Let it be known and understood by all that I
Svari Ionelus, Burgomaster of Vallaki
by choice and appointment of
His Excellency the Count Strahd XI von Zarovich
do hereby proscribe and condemn the organization known as the
Praesidia Iustitiae
All members of this group are named criminal, traitor, and outlaw.
Those who aid them will be hanged.
Those who associate with them will be hanged.
Those who withhold information from the Burgomaster's servants concerning their locations and identity will be hanged.
Let there be no ambiguity or uncertainty--all members of this group will in the Count's name suffer this Court to do justice upon them.
All those who come forward now and give what information they possess will be rewarded in my name and that of the Lord that I serve. Do so now, for my mercy is great, but my justice will be greater still if you do not.
On this, the 26th day of Aprilie, the year of the Barovian Calendar 774
. S . I .