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Author Topic: Changelog  (Read 402704 times)


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Changelog - September 11th 2020 Version BETA 2.23h title "Guests."
« Reply #775 on: September 11, 2020, 12:23:50 PM »
Changelog - September 11th 2020 Version BETA 2.23h title "Guests."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added doorbells to shop and warehouse rentals in Vallaki and Port-à-Lucine.

- Added material properties to multiple items throughout the module to better support druids' metallic restrictions.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added more feedback to the relevel crystal: time and number of uses left.

- Made some messages (ie: reset votes, reset countdowns) more visible on the player's screen.

- Fixed an issue with the relevel crystal sometimes not reseting the time left after forced relevels.

- Fixed an issue with racial and Hallowed Witch spell-like abilities not returning the proper caster level and DC.

- Fixed a bug with disguise voiceset.

- Fixed a bug with the rental system that would occur when people used the character "@" in a placeable's description or name.

- Fixed minor bugs and issues.


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Changelog - October 4th 2020 Version BETA 2.24a title "Voodan Magic."
« Reply #776 on: October 04, 2020, 08:19:13 PM »
Changelog - October 4th 2020 Version BETA 2.24a title "Voodan Magic."

Hak update:

- Updated the module to version 8193.16.

- Added the Voodan base class. More information to be found on the forums and the Wiki. The Voodan's domains and school of magic must correspond to their loa's. You can consult the post at the forums link for the full list of supported loa.

- Added three new shapes to each Wild Shape feat, for a total of 15 new shapes.

- Added 800 new Carpenter's Portable Kit placeable recipes and expanded the conversation.

- Added new cosmetic variants for werewolf and wererat MPCs.

- Fixed issues with Savage Empathy and Vermin Trainer being non-available.

- Decreased the range of "Long" spells to be within perception range of monsters.

- Gave Deep Gnomes the Disguise Self spell-like ability.

- Clarified the Circle of Doom spells, True Seeing and Mora domain descriptions.

- Updated Disguise Self scrolls' caster level (this change is not retroactive).

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added materials to most armors, helmets, boots, gloves and bracers in the module.

- Updated Nant Gaerwyn's interior by replacing a room with a private meeting room and removing comatose Adrone.

- Removed placeables that revealed secret information about the setting from dungeons.

- Made minor balance adjustments to three dungeons.

- Added Large Crates and Chests to Crawler in the Drain.

- Fixed an issue with the Gaping Wound and the Governor's Hotel Ballroom keys.

- Fixed minor issues and typos.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added the option to scry for a PC corpse's location when speaking to Madam Vadoma in the Mist Camp.

- Updated the druid metal restrictions to include bracers, gloves, gauntlets, helmets and boots, in addition to armors and shields.

- Automatically restricted Ravenloft-only cleric/voodan domains to the appropriate deities (Bindings, Mist, Mora, Salvation, Scrutiny, Slaughter, and Weave).

- Added the "Moon-Death" moon phase to Har'Akir, a lunar eclipse at the end of the lunar cycle.

- Updated the Councilor's Tool to work as a feat rather than just as an item, to facilitate Councilors' work.

- Fixed crashing issues for Switch users.

- Fixed an issue that would sometimes make people lose their equiped armor when modifying appearance.

- Fixed a bug with carpentry placeables sometimes not returning ingredients when recovered.

- Fixed a bug with @customize height not working if a PC had not set it up at character creation.

- Fixed various issues with persistent VFX disappearing.

- Reenabled a plugin that would expand the list of monk weapons.

- Fixed another issue with @disguise set voiceset sometimes making people lose their voiceset.

- Fixed a bug with traps that would sometimes make them fire even if the trap setter was offline.

- Changed several weapon buffing spells to no longer work on bracers; they will still work on gloves and gauntlets.

- Fixed minor issues with the rental system.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2020, 08:24:54 PM by EO »


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Changelog - October 6th 2020 Version BETA 2.24b title "Looking Ahead."
« Reply #777 on: October 06, 2020, 08:26:32 PM »
Changelog - October 6th 2020 Version BETA 2.24b title "Looking Ahead."

