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Author Topic: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes  (Read 9523 times)


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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2020, 10:02:02 PM »
Rumors of a Borcan Inquisitor of the Church of Ezra making a brief stay in Ste. Mere des Larmes has spread among members of both the clergy and gentry. The reasons of his visit a mystery and left to the speculation of the general public.

DM Indolence

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2020, 06:27:21 PM »
The bells toll at Ste. Mere des Larmes, calling the Faithful of Ezra to Fifth Day. Promises of a miracle go unfulfilled as the Window of Ste. Mere des Larmes does not heal Bastion Joan Secousse of the Third Revelation. After feverish murmuring, Bastion Secousse proclaims Warden Leonie Callie as her successor, going against her previous proclamation naming Toret Armand Pineau her heir. She then passes at the age of 96 in front of a congregation of Ezrites and curious onlookers. In the moments after, an earthquake shakes the city of Port-a-Lucine.
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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2021, 02:18:32 PM »
Lately Yvette Sallembier can be seen going to the Cathedral roughly once a day; sometimes she is seen going multiple times per day. She prays quietly, though those walking by the stained glass within the Cathedral would be able to hear her pray.


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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2021, 11:42:34 PM »
Every day without fail, Yvette Sallembier is in the Cathedral praying by the stained glass, and more often then not it is multiple times per day. Those passing by would hear the woman praying various prayers often rather devotedly. Beyond her constant praying however, Yvette does seem to wish to speak to an anchorite of the Dementlieu See.


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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2021, 09:22:33 AM »
Warden Durand recently gave Fifth Day Services following the death of Helene du Donjon who was found just outside the Cathedral doors.  He had this to say and the gist of this serves as general advice being given to Ezrites (especially defenseless NPCs) who come to Ste Mere des Larmes in these troubled times.

"I fear Port-a-Lucine is no longer safe for what happened to Helene and to others.  But we shall fear no death in body for our soul’s faith in Ezra is eternal.  The Legion of Night is within the Heart of Man and the Legion is among us.  Let us reflect on this."

"We are blessed to have the Gendarmerie.  To take on a role as a protector of your people is as Ezra would do, it is a holy role.  The Gendarmerie hold themselves to the highest standard in the Core.  I urge all Ezrites to assist and cooperate with the Gendarmerie in these times."

"We are blessed to have each other.  I urge all Ezrites to protect each other by traveling in small groups.  Do not go out alone as Helene did.  Beware the night for the opportunities it provides criminals, even in areas we once thought safe."

"We are blessed to have reason.  I have seen other peoples are held back by superstitions while we can see the way of the world and adapt.  It is our greatest strength.  I encourage all Ezrites to speak to those they trust about their experiences traveling the Core."

The Warden has also been pointing out lately that the concept of the Legion of Night living within the Heart of Man is a concept from The Fourth Book of Ezra and it is curious that the late Bastion Secousse did not seek to correct this herself when she wrote The Third Book of Ezra.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 09:25:34 AM by HouseOfLament »
Discord: Delawhere

Current: Luc Mercier, Misted Dementlieuse Anchorite
Previous: Anton Durand, Ezrite Cleric of the Fekete Sereg


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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2021, 03:32:18 PM »
The lone figure of the troubled Artist, Lily Ryan is seen entering the Cathedral. She heads straight to the window of Ezra without a word or a smile, and kneels before the stained glass, locked in silent prayer for many hours, begging Ezra for some unknown mercy.

Praying Mantis

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2022, 10:15:48 PM »
*The commander of Barovia's templars, a stern and militant elf of the 4th revelation, arrives at Ste. Mere des Larmes seeking an audience with any Anchorite of the Erudite sect.  His intention is mostly unknown however, though his presence unexpected.*

Wu Tang Dan

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2023, 09:40:29 AM »
[Early in the evening on the 7th of Février, two figures enter the dilapidated Cathedrale. They cross row after row of pews before turning left, and entering the sidechamber containing the famed stained glass portrait of Ezra. They chatter, quietly, as they sit together, and when they at last part, three lit candles are left beside the altar.]

[Among the three candles, two sit very close to one another.]
« Last Edit: February 08, 2023, 09:53:29 AM by Wu Tang Dan »

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2024, 05:35:03 PM »
In the early noon, a serpent-crested family accompanies their future extension and her mother to service within the cathedral. As the bells toll twelve, a private sacrament of initiation is made in preparation for a future matrimony. A sizeable donation is delivered by a wolfish blonde elder as the gathering departs.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2024, 05:38:36 PM by bunnie »

DM Indolence

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2024, 11:01:34 PM »
Numerous are the chores of the initiates, acolytes, and petty Wardens who operate within the ruined hulk of Ste. Mere des Larmes, from the illumination and binding of the Church's teachings to the upkeep required to prevent further dilapidation of the cathedral. While no faithful member of Ezra's Third Revelation would balk at the opportunity to preserve and document the vast archives within the catacombs, few are so enthusiastic when assigned to the more menial labors associated with life among the clergy. There's the usual grumbling from the less dedicated rank-and-file when Toret Pineau issues the weekly assignments and lists of drudgery for those assigned to Ste. Mere des Larmes, which promise to be dull and tedious for all involved.

Spoiler: show
//Event for new and existing Wardens and aspirant Templars of Ezra assigned to Ste. Mere des Larmes Cathedral in Dementlieu. 1-2 hours. Risk: High.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2024, 11:03:29 PM by DM Indolence »
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

DM Indolence

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #35 on: November 22, 2024, 06:43:38 PM »
What promised to be an ordinary day of quiet service to the Sainted Mother of Tears proves to be anything but. Acolytes and Wardens within Ste. Mere des Larmes whisper of some discovery that's drawn the attention of the Bastion herself. Within the city, the wives of Templars sworn to the Church's service scramble to find caregivers for their children so they can meet the demands of their workhouse shifts, as a watch is set and doubled within the deepest recesses of the holy catacombs. The esoteric cultists remain tight lipped as to the nature of the discovery, at least for now.
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

DM Indolence

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2024, 09:21:39 PM »
Anchorites and Templars familiar and foreign are seen coming and going from Ste. Mere des Larmes with a frequency that's unusual for the normally sedentary Third Revelation. Whatever work goes on in the crumbling ruin, it's seemingly extensive and without obvious indication of progress. The Templars sworn to the Cathedral, at least, seem to have relaxed their watch as the esoteric work of scholars and priests continues apace.
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

Gunship Darling

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Re: Port-à-Lucine - Ste. Mere des Larmes
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2024, 11:47:00 PM »
Each day, between first light and noon, two figures could be seen arriving together. The pair entered quietly, their movements deliberate. Cece was small, dressed simply, her footsteps soft as she made her way to the stained glass. Beside her walked a tall man with wavy blonde hair, his long navy coat trailing behind him.

She knelt before the stained glass, her posture rigidly straight, if not a bit nervous, hands folded neatly in front of her. Her questions, though quiet, were clear and determined despite her unease. They spoke of origins and purpose, of the nature of the world. She sought to understand the rules that governed their existence and the mysteries woven into its stories and myths, the truths hidden away from her. As always, her voice carried one unchanging refrain: “You cannot bid me enter, yet I cannot turn away". The man sat in the pews behind her, his presence steady, grounding her in her unyielding pursuit.

When she finished, she made a small, deliberate gesture of faith before rising to her feet. For a brief moment, they both lingered, their gazes fixed on the stained glass, before turning to leave side by side.