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Author Topic: Native PCs - Family NPCs  (Read 113074 times)


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2014, 01:48:04 AM »
PC Name: Ivan Korzha

Father: Gregori Korzha, Ex-garda in his 60s. relieved of duty due to injuries received in the line duty. Still has a crossbow head in his hip, grates at the bone, walks with a limp.

Mother: Natalia Kovach Korzha. A woman in her 50s, thin, a seamstress

Sister: Catalina "Cat" Pregnant with the father being kept a secret since it is most likely an outlander. Tends to travel with a rough crowd.

Sister: Anastasia: Younger Sister, unmarried, helps Gregori with the Farm, since the famine, that is her only life, running a failing farm.

Brother: Lucian, spends all his time at the Nymph, trying to solve the farms problems with gambling. Is most likely going to cross over to the wachters and try to talk the rest of the family into coming with him.

Extended family: Uncle Petru a drunk. Drinks because he is a natural sorcerer and staying completely drunk keeps the "Demons" from coming out. The fact that he is a sorcerer is not known.

Korzha Farm: Located in the Eastern Farmlands the furthest from the gate.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2014, 09:59:13 AM »
PC Name: Vladimir Albescu

NPC Name: Cezar Albescu (dead)
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Unknown
Describe NPC: Cezar was once a member of the Valaki Garda. He was killed in the line of duty. He was in his mid 40s at the end of his life

NPC Name: Madalene Albescu (dead)
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Unknown
Describe NPC: Loving mother that died of starvation grief over her husbands death, she lasted a year and a half after his death and was around the same age.

NPC Name: Sorina Albescu
Relation to PC: little sister
NPC Location: Outskirts orphanage
Describe NPC: After the death of their parents, Vladimir was unable to care for his little sister, sending her to the orphanage. She is only 13 years old and Vladimir often brings her toys and sweet treats
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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2015, 08:05:04 PM »
PC Name: Henri Janvier

NPC Name: Irene Janvier
Relation to PC: Sister
NPC Location: ???
NPC Description: Henri's younger by only a few years, she was killed in Port-a-Lucine by a vampire. When Henri didn't have the courage to dispose of her properly (As it was a relatively private ordeal), she rose as a vampiress and fled Port-a-Lucine. Henri's driving purpose is to find her and kill her-- and any responsible for her original murder.

NPC Name: Gaston Janvier
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: ???
NPC Description: Explorer-Adventurer from Port-a-Lucine. Was absent on expeditions throughout most of Henri and Irene's childhoods. On an unannounced voyage to an undisclosed location, Gaston disappeared and has never returned. Whether he is alive or not, is unknown. He was a stern, distant father, and is responsible for Henri's pseudo-upperclass status from the earned treasures and exotic wares sold. His wife, Henri's mother, passed in childbirth to Irene.

NPC Name: Victoria Janvier
Relation to PC: Wife
NPC Location: Port-a-Lucine
NPC Description: A beautiful woman in the upper-middle class. She married into the Janvier family chasing Gaston's inheritance. Due to the complications of his disappearance, there has been a consistent struggle to claim it. Victoria is unkind, manipulative, and prone to frequent infidelity-- causing a great deal of damage and suspicion to the Janvier reputation-- and to Henri specifically, as he is a man who cannot control his wife. (And one who does not appear to appreciate her enough!) The two remain in a distant, unloving marriage. She often seeks to punish Henri by engaging in frequent affairs.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 08:12:25 PM by TheGrinningHound »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2015, 03:24:01 AM »
PC Name: Ilinca Cristescu

NPC Name: Simona Cristescu
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Dead
NPC Description: A sorcerer who returned to Barovia after an extended stay in Dementilieu, during which she gave birth to Ilinca. She died in the city of Berez after being found as a witch. She was hung clumsily at the outskirts, and stones were thrown at her until she finally died. Ilinca witnessed the entire matter, but escaped before anyone thought to look for her.

NPC Name: Antonin Tolbert
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Dementilieu
NPC Description: Antonin Tolbert was a struggling artist and scholar living in Port-a-Lucine. He spent some time with Simona Cristescu, who helped support him, but left immediatly when she became pregnant.

NPC Name: Emil Cristescu
Relation to PC: Uncle
NPC Location: Barovia
NPC Description: A wizard, jealous of his sister's natural talents and bent on exploring the furthest depths of the arcane. He hates Barovia's "backwards" view on magic, and is constantly testing the bounds. His greed and anger turned him towards necromancy... and he may be the reason Simona is dead. Ilinca has been searching for him for years, with no luck.
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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #54 on: February 18, 2015, 02:04:36 PM »
PC Name: Olivier Larue

NPC Name: Vasiliy Lagounov
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Unknown

NPC Description:
Vasiliy is a full-blooded Vistana from the Corvara Tribe. He would be best described as a middle-aged man with dark features, an olive complexion and a typical Boemian morality. Around 752 B.C. Vasiliy seduced a young lady from Dementlieu's upper class as part of a con. He made off with a share of her family's wealth, leaving the young woman (Olivier's mother) behind with an unwanted pregnancy. The Vistani had packed up and moved on long before anyone realised what had truly transpired, so whether Vasiliy ever learned of his child's existence is unclear. So are his current whereabouts.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 10:41:04 AM by Feronius »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #55 on: February 19, 2015, 09:53:00 AM »
PC name: Carola Maître Pascu

NPC Name: Francu Pascu
Relation to PC: Birth Father
NPC Location: Levkarest

NPC Description:
A stubborn, yet pragmatic man, always aimed to the benefit of his family. His Barovian descent (Krezk) makes him very proud of his own descent. Upper middle class, by now, but born commoner. Hard worker. He manages the catering family business.

NPC Name: Patricia Maître
Relation to PC: Birth Mother
NPC Location: Levkarest

NPC Description:
Overly protective and overly dynamic, the archetype of the Richemuoise mother. Always on the verge of a break of nerves. She believes in Ezra, strongly. Upper middle class, she would aim to buy a noble title.  She co-helps in the catering family business.

NPC Name: Fabio Maître Pascu
Relation to PC: brother
NPC Location: Levkarest

NPC Description:
A very weak character, heir of the family business, ready to follow his parents' instructions. Not a hard player in Borca's games.

NPC Name: ???
Relation to PC: betrothed
NPC Location: Levkarest
NPC Description: A very strong character, way older than her, who occasionally threatens to break the engagement.

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Native PCs - Holzknecht Family
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2015, 03:58:10 PM »
-----The Holzknecht Family-----

Little is known of the Holzknecht family's past, as life in Falkovnia has crushed underfoot much desire to continue the family lines history.  The only ones who may know would be the government of Falkovnia itself, and their census takers.