Hak update:

- Corrected issues with creatures' perception ranges and further reduced the range of long spells.

- Reverted crafting recipes and DCs to previous version.

Area, Item and NPC changes:


Scripting and System changes:

- Updated the Relevel Crystal to provide the same information when relevelling as the @relevel command.

- Fixed issues with weapon enhancement spells not targeting the right weapons when cast on a creature.

- Fixed an issue affecting fallen druids.

- Fixed an isssue that made it impossible to write on a crafted placeable.

- Fixed OCR issues with Voodan Gris-Gris and Turn Spirit.

- Fixed an issue with Madam Vadoma's scrying for corpses.

- Fixed issues with Carpenter's Portable Kits not returning ingredients correctly, or sometimes creating them elsewhere.


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Changelog - October 12th 2020 Version BETA 2.24d title "Lock & Key."
« Reply #778 on: October 12, 2020, 11:56:21 AM »
Changelog - October 12th 2020 Version BETA 2.24d title "Lock & Key."

Area, Item and NPC changes:


Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed an issue with rentals not issuing new keys.

- Fixed more issues with traps not firing under certain circumstances.

- Minor scripting and system fixes.


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Changelog - October 17th 2020 Version BETA 2.24e title "Makeover."
« Reply #779 on: October 17, 2020, 01:39:56 PM »
Changelog - October 17th 2020 Version BETA 2.24e title "Makeover."


- Updated several heads to use tatoo colors for eyes/lips.

- Fixed several minor issues with human female head 190.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added a limit of two rental properties per character to the rental system.

- Fixed an exploit with the Old Sewers dungeon of Dementlieu.

- Fixed an issue that made several placeables invisible with the last hak update.

- Fixed minor issues and typos.

Scripting and System changes:

- Updated the rental placeable storing system to properly store the z-axis of placeables. This may cause issues in existing rentals.

- Fixed minor issues with the carpentry system, added portraits to several placeables.

- Fixed an issue with the AC bonus from Parry not working automatically when unarmed.

- Made several optimizations to conversations scripts.

- Fixed minor issues.


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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Changelog - October 25th 2020 Version BETA 2.24f title "Shadows."
« Reply #780 on: October 25, 2020, 04:28:51 PM »
Changelog - October 25th 2020 Version BETA 2.24f title "Shadows."


- Reverted male human heads 35, 36, 37, 38 to their previous version.

- Removed duplicate placeable appearances.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added roleplay areas around Vallaki.

- Added two new dungeons near Vallaki.

- Added faction armories to factions that did not have one.

- Fixed minor issues and typos.

Scripting and System changes:

- Expanded the faction armory system to include all faction items; removed these items from the faction tool and stores.

- Fixed an issue with the Voodan's Bestow Gris-Gris ability not taking the character's level into account.

- Changed the shadowdancer's summoned shadow appearance to the shadowdancer's.

- Fixed an issue with Empty Body not always working properly.

- Fixed minor issues.


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Changelog - October 28th 2020 Version BETA 2.24g title "Bookworm."
« Reply #781 on: October 28, 2020, 09:52:38 PM »
Changelog - October 28th 2020 Version BETA 2.24g title "Bookworm."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added roleplay resources about the Voodan to the OOC Lounge.

- Fixed minor issues with the new dungeons.

Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed an issue with the Voodan's Bestow Gris-Gris ability not taking the character's level into account.

- Fixed minor issues.

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Changelog - October 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24h title "Halloween."
« Reply #782 on: October 30, 2020, 07:09:23 AM »
Changelog - October 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24h title "Halloween."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Set up the module for the Play-A-New-Character event.

Scripting and System changes:

- Made AI better able to handle hostile area-of-effect spells when caster is outside view.

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Changelog - November 1st 2020 Version BETA 2.24i title "Flee."
« Reply #783 on: November 01, 2020, 07:32:33 AM »
Changelog - November 1st 2020 Version BETA 2.24i title "Flee."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- None.

Scripting and System changes:

- Made pack oxes better at avoiding combat.

