An air of unease has filled the citadel lately regarding the officers who've recently begun climbing the ladder. Most want nothing to do with the old man covered in liver spots, who moves about like a man a quarter his age, or the Corporal who smells strangely of a wood burning stove at all hours. While a few regard them as heroes. . . role models, for the feats of greatness that they have accomplished: slaughtering demons, witches, warlocks, and standing tall against the horrific threats that have been plaguing Vallaki as of late. Most regard them as. . . something else. What -are- these men? Are they men?
A late night visitor has come infrequently to the Citadel, who has been seen requesting them personally, one who never shows his face, or his motives. Rumors wonder if he is some sort of devil that the pair of Corporals have traded away their souls to for power, this power to overcome the supernatural. Other rumors about this unknown visitor speculate that he is an emissary of the Count that also recognizes that these men are something more than they seem, and he is simply there to watch them, and to keep them in line. Either way, the bulk of the soldiers want nothing to do with this nocturnal visitor, or the "men" he comes to visit, wishing to keep their distance from both a devil offering power, and an agent of the Devil Strahd.
Fear motivates them to follow these two, and listen to their orders, but there is little respect for the methods of this pair, who have been rumored to make use of both witch water, and the rebel's black powder weapons to accomplish their goals. Respected or not, few can argue with their effectiveness, however nobody wishes to follow in their footsteps.