Author Topic: WRONGFUL BELIEFS  (Read 959 times)


  • Dark Lord
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« on: December 30, 2014, 03:06:14 PM »
//A few pages of religious text written in Balok, Darkonese, and Common. The Wandering Anchorite Isaac Naldi has forced these pages on some people.

Blessed EZRA has spoken to me through prophecy. She has shown me of things that have been and things that will be. And she has commanded me to warn all about wrongful faiths that threaten all to bring them down into the corrupted LEGIONS OF THE NIGHT.

Druids and Tree-Kneelers
The forest is a magnificent and beautiful thing. And there are those who look upon nature with WONDER who kneel before it and ask for it to guide them. Yet THE LEGION stalks in the forest and those backwards people offer up their souls to THE LEGION allowing themselves to be damned. Would you follow in their footsteps, kneeling before trees, making heathenous sacrifices to squirrels, and speaking prayers to the birds? Will you trust the sparkle of morning dew on a daffodil to protect you on the battlefield? Or will you take up your sword and be blessed by the one true Goddess and be lead towards GLORY and SAFETY?

Hermits and Narcissists
To hone one's body is an admirable pursuit, but if a knife is never used, does it matter how sharp it is? Glorious EZRA teaches us to make ourselves strong as to be GUARDIANS of humanity. Yet there are those who see themselves as TOO IMPORTANT to risk their safety in the service of EZRA. That they should not do their part in helping the weak, that they should allow their brothers and sisters to suffer at the hands of OLD NOAPTE. These selfish wastrels call themselves monks, scholars, or philosophers, but in truth they are COWARDS, locking themselves away in monasteries or libraries, serving no one but themselves. THIS is the path of the damned, for in their inaction they are accomplices in THE LEGION.

Atheists and Deniers
There are those who reject the light of EZRA, who do not want to feel her loving embrace. They deny that the Goddess EZRA is worthy of worship, or deny her existence altogether. DENIERS have willingly blinded themselves to the glory of EZRA, for while she may love all she can only protect those who return this love. The arrogance of these DENIERS cannot be overstated, for in claiming not to need EZRA's guidance, they place themselves as high as EZRA herself! This self-worship is a grievous sin, and should be DRIVEN from the impressionable with logic and stick!

Bubblers and Liespinners
Healing is the domain of the HOLY and RIGHTEOUS. It is proof of EZRA's love and forgiveness, given to the deserving and DENIED to the sinner! Any healing that doesn't come from EZRA's does NOT have your well being in mind. Those Bards that peddle stories do not speak healing prayers, but HEATHENOUS LIES that corrupt the misguided! Those Herbalists or Alchemists who peddle salvation in a bottle sell a cure that is UNHOLY in nature. The purveyor of ineffective snake oils may steal your money, but the seller of ungodly potions steals your SOUL!

Hoarders and Misers
Do you think that money can really buy you happiness? Not when you lock it away in your own vaults for it to never see the light of day. Those MISERS who forgo the wellbeing of all so that their purse may grow FAT, commit the grievous sin of GREED that only perpetuates more lust for gold leading down the road of the damned. EZRA needs any small amount of donations that can be spared to PROTECT you. Even a small bit of money can feed an orphan. Medicine for the sick is not free. A man cannot fight THE LEGION with sticks and faith alone! Those who SELFISHLY hoard wealth when the poor and destitute surround them will be DESTROYED by their own greed, reaching too far.

Panthiests and Dabblers
A so-called pantheist may claim to love all gods equally, but do you know who else may claim to love many equally? An ADULTERER! Those dabblers who claim to worship many gods in fact worship none for even faith, when given freely, loses its value. Is a warrior gives his fealty to many lords, then he has given it to NONE, for no man may fight on both sides of a battle. Seek not to follow the path of the dabbler, for in attempting to hedge their bets they GUARANTEE their own loss. EZRA is our Guardian in the Mists and it cannot do to give her anything less than your total commitment and resolve.

Witches and Oracles
Would you marry a man who never told you his name? Or would you think he had something to hide? Those blessed by EZRA know her beauty and the protection she gives. Yet there are gods who FEAR revealing themselves even to their own priests! This is because they are DEMONS leading the unknowing astray. And in claiming to not know where their powers come from, the so-called "oracles" of these gods ADMIT that they would willingly accept EVIL into themselves! Equally damned are the witches who make SHAMEFUL PACTS with THE LEGION, trading their souls for petty magic!