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Author Topic: Goldflame  (Read 1244 times)


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« on: May 22, 2014, 11:21:32 PM »
She struggled against the heavy, leather straps holding her to the seat, a familiar knot of terror building in the pit of her stomach.  The machine was activated and everything began to shake as its massive, lumbering parts spun.  It pulled at her very soul, its dark energies violently tearing her apart.  When it was over and the rumbling had stopped, she opened her eyes and saw herself.

But not herself.   Her twin’s smile was wicked and there was something disturbingly sinister behind her eyes.  The rest passed as a blur…she was dragged up several flights of stairs, a rope fitted tightly around her neck, and then she was falling…

Nara’ia awoke with a gasp.   The sun elf sat up in the bed, catching her breath as she wiped the cold sweat from her brow.  She rubbed her neck, choking softly as the unwelcome memories flooded her mind.  This was the third time that week she dreamed of being held in the bowels of Castle Avernus, of being ripped in two by Azalin’s apparatus.

She reached for the glass on the dresser beside her bed and gulped down two mouthfuls of water.   Taking a glance at her reflection, Nara’ia knew that *she* could see everything as well.  Her two halves were merged back together physically, but the unrelenting evil lingered within her still.

Bernard would be taking her soon, but there was something Nara’ia had to do before that happened.  She had to tell someone.

The first people who came to mind were her dearest and closest friends, Sofiya and Cote.  They would stop her, though.  Neither cared very much for Bernard, and they certainly did not trust him…

I trust you Bernard…

What about…?   Her mind drifted to another man, one she had not shared a real conversation with in over a year.  After all this time there was still a slight ache in her heart whenever she thought of him.  He might be more objective then those she was closer with.  Dipping a quill in ink, Nara’ia began to write.


Dear monsieur Ray,

There are things need to be said that I haven’t the courage to speak.  I fear I am losing myself.  The darkness within me, born by Azalin’s terrible machine, is threatening to take control.  If it were only I endangered by this conflict then I would endure, however this is not so.   As long as the black rabbit threatens to overwhelm my mind, no one within my vicinity is safe.  

I know what she is capable of…what I am capable of…and it frightens me to my very core.  How do I live with myself knowing that at any instant tragedy might strike by my own hands?  Something needs to be done, and it needs to happen sooner rather than later.  Bernard confided in me that he found a solution.  I need to take this chance no matter how risky it may be.

If it isn’t an imposition, I would like to stop by your office sometime soon so we can discuss this in person.  I do still think of you and hope you are well.


« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 11:53:28 PM by puckwolf »


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Re: Goldflame
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2014, 07:47:28 PM »
I trust you Bernard.

Nara’ia knew the moment he strapped her to the machine that the dawn she welcomed that morning, the memories of the sun’s warmth still vivid in her mind, would be the last she’d see.  The reality of her fate was in his eyes; everything was in his eyes.

“This is bigger than you and I.”  He told her.  “It’s you…it’s always been you…you’re my test”

His betrayal hurt.  It was more painful than anything she had ever experienced.  She knew there would be risks, but nothing could have prepared her for this outcome.  Bernard had no intention of extracting the black rabbit; he planned on using all of her life energy to power this terrible machine.  He was sacrificing her.  

I thought I finally reached you.  How did it all go so terribly wrong…  

Was this always their plan?  The unseen puppet masters that Zachary spoke of, the immutable gods Bernard strived to defeat, have they been in control all this time?    

“You don’t need to suffer anymore, I’ll take the darkness away.”  He paused a moment, his eyes staring into hers.  “I love you Nara’ia, and I’ll make them pay for forcing me to do this.”

Her heart nearly shattered.  To hear those words…to finally hear them…

Tears streamed down the broken man’s face as he gently caressed her cheek with his hand.  She tilted her head into his touch, fighting in vain to suppress her own sorrow.  Bernard had never displayed such intense, raw emotion towards her before.  He loved her; despite it all she knew then and there that he loved her.

“I need you to tell me this is the right thing Nara’ia.”  Have you become so desperate?

“Bernard you do not have to do this.”  I trusted you.

“I wish there were another way.” There is always a choice.

He pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.  “I love you,” he whispered before pulling away and turning his back to her.

“Darkness always comes before the dawn, Nara’ia.”

He pulled the switch and her world was an explosion of white-hot agony.  

Was it worth it, Bernard?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 07:59:32 PM by puckwolf »


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Re: Goldflame
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 08:57:03 PM »
The spirit hovered aimlessly in the nothingness of its prison.  Something was wrong, but it could not recall what or why.   Was there ever anything more than there is now?  Is this how it has always been and always will be?

Who am I?  Where am I?  It could not remember.

A flash of something familiar penetrated its essence.  Was it a feeling, or a memory?

Yes, it was all returning to her.  The static projection that was her world suddenly began to shift and change as her memories returned.  Black rabbit, the machine, Bernard…

Sofiya was here and Cote Poisson.  She recognized the detective woman Sheridan, and the halfling Leander.  They destroyed the apparatus, her soul had been released from its cage and she could no longer feel “her” presence!  She was free…finally free!

But she could not leave this world just yet.  They deserved her gratitude; they deserved closure …

“I knew you would come.”  You always come.  

“Nara’ia, you’re alive?”  Sofiya…

“She is gone Sofi, she’s finally gone and I’m free.”  

“I’m so sorry…I didn’t protect you.”  

“Please don’t cry…” You deserve happiness.

“There must be a way to fix this…how do we fix this?  Cote!”

“I am sorry, I truly am, but we must say goodbye.  You will take care of her, monsieur Poisson?”

“Mmmm…mhm.” Was the only response the man could muster, nodding through his tears.

“I love you so much Nara’ia.”  I love you too, Sofiya.

“Goodnight, Nara’ia.”  Goodnight, Monsieur Poisson.

“Thank you, to all of you.  Dum vita est, spes est.  There will always be a new Dawn.”

And with your end, you stopped the darkness Bernard.


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Re: Goldflame
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 09:10:17 AM »
They sat beside the stream in Degannwy, watching as the sun descended in the sky.  The usual chill in the Barovian air was absent, and the elven settlement appeared completely abandoned save for the man and woman.  He wore a fancy red suit fitting for one of nobility, and held a cane across his lap.  She was in a white dress lined with golden silk, and wore a sun shaped amulet around her neck.

“The sun is beautiful, Nara’ia.”

“It is Bernard, but can you truly see it?”

He did not respond to her question, his eyes remaining forward as they awaited judgment.  She reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently.

“I forgive you.”

He pulled her close and she rested her head against his shoulder.   They remained there, together, as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 01:41:00 AM by puckwolf »


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Re: Goldflame
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2016, 01:51:26 AM »
Bumping to save!  The ending of my first character.