Breland Population : 3.7 million
Area: 1,800,000 square miles
Sovereign: Boranel ir’Wynarn
Capital: Wroat
Major Cities: Sharn, Starilaskur, Galethspyre, Xandrar
Climate: Temperate in the north, tropical in the south
Highest Point : Erix Peak in the Blackcaps Range, elevation 13,256
Heraldry: A roaring bear surrounded by gold wyverns on acrimson shield
Founder : Wroann, fifth scion of King Jarot
National Motto: “We gain what we give.”
Pre-war Breland
Breland, one of the original Five Nations founded by the human settlers of Khorvaire, mixes a proud agricultural tradition with a more urban and industrial outlook, especially in its massive cities. As with the other Five Nations, Breland’s borders have fluctuated over time. It was named for King Galifar I’s daughter, Brey, in the year 32 YK.
During the reign of Galifar’s last king, Wroann ir’Wynarn governed the nation. King Jarot’s youngest daughter, Wroann was the exact opposite of her twin brother, Wrogar of Aundair. She was thin and agile, serious, and a lover of the finer things in life. She also cherished freedom above all things, and promised to make Breland a place where people would be judged by word and deed instead of social class.
When Jarot died, Wroann broke with her twin regarding the line of succession. Instead of supporting Mishann of Cyre’s claim to the throne, Wroann gathered her vassals and declared her own intention to rule the kingdom. Ironically, the freedom-loving nation of Breland was one of the key instigators of the Last War, for her leader wanted to spread her ideas of liberty and increased democracy to all by force and sword.
Prior to the Last War, the nation of Breland covered all the land it holds today, as well as what is now Zilargo, Droaam, and the Shadow Marches. Currently, the kingdom consists of the land between the Graywall Mountains and the Howling Peaks, reaching as far north as the Black-caps and Lake Galifar, and as far south as the southern coast of the continent.
Post War BrelandBreland weathered the storm of the Last War amazingly well. The size of the nation, the strength and deter-mination of its people, and its abundance of resources gave it the ability to carry on when others fell back, to
choose its own course and not be dependent on allies of convenience. Breland did earn friends over those years, and ties between Breland and Zilargo remain strong now that the war has ended.
The central and southern regions of the nation saw little if any direct conflict over the century of battle, but no one in Breland made it through without losing a friend or loved one to the war effort. While the farms north of Wroat and Galethspyre never suffered the indignity of invasion, it was the sons and daughters of the farmers who went off to fight for Brelish honor and glory. They fought at the borderlands, repelling invaders, and they fought across the borders, taking the battle to whatever nation was considered an enemy that season.
Today, the borderlands of Breland remain strong and on the alert, even as reconstruction takes place to repair the ravages of battle. In the west, Orcbone and Shadowlock Keep watch for any incursions from Droaam. Drum Keep, in the north, watches the Eldeen border, where so many on both sides fell in some of the worst battles of the Last War. Sword Keep and Brey Crossing protect the borders with Aundair and Thrane, while Sterngate keeps an eye on the passes into Darguun. Perhaps the most active post in the current day is Kennrun, where knights and warriors must constantly deal with threats emerging from the dead-gray mist surrounding the Mournland.
Breland is a progressive nation that welcomes all who come in peace with open arms and the promise of honest wages for honest work. Its progressive nature, however, provides a home for those who wish to engage in less than honest work, especially in the larger cities.The nation works hard to maintain the Treaty of Thronehold, for King Boranel believes that peace is a better road to travel than war.
King Boranel is well and truly loved by the majority of the Brelish people. Unfortunately, Boranel’s age is beginning to show, and none of his heirs have demonstrated even a modicum of his intelligence and charisma. Many believe that Breland’s strength relies on Boranel’s leadership, and many of his enemies beyond the borders of the nation can’t wait for him to fall. Will the hope of many who covet the Brelish countryside come to pass? W hen Boranel
falls, so falls Breland?
Five things Every Brelish knows1. The Galifar Code of Justice. Every citizen of Breland learns at least the basics of the Code of Justice, especially as it pertains to the rights afforded individuals in any situation. This knowledge boils down to the right to defend yourself, the right to confront your accuser, and the right to open debate. Of course, the code contains many additional rights and laws, but these tend to be the most important for the average Brelish citizen.
2. That different is just different. Tolerant and accepting, the average Brelish believes that different isn’t better or worse, good or bad; it’s just different. Different races, different faiths, different cultures . . . the Brelish, on the whole, are the most accepting and unifying people in Khorvaire.
