Author Topic: Zone-dependent roleplay XP  (Read 125347 times)


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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #600 on: March 23, 2015, 11:29:49 AM »
As sad as it sounds i try to keep rp in a dungeon to a minimum and usually only when resting and rebuffing. Since while typing its easy to get blind sided and killed. Which. . .tends to ruin the rp mood for most. Now if there were more "breather" spots in dungeons that allowed for breaks i could see more rp occurring. But at the moment its dangerous mechanically to try and type out emotes which distract you and can get you or your party members killed.


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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #601 on: March 23, 2015, 11:41:35 AM »
As sad as it sounds i try to keep rp in a dungeon to a minimum and usually only when resting and rebuffing. Since while typing its easy to get blind sided and killed. Which. . .tends to ruin the rp mood for most. Now if there were more "breather" spots in dungeons that allowed for breaks i could see more rp occurring. But at the moment its dangerous mechanically to try and type out emotes which distract you and can get you or your party members killed.

you don't need to RP during a fight.... even though non casters have an easier time with that... but when your moving around not fiting you can easily RP. heh I've done it on my Caliban runt so many times, like the group i went with to scrags he had to keep hoping ot stay above water until someone finally picked him up and then he would jump off them swinging at the scrags.... and yes I would RP all that here and there between and during fights... I have fun with it. hehehe

Monica O'Sullivan: Master explorer
Tsubaki Yamamoto: Shadow Thief
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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #602 on: March 23, 2015, 12:05:47 PM »
Most places have the spawns pretty close, where it takes only a few seconds to move onto the next one. So trying to rp in those brief moments between fights is rushed and short :/ Rather just hold off till i'm not in the middle of a dungeon and devout my attention to such. That. . . .and when i rush type i make a horrid amount of typos and spelling mistakes since i get all flustered as something starts running at me. Guess its a personal preference/comfort level thing.


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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #603 on: March 23, 2015, 12:08:42 PM »
I think the problem might be that the system can not really differentiate between roleplay and someone typing messages in the say channel regularly.

Sctually it does. As long as they put he // in front of their text the system seems to understand that its out of character...

I was actually referring to the difference between players that focus on roleplay in dungeons and players that barely roleplay in dungeons, only writing basic lines like "The Mage Armor wore off" or "Wait until we can rest again."
Of course players are allowed to focus on the game mechanics. I was merely saying it could be difficult for a bonus XP system to distinguish between a group that focuses on roleplay and a group that is there for some quick XP.

The idea of having breather spots in dungeons sounds like a great idea, that could also allow players with less time on their hands to complete the longer dungeons in multiple playing sessions.
You should really make a seperate suggestion thread about it. I think the idea has a lot of potential, but on page 41 of an unrelated thread the idea will probably not get the attention it deserves.


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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #604 on: March 23, 2015, 12:56:40 PM »
A bit back on topic, I still have a difficult time to see why folks complain about reduced exp... if your truely more interested in the story and RP, exp shouldn't matter its just a extra bonuse you get. so your bonuse got reduced if there are new players there because now the avarage level hasa dropped, [shrugs] should that -really- stop you from RP or seek other places? Now i understand the reason this is to sorta deter higher levels to go else where since, yet no one makes you go else where, if you truely wish for exp start heading up the mountain or into a cave, or bring folks to a diffrent Inn/tavern.

You can still be in Valiki and get EXP ranging from reduced to normal based on where you bring other folks to RP with... like Broken bell, or Gapping wound ( whenever its open) Drowned rat just oppened... tigans rest....whatever that fancy one is... there are sevral tavern pubs and inns throughout the city you can bring folks and most likely still get some kind of exp if it truely matters that much to you.

Me personally I'm not there for the monsters or the exp, i'm there for the enjoyment and since well.... Mist camp is BORRRRING!!! all you do there is sit and wait for someone ot do something, 

P.S as a finale note for this post i'm not mad since i know some can be a bit sensetive and think I'm coming off as mad. :) <3

Monica O'Sullivan: Master explorer
Tsubaki Yamamoto: Shadow Thief
Roesor Cryso: A slave for the Masters.
Sokol: An Unlikely Hero

Merry Munchkin

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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #605 on: March 23, 2015, 09:40:03 PM »

I was actually referring to the difference between players that focus on roleplay in dungeons and players that barely roleplay in dungeons, only writing basic lines like "The Mage Armor wore off" or "Wait until we can rest again."
Of course players are allowed to focus on the game mechanics. I was merely saying it could be difficult for a bonus XP system to distinguish between a group that focuses on roleplay and a group that is there for some quick XP.

The idea of having breather spots in dungeons sounds like a great idea, that could also allow players with less time on their hands to complete the longer dungeons in multiple playing sessions.
You should really make a seperate suggestion thread about it. I think the idea has a lot of potential, but on page 41 of an unrelated thread the idea will probably not get the attention it deserves.

