Author Topic: Words of a mercenary  (Read 13827 times)


  • Dark Power
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Re: Words of a mercenary
« Reply #75 on: March 07, 2015, 09:09:41 AM »
Entry Sixtyseven

I hear rumours of the Falkovnians crushing any opposition in their way. Perhaps they are going to win a war and people stop laughing at them? I have to say, I do not hold it dear to me anymore. For all I care, they can butcher every single Dementliuese person around aslong as they themself get destroyed in the progress by some other nation. I could go there to help the Falkovnians, but I do not think this is what I should do. It is not my way of working with such a force. I hear or heard the things they do to parts they conquer. In the end, even the, you can laugh at their ways of always being driven out of all nations t hey enter, or so I heard, but there is still plenty of dead innocent. Not that this revolution didn't kill thousands of those already and had plenty others with their lives ruined as the criminals rallied into the stable, secure and wellfed parts of the city. So is there really any innocence left in that capital? Or did all of them die? This is a great mess and I blame the revolution.


  • Dark Power
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Re: Words of a mercenary
« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2015, 07:28:26 PM »
Entry Sixtyeight

Back in Barovia, I took the boat to the outpost in Krezk. Can I have a future out here? Damned I be if I ever find something worth a while in Vallaki these days. To many memories, to many good memories. Those are the worst to remember.


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Re: Words of a mercenary
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2015, 08:26:52 PM »
Entry sixtyn There is tsuika dripled over the rest of the word here

I do not understnad why the executed the man. As if the crimes of his relatvies four hundred years ago runs in his blood. I was disgusted at this display. More disgusted than being inside a crypt, fighting the undead or the demonic beings around, well not all demons are nasty to the sight but non the less. This was a sick event. A damn  carnival for the whole family. Disgusting. And that idiot shouting about his Ironlord. The executioner was like no one else I ever seen, I seen people get executed for slacking on their duty or betrayal at army camps....often a very mute, non speaking brute. This one, he was like a show man. As if he would hop on a wagon and head on to Port a Luciné for the newest fad, street corner performer executions. I miss the boring plays and angry looks of Nobles in Port a Luciné. Non the less, the day goes on. I went to the room we so often spoke in, I danced, without a partner. She did teach me at those times when we where alone. I miss her, she was friendly even if it was an act It felt real to me.

I gone from having everything at hand, so close to having nothing. I could lay down and surrender but if I waded in the filth of a swamp for almost a week, to lay down now? Not gonna happen, I will struggle on with my problems. The amount of coin I have, I would have killed to have them years ago back, home. I lost a lot of coin but I still have enough to survive and equip myself with atleast the mundane and standard things one need. I need to struggle on.

But this execution, to hell with it! Disgusting. I live on, I fight on. Damn be If The rest of the sentence is tsuika stained


  • Dark Power
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Re: Words of a mercenary
« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2015, 05:55:59 AM »
The journal is ill kept, ripped pages, burnt, stained with alcohol and soaked in water and a large section seems to have been destroyed by a sword swing.