Author Topic: Wolves at the Door  (Read 2289 times)


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Wolves at the Door
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:56:42 PM »
"You can spot a werewolf-infested town by its lack of butcher shops."

Name: Cadoc Swebdaeg
Age: 20
Birth Place: Verbrek
Height: 5'5
Weight: 150
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Notable Marks: A crudely tattooed axe on his breastbone
Speaks: Low Mordent, Balok


The vast and ancient forest that makes up Verbrek is home to many creatures, inside this ancient forest lays a war between man and beast like no other. Cadoc Swebdaeg was born during a a harsh thunderstorm as the second child. Born in a small hamlet on the Ulvflod River, he grew up in the typical Verbrek life style. When he was a child, Cadoc learn to fight with a sword, shoot a bow, snare a rabbit, gather edible plants, learn to navigate the rushing waters, and build winter shelters. The forest became his school and the various men around the village became his teachers.

All men must learn to fight to protect the settlements from the evil wolves that prowl the lands, and every single person must know how to survive in the wilds. When Cadoc became fourteen, he was sent on the Thaet Lang Faer - the Long Walk. All of his teaching lead to this moment to find a woman and to survive on his own in the wilds. All the while singing uneasy prayers to keep the Wolf God and his children at bay. It took him almost a month to find a woman around his age to take back home and marry.

Yet while on the walk he became more in tune with nature spiritually and when he arrived home, he spoke of it. Another lesson was taught to him by the Elders and Huntsmen of the village, that of connecting with nature and using it to aid him in fighting the scourge. When the training was completed he became inducted into a secret organization amongst the Verbrekers known as "The Woodcutter's Axe". Although the children of the Wolf God have taken Verbrek from humanity, humanity is destined to take it back.

Vengeance is forsaken in the group due to such feelings leading to one onto a path of ruin. One faithful stormy night the hamlet was attacked by a pack of wolves lead by a large Were-wolf. During the fighting he became pinned down by a fallen tree, he witness the slaying of his children and the kidnapping of his wife. Little did he know the only reason he was spared is due to the tree that fell on him contained a glyph of protection; Made by the wandering Hala worshiping Sorcerer from long ago to shelter people from the Werewolf once blessed with a kiss. Quickly as they arrived, so too did the beasts depart. One year later Cadoc would find himself in the lands of Barovia, taken by the mist.


The words gruff and callous do not describe the man's identity well enough, the life of a Verbreker has made him a seemingly an unpleasant man. His face seems to show the truth of the old wives tale "If you keep making that expression, it will stick" as he's face seems permanently fixed into a scowl. Yet like calloused skin underneath he is a rather kind man. Such a thing appears reserved for those connected to the earth or on the rare occasion, friends. Verbrek society is one of nature in it's fullest, humanity's culture in that land is centered on learning and watching the beasts of the wilds; Mimicking their traits and actions to survive. Due to Cadoc being a ranger, he acts as emissary between nature and humanity, promoting respect and caution towards the wilds.


« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 11:47:57 AM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 10:43:44 AM »
"Wolves which batten upon lambs, lambs consumed by wolves, the strong who immolate the weak, the weak victims of the strong: There you have Nature..." - Marquis de Sade

Cold and uncaring of all around him, for they seem far better as fodder to the wolves. Yet the weakest of them all he gives pity, pity that he truelove shouldn't. Cadoc has taken a young woman named "Nim" under his wing to teach her how to stop being the hunted, and to become the hunter. He taught her to watch and mimic the deer, to feel the earth and one's connection to it. When she refused to run, he threaten her with rape. When she refused again, he gave a hint that he meant to do so. Her defiance by biting and clawing the dagger away amused him, making him believe there's yet hope in the little mink.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:42:57 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 02:36:42 PM »
"Never forget our ancestors. They have not forgotten us." - Mikaeus, the Lunarch

He made purchases and dragged the young woman he called "Mink" is a secluded spot on the banks of Lake Zarovich. There they practiced in the day with wooden swords, parrying and landing blows on one another. During the night they camped, bathed, and talked under a starry night. Despite his callous attitude towards her, she kept on asking him questions as she rubs his back rather too eagerly. Questions about his personal life, the tattoo on his breastbone, why is he always mean and grumpy. Yet he gave her the same answer "Maybe I'll tell you one day".
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:42:23 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2013, 11:36:50 AM »
"The Woodcutter's Axe doesn't  seek vengeance, but freedom for all of humanity in Verbrek." - Woodcutter's Axe

The whirling of blades, claws, and blood was the sight for Cadoc on a cold winters night. Marching forth to fight a cavern full with a small group, lead by a Cleric of some god he cared not for. They found none as they arrived but as they left, an ambushed occurred. The Predator knows when it's prey has come to deliver itself to them. Day break they rested at a nearby lodge until Cadoc departed, heading towards the Crypts on a hill to the north. The trail was a day old but still Cadoc could easily track the group, even without the remains of wolves laying in the blood stained grass on the way there. Once more did they fight, yet with a far easier time due to the Vampires being acceptable to simple steel, it seemed almost a trivial attempt; If it where not for the Skalds that were harmed.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:41:47 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 05:40:03 PM »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2013, 03:09:43 AM »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2013, 06:12:02 PM »
"Though its mind has long since rotted away, it wields a sword with deadly skill." - Unknown

