Lol. You all crazy. This is great.
Enough players to populate the whole server? At one time? Of course we don't. We're not WoW. But on my timezone there's usually 60 people on, which at the very least is to create at least one or two more Hub locations.
But High Levels. Attention.
By being in low level areas, you do more harm than good. DM Plots become impossible to party-scale because there's always a lvl 15+ trolling the outskirts playing hero. Rescuing the fallen from the crypts. Killing the AMPCs. Being goddamn bossy. Invading low-level roleplay and trying to control it through level bully power. Mentoring? It's not necessary and tbh can ruin the fun of newly exploring the server with same-level characters.
Soren, one thing i would suggest you consider is putting longer wait-times on Mist Camp Caravans. If we can wait to rest for two or more hours, we can stop in Mist camp and wait for a caravan. Before you naysayers jump in and complain that it'd end up with a two-hour lineup at the caravan owner, consider this...
What if the Caravans had regular scheduled trips, like a common day airplane? Tuesdays, it goes to Port. Wednesdays, to Harakir. Thursdays and fridays, to Vallaki. And leave a couple of days in between where there are no Caravans going back.
People will go to where the appropriate spawns and loot are for their level. Caravans can encourage them to stay there by making it more difficult to travel. Coupled with the new xp system it would spread the server quite nicely.
And guys, i know the idea has plenty of faults. It can be better planned. Go ahead and rip it apart but i'm just brainstorming ideas to assist the new xp system.