Author Topic: Miya - Worlds Apart.  (Read 5277 times)

Loki's Cat

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Miya - Worlds Apart.
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:01:49 AM »
Miya has blah-brown coloured hair and brown coloured eyes and a tanned complexion underneath the paint. She is 3 Ft 2, Short for a Halfling.
Miya is only 20, though the rigours of her life add some years to anyone’s guess, which would run at early to mid 20’s. In some subtle aspects though she still acts very young, in others like she’s seen too much, Miya is a curious mix of youth and aged wisdom.

This Small Woman's hair is matted with mud, and almost deliberately woven into it are; leaves, feathers, twigs, and scraps of about anything she's found lying around in the forest. Her clothing is similarly made of plant or dried (not cured) hide parts.
Her skin is painted with mud or other naturally occurring dyes in what looks oddly like camouflage paint.

She wears a mask over her eyes and nose that is reminiscent of a hawk or other bird of prey. It is ringed by feathers that extend backwards over her hair; it appears to be the one and only item on her that is not functional.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 10:31:23 AM »
Miya woke up, There were tree's but they weren’t -her- trees, what was worse she could hear voices. Some wonder they had not found her yet she thought as a tree was hastily climbed. She jumped from tree to tree to get a better look at them and was surprised to find a lake, and more so that people would occasionally appear to trade with them. Traveling traders was not impossible in the time after, but such a steady business was. Miya watched for some time, realising with sadness that whatever language they spoke wasn't hers. The strangeness of finding herself so far removed from her forest home was far outweighed by the oddity of people. It couldn’t be all over, could it?

Slipping through the tree’s she followed one person away from the camp following a well-trodden trail. Surprisingly soon she saw another person coming towards the camp, and a ruined building in the distance. Her night vision fading in the harsh glare of the woman’s torch, Miya would not approach a man in the night, but as war-hungry as humans are, a woman a safe enough bet for information.
And so she dropped from the tree’s, put out the torch, and attempted to explain why that was a dumb idea…

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 08:03:27 AM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 02:55:55 PM by Loki's Cat »

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2013, 10:05:44 AM »
The wide open spaces unnerved her, she found herself sticking to walls and corners. The nature of this place yet eluded her, this could not be just human lands. perhaps she had unknowingly escaped into elven lands, the pass' were well protected, if anything would survive the time after it would be there. Though most had considered it futile asking the elves for sanctuary, she could think of no other reason for a society still standing with such a mix of races. her own kin were stretched few and far between, it would figure the humans were more prevalent here. always they looked to others for aid not seeking to solve their own problems.

The winters here were far colder than she was used to, snow was an occurrence not a constant, and even then not much of it usually drifted through the tree canopy. All that time in the forest and the warmer clothes she had been given felt unnatural and itched. She was grateful for the thick cloak and safe buildings, but despite how they might hinder her climbing, she began to wish for boots.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 01:29:08 PM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 02:55:23 PM by Loki's Cat »

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 02:17:18 PM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 02:54:39 PM by Loki's Cat »

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2013, 07:14:42 AM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 07:04:45 AM »
With time spent here she began to remember what it was to be around people more, learning the language was a pain. The humans mostly didn't have the patience to try, continuing to babble meaninglessly or walking off as if it were her fault her understanding of the language was rudimentary at best.

Oddly so many were happy to just give things away, it was strange to her but useful, many things she had not been able to make herself were now easily available. Though the strangest thing of all was all the people of her kin who did not speak the tongue.

Though she had still made friends one of whom had gifted her a pair of boots, it was good to not have her feet in the snow though they felt weird to feet that were used to feeling grass or bark under them. When winter passed she didn't think she'd wear them.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 11:04:57 AM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2013, 03:57:27 PM »
The cold continued, and she had not seen more of her friend after finding someone to talk to him for her. It did not seem that big of a thing, to tell someone they were being unhelpful and how, after-all how else does one change? It must be a human thing she figured, easily injured pride. She missed having someone who seemed to enjoy her company, but it had become frustrating listening to words over and over again that didn't change or get explained, perhaps this was not a bad thing.

The weather showed signs of warming, and as it did so she got to see more of the new land she found herself in. Strange beasts that walked on their hind legs, Unusually common magic, and many illusionary monsters, some called by great magicians to aid. others destroyed by those she followed into such places. It was confusing to see things which looked and felt so very real crumble into nothingness or simply fade away as though never there. For some time she wondered how she could be sure anything was real, but it occurred to her, if it could be touched and cause harm whatever it was was real enough to be taken seriously.

She felt as though she were being watched sometimes. always in the corner of her eye, never enough seen to show what was there, or if something even was...

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2013, 05:45:37 PM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 05:25:29 AM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 05:31:46 PM »
The winter broke, for the first time in a while she could feel mud and grass between her toes, it was a wonderful feeling. She had made many human friends, one who sat with her through the night talking. It was a hard adjustment for her to make, that humans might actually sit still and be calm. For all tales told had spoke of their war-lust, greed, and recklessness.

It was a strange feeling to realise that despite the come and go crowd of the area she found herself in, she remained ultimately alone. She spent the odd night climbed high in a tree tucked into the foliage and hidden, It was comforting in a way, helped her forget how close she was to people.

She was sure now she was being followed, though she couldn't catch sight of what was stalking her. It didn't unnerve her though, she awoke once in her treetop perch to find a small clump of grass next to where she slumbered in the tree's. She spooked at first, but knew that a threat would mean her dead, and a warning; something else dead.

