Author Topic: Vallaki - Government District - Citadel  (Read 52576 times)


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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #175 on: February 19, 2013, 11:23:08 AM »
[Smoke is seen rising in the middle of the night from the Citadel.  In the early morning hours that followed a trio of corpses were seen being drug from the front of the citadel, and the guarda later held funeral services for five of their own.  Whether or not this was an outside attack or infighting is unknown.  What is known, however, is that four guarda were discharged that same morning on counts of negligence.  Those around the citadel seemed tight lipped on the incident, for now.]

~ additionally a group of laborers has been tied to the incident and Private Lupescu has been charged with discerning their identities and proclivities. Its hard to know his methods exactly, but many have come to Know the Private as a dedicated soldier. In the coming days several of the family members are contacted and whatever transpires is only witnessed by those present during the interogation ~


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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #176 on: March 18, 2013, 05:33:39 PM »
A note has been tacked to the gate of the Citadel by a small, armoured male.

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #177 on: March 21, 2013, 12:11:10 PM »
Private Dorin Moldovan has been seen drifting in and out of the Citadel in seemingly random intervals.  He is seen speaking with several Garda on his way out, and even pausing to converse with random citizens.  He is usually witnessed leaving the city walls, only to return hours later from a different direction, looking haggard and exhausted.


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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #178 on: May 26, 2013, 11:00:42 PM »
[What started as a skirmish at the western gate between a man with a rotting, almost skeletal face against numerous Garda, ended as the yet unidentified man, or creature, walked on into the Citadel. There, a burning arrow set the creature aflame, and it quickly succumbed as the flames enveloped it.]

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #179 on: May 28, 2013, 07:42:06 PM »
An air of unease has filled the citadel lately regarding the officers who've recently begun climbing the ladder.  Most want nothing to do with the old man covered in liver spots, who moves about like a man a quarter his age, or the Corporal who smells strangely of a wood burning stove at all hours.  While a few regard them as heroes. . . role models, for the feats of greatness that they have accomplished: slaughtering demons, witches, warlocks, and standing tall against the horrific threats that have been plaguing Vallaki as of late.  Most regard them as. . . something else.  What -are- these men?  Are they men?

A late night visitor has come infrequently to the Citadel, who has been seen requesting them personally, one who never shows his face, or his motives.  Rumors wonder if he is some sort of devil that the pair of Corporals have traded away their souls to for power, this power to overcome the supernatural.  Other rumors about this unknown visitor speculate that he is an emissary of the Count that also recognizes that these men are something more than they seem, and he is simply there to watch them, and to keep them in line.  Either way, the bulk of the soldiers want nothing to do with this nocturnal visitor, or the "men" he comes to visit, wishing to keep their distance from both a devil offering power, and an agent of the Devil Strahd.

Fear motivates them to follow these two, and listen to their orders, but there is little respect for the methods of this pair, who have been rumored to make use of both witch water, and the rebel's black powder weapons to accomplish their goals.  Respected or not, few can argue with their effectiveness, however nobody wishes to follow in their footsteps.

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #180 on: October 29, 2013, 08:40:47 PM »
Five Guardsmen where slain last night by witchcraft. At this time the only suspect is described as a elf-man witch. A reward for its head has been issued.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #181 on: October 30, 2013, 12:28:10 AM »
Rumor spreads that a hooded, dark clad, man has been diverting elven traffic out of Vallaki; warning the innocent elves of the bounty on all of them caused by the attack on the citadel. No word yet on his idetity, only that he seems to vanish like shadow in and around the city.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #182 on: October 31, 2013, 05:25:42 PM »
Last night a man in golden armor and a lithe woman with a silver rapier were seen assisting guarda dispatch a pack of rat neuri when the vicious rat-men made an early raid just after dark. One guard was severely wounded in the conflict.


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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #183 on: November 06, 2013, 12:49:40 AM »
A desiccated, old heart was left in front of the gate leading out of the Government District, into the Market District, the night after Vladimir Ionelus instated Martial Law. It was surrounded by two candles, and smearings of blood that, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a grim symbol of Nerull, the Reaper.

Further inspection into the city would show that many houses and doorways were smeared with cruder versions of this symbol, all in blood.

The source of the blood is in no doubt, as many rats were slaughtered, and some even nailed or spiked to doorways, even that of the Prancing Nymph.

Two doorways were desecrated, but in a curiously different way. The Morninglordian temple in the slums, and the store of the city Undertaker. Both instead had their doors' frames smeared with blood, forming a crude outline.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #184 on: November 06, 2013, 07:35:48 PM »
Blood runs through the courtyard of the Citadel after a vicious attack on a large patrol of guardsmen occurred.  Only one man survived,
the rest were torn apart by strange black tentacles, or burnt alive.  A witch was the perpetrator, though it likely could not be told who, or even what gender, the figure was.

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #185 on: November 06, 2013, 09:24:34 PM »
Unrest and talk of revolt circulates amongst the ranks and file of the Vallaki Guard. Rumors begin to spread that the Burgomaster has fallen ill and his spoiled children squabble over who will succeed him. This and the recent attacks have placed Garda moral at an all time low.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #186 on: November 07, 2013, 07:07:08 AM »
The lull in attacks and outlander executions has lead to a massive clean-up and fortification effort within the city and Western Outskirts as martial law continues...

