Author Topic: The Book of Za'am  (Read 25058 times)

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #50 on: November 23, 2016, 03:18:58 AM »
Entry 48

I have over played my hand. I gambled and I have lost. These my very well be the last moments of life.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #51 on: December 20, 2016, 05:07:50 PM »
EnTRy 49

i HAve suRVIVed, IF you cAN call THIS surVIVal.

ThE puNISHment was SWift and FAIR. LeSSer mEn Would have DIED and there CORPses serVed AS laboratory eXpERiments or rAw ingredients for other aCAdemic pROjects.

My mASter is a KIND and OMNIPOTENT man. I shall Not fail hIm or HEr AGAIN.

I Am sO tHANKful VRUX has AGReed to RECord my THOUGHTS within my diARY for ME. VRUX is MY BEST anD Only FRIEND!

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2017, 02:48:25 PM »
eNTry 50

hARkrim al-dAKHil



LAZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzare SOrisk

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2017, 03:31:36 PM »
entRY 51

SpokeE WITH A studENT TOday. HE DiD not RECOIL FroM MY PResenSE.  ATLleast NOT THat I SAw.



wE discUSSed golEMS.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2017, 10:01:25 AM »
Entry 52

My sight as returned, although temporary and with the use of a spell. I am becoming frustrated with having to constantly reapply the enchantment. This is a regrettable and obnoxious chore. Considering the alternative it will suffice for now.

I am no longer forced to rely on Vrux to record my research. Just as well as his hand writing is atrocious and unacceptable to my standards of performance.

Word has reached me that my wayward servant, Perdiot has met his end at the hands of a knight. What a disappointing waste of potential.

My apprentice Hashin has also been absent from his studies. He has not been seen at the academy in months, also a disappointment.

Of note I recently had a chance encounter with an old patient of mine, Giano. Despite his mutilation and the gradual decline of his mental facilities he has managed to become an exceedingly talented armor smith.

He displayed one of his most recent works of art, a suit of adamantine armor. At first I did not believe he could have created such a magnificent and technologically advanced work of art. This idiot savant has somehow managed to become a self taught expert in metallurgy. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

As I examined the suit I was impressed by the intricate modification he has made in the design. Gears, pulleys and wire supports all intricately applied as to maximize weight distribution and balance the movement of the armor. All of which individually set and adjusted to Giano’s measurements, frame, mobility and girth. The calculations alone would require a logical mind practiced in advanced trigonometry and algebra. I find the claim nearly impossible to believe that a mind as damaged as his could have created such a mechanical masterpiece.

When I asked what the source of his inspiration was to apply these modifications, he simply stated “The Voice Commanded It”.  Another layer to the enigma that is Giano Freeman.

Inspiration struck me as well as I examined his masterwork. With the application of distilled radiant essence and properly applied to the magical forge beneath the academy I could imbue the dark armor with a considerable arcane enhancement.

The expense in raw materials was of no significance when compared to the knowledge gained. I was immediately successful in enchanting this adamantine master piece. Giano readily sacrificed a portion of his life essence to fuel the enchantment.

The end result is perhaps a near artifact of incalculable worth and a technological master piece. It is my intension to replicate his design and expand upon it. The epiphany of mass producing an army of metal warriors is far too enticing to dismiss.

[A sketch of the armor to include measurements and notes]

« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 04:13:35 PM by Alternate Account »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2017, 10:36:45 AM »
Entry 53

I have journeyed to the city by the sea, Port-ŕ-Lucine. The fresh coastal breeze seems to have a pleasant effect upon my condition. Although damp I am finding the climate agreeable to my current aliment. 

The Faculté de Médecine is an impressive epicenter of knowledge and evidence-based thinking. The faculty seems well versed and practiced in the principles of the scientific theory of which their own Jean-Philippe Suzerain has claimed credit for discovering. This is evident by his expensive marble statue in the central hall.

I have paid a sum to correspond with Professor Lucie Deschamps. She is a young, though very experienced academic scholar in the discipline of anatomy and physiology. She answered all my immediate questions and even extended the courtsey of allowing me to attend one of her lectures.