NPC Name: Gertruda Holzknecht
Relation: Mother
Location: Aerie
Age: Late forties
Description: A woman, who in her prime, could be considered beautiful.  In another life, perhaps she could have achieved great things, but years of toil and hardship have left her a hardened heart.  She speaks nothing of her past, and any who ask would receive a zealous rebuttal.  Any mention of the father of her youngest would receive a similar response. She is blonde, fair skinned, and even in her later years shows clear signs of her past beauty.

NPC Name: Florian Holzknecht
Relation: Father to Walther
Location: Deceased on the northern border, to the undead.  Never returned home.
Age: Deceased
Description: A soldier in the Falkovnian military.  He died early in the two sons lives.  His relations with his wife became bitter with the birth of Dietrich.

NPC Name: Walther Holzknecht
Relation: Brother
Location: (???) Deceased
Age: 30
Description: A stout man, clad often in his chainmail prison guards uniform.  He takes his job quite seriously, and gloats about his torturous activities he and his friends commit on a day to day basis.  He disappeared around the same time Dietrich fled Falkovnia for the outside world.  He loved his brother deeply, despite being a bastard.

PC Name: Dietrich Holzknecht
Relation: Bastard Son
Location: Dementlieu, prior Silbervas
Age: 28
Description: A man who clearly sports none of the features of his brothers father.  Handsome, in a hardened way.  An early life of trouble making earned him the scars of the scourge upon his back.  He holds an extreme hatred for the Falkovnian government, and everyone who supports it.  He hated his half brother for his evil ways.


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Re: Native PCs - Holzknecht Family
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2015, 03:49:34 PM »
-----The MacGillivray Family-----

~ Siobhan's family, the MacGillivray clan, are a merchant family from Immol. they caused a scandal a few years back when a few of them converted to Ezra, though only Siobhan was devoted enough to seek out the path of an anchorite.  ~

NPC Name: Gráinne MacGillivray
Relation: Grand-mother
Description: Grainne is the oldest member of the MacGillivray family. She is a stubborn woman even in her age. She is rather concerned about her family's conversion to Ezra. While she loves her children and grand-children, she has let them known that converting away from the old faith is not the best course of action. She is most concerned about Siobhan who has decided to become an Anchorite instead of a druid as she was hopping that she would do.

NPC Name: Niall MacGillivray
Relation: Father
Description: Niall is the head of the family business of crafting woodwork for Immol. He caused a scandal when he decided to convert to Ezra and made the rest of the family, baring his mother Grainne, to follow suit. He is a stubborn, and prideful man, but he has a keen business sense. For all his stubborn and pride, he is a loving husband and father.

NPC Name: Brigit MacGillivray
Relation: Mother
Description: Siobhan's loving mother, it was Brigit whom convinced her husband to convert to Ezra. While she is not much of a wood-worker, her own mercantile cunning has helped the business stay afloat; particularly when Nial's pride got the better of him.

NPC Name: Áine MacGillivray
Relation: Sister
Description: Aine is Siobhan's sister. The two were always close friends. She helps out her the rest of the family with the family bussiness. Though two things have happened that have took her time away, the first is her engagement to Lughaid Maclaren, a man whom she fell in love with. The second being that she has begun practicing as a bard for the Immol Forfarian community.

NPC Name: Fearghus MacGillivray
Relation: brother
Description: The heir of the clan, Fearghus is very much his father's son, inhariting the stubbornness and pride of Niall.  He is often helping the family with the rest of the wood-working bussiness. Recently he married Nuala Macintyre. 

NPC Name: Nuala MacGillivray nee MacIntyre
Relation: sister in law
Description: The wife of Fearghus. She is a cunning woman, rumors persist that she is a sorceress and that she charmed Fearghus. Of course when she did marry him, she converted to ezra for him or at least claimed that she did.

NPC Name: Lughaidh MacLaren
Relation: soon to be brother-in-law
Description: A young but handsome swordsman and sword-dancer; a rather popular man among the forfarian community. he has recently become engaged to Aine and the plans for marriage is soon. This has caused a few to be jealous of Aine while others whisper that he is not serious about the upcoming marriage.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2015, 10:55:09 PM »
PC Name: Christine Harlow

NPC Name: Charles Harlow
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Paridon
NPC Description: A solicitor in his early seventies, he is a charming, albeit critical, man. While he cares deeply for his daughter, he seemingly cares more for his wealth, reputation, and influence in Paridon. After the birth of his son, he began an affair with his children’s governess. After Christine left, he disinherited her.

NPC Name: Holly Grant-Harlow
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Paridon
NPC Description: Currently in her late forties, she is dour, and pragmatic to a fault. Holly married Charles Harlow at the young age of twenty, and quickly gave him Christine. After the sudden death of her parents, she took over their business, proving herself to be a shrewd and ruthless businesswoman. Ten years after the birth of Christine, Holly had Warren. She discovered Charles and Hattie’s affair only a few months after Warren’s birth, but chose to ignore it. Her company frequently does business with merchants in Port-a-Lucine and Martira Bay.

NPC Name: Warren Harlow
Relation to PC: Brother
NPC Location: Paridon
NPC Description: Christine’s brother is seventeen, and a large, simple caliban. He was often ignored by his parents, and treated with disgust by Hattie. Christine removed him from the Harlow house, and hid him with other caliban in the city.

NPC Name: Hattie Atwater
Relation to PC: Former governess
NPC Location: Paridon
NPC Description: Hattie’s currently thirty-eight and a beautiful woman. She is well-versed in various languages and literature, arithmetic, and art. Hattie was always disinterested in the children, and cruel to Warren. She is always with the Harlow family, and has a fondness for publicly alluding to the affair.

NPC Name: Jonathan Burke
Relation to PC: Former fiance
NPC Location: [?]
NPC Description: Burke is nobility in Paridon, and was pushed upon Christine by her parents in an attempt to further their influence and power. He usually displays a charming demeanor, but is a volatile man and can quickly turn incredibly violent and cruel. The sole reason he agreed to marry Christine was for her family’s money, as he has outrageous debts. He may have ended up fleeing his creditors, and likely holds a grudge against Christine; she fled without a word, mere days before the wedding. He has weaknesses for whores, liquor, and opium.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 11:24:42 PM by clockwork »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2015, 11:11:45 PM »
PC Name: Blaise Scintillement deFleur

NPC Name: Elias deFleur
Relation to PC: Elder Brother (Deceased - Port-a-Lucine Revolution)
NPC Location: Port a Lucine, Dementlieu
Describe NPC: Elias is much more capable of the two deFleur sons, excelling in physical prowess and military intelligence. Elias was always protective and supportive of Blaise's sensitivity and artistic inclination, but wished that Blaise would step up into a more masculine and assertive role in society, and abandon his gifts for magic all together. He passed away in the recent civil unrest, his body identified some two weeks after his death. Cause: Gunshot. This serves as Blaise's greatest loss in his lifetime.

NPC Name: Paulette deFleur
Relation to PC: Mother - Missing
NPC Location: Chateaufaux, Dementlieu
Describe NPC: A ballet teacher, and hobbyest dress maker.

NPC Name: Franc deFleur
Relation to PC: Father - Missing
NPC Location: Chateaufaux, Dementlieu
Describe NPC: master of the minor gentry household deFleur, Franc is a hard and bitter man with apathy for his youngest son, who he finds is a disappointment. 

Family Status and current situations: After the death of Elias deFleur, Franc had the foresight to evacuate his modest estate of his wife and closest retainers. The home was ransacked shortly after the death of the Emperor Foquelaine's death, and all their riches and finery seized and hawked and looted by all walks of life. It is said that the deFleurs took nothing but the necessities to travel, and they did not attempt to reach out to their youngest son to tell them where they were going. It is presumed they are still alive, however, Blaise has noticed his mother has ceased monthly deposits into his account without notification. The deFleurs are not without cousins, aunts, relatives from other houses and origins, however, these family members remain perfectly content to their reclusive nature.
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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2015, 12:04:17 PM »
Andreea Oprea
Class: Native born paladin
Origins: A small Krezk noble family

Mother: Daniela Oprea
Location: Krezk
Description: Cruel and demanding, this woman is not to mess with. She will do anything in her power to push her small noble family to the peak.

Father: Gheorghe Oprea
Location: Krezk
Description: Passive, uncarring and greedy.

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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2015, 10:31:18 PM »
PC Name: Vladimir Kaiser

NPC Name: Marie Kaiser
Relation to PC: Wife
NPC Location: Deceased, buried near the ruins of Vladimir's old farm

Describe the NPC: A rather plain woman, she impressed Vladimir at a young age with her stoicism and tenacity, and he fell quite in love with her. They wed a few years after his return from the Fourth Dead Men's campaign. She died while he was away, the victim of a small band of elven slaves attempting escape.
NPC Name: Ada Kaiser
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Deceased, buried near the ruins of Vladimir's old farm

Describe the NPC: A bright and cheerful girl, Ada was the oldest of Vladimir's children. She managed to avoid marriage, due to a combination of her own talents for remaining unseen, and her father's reputation. She was slain by the same band of escaping elven slaves that killed her mother.
NPC Name: Anya Wolfert
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Deceased, dumped in a pit with a pile of other bodies.

Describe the NPC: Vladimir's second daughter, he happily married her off to the son of a friend of his who survived the Dead Man's campaigns with him, but the marriage never lasted the night. A local officer, Hans Eichendorf, took the right of first night, and Anya 'vanished', never to be seen again. It was, and still is, believed that the officer killed his daughter.
NPC Name: Gretchen Kaiser
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Deceased, buried near the ruins of Vladimir's old farm

Describe the NPC: Vladimir's third daughter, Gretchen died due to a complication during childbirth.
NPC Name: Felix Erstardt Kaiser
Relation to PC: Son
NPC Location: Unknown. He left the farm after the rest of his family died, leaving behind only a letter in a box with a stabbing incrimination against his father: "Their death's are on your head."

Describe the NPC: A jaded, callous acting, but incredibly bright, and kind, young man, Felix is Vladimir's first son, and fourth child. He hates his father, believing him and his constant outings to war and mercenary work to be the reason his family members all died.
NPC Name: Ulva Kaiser
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Deceased, buried near the ruins of Vladimir's old farm

Describe the NPC: Vladimir's fifth child, and fourth daughter, she died of disease at the age of three.
NPC Name: Viktor Conrad Kaiser
Relation to PC: Son
NPC Location: Beneath a field in Darkon

Describe the NPC: Vladimir's sixth child, and second son, he was slain in battle by the undead shortly after The Requiem, and Drakov's fifth invasion into Darkon.
NPC Name: Olinda Kaiser
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Deceased, buried near the ruins of Vladimir's old farm

Describe the NPC: Vladimir's final child, she was killed at the age of five when she fell from a tree and struck her head against a branch.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 04:39:06 AM by Nightmare »
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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #62 on: March 11, 2015, 10:41:08 AM »
PC Name: Balbina Ismene:

NPC: Laetitia Ismene
Relation to PC: Mother
Location: Rivalis, Darkon

Describe the NPC: A confident, bubbly halfling woman. Her fair hair is just beginning to grey. She loves Balbina dearly, though she grew somewhat impatient when elocution lessons did little for her stuttering. She misses her daughter.

NPC: Marcellus Ismene
Relation to PC: Mother
Location: Rivalis, Darkon

Describe the NPC: A bespectacled halfling gentleman. A little older than his wife, his hair is also greying. He runs a courier service in Rivalis. He recommended to Balbina that she should explore further afield, in the hopes that she would grow in experience and confidence, though he also misses her.


PC Name: Henut

NPC Name: Utet
Relation to PC: Husband
NPC Location: Deceased.

Describe the NPC: A kindly merchant, Utet and Henut wed after a brief courtship, much to the delight of both their parents. He died in a horrific attack perpetrated by werejackals, with his own and his wife's parents. He left behind his widowed wife, who went into the priesthood, and a young daughter.

NPC Name: Rashida
Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Location: Muhar, Har-Akir.

Describe the NPC: An inquisitive, gentle little girl, Rashida is only four years old, but already has quite a strong personality. Now that her mother has been swiftly and suddenly transported from Har-Akir, she may be vulnerable.

NPC Name: Senet (male) and Ama (female)
Relation to PC: Father and mother.
NPC Location: Deceased.

Describe the NPC: A loving couple, they lost their lives in the same attack that killed Henut's husband.


PC Name: Leta-Basha

NPC Name: Gwyneth Annwyl
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Deceased, originally from Har-Thelen, Sithicus.

Describe the NPC: An elven woman who foolishly fell in love with a Vistana, she was Leta-Basha's only constant companion for several years. She died when Leta entered puberty and lost control during her first lunatio, tearing her apart. Leta-Basha still bears a heavy guilt, knowing now that it was her behind it.

NPC Name: Stefan
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: ?

Describe the NPC: A Vistani man, he had nothing to do with Leta's upbringing. The two of them have never met.


PC Name: Ren Kawabata

NPC Name: Yuki Kawabata
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Alive, Roshiya, Rokushima Taiyoo.

Describe the NPC: An older Rokuma woman, with dark, but gentle eyes and a kind face. She keeps her hair back in a simple style. She took Ren to the geisha house, knowing such a place would teach her the value of beauty, and keep her safer from the fighting, as the entertainment they offer is safeguarded.

NPC Name: Ichiro Kawabata
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Dead, Roshiya, Rokushima Taiyoo

Describe the NPC: A casualty of the civil war, it was his death that spurred her mother to take Ren to the geisha house.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 02:58:31 PM by emptyanima »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #63 on: April 11, 2015, 09:03:43 PM »
~~~House Rozycki~~~

Motto: Sound the Charge
Lord: House Vistins
Rivals: House Ciesinski

House Rozycki are a vassal house to the Vistins, One of the five great Families in Nova Vaasa. They are often mocked as “jumped-up merchants” and similar insults for their power and influence comes not from an ancient house but from being a business of horse breeders for the Vistins Family. They have an infamous, heated and ugly rivalry with the Ciesinski House, another family of horse breeders. The two families loathe each other immensely. It hasn't helped that they have repeatedly tried to kill each other, tried to ruin each other's name, tried to harm each other's horses, tried to destroy each other's bussiness. On one or two occasions affairs have occurred between the two families. The fact they haven't gone to open war is due to the fact that neither family is committed to war, and war would bring the Prince's wrath upon them, something they do not want. They are also both sworn to the Vistins, which also keeps them in line.

The family lands are near the city of Bergovitsa where they often sell some of the horses they don't provide for the Vistins. Krzysztof was born the third son of the Rozycki family.

NPC Name: Mikaal Rozycki
Relation to PC: Father and head of the Household
Description: The patriarch of the household. Mikaal is a stern man, a man who is said to rarely smile. He is a ruthless politician. He knows very well his status, but he has a keen eye for and is on the look out to for opportunities that can gain prestige, money, and glory for himself and his families. He does love his wife and children though he rarely shows it. He rules with an iron hand over his family and house. Though on occasion he has shown his kind side towards those closest to him.

NPC Name: Kataryna Rozycki née Fredskild
Relation to PC: Mother
Description: The mother of the Rozycki children married into the family not for love but for politics. She has grown in time to love her husband and especially her children. She would do anything for them. That said she married also to have some of the wealth of the family. She enjoys the finer things in life. She is quite greedy, yet in spite or perhaps because of that, she focuses on making sure that the family's business side is successful and profitable.

NPC Name: Krzesimir
Relation to PC: Eldest Brother
Location: Bergovitsa
Description: Krzesimir: The heir of the family and he knows it. He has been raised from birth as the little lordling whom will be the head of the family. He has never shied away from letting any of his siblings know this status. Of all the family members, he is the most martial. He is a skilled musketeer, easily using both sword or Muskeet upon horse back.  Despite this as both Krysztof and Krzesimir knew their places in the family, they came to a mutual understanding of each other. Krysztof has long known that he would never inherit but he has applied his own skills for the benefit. Which has made the two allies. His recent marriage to his long time friend Józefina helps solidify his place as the lord of the family, and the birth of his son, Stefan, has given him an heir and further solidify his hold as heir of the Family

NPC Name: Józefina Rozlyki nee Olszewska
Relation to PC: Sister-in-law
Description: Krzesimir's wife. The eldest daughter of the Olszewska family, another minor family that married Józefina off for a political alliance. Józefina and Krezsimir do seem to care for each other. There are rumors that they had a long affair before their marriage and that this was to provide the families something to benefit from two love-birds; which has some merit as they have been long time friends. Others whisper that she was already pregnant and the marriage was to prevent a scandal. She presents herself as a kind and proper noble-woman, and while some of that is not a mask; she is much more power-hungry and ambitious then she is kind. A few months after the marriage, she gave birth to a son, Stefan.

NPC Name: Stefan
Relation to PC: Nephew
Description: Stefan is a young boy of four years of age. He is the son of Józefina and Krzesimir. 

NPC Name: Szymon
Relation to PC: older brother/ lawgiver priest
Location: Bergovitsa
Description: Szymon is the second brother. A stern and zealous man, it is of no surprise then that he entered the Lawgiver's clergy. Since entering the clergy he has risen to the rank of Dommer and is preparing to become a biskop. Despite his zeal, he does use his position to help the family and most importantly himself. Of all the members of House Rozycki though, Szymon is the one least interested in the Ciesinski-Rozycki feud. The fact that he did have an affair with a young lady of the Ciesinski is one of the reasons; after the affair was broken up he became the stern man that he is today. Szymon and Krzyzstof do not get along much. Krzyzstof while religious, is no where near the pious man that Szymon is and his brother constantly chastises him about that when they visit.

NPC Name: Jadwiga Rozycki
Relation to PC: Twin sister
Description:  Of all the Rozlyki children, Jadwiga is the most cunning, the most political, She could easily lead the family if she was not born a woman. She knows very well the place of a lady within the politics of Nova Vaasa.  Despite that she is a strong willed and passionate woman; often being refered to by others as the Rødbuge of Rozycki which she regards as a strong compliment.  Jadwiga and Krzysztof have a strong bond and close bond and friendship; Partially because they are twins and Partially because they both know that to get anywhere in life brains and intellegence are the most important aspect.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 01:36:53 PM by herkles »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2015, 06:24:48 PM »
Family Members and Persons of Interest of the Meskhenet Siblings

NPC Name:Cengis Meskhenet
Relation to PC:Father
Description:A Rashemi grain farmer living on the outskirts of Sly-Var, with his wife of twenty-eight years.  Gruff, bluntly spoken, and hardworking, Cengis has always looked out for his family.

NPC Name: Tammith Meskhenet
Relation to PC:Mother.
Description:Loving mother of both Doukan and Roxelana, as well as faithful wife of Cengis.  Tammith was always a pleasant woman, caring for the children and the home. With both of her children away, serving in Barovia, she has begun eating less and reminiscing on the days they were around.  Perhaps grandchildren would be something to get her out of her empty nest syndrome...

NPC Name:Feyza Dyernina
Relation to PC:Doukan's betrothed and Roxelana's 'Little Sister'
Location:Sly -Var
Description:A young Rashemi woman who is the childhood friend of both Doukan and Roxelana. She is a sweet girl who is also Doukan's betrothed.  They were set to marry before Doukan was ordered to Barovia along side his sister to serve there. She currently lives and looks out for the aging parents of the siblings, awaiting the day her beloved returns to marry her.
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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2015, 05:52:21 AM »
Family Members and Persons of Interest of the Savu Family

Character Bio:

NPC Name:Beau Savu [Deceased]
Relation to PC:Father
Location:Village of Barovia
Description:A descendant from an outlander halfling coupling with a local halfling, this man holds a blend of features from both bloodlines. Rich dark hair sits atop his head, while light pale flesh covers the rest of him. His dark brown eyes show his age, along with the many wrinkles he has accumulated around his tired eyes. While not remarkable in any way, the stout man has prided himself on being an upstanding figure of his village. Never getting into trouble and always being as humble as possible.

Having lost his family young, and his home in a fire that seemed to destroy nearly everything and everyone in the home. Very little was left by the fire, bodies too badly burned to have any idea what may have occurred. Much of the property gone, left with nothing in his youth Beau was forced to seek out work elsewhere. This is how he and Crina met, he became a hired hand to till the fields by her family. Over time the two became friendly, and then closer till a proposal was offered and accepted.

NPC Name: Crina Savu
Relation to PC:Mother.
Location:Village of Barovia
Description:A mother of three, and a faithful wife. Crina has lived in the village of Barovia all her life. Crina is a simple woman of simple means, though should someone look beyond the mundane life they would begin to find eerie unexplained mysteries around the woman's family line. No one is quite sure when the Savu's arrived, but the Savu's seem to keep to themselves. Nothing seemed to stand out, other than they gave off an odd feeling and rarely engaged with the rest of the village. Over time the family became increasingly more public as the members of the family got older.

Crina is a woman seeming devoted to her children. Ever keeping a watchful eye over them, quick to put them back in line. She has seemed to raise them under strict tutelage and a work ethic. Making her children earn their place in their home to the best of their abilities. Either in tending the crops or the house itself.

NPC Name:Mihai Savu
Relation to PC:Oldest Sibling (Brother)
Location:Village of Barovia
Description:While his looks seem taken from his mother he does not seem to share his mother's or father's simple humble nature. The young man seems caught in perpetual anger. Often found releasing his ever-present rage in the fields or around the farm. A habit that has given him a form that any would desire to possess. Rarely seen away from the farm the young man seems of few words, and less sociable than a feral wolf. Despite the ever-present look of rage in his eyes, he seems fiercely protective of his family and their farm. Some rumor of him taking down a worg with just his hands, leaving the creature behind with its lower jaw broken and its head twisted to an unnatural angle.

NPC Name:Lucian Savu
Relation to PC:Middle Sibling (Brother)
Location:Village of Barovia
Description:Lucian seems to favor his father in both appearance and personality. Always easy-going and relatively happy. Lucian seems far lankier and rather clumsy in comparison to his strapping brother and well-built father. Lucian seems far more interested in the women of his village, very often making a fool of himself in his pursuit of love. His relatively good looks seem to make him easy enough on the eyes, but his youthful awkwardness has made him fit in well with the village. Most seem to get along and enjoy the young man as well as can be expected.

NPC Name:Draguta Hagi [Deceased]
Relation to PC:Grandmother of Sorts (live in help)
Location:Village of Barovia
Description:A haggard elderly destitute barovian women. While this halfling woman may of once been pretty, it is hard to tell. The years have been rather unkind to her, stealing her sight almost completely and leaving her partially crippled. This woman is lucky to of lived as long as she had or perhaps owes much to those who were kind enough to take her in and keep her well-fed and safe from the night. With little to offer, she made her way to care for the children of the house. While her body may have failed her, her mind was stronger than ever, spinning tales of such wonder and interest that the children never seem bored for very long. The age in her voice seemed almost hypnotic when she spun tales, drawing in even the children's parents at times as they all sat close to the home's hearth.  The source of her tales seems to stem from a life lived in wonder. Confessing she was once a great adventurer. The source of her many physical ailments. The elderly woman seemed to share all her knowledge with the children. Schooling them in a sense, a prospect both parents seemed most fond of. Even in the early ages of each child, each showed an aptitude for knowledge. Learning speaks clearly and coherently while other children struggled to grasp words. Learning the usefulness of the local fauna, as well as maps and how to tell direction. Even how to properly skin a kill and tend the hide so it could be sold for coin.

Points of Interest:
* Despite the family's apparent humble kindness, all three siblings would seem very estranged and cold with one another. Even while growing up together.
* Shortly after the birth of their third child, the Savus took on a border. An odd elderly woman dressed in black rags who had nowhere else to go. Seeming to pay her way with watching the children while their mother and father worked the land. The elderly woman seemed to die in a mysterious fall one night many years later, only for it to be ruled an accident, That given her age she missed a step and fell down the stairs which killed her.
* The only daughter and youngest child of the family vanished one night. Crina and her sons have not given up hope on trying to find their missing daughter.

The above can be all considered ic knowledge for those to who it may actually apply. Such as other locals from the village or someone who might of been there from that time. If a player is interested in the backstory and wants to play one of the family members, feel free to pm to discuss such. If any dm has questions or wants to know more exact ooc details feel free to message me.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 05:05:14 PM by Miuo »

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Martel Family NPC's
« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2015, 01:49:34 PM »
PC: Jacques Martel

NPC Name: Dominique Martel
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Chateaufaux

NPC description: Elderly, irascible man of a rather ill-disposed temperament of Dementlieuse origin, in appearance now of evidently frail health. Stern in his general demeanor and with a keen intuition for business, Dominique achieved a minor fortune during his career as a trader, only to later on open up a family business of his own in form of a smithy and armament shop. Once an ambitious, self-restrained and hopeful man, the grief caused by the death of his wife and daughter left him somewhat of a shallow husk, prone to periodical violence and excess liquor consumption.

NPC Name: Charlotte Martel [Deceased]
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Six feet under (Edrigan - birthplace)

NPC description: Once a humble peasant woman of radiant beauty and pleasant, approachable demeanor, Charlotte tragically passed away shortly after giving birth to the male twins in 745 BC. In life, she was a loving wife and a responsible mother, with admirable respect and faith for Ezra and her church.

NPC Name: Élise Martel [Deceased]
Relation to PC: Sister
NPC Location: Six feet under (Chateaufaux - birthplace)

NPC description: During her tragically short life, Élise would be best described as charming, well-spoken and cultivated young woman, sharing much of her enthusiasm for scholarly pursuits with the younger Martel twin. On the 764 BC. , was brutally murdered and violated by a band of thugs on Avenue de Progrès on her way to a celebration in Port-a-Lucine. In appearance, Élise was nearly a spitting image of her late mother, inheriting many aspects of her stunning beauty, among those being: Deep, clear hazel eyes, alluringly long and voluminous brown hair and and elegant womanly curves.

PC Name: Edgard Martel
Relation to PC: Twin brother
PC Location: Port-a-Lucine (Birthplace - Chateaufaux)

Spoiler: show
PC description: An older identical twin brother of Jacques, Edgard inherited much of his father's former personality aspects, including self-restraint and stoic nature. Taught discipline and manners from an early age by being induced into Dementlieuse Gendarmerie forces. In general appearance, Edgard is naturally - identical to Jacques, save for choices in apparel and brown hair, which is significantly of shorter length in comparison, and is tied into a simple, fashionable ponytail at it's end. Is currently married and stationed in Port-a-Lucine, with his left hand fully paralyzed from a lethal wound inflicted upon him during the recent war with Falkovnian troops. Holds a rather neutral disposition towards Jacques, having never been too close to one another to begin with.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 06:33:55 PM by Master Librarian »

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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #67 on: July 07, 2015, 12:54:07 AM »
PC Name: Niklaus Von Burkhart

NPC Name: Johanna Von Burkhart (born: Gisler)
Relation to PC: Wife
NPC Location: Deceased (alleged) - unknown

Describe the NPC: To hear Niklaus describe Johanna is to get the image of an angel, and the biased opinion of her widower is not too far off.  Johanna was a beautiful woman, with hair of gold and eyes like the clearest skies. As a lower class citizen it was a surprise to everyone when Niklaus took her hand in marriage. Some who remember her say she spoke with a voice of honey, and her singing was second to none.  She is believed to have died in the inferno that engulfed the Von Burkhart home, consuming her body. Her death was a shock to the community.

NPC Name: Conrad Von Burkhart
Relation to PC: Son
NPC Location: Deceased - Buried on the Von Burkhart family plot on the coast of Lamordia

Describe the NPC: Conrad passed at the age of twelve. In life he was rambunctious and every bit as curious about the world as his father is.  They say Conrad has his father's nose and jaw, but his mother's eyes.  At the age of ten young Conrad came down with an unknown illness which began to eat away at the lining of his muscles. At the age of eleven the disease accellerated and began to deteriorate the boy's bones. Every day of life was agony.  Many think it was his son's suffering that drove Niklaus into seclusion.  The boy's charred, mutilated body was found after the flames in the Von Burkhart home had finally been snuffed out. His remains were found in the charred out husk of a laboratory in the basement of the home.

NPC Name: Berthold Von Burkhart
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Bedridden in Ludendorf, Lamordia

Describe the NPC: Berthold is a proud man. In his youth he was a brilliant mind, but old age has dulled his wits substantially. While his memory begins to fail him, he is attended to by his second son. The loss of Johanna and Conrad broke the old man's heart, and despite his withering health, he still visits Conrad's grave every week. There, it is said, he weeps and begs Conrad to forgive Niklaus.

NPC Name: Berthold Von Burkhart II
Relation to PC: Brother (Younger)
NPC Location: Ludendorf, Lamordia

Describe the NPC: Berthold junior is the spitting image of his father.  He is tall, well built, and devilishly handsome.  Where his brother was gifted with intelligence, Berthold was gifted with a quick wit and a silver tongue.  Combining his family's penchant for the medical with his own mercantile skills, Berthold has build himself a nice life selling remedies and herbal concoctions.  Some whisper that he is nothing more than a snake oil salesman, but yet others swear his curatives have saved lives.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #68 on: September 09, 2015, 12:48:15 AM »
House Sallembier
House Sallembier

"Connaissance, Éloquence, et Piété"
" Knowledge, Eloquence, and Piety"

House Sallembier are minor nobles within Dementlieu, holding the title of the Baron of Granthe, which lies in the south of the republic along lake Sebastian. Many of of the men also hold title of Chevalier as well. The family was known and still is known for two things: their piety and Support of the Church of Ezra, and their support of learning. They were patronizers of both. Supporting both chapels to Ezra and Libraries of various subjects. They remain strong supporters of education and of the faith to this day; including the university of Dementlieu.

When the revolution of 770 happened they supported the council of Brilliance over Foquelaine or the revolutionaries. While they remained quiet during the Foquelaine reign, they did what they could to protect others from his goons quietly. Those who might have been targets they kept safe. The house survived that chaos to meet the fires of the revolution.

As they were nobles, the revolutionaries targeted them. Like all nobles, the house was stripped of its lands and titles. The revolution during their bloodier moments brought up some of their members for execution. Any support they may have had for things to get better died with the mass executions, especially when Antoinette was executed. Antoinette, the younger sister of Clarisse, even though she did try to help others and was a kind woman, the revolutionaries executed her nonetheless.

When Falkovinia invaded the family offered to fight against the invading hawks. Claude being the foremost of the members to volunteer to fight. In addition to fighting, they made the decision to back Helene DuSuius and Dominic as they restored power. This brought the restoration of their lands and titles was given to Gaspard, elevating the family as a whole. This along with the near the end of of the twins, Jeanne and Alphonse, education at the university and the recent birth of Renard, son of Claude and Sophie, make the house look forward to what the future holds.

[Yvette's Grand father]
Spoiler: show
NPC Name:  Renard Sallembier
Relation to PC: Grandfather and previous Baron of Granthe
Description: Renard was the father of Gaspard, and thus Yvette's Grandfather. He was the Baron of Granthe till 767. A chevalier of some skill and renown.  In 767 during the Falkovinian inversion, he would give his life for the Republic fighting to keep Dementlieu free from Falkovinia's tyranny. His death transferred the Barony to his son, Gaspard.

[Yvette's Grand mother]
Spoiler: show
NPC Name:  Émiliene Sallembier née de Herricourt
Relation to PC: Grandmother
Description Yvette's grandmother, whom she remembers as both a woman who would dote on her and also the de facto head of the house ruling as a stern matriarch within family business as she provided counsel to Gaspard. That was till the revolution of 770, when she was guillotined by the revolutionaries. Her death along with Antoinette's turned the family against the revolution.

[Yvette's father]

Spoiler: show
NPC Name:  Gaspard Sallembier - Deceased
Relation to PC: Father and head of the Household - Baron of Granthe
Age: 56
Description:Gaspard met his untimely demise at the hands of brigands in 777 BC.

Gaspard is the reigning head of House Sallembier. He is a stern man, a stubborn man, yet also a kind and loving father. He helped to nuture Yvette's love for firearms and all things related to gunpowder based weaponry often taking her with her when he practice shooting at their estate or when they went hunting. He is not a conservative man, and indeed opposed Foquelaine like the rest of the family, but he turned quickly against the revolution due to the murder of his wife's sister. He is a staunch republican and despises monarchists and monarchism. While he did marry Clarisse for politics, and when they were married there was no love there, that is very much not the case today as he loves his wife and children.

[Yvette's uncle]
Spoiler: show
NPC Name: Bernard Sallembier
Relation to PC: Uncle and anchorite of Ezra
Age: 46
Description: One of the few members of the family to take up the cloth. He is a kindly man and humble man who tends to his duties to Ezra. Though he spends much of his time working for the Church, he does come and visit his family every now and then. He often helps with church charity projects that encourage literacy and reading. He has one son Guy Sallembier

[Yvette's aunt]

Spoiler: show
NPC Name: Antoinette Martineau
Relation to PC: Aunt
Location: Dead
Description: The younger sister of Clarisse. A cheerful and joyful woman who was almost always smiling. She was a ballet dancer, someone young who was up and coming. Then the revolution happened. Because she was a noble, and because she did not agree with everything that they said. This brought her to meet the guillotine and thus she died. Her death and Émiliene's is what catalyzed the family to turn against the revolution.

[Yvette's mother]
Spoiler: show

NPC Name:  Clarisse Sallembier née Martineau
Relation to PC: Mother
Age: 51
