Author Topic: Overweight bug  (Read 1784 times)

Iluvatar / Madness

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Overweight bug
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:26:25 PM »
This isn't a major and it is easily solved by doing a simple a relog, though some people might go and exploit this, so I chose to report it.

I haven't tried to recreate it yet because... I didn't want to go and kill myself.

My character died, well she went into negative, after I got healed and got back on my feet, even though it was a bit glichy I was able to run normally if I used my mouse to move around even though I was heavily overweight, I relog and it was afterward.

Could probably try and see if we can recreated this with the help of a DM or if someone as a cleric to heal the "victim" could try it as well.
Iluvatar NCE