Author Topic: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated  (Read 1497 times)


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Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:44:13 PM »
I just wanted to be able to possible expand on her biography a bit more and wanted some comments too, perhaps
A somber song may grow into blissful crescendo


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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2012, 10:44:26 PM »
Name: Cake (Victoriana Pavalenco)
Age: 138
Race: caliban
Gender: Female
Height: 2'9
Weight: 68 lbs
Hair: Silvery Blue
Eyes: Dark blue, edged with a midnight black
Skin: A fading gray, going white
Languages: Common, Balok, High Mordentish, some of Elven, Gaelic, Old Norse, and can read some draconic runes
Origin: Barovia

Born as Victoriana Pavalenco, the caliban known to some as Cake had her own brand of infamy about her. At her birth, her mother died and her father cast her away for her pure silver skin. She was thrown into the streets of the Village Barovia, and left to die. She was luckily rescued by an outlander elf by the name of Filius Elgonwing. He took her to a nearby abandoned Ezrite shrine and attempted to nurse the child back to health. The child would not eat anything, however, no matter how much the man may try. Days past, and the child never wept from hunger, but grew sharp, pointed teeth very quickly. Worried that the child would soon die, despite her evident abnormalities, Filius sought out a doctor who may have been able to heal her. The only one she could find was a young man by the name of Narcansus. His brother had been a caliban that was slain by the garda of Vallaki, and he had his own set of hatred directed towards the discrimination against calibans. He took the child under his wing (a rather amusing pun, if you've the pleasure to have met him recently) and attempted himself to aid her. She still, however, refused to eat anything, until Filius came one day into Narcansus's hospice with a large, fresh honey cake. The child devoured the entire cake quickly, and then spoke as if she was a decade older, saying "That was quite delicious father. Might you have another?" The two men then dubbed the child Cake, as it was all she would ever eat, and began to teach her about the world around them. Narcansus taught her of logic and reasoning, and Filius taught her of the arcane arts, at which she was already marvelous at. The 3 month old child grew swiftly into the body of what could have passed for a 5 year old, and stopped growing completely at that point. But her mind never stopped.

After 10 years, Cake was out adventuring with Filius and Narcansus into fantastic new places, all across the land of mists. Their adventures ranged from the slaying of werewolves, down to the hunting of lost treasure. The three companions were never separated and lived for years like this, without a care in the world and love in their hearts for once another. However, in the land of the mists, nothing is perfect for long.

The last adventure of the trio came a short while after Cake's 16th birthday, and they ventured into the deep forests near what is now the Midway Haven. They had heard of a hag living there, tormenting the travelers and animals nearby. They continued on through the shadowy bracken until they at last came upon the hag's den: a cave that was painted with the blood of her victims. She called out to them, and summoned many minions to fight them, of which the trio slew easily. Between Cake and Filius's magic and Narcansus's intelligence, nothing seemed impossible for them. However, while they were fighting, the hag was able to shoot a poisoned dart into Filius's back, felling him instantly. With the loss of their comrade, Narcansus and Cake became quickly overwhelmed by the demons the hag forced upon them. As the Hag began to cast a wicked curse that was to turn both Narcansus and Cake into her minions, Cake desperately tried to hatch up a plan. She was able to in just the nick of time, as the hag cast her curse. When the spell left her lips, Cake countered it with all her might, stunting her magical power forever by going beyond her boundaries. The hag was cast back and knocked unconscious, her wards having protected her mostly. The curse, however, was almost entirely avoided, apart from a single drawback: Narcansus had been changed from a tall and fair man, to a small, green, winged imp. The two of them tried to find their comrade, but all that remind of him was a pasty ash substance that neither could bear to look upon, and both of them retreated. They ran all the way to Barovia and sealed themselves tight within the very shrine to Ezra where Filius had tried to nurse her. There they awaited for the Hag's fury to subside, and so they waited for one hundred and twenty two years.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 06:41:01 PM by XayneZ »
A somber song may grow into blissful crescendo


