and eyes to accent the details.  It is soft to the touch and made with incredible detail. On close inspection, the dark eyes are set with a tiny emblem resembling a grinning fox and the letters RL deep inside.  Adults who stare into the eyes sometimes feel a sensation of sorrow, loss and grief. Those with the gift of the blood may pull that sorrow forth and manifest it into a shadowy copy of a spell.

Material: Shadowsilk
Use Limitation: Sorcerer
Single Use: Shadow Conjuration

Icon: some kind of figurine or toy (I'm not familiar with all the possible options)
Currently playing: Si Feisong (ShamanVsAllClasses)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #161 on: February 23, 2024, 12:07:22 AM »
Gauntlets of the Blood-Lord


Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (melee spell)
Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus (melee spell)
Material [Iron]
Use Limitation: Alignment: Lawful Evil
Use Limitation: Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Use Limitation: Alignment: Neutral Evil

Value 3956 GP

This item originates beyond the Mists, from the Outlander world of Oerth.

The church of Hextor teaches that cruelty and mercilessness are necessary when upholding order. His devotees view tyranny as a bastion against chaos and anarchy. Dissidents are made examples of through excruciating pain. Sanctified to maximize wounds dealt by Hextor's truest believers of tyranny, only those with strict, pragmatic, or sadistic ideals consider donning these dreaded gauntlets. Blood drips slowly from them like an open challenge, dissuading those without the will to rule with an iron fist.

The deific link of these gauntlets appears significantly weakened, and fallen into a local heresy. Vaasi seals and their flowing scripts outline Hextor’s servile and denigrated position under the Lawgiver, as dictated by the Council of Imperial Divinity.

Source: Complete Divine, pg. 97
« Last Edit: February 23, 2024, 12:14:54 AM by EarlofEtheria »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #162 on: February 27, 2024, 01:39:46 PM »
Alright, I've said I'm gonna suggest some items multiple times, finally gonna start doing that

Item Name: Cracked Warhammer
Item type: Maul
Description: This maul appears to be a massive ancient Warhammer that was modified following catastrophic damage, the haft was elongated to allow smaller creatures to wield it properly. A distant thunderclap sounds when it is swung.
Damage Bonus Bludgeoning: 1d6
On hit: Stun DC 15 fortitude
Attack Bonus VS Giants +2
Damage Bonus VS Giants +2d6 bludgeoning
Weight 25 lbs
(I don't have access to the toolset so some more penalties might need to be added, for fun lore reasons maybe a strength penalty)


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #163 on: February 27, 2024, 04:13:55 PM »
I'm going to go overboard with Shaman items now.
Item name: Furs of the Ocean Shaman
Item type: Cloak
Description: This cloak was made by a Northern shaman to commune better with the spirits of their ocean home
Damage resistance: cold 10
Summon water elemental 10 charges
Damage vulnerability fire 10%
Only usable by Shaman
Ideally this and the following 3 definitely not identical items would use the X0_S3_Summonelem script from the elemental items.
Item name: Cloak of the Mountain Shaman
Item type: Cloak
Description: This cloak was crafted by an eastern Shaman to better commune with the spirits of their mountain home
Damage resistance : Acid 10
Summon Earth Elemental 10 uses
Damage vulnerability electric 10%
Only usable by Shaman

Item name: Cape of the Volcano Shaman
Item type: cloak
Description: This elaborate cape was designed by a southern Shaman to better commune with the spirits of their island home
Damage resistance: fire 10
Summon fire elemental 10 uses
Damage vulnerability cold 10%
Only usable by shaman

Item name: Scarf of the Valley Shaman
Item type: Cloak
Description: This Scarf was woven by a western Shaman to better commune with the spirits of their valley home
Damage resistance: electrical 10
Summon air elemental 10 uses
Damage vulnerability acid 10%
Only useable by shaman

Item name: Wraps of the Healing Shaman
Item type: Gloves
Description: These modest hand wraps were blessed by a spirit of life, to better help those in need
Skill Bonus: Heal [+2]
Skill Bonus: Influence [+2]
Decreased Skill Modifier:  Antagonize [-6]
Bonus Feat: Healer's Touch
Bonus Spell slot Shaman 1
Only usable by shaman

