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Author Topic: Whitemane - The Silver Lining  (Read 1141 times)


  • Undead Master
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Whitemane - The Silver Lining
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:50:39 AM »

"A storm is coming. The drums of war are sounded"

"Let them pound, I am not afraid. Then the rains pour down, I will protect our forest my lady."

"You are brave my child, but do not forget while you are touched by the divine, you are still mortal, and live is to be lived, not thrown away so wantonly."

"Forgive me my lady, you are right. I will walk with zeal, but caution."

It was indeed a heavy night of rain and lightning. The thunderous skies bellowed in reply to the orcish drums deep within the forests. The silver haired woman travelled with a small band of harpers and forest wardens. The orcs were raiding again, but they would not see their forest ripped from its roots to sate their bloodlust and destruction. The eight that set out, pushed through mud and brush as the thick fog started to roll in, but they dared not let up, when their targets were only a few miles away.

Lady Whitemane could barely see as her hair whipped about her face from the harsh winds, and paused only long enough to wrap it into a tight bun, using a stick in the mud to pin it in place. She was dressed in her ceremonial plate, as this was her first true testament in Lurues name. To protect the forests, and those that inhabited it as the Lady Unicorn herself oversaw. She knew she was different from the others, many called her Silverhair, others claimed she was touched by Lurue herself in the womb to be born with the mark of three tiny stars upon her brow where a horn might be. It was not the mark itself that drew wonderment towards her however, but that when things looked bleak, the mark would glow softly, expanding an aura of light around her.

The storm was worsening, yet she still pushed through the torrent of winds and rain. She could not see her companions, but she heard the cry for the charge, and the screams of orcs as spears and arrows impaled their flesh. She pushed herself harder, but something stirred behind her. Before she could turn fully, she was struck hard across her temple. Darkness soon claimed her, and her light dimmed when she lost conciousness only to wake to another sound of beating drums, but these were not the drums of orcs. Fate took a turn for her, and it was only a matter of time that she would learn what brought her to this new world and why....


  • Undead Master
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Re: Whitemane - The Silver Lining
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 11:46:58 AM »

"I can't feel you with me"


"My lady, where are you? There is such an aching in my heart,"


"What have I done wrong?"

She lay in bed, thinking back on the occurrence of the day. She had stumbled into a lathanderite temple, her head throbbing. She didn't understand what had happened, and what was worse she could no longer feel the connection to Lurue she once held. She met a battle priest of Tempus, nothing like the ones she's heard so much of. This one was compassionate, selfless and went out of his way for others. He looked at her strangely, but he helped her to understand what had happened to her, and why she could not hear her lady, but reassured her that Lurue could see her, and was with her.

The eyes of this battle priest captivated her. So blue like the crystalline pools in her forests, so deep with emotion and understanding. He was a puzzle to her, one that deemed putting together to see the bigger picture, but when he took a lock of her hair through his fingers, it sent such a shudder through her. She couldn't let him see, couldn't let him know how it affected her. She smiled, and she aided him in the next few days with providing food for the hungry, and pelts for the cold. Seeking solace in her room at the end of each day, dreaming of her times in the forest with her old friend. She missed the wisdom he would share with her, the winds whipping through their silvery manes as they rode through the tight passes of the trees. He made her feel alive, made her feel bold in all that she accomplished, but then so did this battle priest who was blessed. A soft smile on her lips, sleep took her as it did many nights since she arrived in these dark lands called Barovia.


  • Undead Master
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Re: Whitemane - The Silver Lining
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 12:09:24 PM »

"This is your place. He is your duty. The balance was tipped, but you must bring peace to the war within his heart"

"But what, if he does not wish it so? I am but fascination to him, like all the others."

"Trust in your heart, and trust what you see. Do what you know you must."