Description: Clarisse is scholarly woman, who is both kind and nurturing and also strict with her children's grades. Yvette has fond memories of her reading to her as a little girl. Clarisse has some understanding of the Arcane and was the one to help allow Nurture Yvette's potential to the arcane, encouraging her to study the Arcane Sciences at the University. She married Gaspard when she was young, when she was twenty, and though the marriage was just a political match with no love there at the start, eventually she fell in love with her husband, especially after the birth of Claude and Yvette.

[Yvette's older brother]

Spoiler: show
NPC Name:  Claude Sallembier
Relation to PC: Older brother
Age: 30
Description:  The Chevalier. Claude is an Officer and Gentleman, as well as the heir to House Sallembier. He became an officer first in the People's National Army and then in the Gendarmerie. Like many within the family, he is a liberal noble who disagreed with both Foquelaine and the Revolution. For as much as he hated the revolution for killing nobles, including his relatives, he put that all aside to enlist to fight for Dementlieu when Falkovinia marched into the Republic. For his actions during the war and for helping with the Gendarmerie after the war, he would be knighted and granted the title of Chevalier, this culminated with his marriage to Sophie Doulcet whom he fell in love with during the war. Since then he has had two children with her, a boy Renard and a girl Éloise.

[Yvette's sister in law]

Spoiler: show
NPC Name: Sophie Sallembier née Doulcet:
Relation to PC: Sister in laws
Location: Granthe
Age: 29
Description: Sophie hails from a minor noble house, that was decimated by the revolution's killing of aristocrats, with her being the only daughter of her family to survive such a slaughter. She is a trained and licensed doctor, who enlsited as a nurse when the Falkovinian invasion began. While she knew Claude before the invasion began, it was fighting by one another side that she fell in love with him. After the war she married Claude and Since then she has had two children with him, a boy Renard and a girl Éloise.

[Yvette's nephew and niece]

Spoiler: show
NPC Name: Renard Sallembier, the Second
Relation to PC: Nephew
Location: Granthe
Age: 5
Description: Renard was born after the revolution and Falkovnian invansion of 770. He is the son of Sophie and Claude. He was named after Yvette's Grandfather, Renard Sallembier.

NPC Name: Éloise Sallembier,
Relation to PC: niece
Location: Granthe
Age: 3
Description: The youngest Sallembier, a bright eyed and curious little girl.

[Yvette's younger brother]
Spoiler: show
NPC Name: Alphonse Sallembier
Relation to PC: Younger brother – twin of  Jeanne
Age: 23
Description: The rake; Yvette's younger brother and twin to Jeanne, is a young man who rather play then study. That does not mean he does not study, but compared to either of his sisters, he is far less studious. He is a lady's man and often flirts with them and seems to bring home a different girl every other week or so. He enjoys fencing and considers himself something of a skilled swordsman. Following his time at the University of Dementlieu, he entered the Chateaunoir Gendarmerie. Enlisting has tempered his rakish attitudes a little, but he is still very much a rake. Though he is a rake, Alphonse has yet to marry.

[Yvette's younger sister]
Spoiler: show
NPC Name:  Jeanne Sallembier
Relation to PC: Younger sister twin of Alphonse(23)
Age: 23
Description: Artist and lawyer. Jeanne is the younger sister of Yvette and twin of Alphonse. She is a detailed and bookish oriented woman who takes her job as a solicitor seriously. During the revolution, at first she embraced the changes thinking it would be for the betterment of the people, but once the killings began she turned sharply away from the revolution, especially after the death of her family members. She does remain a liberal noble and tries to use her position as a solicitor to help the less fortunate in the republic in small ways. When she is not practicing her legal work, she often spends her time painting. Like Alphonse, the young solicitor is unmarried.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2024, 05:06:35 PM by DM Indolence »

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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #69 on: October 06, 2015, 06:19:44 PM »

~~ House Voclain ~~

Motto: "Nul n'est si sage", trans. "None Are So Wise"

House Voclain are a relatively new house, having bought their way into the gentry with the large sums of money earned by trading in spices such as cloves, nutmeg, and garlic. Too unimportant to have been made a target of either revolutionaries or more influential noble families, the members of House Voclain managed to avoid meeting an ignoble end in the uprising of 770 BC. They emerged from that ordeal more or less unscathed, somehow. Instead, the family found itself dealing with a different kind of calamity altogether, one having to deal with a reversal of fortunes in the realm of finance and commerce. Will things change, with Anselme as the family's new patriarch? Only time shall tell.

NPC Name:  Ernest Voclain
Relation to PC: Father, and former head of the household
Location: Six feet under
Description: A spice merchant of some renown, Ernest would be cited as the man who put the Voclains on the map, having made a considerable amount of wealth via the spice trade, enough to buy himself and his family a place among the gentry. Unfortunately, Ernest became afflicted with dementia as he grew more advanced in age yet retained his leadership of the household, leading to a host of poor investments on his part. These poor investments would cause Ernest to borrow massive amounts of coin from his relatives, who would later harangue him constantly over paying them back. Although his son Anselme mortgaged their property and managed to pay off the debts his father owed, it is hard to say as to whether or not the family shall recover from such heavy financial losses.

NPC Name: Hortense Voclain
Relation to PC: Aunt
Location: Chateaunoir
Description: One of the many creditors Ernest borrowed from, Anselme regards this woman as being a 'shrill harpy', with 'all the likeness of the mythical medusae haunting the island of Demise'. Needless to say that although the debts she was owed have been paid, the two of them do not get along very well.

NPC Name:  Marceline Voclain
Relation to PC: Mother
Location: Dominia
Description: Marceline was involuntarily committed by Ernest shortly after having Anselme, and for this reason Anselme knows little to nothing about her, who she was, or why she was committed. She spent some time in Chateaufaux's asylum, but was eventually transferred to Dr. Heinfroth's asylum on the island of Dominia, because it was believed the world-renowned physician could help her better than Dr. Wilhelm Mikki ever could. How a meeting with his mother would go is anyone's guess.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #70 on: October 15, 2015, 12:49:16 PM »
PC Name: Ecaterina Lacusta

NPC Name: Sorin Lacusta (Aged 50)
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Krofburg, Barovia.
Description: A hardy man, Sorin is the head of the Lacusta family and their goat produce business. Sorin started the business and set up trade with Vallaki. Under his guidance, it has grown. They trade their milk, cheese and meat across Barovia, and even as far as Nova Vaasa.

NPC Name: Florica Lacusta (Aged 44)
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Krofburg, Barovia.
Description: This wise and worldly woman married Sorin at a young age, as is Barovian custom, but worked to match her husband's drive for business. Her own father served in the Krofburg Militia, and taught her how to use a shortsword, which is a skill she passed on to Ecaterina.

NPC Name: Gregor, Pavel and Anghel Lacusta (Aged 25)
Relation to PC: Brothers (triplets)
NPC Location: Krofburg, Barovia.
Description: Ecaterina's brothers are just over five years older than her, so she grew up used to roughhousing and boyish games. Gregor is the cleverest of the three brothers, and handles the administration of their business (a position he took over from Ecaterina when she left for the garda). Pavel and Anghel provide the brawn and manpower, wrangling the goats and preparing the bulk of their produce. All three of them can be given to teasing their younger sister, but it is done out of love.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2017, 07:01:00 AM »