Item name: Hands of the Reaping Shaman
Item type: gloves
Description: These hooked gauntlets are tainted by a vile spirit of death, they drain the life of whatever they touch
Damage Bonus Negative Energy 1d6
Decreased Ability: Constitution -1
Decreased Skill Modifier Heal -4
Bonus Feat: Shadow Affinity
Only usable by shaman

Item name: Gloves of the Grave shaman
Item type: gloves
Description: These gloves were given to a particularly loyal gravetender by a guardian spirit
Damage Bonus VS Undead 1d6 positive energy
Bonus feat Empower Turning
Decreased Skill Modifier influence -4
Decreased Skill Modifier Antagonize -2

Only usable by shaman

Item name: gauntlets of the Necromancer shaman
Item type: gloves
Description: these gloves were made by a cruel servant of a spirit of undeaths to aid in their vile tasks.
Decreased Skill Modifier: influence [-6]
Damage vulnerability: positive energy 10%
Animate dead 20 charges
Bonus Spell Slot: Shaman 2
Only usable by: evil
Only usable by: shaman

Item name: Visor of the Sun Shaman
Item type: Helmet
Description: This visor was forged by a devoted shaman of the sun, to both aid in survival in the desert and gaze upon their spirit patron
Immunity: Blindness
AC Bonus VS Undead: +2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spot [-5]
Decreased reflex saving throw [-2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Shaman 4
Damage Vulnerability Negative Energy 10%

Only usable by shaman

Item name: Skin of the Oaken Shaman
Item type: Studded Leather Armor
Material: Wood
Description: This was made by a mourning spirit after the tree it was guarding was destroyed in a storm
AC Bonus +1 Armor Bonus
Ability penalty -2 Dexterity
Damage Resistance 5/Piercing
Damage Resistance 5/bludgeoning
Bonus Spell Slot Shaman 2
Weight 15 lbs
Only usable by shaman

Item name: Trophy of the Beast Shaman
Item type: Belt
Description: This belt is made of monstrous trophies to honor the true masters of the wild.
Spell Resistance 12
Decreased Skill Modifier: influence [-4]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline [-2]
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization Unarmed Strike

Only usable by shaman


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #164 on: February 27, 2024, 07:34:52 PM »
Vicious Maul


Massive Criticals [7 Damage]

Value 2570 GP

Vicious Maul

Few weapons embody the trade of the myrmidon like these viciously studded mauls. The methodology of being blunt is just as impactful as having a point. When you begin swinging something the size of a child, rebuttals take on an infantile stature. Now, while heads won’t be rolling, the results are sure to be explosive.

Top: 12, 2
Middle: 12, 2
Bottom 18, 2

Source: 5e Basic Rules
« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 07:59:12 PM by EarlofEtheria »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #165 on: February 27, 2024, 08:15:47 PM »
Dwarven Longhammer


Massive Criticals [2d6 Damage]
Use Limitation: Racial Type: Dwarf

Value 846 GP

These heavy-headed bludgeons are often carved or cast with monstrous faces or drilled with tiny holes to create a menacing whistling as they are swung through the air.

Top: 13, 2
Middle: 11, 3
Bottom 14, 2

Source: Advanced Race Guide, Pathfinder


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #166 on: March 02, 2024, 01:27:35 PM »
Item Name: Experimental Nullification Amulet

Item Type: Necklace

Description: These ominous purple amulets began as a project in collaboration with Red Academy Warmages and the academy's Department of Enchanting. By siphoning the wearer's physical resilience, the enchantments in turn bolster the arcane abilities against outside interference from metal or otherwise.

Production of these amulets was suddenly halted by the faculty in the Red Academy after members who wore them reported cases of severe hemophilia from cuts and pricks, leading to at least five deaths. The order to resume creation of the artifact came from Lord Hazlik himself, having said "they're all just experiments anyways."

Instructors assured the students he was merely referring to the amulets.