- Fixed error that would potentially cause people to be sent to the Mist Camp upon revival.

- Did minor fixes and improvements to some MPC abilities.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 09:27:01 AM by EO »


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Changelog - November 12th 2020 Version BETA 2.24j title "Memories."
« Reply #784 on: November 12, 2020, 09:54:09 PM »
Changelog - November 12th 2020 Version BETA 2.24j title "Memories."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Converted Warehouse III in Vallaki to a long-term rental and added Warehouse IV as a short-term rental.

- Fixed various typos and minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed an issue with wizards losing spells learnt from scrolls when releveling if they did not start as a wizard.

- Made it impossible to put animal companion and familiar corpses inside placeables.

- Added a new command (@npc dismiss) to let MPCs and DMs automatically "unsummon" henchmen/NPCs.

- Updated shapechanging effects and incorporealness to be more standardized.

- Disabled grenade weapons in OOC rooms.

- Removed ECL from the Wild Dwarf template.

- Fixed bugs and exploits related to scrying.

- Made it impossible to drop items in the OOC - Lounge.

- Fixed various typos and minor issues.


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Changelog - November 21st 2020 Version BETA 2.24k title "Lashes."
« Reply #785 on: November 21, 2020, 11:35:22 PM »
Changelog - November 21st 2020 Version BETA 2.24k title "Lashes."

Hak changes:

- Gave all Whips Improved Disarm instead of Disarm.

- Made Heavy Picks dual-wieldable.

- Changed the duration of the Shadowdancer's Shadow Evade and Shadow Daze abilities' to rounds per level rather than a flat 5 rounds.

- Added Examine and other player feats to familiars and animal companions.

- Updated the descriptions of polymorph and shapechange spells to indicate they do not work on certain types of creatures.

- Fixed various minor issues.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Rebalanced and fixed bugs in several dungeons.

- Overhauled all single-area rentals to fix an issue with some placeables not being saved properly.

- Fixed various issues involving traps in dungeons and player-crafted traps.

Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed a bug that prevented changing weapons' appearances.

- Updated the list of acceptable creature appearances for the outcast rating system.

- Added a failsafe to prevent people from accidentally impairing corpses using Voracious.

- Fixed an exploit involving Fiery Beetle Mandibles.


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Changelog - November 22th 2020 Version BETA 2.24l title "Friendly Fire."
« Reply #786 on: November 22, 2020, 10:11:29 PM »
Changelog - November 22th 2020 Version BETA 2.24l title "Friendly Fire."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Fixed minor issues with conversations.

Scripting and System changes:

- Made it impossible to damage other players with area of effect spells on the action server.

- Removed the visual effect that would show up after several timers end (ie: save cooldown).

- Fixed a bug that prevented changing weapons' appearances.

- Fixed an issue with the new rental changes.

- Fixed the shadowdancer's summoned shadow's appearance not updating properly.

- Fixed an issue with item placeables.

- Fixed issues with player set traps and incorporeal NPCs.


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Changelog - November 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24m title "Remodeling."
« Reply #787 on: November 30, 2020, 10:58:27 PM »
Changelog - November 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24m title "Remodeling."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Updated all rentals to fix issues related to the most recent update.

- Fixed issues and made minor improvements to fireworks.

- Fixed minor issues and optimized several areas.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added a 30 second cooldown when ringing faction/rental bells.

- Decreased the number of times creature weapons are reequipped by monstrous characters and dragon disciples.

- Fixed a bug with Baleful Polymorph not properly targeting hostile creatures.

- Added a DM tool to fix items bugged after a failed appearance modifcation.

- Fixed minor issues and optimized several systems.


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Changelog - December 7th 2020 Version BETA 2.24n title "Election Time!"
« Reply #788 on: December 07, 2020, 08:50:27 PM »
Changelog - December 7th 2020 Version BETA 2.24n title "Election Time!"

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added Community Council voting booths in-game.

- Added a new DM area (Medieval City).

- Fixed minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Partial cloaks (ie: mantles) will now be dyed with the mirror dye (61) automatically.

