This will be quick, there are some issues in the past and present that I want to bring up so they don't come to foul play in the future
We've updated our rules on the forums. Read them. We expect you to know the rules because we will not accept ignorance as a failure to abide by the rules.
Attitude vs. Roleplay. We value your roleplay, it's what keeps this server going. Sometimes we don't value your atittudes. Be respectful to other players and DM's. How hard is it for everyone to respect each other?
The topics in the public forum and DM forum are often very pointless. Think about what the hell it is that you're posting. Lets get on with the roleplay. The forums isn't someplace for your attitudes. It's for your opinions, ideas, suggestions, kindness, personality, etc etc... it's a privilege to have these forums.
DM Harassment also falls under respect but it is more of a serious matter. I will not tolerate any disrespect to the DM staff especially foul language.
Another harassment that some don't realize they're doing is when a DM is handling an OOC situation in the DM HQ or something along those lines. We want to solve your problem to get on with the roleplay. Thats why were all here right? We don't want to sit with you for hours on end. Get to the point, talk the issue out in steps to solve it if you need to. I had a DM tell me they spent days and hours in the DM HQ with a player due to whining. I'd rather ban that person because that DM wanted to roleplay, obviously the player didn't.
Character backups. Keep them. If something happens, it's there. Simply when your ingame on your character. Hit ESC, goto the main menu and hit save character. You save us and yourself a lot of grief.
Mommy / Daddy. If you guys don't know what this is about then you obviously haven't read the rules on these forums yet. I am often the "daddy", thats not a good thing.
I also don't need to be sent every request. All DM's know to post the requests on the DM forums that need a team vote. Simply submit your request to any active DM. It will probably even help you get a better reply because I simply cannot be bothered to be 100% precise when I go away for a little bit with friends one day and get 5 inbox msg's when I get back.
Also assume that if we don't reply to your PM, that we have posted it on the forums and have discussed it. If you don't hear back within a week or two. Then just sent a friendly reminder.
Thank you, go roleplay.