Seeing that this thread hasn't been posted into in a while, but seeing how its still open, I shall post anyway!

PC Name: Liliana Iliescu

NPC Name: Stanislaw Iliescu
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Vallaki Slums

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
A dockworker of 45 years with hair long gone grey, Stanislaw is a rather average barovian man. While he does not necessarily drink his entire income away, he certainly is on a downward spiral towards alcoholism and with this his violent streak increases. He disapproves of Liliana joining the cult of the Morninglord but has, not for the least part since the young woman has developed some strength of herself, stopped attempting to "beat sense" into her. Their relationship is tense and the long term development unclear.

NPC Name: Maria Iliescu
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Vallaki Slums

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
Liliana's mother is a quiet woman, from whom Liliana inherited her dark red hair. In her younger years she tried to sooth her husbands anger, with the years however she has increasingly become apathetic towards it. She sees Liliana's membership in the church of a foolish waste of time and would rather have her married off.

NPC Name: Marius Iliescu
Relation to PC: Oldest brother
NPC Location: Vallaki Slums

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
A man of 23 years, Marius joined his father as a dockworker and is slowly starting to resemble him in other aspects as well. While he does not view Liliana's choices quite as harshly as her parents, he has little understanding for them

NPC Name: Traian Iliescu
Relation to PC: Older brother
NPC Location: Slums of Vallaki

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
Traian is a 19 year old in the last year of his apprenticeship. He is kinder then his brother and father, having taken more after his mother in her earlier years. While he thinks that Liliana joining the cult was naive, he does not view it with the same harshness and is generally unbothered, provided his sister is alright.

NPC Name: Elena Iliescu
Relation to PC: Younger sister
NPC Location: Vallaki Slums

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
Elena is a girl of 14 and like Liliana herself and Traian of a more cheerful persuasion. She is the only family member who truely believes the cult is the right place for her sister to be.


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #72 on: November 22, 2017, 08:19:10 PM »
PC Name: Elisabeta Gorea

NPC Name: Alexandru Gorea
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Krofburg
Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
Alexandru, 39 years old, is a lumberjack, a man of few words and little in terms of interests. his relationship to Elisabeta has not necessarily been cold but slightly distanced, having never quite found a connection to his daughter.

NPC Name: Bianca Gorea
Relationship to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Krofburg
Describe the NPC (less than 100 words):
Elisabetas mother, 37 years old is in many aspects a typical barovian woman. Managing the household, working the sparse small kitchen garden and her primary work as a tailor keep her quite occupied most of the time.  Her relationship to Elisabeta is a relaxed one.

Grendlykins, Simp of Azalin Rex

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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2017, 05:12:57 AM »
PC Name: Valeriu Caragiale

NPC Name: Andrei Caragiale
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location (ex: Village of Vallaki slums disctrict, 'etc..): Barovia - Road to Zeidenburg - Berez

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Valeriu's father is one of the last of the Caragiale family; one which claims some lineage of renown, but with the passage of time and lack of records the dwindling proof of their prior deeds are lost to time. For the last three generations the Caragiale family has declined, their focuses inclined towards trade and Andrei is no different. With his son departing from the family business and recent times bringing upheaval to their trade dealings, Andrei and his wife Elena have moved from Zeidenburg to Berez, for a simpler life.


NPC Name: Elena Caragiale
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location (ex: Village of Vallaki slums disctrict, 'etc..): Barovia - Road to Zeidenburg - Berez

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Elena has been the faithful spouse to Andrei for more than three decades and bore him but one son that survived; Valeriu's would-be baby brother died at birth and left Elena weakened for the rest of her life. Where once she was a woman full of vigor and strength, now Elena remains bound to within her home and a short walk away; more than this causes her physical distress for days after. Though her son's choice angered her husband, she still bears great love for Valeriu and holds faith that he makes the right choices in life.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 06:24:35 AM by Grendel »


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Re: Native PCs - Family NPCs
« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2018, 08:47:22 AM »
PC Name: Stefan Sobolescu


NPC Name: Isabella Karela
Relation to PC: Mother
NPC Location: Here, there, and elsewhere; with her caravan.

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Isabella is a radiantly beautiful Vistana and a talented violinist, though her skill is spent on the sorrowful, bitter strains of the Corvara. Met Mihai when her caravan passed Vallaki; they had a brief tryst, producing Stefan. She truly loved both Mihai and Stefan; Isabella returned Stefan to his father at a young age, believing a life in Vallaki better than what he would have with her.


NPC Name: Mihai Sobolescu
Relation to PC: Father
NPC Location: Vallaki - Docks District

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Stefan's father was once a charming woodsman and game-warden. Not long after his meeting with Isabella, suffered an injury that relegated him to a career producing traditional Barovian wood carvings. Sturdily built even by Barovian standards, his strength has faded somewhat since his injury. Has issues with alcohol and gambling. Abusive towards Stefan as a child: he saw Isabella in Stefan, yet also her absence.


NPC Name: Ioana Sobolescu
Relation to PC: Mihai's Wife
NPC Location: Vallaki - Docks District

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): A frail wisp of a woman, Ioana's frosty demeanor and demanding nature made her the dominant power in the Sobolescu home. Married Mihai and bore him two children during Stefan's absence; she utterly despised Stefan, doing her best to subtly make their home inhospitable to the boy. Her marriage to Mihai is loveless and cold, and the man is cowed by her.


NPC Name: Vasile Sobolescu
Relation to PC: Half-Brother (Younger)
NPC Location: Vallaki - Docks District

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Stefan's youngest brother spent most of his youth moving from illness to illness. He's a soft man, now, easily frightened and controlled by Ioana or Dimitry. Vasile never took issue with Stefan, and Stefan returned the courtesy. With Dimitry, he hunts small game and collects wood for Mihai's woodcarvings, though in truth he has suspiciously little aptitude for physical pursuits.


NPC Name: Dimitry Sobolescu
Relation to PC: Half-Brother (Younger)
NPC Location: Vallaki - Docks District

Describe the NPC (less than 100 words): Dimitry takes after the best traits of Mihai, though has inherited the malice of Ioana. He is a sturdy, vital Barovian man, taking to the pursuits of a woodsman with glee. He takes any other work he can find, as well, which has landed him in trouble from time to time. Shares his mother's disposition towards Stefan, though a facial scar he bears from their last confrontation gives him pause.

Vicerimus Mortem.