Meanwhile, rumors persist that acting Burgomeister General Vladimir Ionelus has secured himself deep in hiding within his city-turned-fortress. His trusted Honour Guards now relate his wishes and orders to his fearful subjects...
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #187 on: November 09, 2013, 12:21:11 PM »
The Burgomaster's illness has not abated. The elder Ionelus remains in a coma unable to communicate or to even abdicate his rule. As his fever continues whispers from his physician speak of a strange deep cherry red color to the Burgomaster's cheeks and a peculiar odor of almonds.
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DM Stygian Witch

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #188 on: November 22, 2013, 10:31:56 AM »
Citizens and Guards alike breath a sigh of relief as the intern Burgomaster and esteemed General Vladimir Ionelus rides out the southern gate with a twenty rider routine for a week long hunting trip in the Tepurich Forest.

An eerie calm silence comes over the Citadel, yet a tense panic quickly grips the Burgomaster's House Guard. Seems something has occurred but the garda are under strict orders not to speak.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 10:37:37 AM by DM Stygian Witch »
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #189 on: November 22, 2013, 03:09:17 PM »
Rumors circulate that a severed Garda head was seen on the ground in the citadel with a note included.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #190 on: December 09, 2013, 10:26:48 AM »
General Vladimir Ionelus has returned from his hunting trip only to discover dissention within the command. A secret no longer, the infamous war hero and savior of the city, Sergeant Gregori Iorgovan has kidnapped the ailing Burgomaster and has fled to parts unknown. A considerable bounty has been issued on the traitors capture and safe return of the General's father.

//Forgot to post this. It is from events which occurred IG two weeks ago.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #191 on: December 20, 2013, 02:42:17 AM »
Rumours abound that The Vallaki Garda have finally found someone who was responsible in the kidnapping of Nicolai Ionelus! The former Garda, and traitor Natasha Orlov! The Current garda Lieutenant Vasile Pavlenco was seen escorting the traitor to the citadel. It's reported that her execution has already been scheduled. There have been an exceeding number of traitors lately; Natasha Orlov, Eugen Dumtirascu,and Gregori Iorgovan. All reportedly working together to unseat the General and hero of Vallaki from his rightful position as Burgomaster! It's whispered that Lieutenant Vasile Pavlenco has taken it upon himself to uproot this traitorous behavior by executing those whom do not follow Vladimir Ionelus.  
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 02:44:25 AM by Gutshank »
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #192 on: January 15, 2014, 04:26:00 AM »
A series of horn blasts are heard from the Citadel before the gates are sealed off. Those nearby would describe hearing countless Garda shout and scream, though not in terror. Rather, the sounds of panic and confusion arouse from the Citadel for the next hour, and even the occasionally sounds of fighting. When the chaos subsided and the gates reopened, word rapidly spreads of a small revolt within the Citadel. Details, however, are exceedingly scarce, and the Citadel would seem unusually quiet in response.

Very few Garda seem missing from their duties, but little is done to address a growing stress among the populace of Vallaki. As their questions go unanswered, speculation begins to spread.

DM Stygian Witch

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #193 on: January 16, 2014, 08:45:07 PM »
Like wildfire the word spreads throughout the Citadel and then the city, that the venerable Burgomaster Nicolai Ionelus has returned. The Citadel remains on lock down as the dust settles and the guilty are discovered.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #194 on: January 17, 2014, 01:52:39 PM »
With the return of Nicolai Ionelus and the investigation into the assassination attempt and revolt. The routine within the Citadel sees to be returning to normal. despite the Old Burgomaster's age and poor health a sense of stability and order is returning to the Vallaki Guard.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #195 on: January 28, 2014, 11:49:41 PM »
Old Nicolai Ionelus, the Burgomaster of Vallaki is seldom seen these days. The ordeal of his illness and the suspicion of poison has left the venerable lord weak and mostly bedridden. His son Svari and daughter Nadia have assumed the majority of there father's duties. The whereabouts of the General Vladimir Ionelus continues to remain a mystery
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 11:51:45 PM by DM Stygian Witch »
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #196 on: June 17, 2014, 04:06:03 AM »
A young, sickly-looking Barovian woman is seen entering the jail each morning, a mop leant against her shoulder and a bucket grasped between thin fingers.


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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #197 on: June 17, 2014, 08:13:21 PM »
[Rumor spreads of a mob having marched near the Citadel's wall. Oddly enough, the mob dispersed as quickly as it was formed, with many people speaking of crossing the Luna River into the Wachter Lands...]

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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #198 on: June 25, 2014, 07:28:28 PM »
Soldiers, or whats left of the garrison is on high alert. The routine patrols have been cancelled. Garda man the walls, towers and gates of the Citadel. Something is brewing.
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Re: Citadel - Government District - Gossip
« Reply #199 on: June 25, 2014, 09:21:42 PM »
*Rumors and tales float about the Citadel that Sergeant Natasha Orlov was killed in the most recent battle with the Wachter Soldiers. She is known by many for her actions to unseat the traitorous Pavlenco, and end the reign of terror during the Time of the General. If it is true, then the Garda have lost a true defender, and Vallaki a true blue citizen. Some mourn her passing, others swear to avenge her fall, while others hope that she will return from these reports of her demise. It is not the first time the garda has written off as dead only to be proven wrong!*