She was, Curious.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2013, 12:31:34 PM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2013, 03:05:09 PM »
[A dried hide with the picture scorched into it]

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2013, 10:55:28 AM »

The Day's rolled on, and as strange as it was for her, it felt like she had found a family among the humans. Though she might not understand their words, they sounded so happy and comfortable with each-other. Merely the sound of it was comforting, even if she did not know the meaning.

The Gift of Magic that first had touched her so unusually became much more familiar as she used it, What once would take tremendous concentration to control now flowed only when she wished it and as simply as opening a jar. Each time it remained as amazing as the first.

She could catch glimpses of something moving in the shadows when she turned to look.  Never enough to know what. just movement quickly retreating at having been noticed. After having met the black ghosts of this strange place, she began to wonder if she should be more concerned....

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2013, 12:32:02 PM »
[Somewhere in an alternate universe, The mists take Miya from the forest at a much younger and much more traumatised age. here follows the transcript of her recanting her tale to a receptive halfling]

//oocly this was something I seriously considered having Miya say, should a halfling be the first person to ask her in more detail than names of her homeland. As it turns out a human got there first and by the time they did, the tale was no longer a good enough fit to kludge. It remains something i don't wish lost however. so here it is, purely ooc (hopefully) entertainment//

The town was full of fear, floating on the wind like water from a rancid pond. So barely there yet it was so obvious. Fake smiles plastered on worried faces, Parents failing so utterly to keep the terror from their children. It started so quietly, a single discordant note on the air followed by a stillness so surreal, then a haunting moan carried like a flower on the wind. So suddenly the mood changed. All pretence of feigning a happy existence was gone, everyone was waiting, paralysed by a hope so faint they knew it was false even as they prayed for more time. No-one asks to live when death is truly at their door, there you are content with mere moments. A second discordant note joins the first and like it never stopped the town is filled with chaos, children crying, adults screaming. Everything is jumbled, why doesn’t anyone run? Run for food Run for treasures Run for children who have already left with the crowd....Leave behind everything, I can see her face, her legs are trapped under an upturned cart. I scream for her, they come, I stop looking, I have to run.

Its night-time, a few fires glimmer in our camp, like jangling bells the sounds of sorrow slip through the night air. Yet some are so still so quiet, it scares me worse than anything I might imagine. We don’t have much food, I eat my mother’s share as well as my own that night. Voices go quiet it takes time, a tent support is knocked over, light like lava flows over the blood soaked mouth filled with gore, eyes dim, face frozen still looking for hope ever as it flees him. We're running again. I don’t hear many footsteps, just the sound of hard wind and drums. The screams dying on the wind as we run. There’s only the three of us this time.

There’s so much arguing I don’t listen, I just stare at the fire. I don’t think I'm going to survive this, they never argue. I don't even have the energy left to be upset. Fire like lava warms my eyes when some sense far older than time chills me, I don’t hesitate, I grab my bag and run. Running so far so fast.... no-one follows me.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2015, 04:14:04 PM »
The Snow crunched annoyingly under her feet as she ran and above all it left a remarkably obvious trail even a human could follow. She had to get to trees and fast so she could stand a chance of giving it the slip. There she could move as fast as on foot where most would struggle, she knew it could climb, but nothing of how fast. The treeline was a hundred metres of open rock and snow though.

Ignoring the frozen numbness in her hands she scrambled quick and nimble up the ridge in front of her cresting it the snow suddenly gives out under her hand and she plunges forward, tumbling down the steep incline, catching herself on a tree and lowering herself onto a protrusion just below it, her attention is snatched by the rolling scream of an infuriated, snow covered, mountain lion. Looking back up the slope she knew there was no going back up it she draws a bow. A soft plop next to her puzzles her before a shadow leaps overhead. A black speckled big cat clears the ledge, landing in front of the now snow free mountain lion and hisses, ears back and tail swishing, its back to Miya. Looking to her feet Miya spots the dead bird that was dropped at them and connects the dots.

This cat is what was stalking her for the past few months, and now it defends her, she'd seen bobcats drop similar offerings for their kits dead birds for a Halfling kit, instead of vague threats. The snarling match below her intensifies as the mountain lion refuses to back down rolling screams acting as polar opposite to the deep bass roar. Drawing a couple of knives she grins and leaps into the Frey.

* * *

Looking up from the dead Mountain Lion she's astride, she comes all but nose to nose with the Black Jaguar. Staring into its eyes, the green luminescence mesmerises her, and the jaguar uses the opportunity to lick her face.

[Many Months Later]

Creeping through the bushes and coming face to face with those same eyes Miya was reminded of when they first met. She never won this game. Kelfna always found her, course she usually always found Kelfna too.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2015, 06:17:10 PM »

Miya ran, and for the first time since she was first left to fend for herself, she felt truly alone. Tears running down her face and her heart aching, she didn't know when Kelfna had caught up with her. The black jaguar nuzzled her hand before walking off, wrapping her tail behind Miya to encourage her to follow. Climbing up to the lookout spot Kelfna lay down, looking pointedly at Miya and then the floor, collapsing next to Kelfna she put an arm around her and cried into her fur. The sporadic grooming from Kelfna doing little to sooth her.

How could this place be both. how could there be a hatred of the dead-that-arent in exactly the same people who professed its use as a tool. How can people who see and fear the harm done, accept it's creation in allies. She didn't understand, and she wondered if this was what caused her birth-land to fall into screaming silence.

Though she hated the casual acceptance, and wanted nothing more than to be alone. A tiny part of her heart shattered to find she wasn't followed.

Loki's Cat

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Re: Miya - Worlds Apart.
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2016, 05:05:19 PM »
//ooc save bump