Author Topic: Fleurette d'Espinay  (Read 1421 times)


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Fleurette d'Espinay
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:43:32 PM »
Fleurette d'Espinay keeps a small, leather-bound journal. Engraved upon the cover is the depiction of a longsword set against a shield. The content of the journal is written in High Mordentish.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 01:27:40 AM by Apsalar »


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Re: Fleurette d'Espinay
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 04:44:43 PM »

I swear to love Ezra and maintain Her Church

To keep faith in Ezra and trust in the Grand Scheme

To at all times seek truth and knowledge

To seek to understand Ezra's true nature under the guidance of the Third Revelation

To protect the weak and defenseless

To give succour to those in need

To refrain from the wanton giving of offence

To live by honour and justice

To despise pecuniary reward

To fight for the welfare of all

To obey those placed in lawful authority

To eschew unfairness, cruelty and deceit

To speak the truth at all times

To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun

To never retreat before a foe if it puts others at risk
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 01:23:30 AM by Apsalar »


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Re: Fleurette d'Espinay
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 01:55:26 AM »
[A draft of a letter is written here. Perhaps it was later transcribed and sent.]


I cannot imagine the disdain you must feel for me now. I am truly sorry for the embarrassment I must have caused you. As your daughter it was my duty to marry a gentleman of your choosing and nothing I can say or do will ameliorate the betrayal I have wrought in leaving you, the family, and my betrothed behind me.

I have attempted to explain in the past the sense of purpose that grips me. I wish so very much that you could understand, but I cannot stand idly by when I am witness to the overwhelming injustices that are perpetrated all around me. You told me that the only cause I should uphold is that of our family, and though I agree that the love of family is of great importance, I also believe that for as long as we draw breath we should defend those incapable of defending themselves.

I will be forever grateful for your acceptance of my work in the hospice and your compliance with my long visits to Ste. Mere des Larmes, no matter how begrudging. I realise that you hoped this would satisfy my “naďve desire” to do charitable works, however I can no longer deny the feeling that I am meant for something more.

Perhaps this is the grandest arrogance, father, but I truly believe I can make a difference in the Core. With Ezra as my guide I will do everything in my power to make it a better place, and whether I succeed or fail, know that I will do it with love for my family in my heart.

I hope you can forgive me.

Please give my love to the girls.

Ever your loving daughter,



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Re: Fleurette d'Espinay
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2013, 04:46:18 AM »

Barovia is a grim and unpleasant nation. The people seem gripped in a constant state of fear and distrust for outsiders and no matter my efforts, attempting to earn their trust looks to be an exercise in futility. It does not help that they possess a great deal of mistrust for Ezra’s faithful despite - or perhaps due to? - the presence we have here. I have already heard much talk of how the Refuge “used to be,” but I will not pass judgement on their actions before they are fully known to me.

I have succeeded in becoming a templar-initiate and I hope I will do Ezra proud by my actions. I do feel sorrow that I am unable to undertake my training in Ste. Mere des Larmes as it has become something of a second home to me, however remaining in Port-á-Lucine would only have distracted me from the path I have chosen.

The variety of anchorites here in Vallaki seem to represent every Revelation but my own and this saddens me, though it is to be expected given the Third Sects introverted nature. I long for the quiet, scholarly toing and froing of the anchorites of Ste. Mere des Larmes. I never thought I’d miss the quiet disapproval of Toret Estelle; she never would have approved of the active role I desire to take in the Core.

I have been finding it difficult to find common ground with many of the anchorites, likely due to our differences in faith. I would have thought that I would be most comfortable with those of the Second Revelation, however thus far I have managed to disagree with perhaps every anchorite associated with the Refuge. The disagreements are mostly minor matters, however, and should not be an issue when it comes to my duties, though I did find Warden Hyde’s advocation of certain means of execution to be distasteful to say the least.

My only friend thus far is Acolyte Scavo. She is very kind and I hope to come to know her better in the coming weeks.

Thought for the day: Self-importance is our greatest enemy.


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Re: Fleurette d'Espinay
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 04:25:19 PM »

The strength of the faithful cannot be measured in one person. No one person can embody Ezra’s divine might. The might of Ezra’s will made manifest upon the physical realm is measured in how we assist one another, fight for one another, and if need be in how we die for one another as we stand against the Legion. Though we may bleed and die in service to Ezra, we do so in order to preserve the church and its people. In so doing we ensure that further souls enter Her grace, more take up arms against the evils of the Core, and as the Church grows in strength the Legion declines.

Despite this, as she held me, I feared death. Even as I defied her. The ease with which she overpowered me did not cause me to question my faith in Ezra, it caused me to question my faith in myself. My father told me that I was a silly girl playing dress-up with swords and I feared that he may have been proven correct. Have I chosen my path poorly? Am I capable of succeeding? Perhaps I have left everything I have ever known behind me simply to die a meaningless death as the plaything of a monster.

She demanded that the church cease their hunt before she begins to kill the faithful. She surely knows that the church will not heed the warnings of the Legion, that if anything they will be spurred into greater fervour in their hunt of the Drinkers of Blood. The faithful have already met with harm at her hands and nothing will sway them - us - from carrying out our duties. The Legion cannot be permitted to prey upon the innocent. If we die to prevent this then that is simply our role in the Grand Scheme.

Thought for the day: A mind without purpose will wander to dark places.


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Re: Fleurette d'Espinay
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2014, 10:05:27 PM »

Vallaki is much as I had left it.

The Refuge of Fifth Light and the Redoubtable Chapel have been feuding, though matters were already heading in that direction when I left. Vezzoni has been executed. I will ever mourn the loss of a brother in faith, but his death will perhaps allow the Refuge to move on from his mis-teachings. (Note: declare ill-thoughts of an anchorite at my next confession.)

The brightest aspect of my return has been re-acquainting myself with my dear friend Alessandra, now a Warden of the Home Faith. I knew that she would excel within the church and I have high hopes for her future. She is possessed of a great deal of wisdom and she is ever a source of inspiration to me and my faith.

I intend to assist my fellow Ezrites for as long as I remain in Vallaki. Returning as a templar to the place at which I received the majority of my training feels strange to me; I like to think I've grown, but the same doubts still plague me. I yet fear my own weaknesses but I know that I must trust in Ezra and overcome them.

I am informed that the vampire who assaulted me has been destroyed. I admit to no small relief as the prospect of facing her once more was a source of trepidation in my return.

Thought for the day: By the strength of our faith a fractured world shall emerge into Her grace.