Arcane Spell Failure -10%
Damage Vulnerability: Piercing 25% Damage Vulnerability
Damage Vulnerability: Slashing 25% Damage Vulnerability
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Fortitude -2
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Reflex -1
Use Limitation: Class: Warmage
Material: Black Mithril

Appearance: itt_neck_205

Cost: 5973
« Last Edit: March 02, 2024, 01:41:03 PM by THORAXUS »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #167 on: March 07, 2024, 10:22:36 PM »
Item Name: Scaip an Solas
Item Type: Greataxe
Description: These blessed Greataxes are wielded by the faithful of Belenus during their witch hunts. Bestowed with a divine power in them and sharpened by the best blacksmiths, these brutal axes serve their purpose well. Although many seem to be too focused on their usefulness and design to actually root out who is actually using accused magic.

Damage Bonus vs Evil: Divine 1d6
Massive Critical [1d6]
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spellcraft -3
Alignment Limitation: Good
Cost: 1660

Top: 3
Middle: 3
Bottom: 4

Item Name: Greataxe of the Black Rose
Item Type: Greataxe
Description: An massive baleful axe used by one of the servants of the Black Rose to instill tyranny into the hearts of the elves of Sithicus. It's edge has seen many dead in its wake, leaving a deep sense of unease in any new wielder, only the most cruel could even bring themselves to wield it.

Attack Bonus vs Racial Group: Elf [+1]
Damage Bonus: 1 Negative Energy
Regeneration: Vampiric +2
Decreased Skill Modifier: Parry -3
Decreased Saving Throws: -2 Will
Alignment Limitation: Evil
Cost: 5224

Top: 4
Middle: 1
Bottom: 2

Item Name: Gudkæde's Victory
Item Type: Heavy Flail
Description: These spiked blessed flails are given to impressive Gudkædes that prove themselves to be quick and effective in their brutality in putting down rebels to the church. The ones who receive them often become more zealous in their hunting, sometimes becoming unaware in their fervor.

Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d4
Damage Bonus vs Chaos: Fire 1d6
Decreased Skill Modifier: Spot -5
Decreased Skill Modifier: Concentration -1
Increased Saving Throw: Will +1
Cost: 8516

Appearance: 4
Top: 3
Middle: 4
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 10:25:40 PM by Spazzer »


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #168 on: March 20, 2024, 08:40:25 AM »
Item name: The War of Gianpiera I
Item Type: Book
Description: " Gianpiera's world crumbled when she uncovered the truth about her beloved fiancee, had betrayed her revealing his true nature of a vampire, massacring her family and damning them to an eternity of thirst and darkness. With blood boiling in her veins and sorrow heavy in her heart, she vowed to avenge their deaths, even if it meant descending into the abyss of her own soul.
In the moon's ghastly glow, she stalked the streets of Levkarest, wielding stakes and holy water like a vengeful specter. Each night, she faced horrors that would drive lesser souls to madness."

Cast Spell: Diminish Undead (5) 4 Charges/Use
Charges: 20
Only usable by: The Avenger Knight
Cost: 3376

Appearance: il T_BOOK_010

Item Name: The War of Gianpiera II
Item Type: Book
Description: "With a thunderous roar, Gianpiera unleashed a torrent of divine energy, engulfing the vampire in a blinding cascade of holy light. The one who once she called "love" writhed and screeched in agony as its dark form began to disintegrate, consumed by the purifying power. Its shrieks echoed through the night, reverberating off the walls of the alley as its twisted existence was reduced to nothing but a pile of smoldering ash, scattered by the breeze like the remnants of a forgotten nightmare."

Cast Spell: Bless Weapon (10) 5 charges/Use
Cast Spell: Galt Undead (10) Single Use
Cast Spell: Heal (9) Single Use
Charges: 15
Only Usable By: The Avenger Knight
Cost: 3996

Appearance: il T_Book_008

Item Name: The War of Giampiera III
Item Type: Book
Description: "After the battle's tumult had subsided, Gianpiera ventured to a field of golden wheat, a serene expanse far removed from the darkness that had plagued her. With solemn reverence, she laid her family to rest amidst the swaying stalks, their final resting place bathed in the warm embrace of the setting sun. No roses or tulips adorned their graves, but the whispering rustle of the grain served as a gentle lullaby, a tribute to lives well-lived and memories cherished amidst the quiet expanse of nature's embrace."