3. Something about the weather. Everyone in Breland has an opinion about the weather, and they love to discuss their views and share them with others. This is especially true in the southern portions of the country, where the weather seems to vary between two states—hot and wet, and hotter and wetter.
4. The virtues of democracy. Unique among the Five Nations, Breland has long been experimenting with a new form of government. While the monarchy remains in place, many other duties of government, including legislation, falls to a partially elected body—the Brelish Parliament. Thanks to town meetings where all citizens have a voice and the right to vote for the elected members of the parliament, the Brelish understand the rights, responsibilities of democracy, as well as the great gift they have to live in such a progressive nation.
5. The wisdom of Beggar Dane. Out of the pages of the Sharn Inquisitive, the simple lessons for living popularized by this anonymous street bard have become ingrained in the Brelish mindset. These include: “A copper piece in the cup is a copper piece earned,” “Never borrow, never lend,” “The silent man has no one to blame but himself,” and “A mage wright in the town is worth an army in the wilderness.”
Brelish speach
- “Ogre’s eyes!” An expletive, similar to “drat!”
- “Dagger take you.” An expression of annoyance or anger, referring to the fast-moving currents of the Dagger River which quickly wash away whatever falls in it.
- “Tower spit!” An expression of discontent or an indication of nonsense, similar to “hogwash!” It refers to the spray that falls from the towers of Sharn during and immediately after it rains.
Industriesreland’s agricultural output ranks it among the top crop-producing nations. It doesn’t export many of its crops, however; much of what it produces goes to feed its growing population. The northern half of the country consists of
rich farmland, while the southern climate is perfect for cultivating a diverse selection of tropical crops.
The rest of Khorvaire knows Breland for its manufactured goods and heavy industry. The smelts and forges of Sharn, for example, produce relatively inexpensive weapons and armor. While these aren’t as well made and ornate as those turned out by the Mror Holds or Karrnath, they work just fi ne and cost signifi cantly less. Sharn also turns ore and other raw materials into processed goods; House Cannith and the shipwrights of Zilargo purchase much of Sharn’s output for use in the construction of ships and vehicles. Other industrial centers can be found in Wroat, Galethspyre, and Starilaskur.
All of the dragonmarked houses maintain emporiums and outposts throughout Breland, and all of them have extensive operations in Sharn, the City of Towers. House Medani, House Phiarlan, and one branch of House Can-nith all maintain headquarters in Breland; House Vadalis has an important enclave here as well.
Life and societyBreland’s citizenry is divided almost equally between rural and urban communities. Along Breland’s northern expanse, farms and ranches stretch from the Graywall Mountains in the west to the Seawall Mountains in the east. Rich soil and moderate rainfall make the lives of the farmers relatively easy, and all but the farms nearest the Mournland have stayed prosperous through times of war and peace. The southern section of the nation, dominated by a number of
tropical forests including the great King’s Forest, houses plantations and hunting reserves.
Rural life resembles that in the other nations, with perhaps a bit more emphasis on personal freedom and a drive to succeed and improve one’s station in life. Much of Breland’s rural citizenry never experienced firsthand the
horrors of the Last War. Only the regions to the extreme northeast and those communities closest to Droaam ever participated in actual battles, and no foreign power ever penetrated very far into the nation. Every village and
town and city, however, sent soldiers to the front, and every family knows someone who never returned from the war. Memorial markers are found around every thorp and hamlet, and the great cities have extensive memorials
dedicated to those who perished defending Breland from its enemies.
What makes Breland different from most of the other nations is the number of urban centers that have grown up within its borders. Not only does it boast the largest metropolis in all of Khorvaire, Sharn, but even its smaller cities and towns have a cosmopolitan and worldly air to them. The Brelish attitude of acceptance and tolerance naturally attracts people of all races to its confines. Hence, the nation boasts large populations of most of the common races, as well as goblinoids, orcs, and a variety of intelligent monster races. This mix of people from different regions and of different cultures is much more dramatic in Breland’s urban centers, particularly in Sharn.
Northern Breland enjoys a mild climate. Wet springs give way to warm summers that blend into mild autumns and relatively temperate winters. The temperature rarely drops below freezing, even in the dead of winter, except
in the highlands around the Blackcaps. In the south, from Wroat to the Straits of Shargon, the weather ranges from hot and muggy to hot and rainy, with only occasional peri-ods of warm and dry.
