His mind expands as he takes in more of the information of this world. Mixtli is now certain from the grass to the single moon this land is cursed. He is also certain the three moon gods hold no real power in these lands.
Having met several others from Krynn, all seem to be able to progress in their skills whether it is arcane magic or divine. He is wary of the priestess of Mishakel he has met, though she is kind and skilled in her art she also claims to be from the time of the kingpriest. So it seems these mists deliver people not only from other worlds but different times. Regardless Mixtli travels to other parts of this land..Barovia, he continues to search for anything that will help him survive, scrolls, clothing, armor, weapons, as well as allies. He wants to go home away from these odd locals who fear anything different. Being a natural outcast even back home he avoids the locals, and imagines if only he had his previous powers back. Mixtli watches people in their encounters, he is sometimes not certain who he should fer more, the locals in power, the rumors of this dark lands ruler, or the creatures that come out at night in search of blood and prey. All he knows right now is he must continue to train. He is told of a small elven village south of the gray city, perhaps there he can furhter train in peace to use his bow, and his rather pathetic spellbook he is recreating.