Cast Spell: Burial Blessing (1) 1 Charge/Use
Cast Spell: Raise Dead (9) Single Use
Charges: 10
Only Usable By: The Avenger Knight
Cost: 2251

Appearance: il T_BOOK_006
Active: Zalbaag Hyrule- Salmour Crovas
Sometime: Wolrath / Greeven / Ixivill


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #169 on: March 20, 2024, 11:49:50 AM »
Item Name: Oath of Carnage
Item Type: Helmet
Description: "This helmet, warm to the touch,  once graced the brow of a renowned demon hunter, a hero whose name was whispered in reverent tones among both mortals and fiends alike. Yet, with each victory claimed, the helm absorbed the essence of its wearer, echoing with the will of its previous possessor.
Legend tells of its cursed nature, bound to a cruel fate that ensnares any who dare wear it. The wearer becomes but a vessel for the relentless desire to hunt the malevolent, blinded by an insatiable thirst for vengeance.
Those who don the crown find themselves consumed by a singular purpose, their minds clouded by visions of demonic hordes and cries for justice. Bound by the relentless pull of the cursed artifact, they are doomed to wander the shadowed realms, forever driven by the echoes of their predecessor's unyielding will."

AC Bonus vs Racial Group: Outsiders +4
Bonus Feat: Favored Enemy: outsiders
Decreased Saving Throws: Reflex -4
Decreased Skill modifier: Concentration-7
Decreased Skill Modifier: Discipline -8
Skill Bonus: Antagonize +6
Only usable by: The Avenger Knight
Cost: 7902

Active: Zalbaag Hyrule- Salmour Crovas
Sometime: Wolrath / Greeven / Ixivill


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #170 on: March 26, 2024, 04:25:00 AM »
As all forces of alignment have their diametrically opposed opposites - The contrast would only feel appropriate if for Paladins; the anti-paladins, Blackguards, had their own range of equipment to mirror and emphasize the twisted dichotomy between the two. Both call upon the power of something greater than themselves, albeit the classic scenario of Good vs. Evil.

To this end I've essentially mirrored the Paladin spellcasting equipment available and replicated it for Blackguards to have their own (blood drenched) hill to stand on. Minor statistical changes were added to try and invoke different flavor into the mix, and perhaps some of it could use further modifying (a sword instead of a shield for one, to represent their brutality over defense) but regardless, the intended representation of such is still there.

While there could be something much more dynamically different made instead. I didn't want to tread too far out of the realm of balance and this seemed a reasonable addition I think.

Item Name: Gauntlets of Malicious Violence
Item Type: Gauntlet
Description: Imbued with power, granted of those from the forces of evil outsiders, these dark gauntlets imbibe those who uphold their unholy crusade to further wrought even more destruction and despair upon others who tread in their paths. With such empowerment comes with a cost of fiendish patronage however, as the gauntlets sap away at the wielder's health when they are worn.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 2
Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Fortitude -3
Material Steel


Total cost:
1553 GP

Item Name: Standard of the Unholy Crusade
Item Type: Torch/Flags/HolySymbols
Description: A standard, proclaiming to all who witness upon it to fear and revile the one who stands proud with it by their side. It exhumes an aura of despair when boldly presented and emboldens well any agent of darkness who marches upon such a quest of death's devastation.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 2
Material Cotton


Total cost:
2364 GP

Item Name: Enveloping Shield
Item Type: Large Shield
Description: A battered steel shield, encrusted with onyx into it's design. The darkened reflective sheen embodies a dark visage within it's shape. Though the shield is worn down faster than most, it's visuals is to invoke dread upon those that gaze back at their own darkened, obfuscated silhouettes when faced against the adversary that wields it. Such an intention is what fuels it's bearer to hone in on the violent forces of fiends and other malignant forces to further their own designs.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 3
Decreased AC: AC Shield Modifier -1
Material Gem, Onyx
Material Steel


Total cost:
4951 GP

Item Name: Helmet of the Vicious Knight
Item Type: Large Shield
Description: A tarnished, stained dark helmet that showcases no more than a few slits for eyes to peer through - And an assortment of spikes and horns atop it to accent such. The very sight of this equipment would unnerve any who stare at it for too long and whilst easily undesirable by most, those of a brooding nature will find full confidence in wearing such a device, as it easily fuels all horrible intent that would willingly come from any soul that chose to don such apparel.

Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Blackguard Level 4
Decreased Skill Modifier: Influence -2
Material Steel
Skill Bonus: Antagonize +1


Metal 1: #4
Metal 2: #61

Total cost:
4427 GP


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #171 on: April 19, 2024, 09:19:36 PM »
Item Name: Dark Speak
Item Type: Kama
Description of the item: From the world of Eberron, crafted within the Demesnes of Shadow, these kamas have been passed down in honor of those ninja who had proven themselves worthy through rigorous trials by combat. Imbued by the alchemists of House Phiarlan, these weapons were made to make ones death quick, yet very painful, their edge dripping with flesh eating acid. A weapon of ill repute, anyone seen wielding these is certain to be frowned upon.


1d6 Slashing Damage
Damage Bonus: 1d6 acid damage
+1 Fire damage
+2 enhancement bonus

Decreased Skill Modifier: -3 concentration
Decreased Skill Modifier: -10 influence
Saving Throw Bonus: None
Use Limitation: Monk
Weight: 1.0

Appearance: TBA

Cost: In open market, 10-15k

Material: Mithril


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #172 on: May 11, 2024, 12:53:24 PM »
Sithican Sapping Club

Decreased Skill Mod: Parry -3
Material[Wood, Blackwood]
Regeneration: Vampiric[+2]

A blackwood club, Sithican in origin. Just holding it, you can feel it sapping your strength, your ability to resist blows is decreased with each moment the club is grasped. But each strike that hits brings a boost of gained energy and health.
Weight: 3.0
Appearance: Dev's choice, no preference, I'd prefer a lack of metal on it.
Total Cost:5790


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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #173 on: June 03, 2024, 11:28:05 PM »
Item name: Memoria manet
Item type: Greateaxe
Description: This seems to be a somehow created and doubtlessly corrupted by the mists replication of the two-handed axe originally named Memoria manet.

The original axe was crafted and covered in a thin layer of orichalcum in 778 by a human craftsman named Hale Burns, who left the mists a year after. Since then, the original axe has served as an eternal reminder of his deeds. Unlike the real Memoria monet, this sample does not have the power to cut outsiders in half, but can still serve as a decent weapon against them. One of the distinctive features of the copy is the black misty-glowing around the blade.


Damage bonus vs outsiders: 1d8 negative energy
Enhancement bonus vs outsiders: +3
Divine damage vulnerability: 50%

Material: Unknown

Top: model 12 color 3
Middle: model 12 color 3
Bottom: model 12 color 2

VFX:  I can't find the current VFX list, it may be the same as the sword Thorn or another unique variant of grey/black glowing.

P.S. This is the easter egg to memorize Hale Burns. The original axe exists and it's the enchanted cold iron orichalcum greateaxe.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 11:29:59 PM by Legebrin »

Madame Trousers Son

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Re: Item Request Thread (Read The First Post Before Posting) v2
« Reply #174 on: June 28, 2024, 11:09:24 PM »
Item Name: Herald of the Age of Orcs
Item Type: Great Axe
Description: Orcs are almost entirely unheard of in Ravenloft, yet some scholars record legends that suggest great enmity between orcs and humanity. This brutal axe was not made by human hands, wrought by its makers to unleash an apocalypse upon humanity and usher in a new era, ruled by different creatures.

Statistics: Attack Bonus vs. Racial Group (Human) +4, Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning [2 Damage], Decreased Skill Modifier: Influence -5, Extra Melee Damage Type: Bludgeoning. Use Limitation Type: Racial Type: Orc, Use Limitation Type: Racial Type: Half-Orc, Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: Neutral Evil, Use Limitation: Specific Alignment: True Neutral

Appearance: Top 2, Color 3; Middle 3, 4; Bottom 2, 4. The item should not be craftable: that it is recognisable to the experienced eye is part of the intent.

Cost: 7722
« Last Edit: June 28, 2024, 11:22:55 PM by Madame Trousers Son »
"The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs."

 - Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon