[Up until recently, it was believed that the mandate given by the people to the new revolutionary government was starting to slowly slip away. When an attempt was made by the revolutionary firebrand Abel Charade to take over the bank with an angry mob, those associated with the Grand Assembly are said to have used the services of a foreign mercenary, a brutish thug named Ingwulf, to butcher those trying to right this terrible wrong. Word of a 'deal' made between the government and the Red Vardo Traders spreads rather quickly; apparently, the recovery of a few paintings has allowed these wealthy foreign merchants to keep the filthy lucre they've hoarded away.
Even now, harsh whispers can be heard being carried on by a few on the streets of the Quartier Publique, in spite of warnings against counter-revolutionary talk, harsh whispers that suggest that maybe Citizen Goutteux and friends have grown too comfortable in their chairs, and that the revolution isn't going far enough...
However, since the assault on the infamous prison known as the Pierre du Mort on the Isle d'Orlean, and the freeing of those left to rot and be forgottten by regimes past, these harsh whispers have abated somewhat. It is said that those who went there successfully managed to free those who were innocent and friends of the people, without releasing the dregs of society back onto the public at large. With Pierre du Mort no longer in the hands of the wretched aristocrats and their lackeys, the support that Goutteux and others saw slipping away begins to return, albeit slowly.
The common folk continue to cheer outside the Palais Dirigeant as so-called 'counter-revolutionaries' and enemies of the people are rounded up and executed, even if a few continue to think that things are not going far enough. Those from the most prominent noble families have been found by revolutionary tribunal as being complicit somehow in the suffering caused by Lord-Governor Guignol and the pretender that followed his demise, and executed as a result. Others, petty nobles and wealthy merchants, have found themselves executed for their careless talk; one such person was Laura Escher, renowned fashion designer, who was overheard calling the revolutionaries "thugs, brutes, and vagrants", and the government formed by Citizen Goutteux as "the beginnings of a republic of thieves". Her life was taken by Madame Guillotine shortly after these comments were made...
Despite recent decrees having been made by the Grand Assembly, calling for celebrations following the apparent death of Dominic 'Le Chien' D'Honaire, there is not much in the way of celebration taking place and, in fact, one outspoken individual near a crowd tried to suggest that D'Honaire might have actually been a friend to the revolution, in its early stages -- that D'Honaire attempted numerous times to get Lord-Governor Guignol and his fellow members of the Council of Brilliance to see reason, when they saw funding for social programs cut. The man who was overheard making these comments found himself escorted towards Madame Guillotine, shortly after such remarks were made, but perhaps these beliefs are still held by some?
Meanwhile, a wreck that was once a carriage can be seen burning along the side of the Avenue du Progres, the bodies of dead men wearing the livery of D'Honaire's family guard surrounding it alongside a desiccated corpse, unrecognizable by most but wearing a sky blue suit of remarkably fine make...]