The Gendarmerie Nationale announces the activation of 1st Savant Company of the Milice Nationale, with recruitment to commence immediately.
To enlist contact 1st Savant Company's commander, Caporal Yvette Sallembier in writing. Include in your writing, including your name, age, place of birth, a statement of your physical fitness, a statement of your relevant skills, and your reasons for joining.
This is the opportunity for patriotic citizens and guests from the Treaty of Four Towers to do their part for the betterment and protection of the city of Port a Lucine, and the country. The Serene Republique needs able bodied, motivated individuals willing to protect its citizens, and this is a way to meet that need without committing to a full career in the Gendarmerie Nationale.
Applications by those from further afield will also be considered if accompanied by letters of recommendation from Dementlieuse citizens. Service in the Milice can open the way to a career in the Gendarmerie Nationale for such individuals. This is no empty promise, with at least one sargent in Port a Lucine having being an outlander who rose through the Milice Nationale thanks to exceptional service.
See below the regulations of service:
Milice Nationale Regulations
1 - Personnel
1.1 - All levied citizens, citizen volunteers, or foreign volunteers, whom join the Extraordinary Levy, shall be under the organizational structure of the Gendarmerie Nationale de Dementlieu, as a temporary unit that shall be known as the Milice Nationale.
1.2 - At times of peace there is usually no extraordinary levy to form the Milice Nationale. This does not preclude there being one in the future at which point separate regulations will be issued to cover the procedure. For the avoidance doubt the regulations below will also cover personnel raised in any future levy.
1.3 - Volunteers to the Milice, from nations of the Treaty of Four Towers, or in Dementlieu outside of any extraordinary levy, are to be accepted. Volunteers from further afield will be dealt with on a case by case basis with reference to any vouching for them by Dementlieuse citizens of note.
2 - Organisation
2.1 - In all circumstances when these regulations refer to an officer of a milice company, they may be read as including any officer superior to that officer, or any designated second in the event of him being unavailable.
2.2 - Members of the Milice Nationale shall hold the rank of milice in the Gendarmerie Nationale de Dementlieu, a rank equal to Recrue, and are subject to the command structure of the Gendarmerie Nationale de Dementlieu. Hereinafter reference to a "gendarme" refers to a gendarme of gendarme rank or above, specifically excluding recrues.
2.3 - In times of peace, those who join the Levy Company will be assigned to the Officer in charge of Levy operations for Port a Lucine. The Company shall be named 1st Savant Company.
2.4 - In times of war or during an extraordinary levy, those who are levied or volunteer will report to the officer in charge of milice in whichever quartier of the city they reported first to. For organizational purposes, Milice assigned to such officers will be grouped into companies, two per quarter, denoting their place of enlistment - 1st Publique Company, 1st Savant Company, etc. The senior officer assigned to each quarter will detail their companies as "1st". Less senior officers of each pairing will denote their companies as "2nd".
2.5 - Each officer of a milicie company shall detail the numbers of milice in their companies, so that current strength may be accurately evaluated.
2.6 - Each officer of a milice company is to act as point of contact for the milice under his or her command.
3 - Training
3.1 - Each officer of a Milice company shall arrange appropriate drilling to ensure the Milice are adequately skilled. Drills are to include Musketry and Bayonet training, marching and field engineering, and civil assistance to Gendarmes in a peacetime role. Mind should be given to maintenance of morale and a company spirit during these exercises.
4 - Equipment and Expenses
4.1 - The uniform of the Milice shall be a blue coat, with beige breeches and undershirt, without epaulets, in similar style of the Gendarmerie Nationale. The hat shall feature a beige feather, as well. These are to be provided by the Gendarmerie Nationale.
4.2 - Milice are expected to provide the rest of their gear themselves, consisting of:
- Melee weapon of choice.
- Ranged weapon of choice.
- Carpentry equipment and one bundle of wood.
- Five rations.
- Healing kits, two; or equivalent.
4.3 - Milice shall not be issued keys to the Gendarmerie Headquarters, or any offices or posts of the Gendarmerie Nationale de Dementlieu. They shall likewise not be issued shackles.
4.4 - Reasonable expenses incurred as part of milice duty may be reimbursed by the Gendarmerie, at the discretion of the relevant officer in charge of a company.
4.5 Pay may be provided during long deployments, at the discretion of the Capitaine du Jour.
5 - Musters
5.1 - Milice shall be called to service as a company by a muster called by the officer in charge of their company, to serve until dismissed.
5.2 - Musters are to include a time and location for the company to muster.
5.3 - Failure to attend a muster without reasonable excuse, as agreed with the officer in charge of the Company in advance or retroactively, shall be deemed a disciplinary matter. It may lead to dismissal or discipline.
6 - Civil Assistance
6.1 - Milice may be called to service on an individual basis by any Gendarme to provide civil assistance.
6.2 - When milice are called to service in this way they will follow the orders of all Gendarmes, deferring primarily to the senior officer on the scene.
6.3 - Failure to obey orders of a Gendarme of Gendarme rank or above may lead to dismissal or discipline.
6.4 - Milice have no civil enforcement powers, and may only act during peacetime at the request of a Gendarme except in emergencies imperilling life and limb or the security of the Republique.
6.5 - In such emergency circumstances, if a milice is called upon to detain individuals for arrest, a Gendarme must complete the arrest at the earliest opportunity and process them through the jail cells as their orders usually require.
7 - Punishments
7.1 - Desertion from the milice without notice may lead to military punishment.
7.2 - Dereliction of duty by a milice may lead to military punishment.
Merci beaucoup,