The roads throughout Breland are well maintained and constantly patrolled. In addition to the House Orien trade roads, the crown maintains the original king’s roads that date back to ancient Galifar. Lightning rail lines connect Sharn and Wroat with Aundair, Thrane, and Zilargo, for those needing to travel at a faster pace.
Breland has welcomed a large contingent of Cyran refugees, providing them a place to call home since the destruction of Cyre and the creation of the Mournland. The Cyrans have set up their own town of New Cyre to the southeast of Starilaskur, where they hope eventually to gather as many of the survivors of their doomed nation as possible. Other Cyran communities can be found in Wroat, Sharn, Shavalant, and Ardev. Most of the Brelish feel obliged to make a place for the refugees, but there are factions within Breland whose members recall the bitter battles the two nations engaged in over the course of the war. For these factions, the doom that Cyre experienced was just punishment for the evil it had committed during the long years of war. They have no love to show the refugees, nor pity in their hearts; just a burning hatred and a desire to drive them from the nation—or, in some cases, to finish the job that Cyre itself started and wipe them from the face of Eberron.
Roleplaying a BrelishBrelish tend to be loud, boisterous, and easygoing. They enjoy more personal rights and freedoms than seen any where else on the continent, and they carry an attitude that suggests they know this. They tend to be confident, liberal, and tolerant of others. Nothing seems to surprise or faze the Brelish. They love to engage in debate, especially regarding politics, though they enjoy conversations of all types. They have a rather special love of gossip, which is why the Sharn Inquisitive has such a strong readership throughout Breland, but usually fares poorly beyond the Brelish borders, where it is seen as light and inconsequential.
The people of Breland may disagree and debate the merits of their leaders among themselves in town halls and taverns, but don’t let them hear an outsider disparage their nation or their king. They take great pride in their country and its accomplishments, of its openness and tolerant views. Sure, things can be improved, but they will handle that themselves, thank you. Like the bear that serves as the symbol of their country, the Brelish can appear to be slow and sluggish one moment, but that appearance belies their power, ferocity, and ability to move quickly when the situation calls for it.
Religion is all well and good, and the Brelish have their share of priests and faithful. But religion is a private matter to most Brelish, not something to be shared or, worse, pushed upon others. Though tolerant and understanding of all things different, the Brelish have a tendency to show stronger emotions regarding king and country and other tangible things. “Gods and religion are all well and good,” Beggar Dane has written, “but get back to me when you see Dol Arrah walking the streets of Sharn.”
The nation’s heroes stand brave and ready in battle, fighting strongly for the things they believe in. This belief doesn’t extend to issues of ultimate good or ultimate evil, but instead center on the down-to-earth matters of the rights and responsibilities of the individual. In many ways, the street sage Beggar Dane puts the ideals of the Brelish people into words: “Help those who need help,” and “Treat the beggar as you would treat the king.”
ArtThe diverse nature of Breland’s people tends to create a diverse number of artistic styles, and one can fi nd almost anything if one looks long enough and hard enough. The Brelish spirit, however, is best demon-strated in the neo-Brelish renderings that advance the Galifaran form to a new level. Whereas traditional Galifaran paintings use a flat, shadeless, two-dimensional rendering style, the paintings of the neo-Brelish have depth and a more true to life depiction of what the artist sees. Much of this has been influenced by the artisans of House Phiarlan, but the Brelish have taken the style and made it their own.
Brelish art tends to convey a sense of freedom and energy, no matter the subject matter. Artists often create scenes taken from life, though they prefer to create portraits that place the subject within the grandeur of the Brelish countryside, as well as scenes of the fantastic wildlife that roams the land. The Brelish also have a fondness for battle scenes, and while many show the power of Breland on the battlefield, some show the darker, less inspiring side of war. King Boranel, in particular, used images of the dead and dying, remarkably portrayed in the work of Saranven d’Phiarlan, to help gain support for his role in the Treaty of Thronehold.
ARCHITECTUREIn the cities of Breland, from Starilaskur to Wroat to Sharn itself, Galifarn-style towers scrape the sky and buildings of stone connect one to another. In the countryside, however, the heart of Brelish architecture can be seen in the rustic houses and common buildings made of heavy logs and bricks.
Through the use of magic, Breland raises impossibly tall towers above its cities, reaching heights that are rarely seen in the cities of the other nations. “For all the space they have horizontally,” Kothin of the Mror Holds once commented, “you have to wonder why the Brelish like to build vertically. It’s a mystery.”
Even within many of the towers and stone buildings in the cities, the Brelish tend to use elements of their rustic heritage. Large rooms decorated with natural tree trunks and logs give the stone interiors a sense of life and warmth. In the countryside, especially in the south-ern climes, buildings are designed to keep the coolness in and the heat out, and windows are plentiful. In New Cyre, in eastern Breland, the Cyran refugees have begun to fashion a city that harkens back to the wonders of lost Cyre. This makes the small city very different in look and feel from similarly sized settlements in other parts of the country.
CuisneBrelish cooking utilizes meats, vegetables, and hearty sauces to create filling and comforting meals. Northern Brelish cuisine tends to be simpler fare, with a sweet and savory flavor. This is the food of farmers, designed to satisfy even the most ravenous appetites before and after a day of work in the fields. Here one can find beef boranel, a favorite of the king, that features a bread and mushroom stuffing roasted inside a full side of beef. Other hearty meals from the northern and central regions of Breland include farmer’s stew, thrice-poached eggs and sizzling pheasant, and kettle fried spider and redeye berries.
Southern Brelish cooking is more adventurous, utilizing the spices and vegetables that grow in the more tropical clime. Food with a lot of heat dominates the menu, as do meals infl uenced by the diverse popu-lation of Sharn and then transported into the rest of the countryside.
Traditional southern Brelish cooking is spicy and flavorful, and often too hot for those used to simpler fare. Fire wrapped golden fish, spiced pork and orange peppers, and hot-spiced chicken in panya leaves are considered high cuisine in the best inns and restaurants throughout Breland.
Sharn fusion, meanwhile, is a culinary experiment in combining traditional Brelish cooking with the exotic cuisine of the diverse people that regularly pass through or settle in the City of Towers. Taking ingredients and cooking styles from all over Khorvaire, the master chefs of Sharn combine these exotic dishes with their native presentation to make a totally new form of cuisine. Bold and exciting, Sharn fusion isn’t for everyone. But for those willing to try something new and a little different, this exotic culinary experience is worth the effort and expense (Sharn fusion tends to cost more than a traditional Brelish meal)
FashionBrelish fashions tend to be simple and comfortable. Because of the heat, the Brelish prefer lighter fabrics and open, airy designs in casual dress. It is quite rare for Brelish clothes to cover the shoulders, and women often wear detached sleeves to keep their shoulders bare. The Brelish hate to be confined by rules, and aside from the demands of the weather, they follow few standards in dress. They do have one rule, however—cloth dyed with sayda. This rich sky-blue dye is made from shellfish found only in waters of the Dagger River near the Hilt. Sayda has become synonymous with Brelish national pride, making it more commonly known as “Brelish blue.” Natives of Breland traveling abroad make a point of always including at least a splash of Brelish blue in their clothes (unless traveling incognito).
When the Brelish dress up, they are as likely to wear more elaborate versions of their normal garb as to adopt styles from across Khorvaire; there have even been times when hobgoblin clothing has been in vogue in cosmopolitan Sharn. Jewelry is common, even among the lower classes, with copper wire being used for many everyday adornments. Anklets and particularly armbands are the most common, although any sort of jewelry can be found among the wealthy.
NamesMale: Alain, Beren, Cord, Curlot, Destir, Duran, Erix, Jovi, Kaine, Kuven, Laren, Lis, Maal, Minyu, Nelt, Norn, Oarsen, Pater, Pol, Rand, Reesir, Saal, Stend, Tars, Teesen, Uthar, Verden, Vorj, Werem, Wrogarr, Yelfis.
female: Aanna, Alike, Beaf, Channa, Dabren, Delru, Elazti, Fromm, Gersi, Glenas, Habra, Heeson, Isti, Itlani, Joherra, Ket, Khaal, Lorsanna, Margu, Maril, Monesti, Narcy, Nebra, Penti, Riki, Soranda, Tabin, Tolri, Wroaan, Wroenna.
Surnames: Aggan, Bakker, Colworn, Devir, Ebinor, Faldren, Graccen, Helmworth, Jonz, Kemble, Lanner, Lonn, Makker, Morrus, Nelview, Perryn, Riston, Roole, Smyth, Snarik, Thorn, Toppe, Wrighten.