Author Topic: [Warrants, Bounties, and Sanctions]  (Read 10936 times)


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Re: [Warrants, Bounties, and Sanctions]
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2021, 04:27:39 PM »
Let it be known that JACINTH d'ESPERANCE is hereby declared an OUTLAW in the lands overseen by the great Lord-Boyar Ioan Wachter!

This loathsome dandy from the realm of foppery and decadence that is Dementlieu has knowingly supplied the self-styled "Lord Regent" and his band of criminals, reprobates, and insurrectionists, giving them monies, black powder, arms, and armaments that they then use to kill YOUR husbands, YOUR sons, YOUR wives, and YOUR daughters in their misbegotten bid for "freedom".

15,000 wolf-fangs will be offered to the man or woman who brings this vainglorious popinjay to us, DEAD OR ALIVE. Furthermore, they shall be hailed a hero, a fair held in their honor. In the month following, they shall enjoy the honor of living in the estate as Lord-Boyar Wachter's honored guest.



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Re: [Warrants, Bounties, and Sanctions]
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2021, 01:37:41 AM »
Let it be known that The BLACK BRIGANDS in Berez are hereby declared OUTLAWS in the lands overseen by the great Lord-Boyar Ioan Wachter!

The so-called 'Black Army of Gundarak' are no army at all, but a band of brigands, murderers, and seditious scum who burned fishing vessels and murdered militiamen of Berez to sow chaos. These devil-worshipping bastards are enemies to the peaceful subjects of Barovia! Lord-Boyar Ioan Wachter answers the call to LIBERATE Berez and shall punish those found to assist these villains. They shall not take one step further!

5,000 wolf-fangs will be offered to the man or woman who brings to us dead or alive any of these brigands!


« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 02:26:01 AM by Drekavac »
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Re: [Warrants, Bounties, and Sanctions]
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2022, 09:02:48 PM »
Let it be known that KAIN SHADOWBANE is hereby SUMMONED to present himself to the Wachter Estate IMMEDIATELY.

He is afforded one week to submit himself to Florica Sima, Corporal of the Wachter Guard, in the name of Lord Ioan Wachter.

Failure to comply to this lawful summons will result in grievances against Wachter lands that will incur prosecution without leniency.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 04:53:39 PM by DM Tenebris »