- Changed the way people connect to the action server so they enter directly in the POTM Action - Entrance area.

- Fixed a bug with the rentals' placeable limits.

- Removed unnecessary spamming feedback messages when breaking Ethereal Jaunt/Empty Body.

- Made more spells no longer damage other players on the action server.

- Fixed various bugs related to item appearance crafting.


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Changelog - December 23rd 2020 Version BETA 2.24o title "Hexblade"
« Reply #789 on: December 23, 2020, 02:07:33 PM »
Changelog - December 23rd 2020 Version BETA 2.24o title "Hexblade"

Hak update:

- Added the Hexblade base class.

- Bards and Assassins will no longer have Arcane Spell Failure from light armor.

- Monster Hunters will no longer have Arcane Spell Failure from light and medium armor.

- Added 8 new spells.

- Fixed issues with the "Recommended" options for custom classes.

- Added a Will saving throw vs the spell's original DC (lowered) when removing curses using Remove Curse from a target as per Ravenloft rules.

- Clarified how Dominate Person/Monster/Animal and Control Undead spells work in the spell description (incorporated Blue's ruling)

- Updated the description of Earthquake to clarify it damages placeables and doors too.

- Added the Force descriptor to several spells, although it won't have mechanical effects.

- Added the Curse descriptor to Curse of Impending Blades and Mass Curse of Impending Blades.

- Merged haks with the latest Beamdog patch.

- Fixed a glitch with a torch's icon in the toolset.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added new customization options to the Wondrous Mirrors of Appearance Changing.

- Updated conversations to reflect recent in-game events.

- Fixed a bug affecting certain Sithicus transitions.

- Fixed minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added the option to toggle whether crafted placeables are useable or not.

- Made it impossible to recover epic traps from dungeons.

- Fixed more issues with the rental system.

- Fixed issues with traps not properly ignoring non-hostile targets.

- Player-crafted traps will break invisibility/stealth when set.

- Fixed a bug on the action server that resulted in people being ported to the OOC room everytime they relogged.

- Added a limit to how many crafting components can be exported from a crafting container to a crafting station.


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Changelog - December 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24p title "Let there be light."
« Reply #790 on: December 30, 2020, 03:05:17 PM »
Changelog - December 30th 2020 Version BETA 2.24p title "Let there be light."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Clarified and updated the rules for the Wondrous Mirrors of Appearance Changing in the conversation itself.

- Added paper and quill to several Hazlani merchants.

- Added an alchemy and herbalism merchant to the Red Academy.

- Fixed a bug affecting certain Sithicus transitions.

- Added a safe rest area in the backroom of the Théâtre de la Cathédrale.

- Added scrolls of One with the Land to the Dementlieuse black market.

- Fixed minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Made dye dummies and wondrous mirrors illuminate the user, making it easier to modify colors.

Fixed issues affecting paladins and druids being considered as fallen under certain circumstances.

- Fixed issues with Magical Backlash and the Hexblade's Curse.

- Fixed minor issues with the rental system.

- Fixed issues with Arcane Archers.

- Minor optimizations and bug fixes.


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Changelog - January 2nd 2021 Version BETA 2.24q title "New Year."
« Reply #791 on: January 03, 2021, 01:48:54 PM »
Changelog - January 2nd 2021 Version BETA 2.24q title "New Year."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Fixed minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Muted the messages that appear when placing or taking items from crafting stations.

- Fixed a bug that let characters rent rentals when they weren't supposed to.

- Fixed issues with placeables not properly saving over resets in rentals.

- Fixed issues with recovering epic traps.

- Made various fixes and optimizations.


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Changelog - January 7th 2021 Version BETA 2.24r title "Static."
« Reply #792 on: January 07, 2021, 10:17:04 PM »
Changelog - January 7th 2021 Version BETA 2.24r title "Static."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Introduced an experimental system to make non-useable or resized crafting and rental placeables static to improve performance.

- Updated the Old Sewers dungeon in Dementlieu to make it harder to solo.

- Made various minor optimizations.

Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed an exploit with enchanting certain weapons not costing as much experience as it should.

- Fixed an exploit with summons that would give experience when killed.

- Fixed an issue with the levels of the Voodan's Bestow Gris-Gris.

- Fixed minor issues and added debugging information.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 10:19:46 PM by EO »


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Changelog - January 11th 2021 Version BETA 2.24s title "Competition."
« Reply #793 on: January 11, 2021, 10:39:15 PM »
Changelog - January 11th 2021 Version BETA 2.24s title "Competition."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added a second Vistani Caravan in the Mist Camp.

- Increased the spawn rate of several high level dungeons.

- Added Hazlan-themed food and drinks to Hazlan inns.

- Added support for Hexblades for enchanting.

- Fixed issues with the new system that sets non-useable crafting, rental and DM placeables static.

- Corrected multiple problems with the doors in the Gendarmerie.

- Fixed various minor bugs and typos.

Scripting and System changes:

- Fixed issues with the Voodan Gris-Gris not applying the correct spells.

- Made the Hexblade's Curse only target enemies.

- Implemented more debugging logging.

- Fixed various minor issues.


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Changelog - January 19th 2021 Version BETA 2.24t title "Tomb Raiding."
« Reply #794 on: January 19, 2021, 09:51:45 PM »
Changelog - January 19th 2021 Version BETA 2.24t title "Tomb Raiding."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added a new dungeon to Har'Akir.

- Moved the Morninglordian Temple bell to the Sanctuary of the Eternal Dawn temple in the slums.

- Updated several items to provide Hexblade support.

- Fixed various minor bugs and issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Changed the carpentry kit so that most placeables are set to non-useable static automatically.

- Fixed an issue with arcane spell failure for arcane classes that can cast in armor.

- Added support for Greater Weapon Focus and Specialization (Unarmed) when equipping gloves.

- Added outcast rating checks when using Voracious near commoner and guard NPCs.

- Made minor optimizations.


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Changelog - January 28th 2021 Version BETA 2.24u title "Madness."
« Reply #795 on: January 28, 2021, 10:11:16 PM »
Changelog - January 28th 2021 Version BETA 2.24u title "Madness."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Redesigned the Lady's Rest.

- Rebalanced several dungeons around Mt. Baratak and Mt. Ghakis.

- Fixed bugs with the new dungeon in Har'Akir.

- Added herbalism and alchemy stations to the University of Port-à-Lucine.

- Updated the Prelude area.

- Fixed an issue that made some herbs not spawn.

- Fixed minor issues and made optimizations to several areas.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added Moon Madness to Half-Vistani. Current Half-Vistani will be given the option to change their subrace.

- Updated the ability modifiers of Lerara, Birthright Humans and Shadow Elves to be better aligned with 3rd edition.

- Added a message in the combat log when people die indicating where their items/gold dropped.

- Fixed an exploit involving the @walk command.

- Temporarily disabled the system that sets placeables to static.

- Made several minor optimizations.


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Changelog - February 27th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25a title "Craftsmanship."
« Reply #796 on: February 27, 2021, 09:37:27 PM »
Changelog - February 27th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25a title "Craftsmanship."


- Implemented a vast crafting update affecting herbalism, leatherworking, woodworking and smithing.

- Updated all Heal potions to be cast as level 6; this will be applied retroactively to existing potions.

- Added a new line of fighter feats: Combat Form feats.

- Updated the requirements and abilities of Final Stand, Inspire Competence and Rallying Cry.

- Increased the Voodan's spell progression.

- Added Concentration as a class skill to weapon masters.

- Changed Corrupt Weapon's damage from 1d4 to 1d6.

- Added new blackguard spell: Unholy Sword.

- Updated Awaken to increase Intelligence instead of Wisdom, and let animals speak.

- Updated Bloodletting to work with all melee weapon sizes.

- Changed the hexblade's Aura of Unluck's concealment from 20% to 50%.

- Gave Hexblades Mage Armor.

- Added Open Lock and Disable Trap to Gremishka.

- Replaced the Pixie's and Faerie Dragon's Improved Invisibility with Invisibility.

