Author Topic: Barovia - Wachter Province  (Read 17243 times)


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2021, 09:32:02 PM »
A carriage led by a figure in Von Zarovich colors passes through the Old Svalich Road and causes some in Vallaki to hold their breath until it passes through the municipality. Instead the carriage continues westward and stops in front of the Wachter Estate. Whispers and gossip soon alight as to the word of what business the von Zarovich have in light of increased encroachment by the rebels who have taken residence in Berez and the seemingly eerie silence that followed their advance north towards Wachter and Ionelus lands. It is a clear omen and most certainly not a good one...
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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2021, 08:54:26 PM »
Sounds of clashing metal and bone was heard in the territory just shy of Raduta.  With torch fire lighting the night, signs of small scale battles scar the area with both blood and broken skeletal bodies.  As dawn began to approach, the commotion heightened before it finally broke off into chilled whispers.  The remnants of the battle carried themselves to the Western Outskirts, where words such as "lich" and "necromancer" were thrown about in both fear and challenge.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2021, 10:51:53 PM »
A patrol of Wachter Guards, escorting a Black Carriage, set off from The Krezk Outpost as night fell, but their destination was never reached as small squad of Black Army Soliders poured in from the woods..

A single woman, adorned in a crimson breastplate bearing the seal of The Von Zarovich Family, emerged from the carriage, and the night exploded into chaos. All colors of magic light up the night, the boom of gunshot, the clash of steel, and the screaming of dying soldiers smashed the silence of the countryside. 

Soon all that remained were two fighters: A single Black Army Officer, and The Woman in Crimson. Their duel lasted until the early hours of the morning when silence finally fell.

Only mist and pools of blood remained as the sun rose.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2021, 09:44:48 PM »

A mounted patrol circles around the Municipal borders of Vallaki, before settling briefly at the outskirts. A mounted messenger approaches the gathering and they set off toward the West, eventually reaching the Wachter Estate. After some bickering with the guards at the gate, they enter and stable their horses. Two guardsmen remain in the stables, whilst the other two head toward the Inn for some rest.

Despite their differences and the bad blood between them, the guards converse amicably with a group of fishermen. They bond over watery ales, stinking fish stew and over tales of the past. Eventually, the fishermen leave in the early morning with the exchange of a few waves, smiles and pleasantries - quiet bells denoting the departure of the vessels to search for an early catch.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2021, 08:46:24 PM »
In the morning a young attractive Barovian woman briefly enters the Wachter's courtyard with a large cask with a silver leaf imprinted upon the wood. She leaves with a large vulpine smile.
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Tales from the Mist

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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2021, 03:01:12 AM »
As the night churns on a rotten smell wafts down the wind toward the outskirts. A light from across the river pierces the night. Echoes of a feast, wet and savage. The whimpering of a man turning into the howl of a creature...
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-Inferno, by Dante Alighieri

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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2021, 01:31:43 PM »
A number of bloodied bits of parchment begin to appear in various places, all reading the same thing:

My minions are mindless beasts that do as instructed out of fear.  You do not want me to join the fight proper.  This is your last opportunity before I begin taking lives.  Volunteer a Corvaran Half-blood for a conversation, or suffer.

Beneath the wording are a number odd symbols, except for those who understand Vistani Tralaks.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2021, 08:45:50 PM »
[A weathered sign stands firmly in the wake of a dark eve, just past the crossroads.  Despite signs of desecrated flora and undead nearby, the road is cleaned and the area routinely christened with holy water by a figure laden in red armor not dissimilar to that of the Cult of the Morninglord.]

Do not despair the darkness of the night.  The dawn cometh!  Rejoice and look to the morning light.  You are not forsaken.

Hope and salvation shall come and evil will be defeated. 

So sayeth Lathander, the Morninglord.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2021, 02:15:22 AM »
[The relative peacefulness of the early morning is shattered within the Krezk Outpost as a figure garbed in tattered clothing and the decaying trinkets and charms of a Vistana is seen approaching the gate from the west.  An unnatural aura of malevolence seems to cling to him, amplified by a pair of feral, glowing red eyes.  He is stopped by a man clad in the armor and symbols of Kelemvor and a fight ensues a short time later, the Kelemvorite falling in a pool of his own blood.  Rather than strike a final blow, the undead creature continues through the outpost.

Unfortunately the Wachter Garda aren't shown the same mercy and the creature carves a bloody path through the small village.  Half a dozen garda lay strewn about the grass, but the creature seems to have not stopped there.  The nearby bridge favored by fishermen is painted red, with four more bodies left in careless heaps.  A fifth floats in the water, his blood staining the surface.]

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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2021, 04:57:30 PM »
Some Nights after the massacre a black phrase appears on the walls of the Krezk Outpost.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #60 on: October 05, 2021, 08:25:50 PM »
[The relative peacefulness of the early morning is shattered within the Krezk Outpost as a figure garbed in tattered clothing and the decaying trinkets and charms of a Vistana is seen approaching the gate from the west.  An unnatural aura of malevolence seems to cling to him, amplified by a pair of feral, glowing red eyes.  He is stopped by a man clad in the armor and symbols of Kelemvor and a fight ensues a short time later, the Kelemvorite falling in a pool of his own blood.  Rather than strike a final blow, the undead creature continues through the outpost.

Unfortunately the Wachter Garda aren't shown the same mercy and the creature carves a bloody path through the small village.  Half a dozen garda lay strewn about the grass, but the creature seems to have not stopped there.  The nearby bridge favored by fishermen is painted red, with four more bodies left in careless heaps.  A fifth floats in the water, his blood staining the surface.]

A green eyed man clad in black comes at night to observe the scene of the slaughter...

He adds another  phrase on the wall.

"come explain yourself to me, Lucian"

Sithican Salt Mink

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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2022, 07:47:47 AM »
Word spreads of some fell presence harrying lone wanderers West of the River Luna, on the roads towards Berez and Zeklos Outpost. Hordes of shambling, marching, squirming undead gather in secluded places, as if uniting for some unknown purpose. In the Sullen Woods, the light seems paler, and the shadows deeper. And near Zeklos Outpost, a pair of herbalists find a still-warm body, features twisted into a gruesome mask of utmost terror.

Sithican Salt Mink

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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2022, 02:28:49 PM »
Notices spread throughout Wachter Province, particularly on the roads towards Berez ... stained with blood.



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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #63 on: September 23, 2023, 10:16:45 PM »
Out in the Retezat woods, a commotion rockets through the early morning. Nearly a dozen brave men and women have converged on the old house hidden away there. This house has recently taken up new residence, and they sought to put it down.

After very nearly succeeding, their quarry seems to have escaped with it's unlife, with two of their comrades in tow.


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2023, 07:51:34 PM »
The old house on the hill seems to have gone quiet... Could this be a sign or reprieve from it's recent inhabitant? Or has she simply moved on to greener pastures...


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Re: Barovia - Wachter Province
« Reply #65 on: December 08, 2024, 12:35:05 AM »
Near the farms close to Raduta Keep, there were many sets of footprints that would lead to a small pond. Around that pond, more footsteps and the casting off of dark blue robes and a darkly bronzed helm and blue veil. The shore would be disturbed, as if someone was thrashing violently under the waters and then, managed to walk out from them. A singular wine bottle would remain, the wildlife unmolested and the area more or less, free of a dark taint.
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