Spoken amongst Gundarakites of the Wachter Province tell that a fellow of their kin is organizing an effort to repair the road to the south of Barovia of rubble, to reopen trade with the region. Men parted with family in Zeidenburg and Teufeldorf are urged to assist in the effort.
The organizing work party, however small or large it might be, is said to gather on Thursday, December 4th.
Workers are asked only to bring tools they have permits for.
(( This is a Gundarakite-centric roleplay event. There may or may not be many at all present, but if you play a Gundarakite, you may wish to be present. You might even learn a bit about the sons of Gundar. Don't expect to make any true progress, this is simply a flavor event.
Event is set for Thursday, December 4th at 7pm EST. Time is subject to change.))