Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeFebruary 4th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31qJanuary 29th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31p
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEKazmer IstvanFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including assaulting subjects of the Count, attempted murder and petty theft through brigandry. He has also committed crimes of shirking a summon of the Vallaki Garda.REWARD: 5,000 fang.This Gundar's appearance changes frequently but usually spotted in dark clothing, a black hood and is missing four fingers from one of his hands.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Any who are caught harbouring this criminal especially those cursed with Gundarakite heritage, will be treated as aiding a criminal of Barovia and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly!
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVERomeoFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including attempted solicitation of contraband and fleeing the Vallaki Garda after refusal to comply with the lawful demands of the Vallaki Garda through the use of witchcraft. She has also committed crimes of shirking a summon of the Vallaki Garda.REWARD: 2,500 fang.This previously convicted thief can be identified with a hook for one of her hands, dressing in earthy colours from head to toe with a brown coloured hood. She shall be spared the headman's block if she turns herself in willingly.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Agios QuoaPresent yourself to the Citadel or directly to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea IMMEDIATELY.Or meet the fate of a criminal for your FAILURE.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVELydia E'ChanceFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including murder of two members of the Vallaki Garda. She has also committed crimes of existing as a foul demon, attempted murder of an Officer of the Vallaki Garda, attempted murder of a subject of the Count , disturbing the peace with foul vraja and assaulting subjects of the Count.REWARD: 10,000 fang.This vile demon can be easily spotted with horns coming out of her head, be warned she casts vraja and can transform into a vile, naked fiend capable of destruction! As of late this demon whore has been attempting to mask her deformities by covering her wicked horns behind a feathered mask and poor imitate a fop accent.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEAbethe BoweFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including conspiracy to murder an Officer of the Vallaki Garda and a subject of the Count. She has also committed crimes of evading the lawful arrest of the Vallaki Garda and resisting arrest.REWARD: 10,000 fang.This mouthy whore can be identified in a scantly clad black vest and black pants when she is not naked bedding with foul demons. Otherwise if she is covering her shame, her dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and her dusky/olive skin. The woman is known to go by false names such as "Thera", wearing grey drab armour and in the company of the foul demon.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
If any are caught harbouring , assisting or associating with these criminals, they will be treated as aiding criminals of Barovia and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly! Be it known what happens to traitors of the Count, Burgomaster and Barovia!
Lamin & LylahPresent yourself directly to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea IMMEDIATELY.You have THREE days.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEDan the SimpletonFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including assaulting two members of the Vallaki Garda. He has also committed crimes of flagrant disregard of the laws of the land through his insults of the Vallaki Garda, resisting and evading arrest with force.REWARD: 2,500 fang.This brute of a man can be identified in his towering height at over six foot tall, and encased in a suit of mottled steel but for his scarred and bare arms, cuts an imposing figure. He wears a small sash around his waist. He wields a greatsword with a bright steel blade and a handle that appears to be decorated with gold or brass. The prongs of the handle each end with a circular piece of metal. He seems slow-witted, yet quick to resort to threats and demands hiding his simpleton face with his armet helmet.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
If any are caught harbouring , assisting or associating with this criminal, they will be treated as aiding criminals of Barovia and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly! Be it known what happens to traitors of the Count, Burgomaster and Barovia!
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEBrom HornhavenFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including evading justice by defying the natural state of life and death of his lawful execution. He has also committed crimes of Disturbing the peace, Disrespect of the Garda, Resisting arrest, Assaulting members of the Vallaki Garda and attempted bribery of an Officer before his execution for his vile crimes.[/b]REWARD: 50,000 fang.This criminal can be identified with his black braided hair of colourful beads and small coins, standing at six feet tall. He wears a coat with some foreign cult symbol on his right bicep, a red human figure on the centre of his clothing with the nonsense words "Humanity is now in the pure" and the symbol of the Red Vardo on his left bicep coat.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Kilinus RinghammerZaren LightforgeVine AdamsArkhanPresent yourself to the Citadel or directly to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea.You have FIVE days.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
The witch known as "Aedard"Present yourself to the Citadel or directly to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea.You have THREE days.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEKilinus Ringhammer For numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including attempted murder and assaulting subjects of the Count. He has also committed crimes of shirking a summon of the Vallaki Garda.REWARD: 2,500 fang.This pitic can be identified with his short stature, facial hair akin to that of a dwarf, clad in armour and typically wielding a shield and weapon.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEArcibel "Arc Abal"For numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including evading justice by defying the natural state of life and death of his lawful execution. He has also committed crimes of aiding a wanted criminal of Barovia that earned his rightful execution.REWARD: 2,500 fang.This simpleton aged in his late 20's can be identified in his black hood, black armour, black hair and brown eyes standing at around 6' 2" (1.89m) with a athletic/muscular build. Often seen running around weapons drawn like a madman and typically uncomprehensible.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
THE WITCH KNOWN AS "SERIANA HALL"Present yourself to the Citadel or directly to Private Constantine Lupeiovich.You have SEVEN days. ~ Signed: Private Constantine Lupeiovich~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
ATTENTION SUBJECTS OF THE COUNTThe Vallaki Garda require a skilled doctor as soon as possible for an assignment.Payment will be rewarded for the successful completion of this task.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~Agios Quoa need not apply.
