La Troupe du Theatre de la Cathedrale > Theatre de la Cathedrale - Announcements

Policies of the Theatre de la Cathedrale


Politiques du Théâtre de la cathédrale[A plaque clearly visible to the entry way is posted with bronze and marble, listing the policies for attending an event or performance on the premises.
It is written in both Trade and High Mordentish. Theatre masks Adorn the NW and SE corners of the plaque.]

♣ No out side food or drink | Aucune nourriture ou boisson à l'extérieur
Only the best and staff approved catering will be provided inside the theatre premises.

♣ No shoes, no shirt, no admittance | Pas de chaussures , pas de chemise , Défense d'entrer
Dress code: Clean, presentable attire with a modest cut. Scandalously revealing attire and armor is unacceptable. Shoes are to be worn in the building, free of metal parts.

♣ Weaponry is to be peace-bonded | Les armes sont à coller la paix
The Theatre will provide all occasions with house security, to ensure the quality of safety to all our guests.

♣ No face concealing masks, hoods, or head gear | Aucun visage cachant masques , cagoules, ou un couvre-chef
Guests are not allowed to wear masks that conceal their identity into the theatre for any events that are not as such, a masquerade. If masks are permitted, the guest is still required to identify themselves. If the purpose of the mask is to hide some grotesque, disruptive appearance and is worn out of social politety, then it is permissible so long as the guest clears this with theatre personnel prior to attending an event.

♣ No Trespassing | Aucune Intrusion
Only theatre personal are permitted beyond the limits of the auditorium. No banned persons permitted onto the property until the dispute is otherwise resolved.

♣ No Fighting | Pas de querelles
For the enjoyment of yours and other guests attending theatre productions, please observe polite decorum while in attendance of the theatre and events.

Merci Beaucoup & Cordailement,
The Theatre de la Cathedrale Troupe


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