Prisoners of The Mist is looking to add more qualified and enthusiastic Dungeon Masters to our team. Becoming a Dungeon Master gives you the chance to express your creativity to the fullest. We are looking for storytellers, rational thinkers, fair minds, team players and problem solvers.
Please be aware we will expect you to write a plot at some point if you apply. General plot ideas will be discussed with applicants proceeding to an interview. Apprentice DMs will need to write/carry out a plot before advancing to a full DM.
Applicants must have a minimum of 6 consecutive months of play time on PotM

Applicants cannot have been banned within the past 6 consecutive months of active play. (Taking a break from the server after a ban does not count toward consecutive play time)

In order to assist with demonstrating the ability to drive storytelling, handle administrative functions, or remain diplomatic in contentious situations, applicants must have taken part in one of the following: playing an A/MPC; serving on the Community Council; achieving an officer-level ranking in one of the official PotM factions (located
here). Officer ranking in a player-created faction will also meet this qualification, if sufficient evidence exists regarding the PC's leadership skills and the faction's community involvement

Applicants must be willing and able to commit at least 10 hours a week to the module. Any DM spending less than 10 hours per week will be placed on inactive status

Applicants must be willing to enforce the rules agreed upon by the POTM team and must be willing to abide by the decisions of the PotM team

Prior DM experience (either online or PnP) is beneficial, but not required. Those without prior DM experience may be asked to stay involved with an A/MPC, the community council, or a faction for a longer duration to help demonstrate key abilities

You must review and agree to the POTM rules posted on these forums
Most Importantly, applicants must agree to treat all players and members of the POTM staff with respect, temperance and due deference at all times. This includes not swearing at staff or players and using respectful communication. Diplomacy is one of the most important factors of DM’ing – those demonstrating that they are quick tempered or who use discourteous language in forum/discord discussions will not be considered suitable candidates
ApplicationPlease submit the following in PM form to a member of the DM team and we will review it accordingly*ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED*Name: (Real Name)
Ravenloft POTM Character Name(s):Age: (if you don't want to reveal it, we need at least a decade, e.g. 20-30.)
Timezone:Does anyone else in your household play on the server or NWN?: (be honest for privacy reasons)
Roughly, how many hours can you DM per week?How long you've played on Ravenloft POTM:NWN Persistent World Experience:Characters played in above worlds:DM'ing Experience: (if any: what servers & for how long. Include PnP DMing experience if any/desirable)
Other Roleplay Experience:Why do you want to DM:What do you think a DM's role is in a PW (Persistent World):Why do you want to DM at Ravenloft:Anything else we should know about you:InterviewQualified applicants that advance beyond the application review stage will be extended an interview with member of the DM team. At this time, we will ask applicants more in depth questions concerning their philosophies on DM'ing and questions that may be specific to their experience/history on the server.
Thank you