The crypts below the old Morning Lordian temple stirred with the clashing of swords for hours on end, while Cadoc and a group of adventurers descended within. Marching forth with blessings from clerics and holy pools above, they fought the undead horde as best they could. In the end one fell while others licked their wounds, quickly they brought her back to life. Soon the party and loot were divided once more, a common sight amongst these pitiful Outlanders. Cadoc took up residence at the Lady's Rest after the fighting, paying for room and a tub of water. Little did he know what stalked him from afar, pale white mist that seemed to be scatter despite how hard the wind blew.  He started to scrub himself down until a woman's voice was heard, ceasing his actions he reached for his sword. She wanted to know who he was to be so brave in the night yet the joke was on her, a knock at the door made her flee. "Vampire" two people were looking for as Cadoc answered the door, half naked and wet. Once the two were gone, she slipped into the keyhole. Their conversation started anew and once it finished, both said ado.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:41:17 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2013, 01:13:39 AM »
"I hunt my wayward memories
For pieces of the past
As fragments fade I clutch my blade
And visit visions vast" - Silver and Steel

Nomadic still he wanders in Barovia's dark forests, hunting the beast as he did in Verbrek. The young girl named Nim on his mind as he fights, yet it laps at times to his kidnapped wife; Rivanon. One year has past since his village and lively hood was taken, slowly fading into nothing more then a fragmented memory. All thanks to the outlook of Verbreker life. Slowly he adapts to these new ways of carrying coin, hood checks by Guards, and foolish people who take nature as a joke. Never listening to the wise Ranger due to their "Veteran" status towards slaying creatures of the night. Pompus, arrogant, and far too bold, they seem to cause these creatures to attack on purpose to show their might.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:40:27 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 11:44:38 PM »
“All nature's creatures join to express nature's purpose. Somewhere in their mounting and mating, rutting and butting is the very secret of nature itself.” - Graham Swift

Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into a month. His time in Barovia can be considered peaceful to a Verbreker, and down right boring to Outlanders from this country called "Faerun". He fights hordes of undead and wild beasts along side unlikely allies and fellow rangers. Every so often he gains a bit of rest, soaking in the cool waters of a stream near the Vistani camp outside Vallaki. Scarcely does he see the woman he courts, finding himself often more then not, lingering on the women that pass by. Such as the wild beast have their mating season, so too does man. He fights the urge to stay true and focus on the one called Nim.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:43:53 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 12:38:37 PM »
"Fylfot contends with persistent wolf and werewolf attacks. The hamlet's Hleo constructed the mightiest palisades I saw in the whole realm, complete with gates, traps, and primitive siege defenses" - S

Cadoc spent the night in a remote part of the southern forests, past an old outpost. He chose a small island in the middle of the Luna river for his campsite, which was supported by natural stone crossings. Morning to dusk he worked to construct palisades to protect the walkways and to prevent attacks from the beasts that roam at night. Two werewolves and a pack of their lesser brothers tested his defenses, only to find that they held strong. Failure to breach the palisades cost them their very pelts and lives as the lone Ranger kept them at bay with bow, sword, and axe.

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 07:29:50 PM »
Ring-a-round a rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.

His time in the remote parts of the southern forest were found as a haven from what struck civilization. Plague has spread from the Village of Barovia to Vallaki, and even to Dementlieu thanks to careless Adventurers. His small camp soon expanded into a tent settlement safe from the plague, but not the beasts of the night. One was required to be healthy and barter goods for access, along with pulling their own weight to safe guard the camp.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 02:34:24 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 02:34:06 PM »
"The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.”
― P.G. Wodehouse

All of this tale is about the young hunter, yet there is another who has been spoken of. Yuveot Swebdaeg was a stunning woman with rather plump appearance in the desirable places all men see to feel and such. Standing a foot taller then our young  Ranger no matter what age they were at the time. Originally from the major settlement of Fylfot, she was the daughter of a Brewer. Wandering the woods in the day to collect wild flowers to be distilled into a lager type beer, she stumbled across the half starved Cadoc and nursed him back to health for a week. When he was able to walk perfectly, he told the reason he was wandering the woods. That day their courtship started and was soon followed with marriage.

When she was taken during the attack on their home, the Wolves had grim plans for her. They brought her to the most dreaded place in all of Verbrek ; The Circle. This holy Werewolf site was the place of legends and bloody sacrifices, although this was not Yuveot's fate. Indeed they stripped her naked for all to see the filthily "Human" and chased her in the pale moonlight. She managed to get away but in the processes of her escape, she had contracted the disease. Cadoc became a hunter of Wolves, while his wife became a hunter of men.

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2013, 07:16:41 PM »
Falconer by ~Cristi-B/She wolf by 88grzes                                                                                                                            

Cadoc &  Yuveot; The Endless Hunt.

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2013, 11:27:05 PM »
"Steel in the heart, silver in the bow."
- Wolfhunter's creed

Coin is short and so he joins the Falkovians as a Mercenary. Slight hatred to the idea for selling his skills for yellow rocks, yet still he reports to them. His first assignment is to provide security for their encampment.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 07:28:39 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."


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Re: Wolves at the Door
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2013, 07:25:41 PM »

"... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself."
- Lone Man (Isna-la-wica) Teton Sioux

The shot must be quick. The kill clean. The wilds may be the enemy of man, but without it man will be no more. We must keep find a way to balance ourselves with nature.

Take time to aim. A missed shot will startle your prey and end the hunt.

Before the hunt can be carried out, one must find where the prey will likely gather.

A burrows, a watering holes, a feeding spot.

Look for signs of recent activity

Then set the trap.

This is the last Cadoc could teach as he returned to the earth..
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 07:52:00 PM by Elfric »

"You left the campfire back in the field. The entire grass field is on fire. Smokey the Bear is on the edge of the field, on his knees, sobbing into his hands."