Author Topic: The writtings of Ryanah Goodmane.  (Read 813 times)


  • Outlander
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The writtings of Ryanah Goodmane.
« on: May 26, 2012, 01:37:11 AM »
Palast, Reapember 13,  428 AC
      I was summoned to met the head priest after breakfast. He told me I was to go and meet the High Priest in the High Clerist Tower. I was to meet my transport in Solantus. I leave in the morning.

Majetag, Reapember 14, 428 AC

      I headed off to Solanthus, but dicided to take the shorter path, boy was that a mistake. I was walking through a patch of woods awhen nightfall came. I was confronted by a dark figure and then this strange mist came. I passed out a short time later only to find my self in a very strange land.

what I'm guessing to be Kirinor, Reapember 15, 420 AC
        I have done something I have only read about, I left krynn!!! Me!!!!!!!!!!!! Borring little ol' me!!!    I was sent here as a test by my Kiri-Jolith

Unknown date and year of current place

        I am going to help the lightbingers, Undead ravage this land. I can stand by and let them overrun the people here. Dark is treibel there's a Vampire running around calling herself "Mother".  She is a powerfull, yet she is hidden form my detection. Makes me wonder.....