Merdivall Orestone.
A dwarf born to two dwarven adventurers. Their party was long ago stolen by the mist. They walked lands of the Core, up and down, up and down. Looking for answers and a way of living. Some are by now gone or lost, some still live! Stoped with their old life and building new homes and hopes in new lands, far from their old.
Merdival been a travelling child, he never saw his parents settle anywhere until the mother became sick of "old" age, the strain of the long exodus journey and the father decided to stop and live with his old friends in Dementliue, together with wife. These events in the young dwarfs life has created a odd mixture of Moradin worshiping on a more "I should pray to someone" level and a mixture of cultural references tied to the core. He is to young to remember most of the journeys his parents and their friends took but he have mind glimpses of Lamordia where they proclaim they entered, tossed inside this odd realm. He also remember Dementliue since of spending a lot of time there as his parents stayed there.
He is torn between his parents dwarven heritage and the new strange realm before him, with countless nations and cultures. Not really at home with the dwarven community but nor with the native human communities that dominate most realms he heard of. He journeys on, on to find somewhere to settle, somewhere to experience the challenges of life. Like his parents, he sought out the wandering life, the venturing life. Not comfortable staying at one place in the Mistrealms.
//Criticism welcomed if something is out of order! : )