Although I will begrudgingly extend to her the academic courtesy afforded one of her station I find her aversion to necromancy limiting and ignorant.

The study of phrenology is a subject new to my academic repertoire. Though a simple concept to grasp I feel further study will be required to understand its intricate details. Of course I will need to replicate the authors finding in order to confirm his hypothesis.

[Notes included below]

« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 04:09:42 PM by Alternate Account »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2017, 08:42:26 AM »
Entry 54

A new friend (Red) has given me information on my new enemy (Knight). In exchange for some trivial in house secrets (Traitor's Bones).

I am satisfied with the trade.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2017, 12:04:03 PM »
Entry 55

I have discovered a curious treaty within the universities library. It supports a notion that we in Hazlan have long held as a universal truth.

One particular western physician, Doctor Frantisek Markov states his hypothesis that the potential of crossbreeding select humanoid specimens with certain beasts for the purpose of developing desired traits is not only beneficial to the evolution of humanity but could in fact be an obligation. Indeed my own mulan sensibility validates this basic ideal.

Although it is comforting to see that some amongst these western barbarians can support common evolutionary truths, I also find it disheartening that the social elite of Dementlieu’s ruling class find such experiments abhorrent and criminal.

In fact I have been informed that a recent “Arcane License” is now required within the city of Port-a-Lucern. This absurd law is evidently the result of narrow minded ignorance and primitive superstition. The restrictive nature of this country will push away the brilliant minds of progress.

Alas how I miss the limitless possibilities of the Red Academy where the barrier of morals and ethics are but laughable excuses of fearful men.

Additional note, my old apprentice Ossur Hakin has returned from aboard. At first he did not recognize me under my current disability. Proceeding an acceptable display of humility he now understands my new position.

[Notes attached below]

« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 04:19:05 PM by Alternate Account »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2017, 09:25:13 AM »
Entry 56

Arrangements have been made. Now I must wait.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2017, 08:46:28 AM »
Entry 57

Alas what great tragedy has befallen House Za'am!?

My father and uncle slain. The estate ransacked, our slaves slaughtered and a beast is on the loose.
What justice is there in this world? What scheming gods of fate and unbalance have sought fit to punish me as such?

Vraylok Kyrillian has promised that justice will be served.
I must liquidate what remains of my father's legacy and move what remains of our my resources to Ramulai.

Oh great sorrow how shall I endure?

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #60 on: May 22, 2017, 01:07:40 PM »
Entry 58

With the death of my family I find myself in the need of travel. Time away from the academy to clear my mind. Ironic that I now find myself returned to Barovia of all places.

I have accepted a new apprentice, Tubur Dorsum.  We shall see how long this one lasts.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #61 on: May 25, 2017, 11:41:39 AM »
Entry 59

Sargonas seems to have gotten himself into some trouble. His bride Maya has asked for assistance. I shall do what I can.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 07:38:37 AM by Alternate Account »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2017, 07:41:25 AM »
Entry 60

Lady Kelter has surprised me. She must indeed be a resourceful woman to have freed her lover. I am impressed.
Though this event has stirred up some of Sargas' hidden projects.

- Salvisius Imbrex
- Saavar Abu Nahash

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2017, 10:57:12 AM »
Entry 61

Chance encounter with the archivist Yunon Ambrosius. He agreed to a tour of the Academy, he was suitably impressed. We discussed a mutual friend. My concerns have been made known.

I believe I have made a valuable contact.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2018, 11:18:53 AM »
Entry 62

My newest apprentice surprises me. Dispite the lack of a formal education his raw talent and devotion to the Black Craft surpasses his peers. Perhaps his physical deformity and lack of social acceptance  fuels this passion. 

Tubur Dorsum will serve my purpose. I have named him Primere Apprentice and I will personally petition his application into the Red Academy.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2018, 11:24:06 AM »
Entry 63

I have tasked my apprentice with three assignments.

-Decipher the Black Scroll.

-Make contact with those underneath the Grey City.

-Research the Trickster.

Evaluation of his performance will follow in one weeks time.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2018, 08:59:01 PM »
Entry 64

A productive day.

I made contact with that cabal that Tubur mentioned underneath Vallaki. I spoke with one, Lord Arrun, who has agreed to look over the Black Scroll. He seems to have some experience within this realm. His rashami associate will arrange future meetings.

