Class Changes & Fixes:
-Added 4 new animal companions: Lion, Mastiff, Raven, Stag.
-Added 4 new familiars: Homunculus, Krenshar, Shocker Lizard, Toad.
-Added Heal as a class skill to Beguilers and Crypt Raiders.
-Added missing Battle Caster feat to the Warlock's bonus feat list.
-Capped monk total speed (should not have a noticeable effect since effect stacking was capped).
-Fixed an issue which delayed the level at which Warlocks would get Lesser and Dark invocations.
-Added Favored Weapon (None) feat to Favored Souls to cover those whose deity has no favored weapon.
-Added Favored Enemy (ooze) to Grimetrekkers, and the list of available favored enemy feats for other classes.
-Added Create Undead as a level 5 spell to the Undeath domain.
-Fixed the Warlock's Fiendish Resistance prompting spell failure checks.
-Fixed the Warlock's Voracious Dispelling not working as an AOE.
-Added Battle Caster to the Warlock's feats list.
-Updated the appearance of shadow asp familiars.
Feat Changes:
-Added Eldritch Claws for Warlocks.
-Added bonus rogue feats: Light Sleeper and Face in the Crowd.
-Added trap feats: Trapmaster, Tactile Trapsmith
-Added touch attack spell feats: Spell Dodge, Critical Spell Strike.
-Added Disguise feats: Mimic, No Identity, Deceitful.
-Added ranged weapon feat: Dead Eye.
-Added racial feats to serve as prerequisites to fix issues with templates and subraces.
-Changed the damage type of Ki Blast from Magic to Force damage.
-Made it possible to select Expanded Aura of Courage.
-Added missing feats: War Cry (Blooded One) and Daze (Feytouched).
Spell Changes:
-Changed the damage type of Magic Missile, Isaac's Lesser and Greater Magic Storm, Orb of Force, and Rainbow Beam from Magic to Force damage.
-Changed the damage type of Disintegrate, Eldritch Blast, Horrid Wilting, Magical Backlash, Painful Slumber of the Ages, Phantasmal Killer, Radiant Assault, Sunburst, Thalassemia, Thieves' Bane, Voracious Dispelling, Weird from Magic to Untyped damage.
-Added support for visual spell targeting to all spells.
-Fixed an issue with damage effects bypassing damage resistance.
-Made it possible to stack speed spells again.
-Added missing description to Hold Portal scrolls.
-Fixed issues with some spells not targeting items properly (Magic Insight, Unholy Sword, and some others).
- Modified Pure Black and White to add more depth.
- Added an androgynous phenotype available through the customization menu (major thanks to Favee!)
- Added 9 new persistent animations (9 animations from the Alternate Combat Pack). Those can be toggled by using @animation (type @animation help for details).
- Added 25 new player character voicesets from this pack.
- Decreased the weight of darts from 0.1 to 0.0lbs.
- Added skeletal versions of all player racial types.
- Added two new clothing options (235/236 for most equipment parts) from the CCC August 2022 pack.
- Added two new clothing options (235/236 for most equipment parts) from the CCC August 2022 pack.
- Added two new robe options (118 and 250).
- Added the scrap clothing models (models 187/188) from the CCC January 2023 pack.
- Added dozens of player-written books.
- Added several new tilesets and expansions to existing tilesets.
- Added 5 new caliban runt heads (50 to 54) to male gnomes and 6 new heads (50 to 55) to female gnomes.
- Fixed two problematic male dwarven heads (105 and 118).
- Added new tower shield model (239) (thanks to LegoRobot and Favee).
- Added new neck pieces (211 to 214) (thanks to Favee)
- Added new pauldron shoulder model (187) (thanks to Favee)
- Added new heavy flail (model 5, colors 1 to 3 for all three parts) (thanks to Favee)
- Added 8 new umbrella models from Stitch's Pack.
- Added hundreds of new placeables.
- Added six new reskinned estate couches (7680 to 7685).
- Added 450 visual effects from shadguy's VFX pack.
- Added several new creature models.
- Added new von Zarovich horse model (thanks to Strigoi).
- Added dozens of new skyboxes.
- Added several ambient sounds from the following three packs: / / Fixed a lingering issue Strahd's texture. (thanks to Strigoi)
- Fixed an issue with the toxodon model.
- Fixed issues with some shoe models introduced in the last update.
- Fixed issues with the Greatsword hilt on models 231 to 234 (thanks to LegoRobot)
- Fixed transparency issues with book and helmet icons.
- Adjusted the cost of magic staffs, wands to correspond to other equipped items.
- Added a VFX to Claws of the Savage (thanks to Favee)
- Reorganized the hak structure and removed duplicate content.