She woke with a start in her room. Was she more than that? He kissed her, but then apologized. They both preserved their bodies like temples, but when she looked into those blue pools of water that were his eyes, she felt herself drowning in them. She could see the war within himself, within those eyes that held a mixture of compassion, kindness and was it fear? She brushed her fingers over her lips, thinking back on that moment and let thoughts of him cross her mind. Her heart raced when she saw his face, and when she thought of that kiss, she trembled.

He came to her that very night. He was wounded greatly and her first reaction was to ease his pain. Sitting him down, she peeled away the armor, called upon the blessings of her lady and closed the wounds that brought him such pain. They spent the rest of that night talking of their fears, their desires and what they were becoming to each other. Somehow, in her dreams she was shown the way, and that way stood before her. This man was the war, but she was the peace. When the blood became too hot, she would cool it with tempered wisdom. She could feel the fear of becoming lost like his brothers and sisters, but she vowed she would not let that come to pass, that she would stay by his side and support him, and guide him when he felt himself losing to the war. The day drew on, and night fell again as they found themselves in a warm embrace, sleep soon taking her once more.


  • Undead Master
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  • Posts: 253
Re: Whitemane - The Silver Lining
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2013, 03:23:30 AM »

"Hellgate keep wasn't always named so. It was once Ascalhorn, founded by the Earlanni Elves."

"How did it fall into devils hands?"

"They gave control to the Netherese, who were too greedy for power. They called upon devils, then when they lost control called on more with the aid of Fey'ri to counter them, but they were betrayed. Ascalhorn fell, and the devils took over, thusly turning the city into Hellgate Keep"

"Then my great great grandmother and the other harpers defeated them. Right?"

"Indeed my child. Never trust the demon born, they will be seductive, temptuous, they will try to make you think they are on your side. The blood always wins out. Remember that."

All she wanted to do was sleep. It had been a long arduous day, as she maintained blessings on her companions as they struck the wolves hard within their den. Over forty by Alisters count, and so he suggested she get some rest as her body still ached from the bites and mauling the big wolves bestowed on her. She stepped out of the temple, weary but still alert she spied a lone wolf stalking the shadows towards a group sitting by the fireside at night. She could not understand how they would be so foolish, but she bore wide berth to the side and drew her crossbow to aid them just the same.

It wasn't until she was making her way for the Inn, that a woman came charging her, with accusations of bringing the wolf upon them. She was shocked, after having stopped to aid them, to be accused of bringing such a beast on their little meet, when it came from a different direction than her. The woman was so close, she could feel her breath on her face, and it was then she saw the horns, and knew what she was. She remembered her training, but she chose peace over putting the demon born down and stepped away, asking for her space. The Tiefling refused to respect her and closed the distance. She warned the so called paladin, that she would defend herself if she continued to invade her space. The tieflings response was a gauntlet to her face, and she felt her head snap and the bruise already forming.

It was rare for her to be baited into anger, she was always of a gentle heart, and jovial among others, but this strike stirred an anger in her, and as she looked at the woman, she stated plainly striking her was a mistake. Again, the tieflings response was violence. Alister had arrived to draw her away from the woman, but it was too late. She was struck heavily with the morningstar, then struck again. She remained unarmed, refusing to fight but the demon born continued to strike at her, she couldn't stumble away fast enough, and in one final blow to the head she was shrouded in blackness. She woke to Alister healing her before she died from internal bleeding, and sent her to the temple, but it did not end there as spectres on horses attacked those who remained out in the night. Despite the dull pounding in her head, and the bruises all over her face and arms, she could not sit idle while Alister risked his life. She staggered outside, with minimal blessings, and leapt in to help him. The spectres were powerful, many fell including herself and Alister, but their pale elven friend came to their aid, allowing them to escape.

He asked her what happened out there, but she had no answers for him other than recanting what had occurred. She still didn't know what possessed someone who claimed to be a paladin to strike an unarmed woman who was making no attempt to fight back, let alone do her harm. She could have, but she chose the peaceful path. She was burdened with frustration and confusion, not something that was common to her, and as she struggled to sleep, the memories of her mentors teachings brushed over her mind

"Blood always wins out..."