Nicole EspivantPresent yourself to the Citadel or directly to Private Diana Lupescu immediately.~Private Diana Lupescu~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEMacerak and his allies.For numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including Harming one of the Vistani. Numerous counts of Assault, Murder, and kidnapping. Plotting to overthrow the Count Strahd Von ZarovichREWARD: 15,000 fang.This Male Vampire is arrogant and easily angered, Bearing a great double axe and wearing furs. His accomplices include:a Female Vampire Priestess of an outlander god called Llolth, This foul vampire now resembles a giant spider and was last seen in the sewers.and Dindaria A woman who dresses mostly in dark colours, Fond of saying 'dop' and telling people her life as a whore. Information leading to identification and capture of these fugitives will be rewarded.~Private Serghei Milosovici~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
The hunter known as "Eskil"Present yourself to the Citadel or directly to Private Serghei Milosovici.You have ONE week.~Private Serghei Milosovici~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEOgtbish Sharnud "The Chosen of Irlek-Khan"For numerous crimes against the municipality and her people including including assault on the subjects of the Count, the practice of foul necromancy, the desecration of a graveyard, and the defilement of the dead. He has also committed crimes of existing.REWARD: 5,000 fang.This foul creature can be recognized for its wear of white garb with a rough wooden brigandine, with ornamental shoulder spikes, in what may be recognized as ceremonial Neurini wear. This witch keeps a white flag and may stink excessively of its many crimes.~Private Teresca Mitrea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~[/s]
The pitic known as "Agh"Present yourself directly to Private Serghei Milosovici as soon as possible.~Private Serghei Milosovici~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEDilara StrayanogaFor numerous crimes against the municipality and her people, including Consorting with a foul demon of iadul. She has also committed crimes of kidnapping a subject of the Count, numerous counts of assault on multiple subjects, attempted slavery of a subject of the Count to sell off to a fiend and molestation.REWARD: 5,000 fang dead / 10,000 fang alive.This Hazlani Lawgiver of Rashemi ethnicity can be identified with her dark hair typically kept held back in a hood and her dark and dull coloured clothes with a jagged skirt and leggings along with a black and red cloak with the symbol of the Black hand present for all to see. Otherwise she is seen dressing like a whore of the night, wearing spiked armour with spiked shoulders/spiked helmet or other variety of clothes that clearly identify her foreign, dark cult.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
CANOVILLPresent yourself to the Citadel or directly to Private Teresca Mitrea.You have SEVEN days.~Private Teresca Mitrea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Attention!Agios Quoia is hereby banished from Vallaki, and all it's holdings permanently.Should he be captured violating his banishment he will be put to death, otherwise a bounty will be placed on his head.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVEWilliam BlackwoodA known leader of a necromancer cult, he has committed the crimes of practicing necromancy, evading justice, fleeing the garda, and disturbing the peace. REWARD: 2,500 FangHe is recognized as a human male with short black hair, fair skin, and wears black clothing with grey accents.He shall be spared the hangman's noose if he turns himself in.~Private Teresca Mitrea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Iridni RenPresent yourself to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea immediately.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
WANTEDRazvan the HalfbloodAssaulting Vallaki Garda, Fleeing his lawful arrest.Reward: 3,000 FangThis man can be identified by his long hair and many tattoos of lewd women. Be aware he is a HALF Vastani of no affiliation and in no way protected by the Count's third Law.-Corporal Yordan Hubchev~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~
Bratty SilverspoonMorris GoodmanPresent yourself to Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea immediately.You have THREE days.~Lance Corporal Nicolas Mircea~VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE~