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Author Topic: Language Prefix System: Sticky Prefixes  (Read 6779 times)


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Language Prefix System: Sticky Prefixes
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:23:50 PM »
Hello Prisoners of the Mist!

At a glance:

What this is:
  • A system to make speaking other languages than Common just as easy and intuitive, and remove the need for tiresome re-typing
  • A system that limits characters to a correct number of languages, but with room for DMs to change or manipulate as needed

What this is not (at least not yet):
  • A system that scrambles speech so that others cannot metagame
  • A system with a dynamic means for learning new languages other than simply adding them

This is to advise you and tell you about an upcoming chance to the way that our server handles speech, particularly in the way that it handles languages. The tool began life as a simple aid for roleplayers - set a prefix, like [HM], and it would stick until you un-set it. That is still true. However, it also regulates the number of languages your character is allowed to know: you're only allowed to set a number of prefixes up to your intelligence modifier plus one for your domain and racial languages. The system doesn't enforce which prefixes you choose - that's on you as players to choose legal languages, much as it is to choose legal cleric domains. But this system makes it quite easy for DMs to check if you've got a legal set of choices. Once set, languages cannot be undone or changed except by a DM, so be careful in typing them!

Once set, however, the experience becomes significantly more streamlined. To begin speaking in a language, simply include the language tag, such as [HM], somewhere in your chat string (its location doesn't actually matter, so long as it's there). The game will automatically remove it, set your language prefix, and apply it. Language prefixes applied by the system are light gray in color, so you can tell immediately whether someone is speaking a legitimately set language or cheesing one they do not speak. That's all there is to it in use; you'll discover a few other features, such as the system not firing on 'pure' emotes (except in the novelistic style, where there's no way for the system to distinguish them).

There are a series of commands that you can use to add languages or view the ones that are already set (although this information is also included in what is given you if you examine yourself). @lang add is the most important; follow that with a space and a two or three-letter prefix and the system will add it to your list; to turn it on, just emote with it normally, and it will "stick", not requiring you to set it again or do anything but just type normally until you un-set it. Alternatively, you can set a language by using @lang set, followed either by the prefix or the corresponding number from the list, but it is just as effective (and faster) to add the language tag to your next emote. To switch back to Common, i. e. to go back to unprefixed speech, just use [Co] or [Com] or any permutation thereof. The prefix will disappear and your character will speak the string in plaintext. In order to see a list of all the languages you currently speak, all you must do is type @lang list and you will receive a list of all the prefixes your character currently speaks, including an indicator of which one is currently set (this information is also displayed when you examine yourself).

Because we want to see some standardization to enable people to be sure they're speaking the same language, Bluebomber4evr has assembled this list of standardized prefixes to consult for the languages you're most likely to see. The most common of these, the Ravenloft and general D&D languages, are also accessible IG by typing @lang help.

Please note that some of these prefixes differ slightly from general usage as it currently stands. This has been done to avoid confusion wherever possible and, because the prefixes are easy to store and view IG, should not, we hope, present too much difficulty in being adopted.

 :arrow: Ravenloft Languages
Abber - AN
Akiri - Ak
Ancient Flan - AFl
Avergnite - Ave
Balok - Bal
Cavitian - Cav
Darkonese - Drk
Falkovnian - Flk
Farellian - Frl
Forfarian - Ff
Grabenite - Grb
High Mordentish - HM
Shou (High Shou) - Shu
Italian (Odiare) - It
Lamordian - Lmd
Low Mordentish - LM
Luktar - Lk
Kalidnayan - Kld
Nidalan - Nd
Nosian - Nos
Old Kartakan - OK
Pharazian - Pz
Rajian - Rj
Rokuma - Rk
Sanguine - Sg
Sithican - Sc
Souragnien - Sr
Stauntonian - St
Tepestani - Tp
Thaani - Thn
Vaasi - Vas
Vechorite - Vch
Vos - Vos
Wildspeak - Ws
Zherisian - Zr

 :arrow: D&D Languages
Abyssal - Ab
Aquan - Aq
Auran - Au
Celestial - Cel
Draconic - Drc
Druidic - Dru (Druids only)
Dwarven - Dwf
Elven - Elf
Gnome - Gnm
Goblin - Gob
Giant - Gnt
Gnoll - Gnl
Halfling - Hlf
Ignan - Ig
Infernal - If
Orc - Orc
Sylvan - Syl
Terran - Tr
Undercommon - UC (Eberron, Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk only)

 :arrow: Greyhawk Languages
Amedi - Am
Ancient Baklunish - ABk
Ancient Suloise - ASu
Cold Tongue - CT
Drow Sign Language - Dsl
Etlani - Et
Ferral - Fr
Flan - Fl
Keolandish - Kl
Lendorian - Lnd
Lendorian Elvish - LnE
Low Baklunish - LBk
Nyrondese - Ny
Old Oeridian - OO
Olman - Olm
Ordai - Ord
Ralat - Rlt
Rasol - Rsl
Rhopan - Rpn
Tlaman - Tlm
Touv - Tv
Ulagha - Ulg
Velondi - Vl
Xolasa - Xl

 :arrow: Dragonlance Languages
Abanasinian - Abn
Abaquan - Abq
Alan-aku - Alk
Ameshite - Ame
Auric - Auc
Aurim Hobgoblin - Ahb
Baltch - Bch
Boli Gnomish - BGn
Camptalk - CTK
Cha'asi - Cha
Dargoi - Drg
Dargonesti - DgE
Dimernesti - DmE
Ergot - Erg
Fianawar Dwarvish - FDw
Gullytalk - Gul
Hitehkel Gnomish - HGn
Ilquar Goblin - IGb
Kagonesti Elvish - KgE
Kalinese - Kln
Kenderspeak - Knd
Kharolian - Krl
Khur - Kr
Kothian - Kth
Marak Kender - Mrk
Minotaur - Min
Nerakese - Nrk
Nordmaarian - Ndm
Ogre - Ogr
Panak - Pnk
Payan - Pay
Qualinesti - QuE
Saifhum - Sfm
Scorned Dwarvish - SDw
Solamnic - Sol
Silvanesti - Sc
Tamire Elvish - TmE
Thenolian - Tnl
Uigan - Ugn
Vodar - Vdr
Yaluu - Ylu

 :arrow: Mystaran Languages
Aengmorian - Aen
Alasiyan - Ala
Alphatian - Alp
Antalian - Ant
Atruaghin - Atu
Averoignian - Avg
Cynidicean - Cyn
Darokinian - Dar
Denagothian - Den
Dengar - Dng
Emerondian - Emr
Entropic - Ent
Ethengarian - Eth
Espa - Esp
Eusdrian - Eus
Heldannic - Hld
Herathi - Hrt
Hulian - Hul
Hutaaka - Hut
Jennite - Jen
Jibar - Jib
Kaelic - Kae
Karimari - Krm
Kogolor Dwarvish - KDw
Lalor - Lal
Lupin - Lup
Makai - Mak
Malpheggi - Mlp
Manacuparan - Mcp
Milenian - Mil
Nimmurian - Nim
Nithian - Nth
Nuar - Nua
Ochalean - Och
Oltec- Olt
Rakastayne - Rak
Ranax - Rnx
Renardoise - Rnd
Risil - Ris
Shazak - Szk
Sindhi - Snd
Slag - Slg
Slagich - Sgc
Sylaire (Renardoise) - Syr
Tanagoro - Tng
Thonian - Tho
Thratian - Tht
Thyatian - Thy
Tortle - Trt
Traladaran - Tld
Urduk - Udk
Verdan - Vrd
Yavi - Yav
Yaz - Yaz
Yazaka - Yzk
Yazug - Yzg
Ylari - Ylr

 :arrow: Forgotten Realms Languages
Aglarondan - Agl
Akalan - Aka
Akotan - Ako
Allesian - Ale
Andt - And
Azlhedo - Alz
Azuposi - Azu
Bothii - Bot
Chessentan - Chs
Chondathan - Cho
Chultan - Chu
Cormanthan - Cor
Cosh - Cos
D'tarig - Dta
Damaran - Dam
Dambrathan - Dmb
Devic - Dev
Drow Sign Language - Dsl
Durpari - Drp
Erakic - Era
Eshowan - Esh
Halruaan - Hlr
Illuskan - Lsk
Koryo - Kyo
Kozakuran - Koz
Lantanese - Lan
Malatran - Mlt
Mari - Mar
Midani - Mdi
Muhjuri - Muj
Mulhorandi - Mul
Naric - Nar
Nexalan - Nex
Payit - Pyt
Pazruki - Paz
Rashemi - Ras
Reghedjic - Reg
Serusan - Ser
Shaaran - Sha
Shou (High Shou) - Shu
Sossic - Sos
T'u Lung - Tlu
Tabotan - Tbt
Tashalan - Tsh
Telpi - Tlp
Tharian - Thr
Thayan - Tha
Thorasta - Ths
Tuigan - Tgn
Turmic - Tur
Uluik - Ulu
Untheric - Unt
Wa-an - Wa
Waelan - Wae
Zhentarim Argot - ZA

 :arrow: Eberron Languages
Argon - Arg
Daan - Daa
Daelkyr - Dae
Drow Sign Language - Dsl
Drow - Dro
Irial - Iri
Kythric - Kyt
Mabran - Mab
Quori - Quo
Riedran - Rie
Risian - Rsi
Syranian - Syn

 :arrow: Dark Sun Languages
Aarakocra - Aar
Balikite - Blk
Draji - Drj
Eldaarish - Eld
Gith - Git
Gulgan - Glg
Kreen - Kre
Kurnan - Krn
Maenadi - Mae
Nibenese - Nib
Pterran - Pte
Raamite - Raa
Rhul-thaun - Rht
Saragaran - Sar
Saurian - Sau
Thri-Kreen - Tke
Tyrian - Tyr
Urikite - Uri

 :arrow: Birthright Languages
Anuirean - Anu
Basarji - Bsj
Brecht - Brc
Cellwair - Cwr
Karamhul - Kmh
Rjuven - Rju
Sidhelian - Sid
Vos - Vos

 :arrow: Spelljammer Languages
Aperusan - Apr
Dohwar - Doh
Giff - Gif
Imperial Navy Elvish - IEN
Rastipede - Rst
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 09:13:54 PM by EO »
Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn.


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Re: Upcoming Language Prefix System: Sticky Prefixes
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 01:16:17 AM »
Here's a list of Gothic Earth languages. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Real-world Earth has many more languages than your average D&D fantasy world, and since the Gothic Earth also covers a large time period, there's just too many languages to possibly list. Below are a sampling of the major languages on each continent and historically significant languages:

 :arrow: Gothic Earth Languages
Akkadian (Ancient Mesopotamian) - Akk
Albanian - Alb
Aleut - Alu
Amharic - Amh
Arabic - Ara
Aramaic - Arm
Arapaho - Arp
Arawakan languages - Arw
Archaic Egyptian (Early Dynastic Period) - AEG
Armenian - Amn
Assyrian - Asy
Azerbajani - Azr
Babylonian - Bbl
Bambara - Bmb
Barbacoan languages - Brb
Bengali - Bng
Berber languages - Ber
Blackfoot (Siksika) - Blf
Bosnian - Bos
Bulgarian - Bul
Burmese - Bur
Cantonese Chinese - CCh
Cariban languages - Car
Cayuga - Cay
Celtic - Clt
Cherokee - Chr
Cheyenne - Chy
Chibchan languages - Chb
Chon languages - Chn
Cornish - Crn
Coptic Egyptian - Cop
Cree - Cre
Croatian - Crt
Czech - Cz
Danish - Dan
Demotic Egyptian - Dem
Dinka - Dnk
Dutch - Dtc
Estonian - Est
Finnish - Fin
Fox - Fox
French - Fre
Frisian - Fri
Gaelic - Gae
Gan Chinese - GCh
Georgian - Grg
German - De
Greek - Grk
Hakka Chinese - HCh
Hausa - Hau
Hawaiian - Haw
Hebrew - Hbr
Hindi - Hnd
Hmong - Hmo
Huave - Hua
Hungarian - Hun
Icelandic - Ice
Igbo - Ibo
Inuit - Inu
Italian - It
Japanese - Jp
Jê languages - Je
Kazakh - Kaz
Khmer - Kmr
Kongo - Kng
Korean - Kor
Kurdish - Kur
Kyrgyz - Kyr
Lao - Lao
Late Egyptian (Third Intermediate Period) - LEG
Latin - Lat
Latvian - Ltv
Lithuanian - Lth
Lugbara - Lug
Luo - Luo
Maasai - Maa
Macedonian - Mcd
Mahican - Mah
Malay - Mal
Mandarin Chinese - MCh
Maori - Mao
Massachusett - Mas
Mayan languages - May
Mi'kmaq - Mkq
Middle Egyptian (Middle Kingdom) - MEG
Middle English - MdE
Middle Chinese - MdC
Mien - Mie
Min Chinese - MiC
Mixe-Zoque languages - Mxz
Modern English - MoE
Mohawk - Mhk
Mongolian - Mng
Nahuatl - Nah
Navajo - Nvj
Nepali - Nep
Ngambay - Nga
Norwegian - Nor
Nubian - Nub
Nyungic languages - Nyu
Ojibwe - Ojb
Old Chinese - OCh
Old Egyptian (Old Kingdom) - OEG
Old English (Anglo-Saxon) - OlE
Oromo - Oro
Ossetian - Oss
Oto-Manguean languages - Oto
Pali - Pal
Paman languages - Pam
Panoan - Pan
Papuan languages - Pap
Pashto - Psh
Persian/Farsi - Per
Polish - Pol
Portugese - Prt
Powhatan - Pow
Punjabi - Pun
Quechuan languages - Qch
Romani - Rmi
Romanian - Rom
Russian - Rus
Sanskrit - San
Scots - Sco
Seneca - Sen
Serbian - Srb
Shawnee - Swn
Sinhana - Snh
Siouan - Sio
Slovak - Slv
Somali - Som
Songhay - Sng
Soninke - Son
Spanish - Spn
Sumerian - Sum
Swahili - Swa
Swedish - Swe
Tacanan - Tac
Tagalog - Tag
Tajik - Taj
Tamil - Tam
Tatar - Tat
Thai - Tai
Tibetan - Tib
Ticuna - Tic
Totonacan languages - Tot
Tucanoan languages - Tuc
Tupi - Tup
Turkish - Trk
Ukrainian - Ukr
Urdu - Urd
Uzbek - Uzb
Vietnamese - Vnm
Welsh - Wls
Wu Chinese - WCh
Xiang Chinese - XCh
Yanomaman languages - Yan
Yoruba - Yor
Yup'ik - Yup
Zaparoan languages - Zap
Zulu - Zul
Zuni - Zun
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 09:09:46 PM by EO »

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