Weird.  I've never had a problem RP'ing in a dungeon pretty seamlessly.  There are natural breather spots in nearly every dungeon -- right after you clear a spawn area.  If the party dashes off to the next encounter at top speed, of course, you won't get the opportunity to RP much regardless of "breather spots".  A lot of what I see as the "basic lines" you mention could easily be dressed up into something more flavorful without much additional verbiage.  For example... "the wards.. I feel them fading", or "now may not be the best time to try that".  RP is all about time and effort -- slow down a little bit, and make the effort, and the RP will flow.

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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #606 on: March 23, 2015, 09:46:40 PM »
As sad as it sounds i try to keep rp in a dungeon to a minimum and usually only when resting and rebuffing. Since while typing its easy to get blind sided and killed. Which. . .tends to ruin the rp mood for most. Now if there were more "breather" spots in dungeons that allowed for breaks i could see more rp occurring. But at the moment its dangerous mechanically to try and type out emotes which distract you and can get you or your party members killed.

I'm sort of similar, my most in depth rp is when I am just sitting around doing nothing with people, certainly not while adventuring. While adventuring with my friends, I tend to go into "Dungeoneering Mode" and focus almost entirely on the mechanical aspect of staying alive, which is more difficult for me than I like to admit. Consequently, that is probably very boring to watch or be around unless you happen to have a similar playstyle as well.

I don't mind stopping for a rest to rp here and there, but I generally avoid talking while walking.


  • Discord: Miuo
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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #607 on: March 23, 2015, 11:44:54 PM »
Weird.  I've never had a problem RP'ing in a dungeon pretty seamlessly.  There are natural breather spots in nearly every dungeon -- right after you clear a spawn area.  If the party dashes off to the next encounter at top speed, of course, you won't get the opportunity to RP much regardless of "breather spots".  A lot of what I see as the "basic lines" you mention could easily be dressed up into something more flavorful without much additional verbiage.  For example... "the wards.. I feel them fading", or "now may not be the best time to try that".  RP is all about time and effort -- slow down a little bit, and make the effort, and the RP will flow.

Sadly, with magic that also means resting more often and then standing around more often while casters work through their spell books to recast everything.. . And for upper levels that can be quite a while just there. Which does allow for rp but also forced parties to stop every time spells start to fade. The last thing most people wish to do is bale mid dungeon as well. . .specially without their share of whats earned as well. And there arnt really that many dungeons with actual breathers between spawns. Even without rushing, walking + rp, gets you to the next spawn in almost any dungeon with in seconds. Which is often enough time for maybe two people to emote something.

But like i said it seems to come down to personal preference and how you as a individual feel most comfortable. Forced/rushed rp isnt really my ideal. But at the same time there have been dungeons where rp did occur that was amazing. Though they tended to be lower level ones that were pretty small. But places like terg, the lich tower, the ice queen places and similarly other long large dungeons i feel much better being goal focused and getting in and out as quickly as possible without ruining someones day with char death or in the worst case of things a total party wipe out :/

I'm sort of similar, my most in depth rp is when I am just sitting around doing nothing with people, certainly not while adventuring. While adventuring with my friends, I tend to go into "Dungeoneering Mode" and focus almost entirely on the mechanical aspect of staying alive, which is more difficult for me than I like to admit. Consequently, that is probably very boring to watch or be around unless you happen to have a similar playstyle as well.

I don't mind stopping for a rest to rp here and there, but I generally avoid talking while walking.

Same, i rather rp when im not actively trying to make sure im staying healed, no ones dying around me and that my buffs are staying up. Trying to focus on that, spamming tab to check healths (Since we cant party and easily observe party members hp) it can get flustering :3 That and iv more time to think out emotes and put effort into what im saying. Trying to speed type between spawns tends to equal typos galore and having to retype what i just typed to make sure what i said is atleast partially understandable. XD


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Re: Zone-dependent roleplay XP
« Reply #608 on: March 24, 2015, 05:08:56 PM »
Actually with VoB there is another problem that respawnaholic forgot to mention.
The spawn rate build up.
Around VOB the spawn rate may have taken 3 days to build up to a decent level for level 12+ folks.
Which actually just makes folk reconsider of taking the trip.
Beside some lore, herbs and the ash, there is nothing that the place offers.
Not once i have seen folks who farmed up the whole area, and after that another incoming group just well looked around town a bit.
After this happening to a group 3-4 times, that simply spawns dont build up, they llose interest.
(I am unsure if the spawn rate of the dungeons around VoB has been raised or not sorry.)

I still like the place pretty much, because it is a good place to just get away for a bit.
I had chars who were there for long times. And actually I was an OOC tourist information booth to tell folks if their journey to this and that place around VoB was wasted or not. Because being the only permanent resident there at those times, i knew when the groups hit the dungeons. So i could tell them that it is better to turn their attention to the mist camp and some place reachable from there.
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