Author Topic: Messages are pinned up in the outskirts of Vallaki  (Read 775 times)

Alan Hunter

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Messages are pinned up in the outskirts of Vallaki
« on: August 26, 2016, 11:31:05 PM »
Dear denizena of the out skirts,

Many of you may know me as Dracos von Nightscspe. A healer, apothecary, laborer and friend I am an outlander like many whose life changed when the mist brought him here. I want to tell you are not alone in your trials be youboutlander or barovian I have work among the people of the land and now ask if you may give me some of your time this sixth day of the week. I will be posted before the lady's rest by the tree to give my speech I hope to see you there and my words reach you.

Sincerely, von Nightscape

(Estimated to be 1pm american eastern pacific)
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."