Word spreads quickly as the work goes underway upon the Refuge of the Fifth light - the bastion of the Ezran faith in Vallaki and the whole of eastern Barovia. For some weeks prior there was much competition between some of the local guilds of masons over who would get the contract on the additions and updates to the temple. Eventually it was settled that the Three Hammers group would attend to the task. While some of the common people might outright revile Ezrans as quislings for Ivana Boritsi - most normal people see them as any other priesthood - liers and manipulators and pay them not much mind. Though with the Burgomaster being one of the number and the general spiritual outlook of the people of Vallaki, the faith has began another period of growth.
Along with this a trickle of pilgrims have began to make their way to the grey city from elsewhere in Barovia, further east, and even from Invidia and Borca in the west to have their chance to gaze upon the Refuge of the Fifth Light's own Icon of Danzig, said to depict Ezra the Martyr, her ascension to the Ezra the Guardian, and her first servant Yakov the Acolyte,
these strangers might get strange looks from the serfs and free-farmers beyond the walls but the merchants and inn-keeps of the city have only the Ezrites and their Misty Maiden to thank for the seasonal swell in their pockets... at least for now.