- Added new helmet models (207 to 210).

- Added new placeable mirrors and items.

- Added custom portraits for Death Dogs and Silver Foxes.

- Fixed issues with problematic female torso models.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Updated Berez to reflect recent in-game events.

- Added new crafting resources to various areas in the module.

- Changed the potions Athena give in exchange for hearts from Heal to Cure Critical Wounds.

- Added new roleplay items to the starting store on the roleplay server.

- Added Disguise, Voodan and Hexblade items to the treasuries.

- Fixed an exploit with the Overgrown Town dungeon.

- Fixed several transitions in Sithicus.

- Fixed minor issues and made balance changes to several dungeons.

Scripting and System changes:

- Added three new subraces: Darkling Half Vistani (application required), Badland Dwarves and Scabland Half-Orcs.

- Made minor balance tweaks to Gully Dwarves, Afflicted Kender and Furchin.

- Fixed an exploit that would let people put Damaged and Pristine Elytra Beetle Shells in the same crafting container.

- Fixed a bug that let rangers level up even if they did not have the required number of favored enemies.

- Fixed a bug with storage that would sometimes remove the decreased cost modifiers of crafted items.

- Fixed an issue where disguises sometimes reseting portraits.

- Fixed a bug that let monstrous player characters summon unlimited henchmen.

- Fixed minor issues and made optimizations.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 09:47:03 PM by EO »


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Changelog - March 7th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25b title "Curfew."
« Reply #797 on: March 07, 2021, 09:32:31 PM »
Changelog - March 7th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25b title "Curfew."


- Adjusted incorrect crafting DCs and fixed minor issues.

- Added scaling support to more subraces.

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Implemented the new daytime trade license restrictions to Vallaki.

- Added a placeable containing the Laws of Vallaki to the Western Outskirts.

- Prevented access to the Silver Seams in Krofburg until the plot resumes.

- Fixed minor issues.

Scripting and System changes:

- Temporarily disabled dropping equipped weapons on death until the next Beamdog patch.

- Added one new half-orc subrace: Oscray (application required).

- Made minor balance adjustments to Athasian Halflings, Rhul-Thaun and Desert Dwarves.

- Fixed issues with player heartbeat/combat round scripts not being applied after resets.

- Fixed a bug with possessed familiars.

- Fixed an issue that made some traps not properly fire.

- Fixed an exploit that would let people be non-hostile to all.

- Fixed minor issues and made optimizations.


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Changelog - March 15th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25c title "Treasure."
« Reply #798 on: March 15, 2021, 10:00:29 PM »
Changelog - March 15th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25c title "Treasure."

Area, Item and NPC changes:

- Added firearm, assassin and monster hunter items to the treasuries.

- Resized several rentals to solve issues of disappearing placeables. These rentals will have to be redone.

- Decreased the gold value of coal to match charcoal's.

- Minor bug fixes and area optimizations.

Scripting and System changes:

- Updated the appearance of Red Dragon Disciples' wings.

- Fixed issues with Combat Form feats.

- Fixed an issue with crafted leatherworking gear not applying the -1 saves vs fire property (not retroactive).

- Charcoal/coal can now be stored in the Miner's Bag.

- Minor bug fixes.


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Changelog - March 29th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25d title "Fashion Police."
« Reply #799 on: March 29, 2021, 09:52:51 PM »
Changelog - March 29th, 2021 Version BETA 2.25d title "Fashion Police."


- Updated the rules sections 2, 3, and 6 (PvP).

Area, Item and NPC changes:
- Added a way out of Port-à-Lucine via sewers.

- Made the basement of the Presses du Savoir easier to navigate.

- Minor bug fixes and area optimizations.

Scripting and System changes:

- Made respawn possible, when burnt/mutilated after a delay, with heavier XP penalties.

- Shortened by 1/3 the delay before corpses can be scryed on.

- Added appearance crafting to dyeing dummies.

- Fixed blackpowder to work on flintlocks and muskets.

- Fixed an issue with the remake command.

- Minor bug fixes.