We have been receiving a large number of complaints lately from players feeling their experience lessened by other players excessively using words like "fuck" and similar obscene profanities. Even if many of these words may not be violating what could be considered authentic to the setting, it's much more often going to distract people from the immersion and experience rather than enhancing it. Therefore, we are going ask you all to refrain from using such words from now on, both in the game (OOC and IC) and on these forums. The words we ask you to avoid include the following list:
fuck (or any of its derivatives: fucking, fucker, motherfucker, etc.)
shit (or derivatives like shithead, dipshit, bullshit)
dick (or deriviatives such as "dickhead")
any form of real life racial/ethnic slur
douchebag (or simply "douche")
Find other ways to express this action, either by indirect emoting such as "*curses under his breath*" or "*curses profusely*" or "*spews obscenities at [PC name]*" or use creativity to IC cuss and slander without being vulgar.
We hope you can understand the reasoning behind this decision and will respect it. Thank you for your consideration,
Regards, the Ravenloft: PotM staff