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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 10:50:41 AM »
I have decided to begin a journal regarding my life while I still live. A few days ago, a good friend of mine named Victor, was killed by an unknown elf moments after he had told me that someone, known as "Ly" I believe, was going to attempt a murder against my mother and dear friend, Miuo. Last night, after fearing for her safety for many hours, I ventured to the Village Barovia and discovered that my mother had been slain, presumably but this plotting fey. I would hunt her down myself, but I am not strong enough, and I have not seen my mother since then, alive or dead. I continue to worry for her safety... I plan to venture to the Baratak tower soon, and discover new ways of the arcane, to perhaps become stronger and avenge my mother
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 11:09:25 PM by XayneZ »
A somber song may grow into blissful crescendo


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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 11:09:02 PM »
It again seems time for me to go into hiding, at least until this Ly person is killed or apprehended. I have become far to weak in my time away, and I fear that my life may be coming to a close. I am having more and more urges to just... Give up on everything. This depression is unbecoming of me and it has stopped my progress dramatically. Narcansus worries for my safety, and I hope Miuo does not realize how damaged I have become... I still feel something for her... Gah. It is of no use brooding on about it. I will rest in the church for the night and then venture up Baratak to the tower and see what I can learn there before this whole thing just blows over. I still fear for her safety...
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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 06:29:36 PM »
I have arrived at the tower and have sat down to begin my studies, but my mind refuses to venture from this pressing depression. I cannot think straight, and all I feel is remorse, though I do not know for what. I have a hole in my chest where I feel something should be, and I do not know how to fill it. Why do I feel this way?! None of these volumes can tell me, the sages do not know, and I am at a loss... I must realize that, at heart, I am still a child... I am a genius, but I am a child indeed... I must understand these emotions... But how?
A somber song may grow into blissful crescendo


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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 12:33:57 AM »
It has been nearly 5 months since I've updated this journal. Where last I left off, I was within the Mount Baratak Tower, desperate to understand myself. During my stay in the tower, I came across a single piece of information that has vastly altered my life. It is no secret that Barovia is not the only land within the Dark Domains. Dementiulu, Darkon, l'Morai, and many others surround this solemn land, each one ruled by a Dark Lord. As I've said, this is no secret, but upon reading of Azalin, the lord of Darkon, my interest was oddly piqued. I studied up on him as much as I possibly could, learning of his curse and his evil. I do not know why, but I felt a deep NEED to go to him, and learn all the magic he was able to learn before his affliction. So I began to travel north, into the mists. I traveled for days, over the peak of the mountain and onward through the trees, avoiding as best I could the Ice Queen's song. I began my trek downwards and I reached the forest below, unhindered. After 2 weeks of traveling through this wood, densely layered with mist, I came across what can best be described as nothing. Literally, nothing. Just a gargantuan rift in the world where time and space forgot to be a part of. I desperately tried to get around it, and found myself drawn into it. I couldn't have been within the void for more than a few moments, but I emerged from the darkness and into the Vistani camp south of Vallaki. 5 months later. I don't understand this at all... Miuo is nowhere to be found, her alleged killer has long since been dealt with, and only Rain and Isabella seem to remember me. I cower in my hovel and await some semblance of understanding to greet me. I do not know if it is ever to come... The hole in my chest rages on...
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Re: Cake: Less than Sugar Coated
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 07:57:44 PM »
It has been over a year since I've written in this journal. Its pages have been lightly torn by being tossed around in my bags. Pages have turned golden brown and the ink from my previous entries have actually faded a bit. A year has passed and almost nothing relevant has happened. Narcansus and I have managed to survive this long and I believe the Vallaki garda have forgotten us almost entirely. Somewhat irrelevant, given Vallaki's current situation. I have taken refuge with the Vistani of the Mist Camps, as so many others have also done. Here, I have found a few interesting people that call themselves the Legion of the Mist. Sud seems to like them, but they seem absurdly bland to me. Their numbers are increasing, however, and I will soon see if my talents can be of use to them. So far, however, I have relinquished nothing but skepticism for them. In time, we shall see.
A somber song may grow into blissful crescendo