A bit back on topic, I still have a difficult time to see why folks complain about reduced exp... if your truely more interested in the story and RP, exp shouldn't matter its just a extra bonuse you get. so your bonuse got reduced if there are new players there because now the avarage level hasa dropped, [shrugs] should that -really- stop you from RP or seek other places? Now i understand the reason this is to sorta deter higher levels to go else where since, yet no one makes you go else where, if you truely wish for exp start heading up the mountain or into a cave, or bring folks to a diffrent Inn/tavern.
You can still be in Valiki and get EXP ranging from reduced to normal based on where you bring other folks to RP with... like Broken bell, or Gapping wound ( whenever its open) Drowned rat just oppened... tigans rest....whatever that fancy one is... there are sevral tavern pubs and inns throughout the city you can bring folks and most likely still get some kind of exp if it truely matters that much to you.
Me personally I'm not there for the monsters or the exp, i'm there for the enjoyment and since well.... Mist camp is BORRRRING!!! all you do there is sit and wait for someone ot do something,
P.S as a finale note for this post i'm not mad since i know some can be a bit sensetive and think I'm coming off as mad.