You have been taken by the Mists

Author Topic: Notices posted alongside a recent Morning Lord Posting about Vallaki  (Read 450 times)

Alan Hunter

  • Dark Lord
  • *****
  • Posts: 796
The Dawn will End

Often the dawn seems blinded,

That no matter what way they turn there is only illumination
They act as if we are lost, that we have been separated from those we care for

Reach out with your eyes and you will see what their helping hand is truly there for. Call out and tell them with your voices of those who are not lost but have found their paths. We are not lost, we are merely finding ourselves in a new world.

They struggle to maintain hope and preserve it. They hurt, but it is outlanders who tend to it, both the physical and emotional.

It is the Night in ourselves and the Night of others we must accept to realize we are whole. For with out either recognized we do not see we are the same of two sides.

Night will come as it always has. Though they may not see it, she waits just beyond the brim. Even when her darkness fades her night is within us all when we rest, when we think, and when we close our eyes to sleep.
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."