It also appears that this cabal could be merely a front for a mission of the Church of the Lawgiver. Curious revelation indeed!

Upon my return to the Mist Camp, I encountered an old student of the academy, specifically one of Ipgahik Kelner’s apprentices, Archadeus. This was one of Eleni’s projects of allowing foreigners admittance into the academy along with Sorisk and Sargan. 

He has since ceased his instruction, though I was unable to get confirmation if he completed his formal training or not. He has since joined a book club in Port-a-Lucern and seems to have become a prominent book dealer.

This may indeed prove to become a valuable contact.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 10:02:22 PM by Alternate Account »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #67 on: January 23, 2018, 02:45:52 PM »
Entry 65

A chance encounter has brought one, Balzaabar to my attention.

Much like myself, he was born a mulan of Hazlani origin. Although fate has visited upon this wretch the disease of dwarfism, his figure and form twisted to such a point that he resembles a goblin more than a man. Even his skin complexion has taken on a strange greenish hue.

His mastery of vassi and familiarity of the mulani culture validates his claims to my satisfactory approval. He is educated and has been trained at an elementary level of the arcane. He would not give to whom or where his instruction was attained.

Upon a whim I decided to give my less fortunate countryman a tour of the Red Academy. He was of course, suitably impressed.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2018, 10:03:21 PM »
Entry 66

I have accepted Balzaabar as my apprentice. His expertise in transmutation and clockwork machinery will prove uniquely valuable. Additionally he holds Salvisius’ notebook and diagrams.

Unfortunately his deformed stature might prove problematic at the academy. The work around is he will be my laboratory assistant.
If his presence in Ramulai remains uncontested then I shall see what my influence can achieve for him. This will hinge on his loyalty and usefulness in achieving my own goals of course.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2018, 10:15:43 PM »
Entry 67

Dorsum has developed into a surprisingly skilled corpse crafter. His knowledge of anatomy and physiology surpasses even my own, which is very impressive considering his lack of a formal education.

His first experiment at the academy involved replacing the heart of a laborer with the desiccated organ of a vampire. I was certain the experiment would offer a result of null. I was wrong.

The creature responded with the speed and strength surpassing even its undead donor. It broke through sturdy rope, beat down a solid oak door and iron cell gate. It even resisted three of my own spells to subdue it, one of which was a Seventh Circle enchantment.

We had, with two other arcane students cornered the creature in the first floor cells. Dorsum indeed suffered to brunt of the trauma in this task.

Luck would have it that a delegation of the Lawgiver had journeyed to the academy for political purposes. One singularly impressive man, Kontor Sirus of the Barovian Mission proved very adequate in restraining the creature for my examination.

Sadly the creature expired before I could ascertain whether it was merely a vampire or some new varity of undead hybrid.

Balzaabar took notes.

This experiment will be replicated in the very near future. Additional safety precautions will be implemented.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #70 on: February 07, 2018, 10:04:43 PM »
Entry 68

New endeavors and potential allies. The academy is experiencing a rise in activity, again...

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2018, 08:51:29 PM »
[A collection of letters and correspondence]

Most Honorable Zulkir Vahir,

I am pleased to see that you hold a liberal perspective regarding foreign applicants. I am also of the perspective that arcane potential is not the sole dominion of ethnicity or race.

Though I am not a necromancer in the traditional academic sense, I do have some experience in the black arts. I would be honored to assist you in whatever projects or future endeavors you have planned.

Might I also tender the application of my apprentice, Tubur Dorsum. He is a foreign hunchback with little formal education, though I shall vouch for his intuitive instincts in the black craft. He seems to have a natural raw talent that would truly benefit under the instruction of a master such as yourself.

Applicant: Tubur Dorsum, origin Darkon though currently residing in Ramulai, fundamental arcane instruction and mastery of fourth circle arcane, intermediate corpse crafter, obedient apprentice.


Instructor Mentalos Za’am
The Red Academy of Hazlan

[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered to Instuctor Za'am.  The Vaasi penmanship, an uncanny match for the posted advertisements, is impeccable; all except for the clearly distinct and hastily scrawled signature at the bottom which is evidently the scribbling of a different author]

Instructor Za'am,

I've taken the liberty to peruse your personnel file, as I pride myself on being comprehensive and thorough in all applicant and faculty recruitment.  To say that I am intrigued by your continued admittance and credentials as an instructor in light of the immense spectacle of ineptitude and treachery that you've displayed in the past would be an understatement.  You must, indeed, have some influential allies within these academic walls. Know that I am not the vacuous, trusting imbecile that Instructor Tyllesen was and will tolerate no insolence or attempts at subversion. 

With that unpleasantness settled, I find myself at an impasse. I've finally purged the remnants of my predecessor's legacy, who clearly lacked my vision and discernment of potential in recruitment, and an experienced instructor's assistance is an unfortunate necessity I am burdened with.  Therefore, I will allow you the rare distinction of assisting my efforts in rebuilding.

As for any misplaced perceptions you have on my "liberal perspectives" on foreign applicants, you can cast those from your mind.  Applicants worthy of admittance will be enrolled, and they must have immense potential in order to excuse inferior lineage, all others found lacking can be utilized as test subjects. After all, it will be an honor that their insipid existence will contribute at least in a minuscule way to the advancement of our research.

Your recommendation for admittance of Tubur Dorsum, despite his deformity, will be honored.  You should assist Administor Dahar in the evaluation of prospective students for evaluation and enrollment immediately.  Dahar will make himself available to you, he is dutiful despite the asininely-slow advancement in his studies, and can answer any questions that should surface.  I have far more important and pressing matters to attend to.  Once we've assembled some students, he will inform you of the curriculum.

Hassan Vahid
Zulkir of Necromantic Thaumaturgy
The Red Academy of Hazlan

Most Distinguished Zulkir Hassan Vahid,

I appreciate the bluntness of your correspondence. You are correct; I reached too far and suffered the consequence.

If it was not for my past contributions to the academy, Lady Eleni of Toyalis would have seen my life ended and my remains utilized for an anatomy and physiology class.
I have learned my lesson and seek to redeem myself. It is my hope that you fill find my service adequate and worthy of your future endeavors.

Currently I am seeking out the applicants who have applied. I shall examine them under strict observation and tender only those with the highest potential and loyalty for admittance.

Instructor Za’am

[A stack of missives, exact replicas of the originals through arcane means, are deposited in the possession of Instructor Mentalos Za'am]


I am quite interested in enrolling at the Red Academy as seen in your advertisement and here are my details as requested below:

Name: Kozá Vászoly
Region of Origin: Zeidenburg, Barovia
Ethnicity: Gundarakite
Current arcane aptitudes: Fourth Circle in near mastery to Fifth, School Specialisations in Evocation and Necromancy.
Primary focus of study: General
Miscellaneous, pertinent information: I'm human and not a damn twist, I speak several languages, most fluent in Balok, Luktar and Vaasai. I'd prefer discretion in regards to my application and such, considering the climate of Barovia in regards to magic.

I can be found typically at the Lady's Rest for letters or the Western Outskirts/Morninglord Temple if you want to see me in person.



[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered by envoy directly to Kozá Vászoly, and only Kozá Vászoly.  The Vaasi penmanship, an uncanny match for the posted advertisements, is impeccable; all except for the clearly distinct and hastily scrawled signature at the bottom which is evidently the scribbling of a different author]

Kozá Vászoly,

I've received your missive expressing interest in your enrollment at the Red Academy.  It is quite apparent that you have ambition and are imbued with a fiery resolve -- Nothing that extensive and rigorous study can't correct.  Those that are lacking focus typically ascribe themselves to 'general' studies, but the true testament of your aptitudes will be examined with scrutiny once you have endured your interview for acceptance. 

Should you truly have interest in acceptance, you should apply in person at the Red Academy of Ramulai.  Seek out either Adminstrator Daher or Instructor Ma'am upon your arrival.  If you lack the vision to trek outside of the insipid lands of Barovian and their myopically focused, mundane plights, you will have saved yourself the journey to only be rejected.  If your interest is fully rooted, we will see you within our hallowed halls where only the most adept of minds tread. 

Hassan Vahid
Zulkir of Necromantic Thaumaturgy
The Red Academy of Hazlan

Salutations Zulkir Vahid,

I have met with your newest apprentice, the gundarakite Kozá Vászoly. I questioned him at length to ascertain his knowledge and level of education. I found him adequate within the disciplines of conjuration, divination, abjuration and evocation, but sadly he failed several of my tests within the schools of necromancy, illusion and transmutation.

He did display a satisfactory level of third circle arcane mastery. If you desire his admittance into the academy he will require considerable supervision and remediable instruction to elevate his skills to the level of his fellow apprentice peers.

The one concern I do have regarding this foreign applicant is, he seems largely ignorant to the overall mission of the Red Academy. When asked, to what purpose does the academy serve, he gave some inane mumbled answer of increasing “His” own power.

Our sole purpose within these hallowed halls of academia, as you are well aware my esteemed zulkir, is to serve our most honorable and wise sovereign, Lord Hazlik.

This foreign hedge wizard seems wholely absent of this concept and this brings grave doubt to his suitability within the Red Academy.

Ultimately I leave the decision to you zulkir. If you so command it, I shall tutor this foreigner to a satisfactory level of skill and education.

Instructor Za’am.

[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered to Instructor Za'am.  The Vaasi penmanship is a hastily scrawled scribbling]

Instructor Za'am,

Your recent missive regarding prospective candidate, Kozá Vászoly, is welcomed.  Adminstator Daher conducted his induction and has welcomed him to our fraternity.  Your further tutelage will help mold and shape this pliant, ignorant foreign specimen into proper Academic material (much like unmolded clay in the hands of an artisan).  Given your proposition, as your Zulkir, I command you to see to his development. 

As for his ignorance to our greater directive, I would remind you that we are dealing with an infantile of the Red Academy. One would not speak of the complexities of the arcane, rituals, or greater purpose to a newly birthed child.  All this one needs to know is his place and that obedience is a requisite, if he follows our directives unerringly and without hesitation, our glorious Lord Hazlik will be served by proxy through our initiatives.  Let the worm feast upon the earth without awareness, simply following the cavernous depths and crumbs left to guide him to the Academy's objective.  Addling his insipid mind will only befuddle the simpleton, that is, until his time has come that he is ready to play his role in the illustrious initiative of our revered Lord.

Two others have expressed their interest in our department, one Gannak of a region unknown to me or completely fabricated.  His theory on "negative energy" is intriguing and I've enclosed his application for your perusal.  Should you meet with him, see that he is properly vetted.  In addition, another named "Breeze" has written with his interest in joining our ranks.  I've also provided their application for your review. 

All serve their purpose until otherwise disposed, Instructor.  We shall achieve great things in Lord Hazlik's name.

Hassan Vahid
Zulkir of Necromantic Thaumaturgy
The Red Academy of Hazlan

It is written in a clear hand, though the many spots of ink on the parchment suggest this clarity took a lot of time. It reads:

Name: Gannak

Region of Origin: Numeria (extra-planar)

Ethnicity: Kellid (physically human)

Current arcane aptitudes: Proficient in theory and practice of all schools of magic but conjuration, in which I am learned in theory only. Familiar with theory and practice of ritual magic.

Primary focus of study: Necromancy. I am presently working on developing a method to make of an arcanist a source of negative energy for the purposes of the manipulation of life and unlife. This practice involves the introduction of negative energy to the practitioner's body in order to gradually shift the energies animating the practitioner towards that of unlife. While this does appear to result in physical change this practice has not yet proven to be lethal to the practitioner. I have been able to draw on the energies introduced to animate the dead. While common arcane practice allows forrefined manipulation of negative energy in animation and control of the dead, it is my belief that the limits to the concentration of the energies an arcanist can work with can be overcome with this practice.

Miscellaneous, pertinent information: I am a foreigner and as such I recognise that I lack Mulani insight into proper manners of conduct. My primary interest is in furthering my knowledge and the method I have detailed above but I will make every effort to ensure my presentation and conduct does not cause offense or embarrassment. I speak the Nova Vaasan dialect of Vaasi and I will ensure I master proper speech should my application be accepted.

Whether or not my application is accepted I would request that I be granted authorisation to attend Master Vahir's upcoming lecture as a guest.

I await word in Zravgev.


Enclosed application: Breeze

Region of Origin: Vaasa [Toril]

Ethnicity: Human

Current arcane aptitudes: Ninth circle

Primary focus of study: Transmutation, Necromancy, Conjuration

Miscellaneous, pertinent information: None

[Signed below, the sender requests all replies to be sent back to the Dancing Crane within Nordenvall]

[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered to Instructor Za'am]

Instructor Za'am,

I have recently interviewed a prospective student named Breeze.  He's demonstrated an adept knowledge of the disciplines of the arcane and has interest in the synergy between transmutation and necromancy, particularly pertaining the amalgamation of necromantic energies in living flesh. 

I have instructed Breeze to speak with you as well.  The additional vetting may be warranted and the Zulkir has little time or inclination for such mundane tasks.

Adminstrator Daher

« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 10:36:19 PM by Mentalos Za'am »

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

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Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #72 on: April 13, 2018, 05:59:27 PM »
[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered to Instuctor Za'am.  The Vaasi penmanship, an uncanny match for the posted advertisements, is impeccable.]

Instructor Za'am,

Enclosed is the proposed syllabus for the upcoming curriculum.  Should you wish to inject any of your own additions to the proposal, or if you have any questions prior to the posting for the student's perusal, let me know at once.

Administrator Daher
Aide to Zulkir Vahid
The Red Academy of Hazlan

Quote from: Proposed Curriculum
Lesson One: A Primer on Necromancy and Reanimated Physiology.
  • Basics of Necromancy
  • States of Undeath
  • Subclassifications of the Reanimated Preserved Corporeal
  • Reanimated Physiology
  • Reanimated Psychology
  • Practical Application – Vivisection of a Preserved Corporeal – “Ghoul”
Lesson Two: Practical Applications of Necromantic Thaumaturgy
  • Theories of Origination of Reanimation
  • Expedition into Submerged Excavation Tunnels
NOTE: Abstracts on Independent Research for Student Treatise are due.

Lesson Three: Instructor-aided Independent Research and Experimentation for Student Thesis
NOTE: This period will extend until all theorems are fully vetted or dismissed.

Lesson Four: Primer on Red Wizard Ritual Circle Necromantic Thaumaturgy: Advanced Reanimation   
  • To be held within the Halls of Conjuration
  • Transported and utilized for empirical observation by student body
NOTE: Treatises are due.  Prior to advancement, all students will be evaluated based upon merit.  Those that have excelled in the curriculum and independent research will be permitted to attend the advanced curriculum.

Lesson Five: Advanced Ritual Necromantic Thaumaturgy   
  • Zulkir Vahid led research.

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

  • Undead Slayer
  • ***
  • Posts: 219
  • The Red Academy of Hazlan
Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #73 on: April 13, 2018, 06:00:39 PM »
February 23 773 BC

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to examine how the different stages of undeath effect the flesh, in this case the purpose of this experiment specifically was the replace of the stomach of a human with that of a ghoul to study the effects.

Hypothesis: As seen with a ghoul of the Preserved Corporeal class of undead, certain organs will turn off, with the stomach expanding and should influence the creature with hunger being the main motivating factor.


~Test subject: Rashemi Slave, Male.
~Ghoul Stomach

Procedures: The procedure of the experiment began as followed:
  • The subject being chained on a stake with a holding spell casted upon the test subject to ensure the subject was docile by Instructor Za'am.
  • A main incision was made vertically through the chest , to which the sternum was hammered.
  • Tubur Dorsum and Kozá Vászoly proceeded to pull open the rip cage successfully.
  • The stomach was cut over the pylorus after being held out and removed, the healthy human stomach was disposed of.
  • Finally, the ghoul stomach was sutured in place successfully and the area vacated to observe the successful process of the test subject transformation of a hybrid of living and undeath, then the complete transformation to undeath.

When the subject entered the brief state of a hybrid between life and undeath, the subject colour faded to a far more pale complexion, did not respond to commands nor able to communicate , thus unlikely to be sentient even when dominated and commanded to speak. By the time an elven slave was brought into the chamber with the subject, the subject had fully transformed to the state of undeath and exhibited the behaviour typical of a ghoul (devouring the slave after eating the disposed stomach). What was curious was the nose twitching in the air of the subject before devouring its prey, which showed that even in the short time of the subject's exposure of undeath, it picked up the traits quickly including the ability to distinguish the living and undead.

When the experiment was completed and Balzaabar attempted to accelerate the condition and growth of the subject through the use of various necromantic spells (four bursts of negative energy), instead of transitioning to the stereotypical appearance and attributes common of the ghoul, it changed into a far stronger and faster being of a corporeal undead capable of speech. The subject seemed to display a ravenous hunger more unusual than the typical and before any further experiments could be made, it broke free of the chamber with incredible strength and was put down after sometime.

Upon dissection of the large creature , two things of note were found:

~Black liquid remains found inside the viscera, likely the liquefied remains of the internal organs.
~A large sac , later found to be a cyst capable of movement and even latched onto Tubur Dorsum’s hand.
A rather quaint discovery to the various theories shall be explored in the next section.


In conclusion, it is more than obvious that this experiment we have stumbled upon a new sort of undead not seen before, Corporeal Hybrid and Corporeal Enhanced as stated by Instructor Za’am during dissection.  It has remarkable speed, strength and capable of speech, albeit from observations for its own selfish desires of feeding and perhaps lashing out in a state of revenge for the sufferings the subject experience in its life. Instead of speeding up the condition of the undead through negative energy, it caused what seemed to be a standard intact sort of Ghoul, to a new hybrid state which is highly unusual from my understanding. Finally if the new hybrid of undead we’ve stumbled upon is capable of a sort of “spawn” as found in the cyst that was very insistent on latching itself to the nearest living being, perhaps it uses digested victims to produce more of its ilk?

All that can be said is more experiments are needed to be concluded to further explore the theories put forward.

Report by: Kozá Vászoly/color]

Esteemed Zulkir,

I have issued laboratory reports and summary due to each student. Koza alone has completed his assignment.

The proceeds, undead tumor and icor have been given to Daher for safe keeping.

Further experiments will be required regarding the 2- new states,  Corporeal Hybrid and Corporeal Enhanced.



Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."

Mentalos Za'am

  • Undead Slayer
  • ***
  • Posts: 219
  • The Red Academy of Hazlan
Re: The Book of Za'am
« Reply #74 on: April 13, 2018, 06:02:38 PM »
[A wax sealed missive, embossed with the iconic spires of the Red Academy, is delivered to Instructor Za’am.  The Vaasi penmanship is slovenly scrawled in the telltale sign of the Zulkir’s hand.]

Instructor Za’am,

Your recent discovery, under the guidance of my aide Daher, was the first glimpse of encouraging progress shown from our class.  Despite your minuscule role, you serve as a testament to my astute judgment in recruitment. Student Vászoly appears eager and easily malleable to tutelage and, if nothing else, obedient given he was the only one that adhered to your assignment.  Perhaps if you had my command of authority, your own apprentice, which I remind you that you personally vouched for admittance, would have followed your instruction.  Alas, few were gifted with my nigh-unobtainable attributes. 

I have completed my analysis of the samples provided as a result of your unorthodox and reckless experiment, yet I need empirical data to further validate my theories.  The resultant experimentation is far too valuable to subject on mere Rashemi servants.  Select one of your students, the insolent ones that failed in their assigned duties, to be subjected to our next line of testing.  Student Vászoly will also play a prominent role, though his ‘reward’ is best left to a pleasant surprise.

Would you not agree?

I’ll allow you the agency to choose which of our students will undergo the battery of experimentation.  Let this serve as a reminder among the class that disobedience will result in most distressing consequences. 

We will commence this further experimentation after our second lesson per our curriculum.  Administrator Daher assures me he is prepared to conduct this field instruction in the next few days.

Hassan Vahid
Zulkir of Necromantic Thaumaturgy
The Red Academy of Hazlan

Nazara Xethos - "House Za'am is as contagious as Lycanthropy. Get afflicted."