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I figure since most people don't know about Eberron and don't even have a clue where to begin I think that I should write something about it. I will mostly be copying the Campaign Setting book.

This came from Eberron Wiki
Last War

The Last War was a conflict raging between Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Thrane, and Karrnath. Its purpose was to reunite the Kingdom of Galifar after the succession conflict that occurred upon the death of King Jarot. The conflict lasted over a century and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK.
Backstory Edit

As King Jarot of Galifar approached old age, questions about the succession of his throne ran rampant. Although by tradition, his eldest scion, Princess Mishann of Cyre was to claim the throne, others doubted her ability to rule. Prince Thalin of Thrane felt he was far more fit to rule instead. However, on the king's deathbed in 894 YK, he gave Mishann his blessings and bade Prince Wrogar of Aundair to honor his decision.

At the funeral shortly thereafter, Mishann discussed the details of her coronation with her siblings, but they held a deaf ear to her words. Indeed, they personally threatened to send their soldiers to Thronehold to prevent any such action. Only her brother Wrogar remained allied to Cyre, since he was bound by honor. Later in the year 894 YK hostilities commenced. Alliances were formed, shifted, and were broken over the course of the war. Virtually no part of the continent was unaffected.

The Treaty of Thronehold was signed in 996 YK, two years after the Day of Mourning destroyed Cyre. The treaty effectively put an end to the conflict while at the same time recognizing twelve of the fifteen new nations that had come into existence during the Last War. Although the signatories abide by the treaty, many feel that the current peace will only give way to more warfare. Until one nation defeats the others and claims the throne of the ancient Kingdom of Galifar, many believe there will never be a true and lasting peace.

The Last War seems to be partially based on the Hundred Years' War, including in its origin as a war of succession denying a female heir, introduction of new military technology, and duration of around a hundred years; and the First World War in its new technology and inconclusive outcome.



Khorvaire is the primary continent of the world of Eberron. Most of the published material for the Eberron campaign setting concerns Khorvaire and its residents.


Khorvaire is found in Eberron's northern hemisphere. It is bounded by the Bitter Sea to the north, the Lhazaar Sea to the east, the Barren Sea to the west and the Thunder Sea to the south.

The landscape of Khorvaire varies greatly, from wastelands and forbidding mountains in the north to deserts and jungles in the south, with everything in between.
Nations and RegionsEdit

Khorvaire is a large continent with many nations and autonomous regions. The borders of many of these areas are disputed, despite having been determined in the Treaty of Thronehold.

Races and Cultures

Many races make Khorvaire their home. The continent's largest cities are melting pots of many different species and cultures.


Humans are actually not native to Khorvaire, having emigrated from the continent of Sarlona thousands of years ago. However, since then they have come to dominate the continent, both in numbers and power. Humans founded the Five Nations, and most of them still live in those areas. The largest human populations are in Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, and Thrane.

The Kingdom of Galifar spread across the areas now known as Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, Cyre/Mournland, and Thrane collectively known today as the Five Nations. The breakdown of the Kingdom of Galifar was in fact what started the Last War.


Dwarves are native to the Mror Holds. The largest dwarven settlements are there, but they can be found throughout the continent. Strong familial and clan ties are the core of Dwarf society. Aside from being expert craftsmen and artisians, dwarves are also the financial experts of Khorvaire, using the wealth of their mines as collateral for a successful banking system as administered by House Kundarak. The dwarves of Khorvaire have mastered the art of corporate warfare and use it far more than bloodshed to meet their goals.
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Elves are not native to Khorvaire, either. There are three distinct cultural groups of elves that can be found on Khorvaire:

    The Aerenal elves come from the island subcontinent of the same name. There are no large settlements of Aerenal elves in Khorvaire, but they can be found in nearly every major city.
    The Valenar elves, or Tairnadal, have their home in the nation of Valenar. Valenar used to be a part of Cyre, but it was conquered by elven mercenaries during the Last War.
    The members of the elven Dragonmarked Houses (Phiarlan and Thuranni) can be found throughout the continent, especially in cities that have Phiarlan or Thuranni enclaves.


Gnomes are native to Zilargo, and can be found throughout the continent. While typically friendly and charming, gnomes are also prone to engaging in deception and enjoy 'games' of intrigue. The scale of these games can be great or small, from discovering gossip about a fellow townsman to trafficking in state secrets. However, the other races tend to underestimate gnomes with their friendly ways and small stature. Above all, gnomes are an extremely social folk who work hard to keep their families and society intact. To that end, the gnomish House Sivis works in diplomacy and communications, helping to keep the greater society of Khorvaire intact. From the smallest family and circle of friends to national treaties and major corporate contracts, House Sivis members work very hard to keep the continent connected.
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Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears once ruled most of Khorvaire, before human settlement. Though only ruins remain of most of their empire, some are attempting to rebuild it in Darguun. Much like Valenar, Darguun was once part of Cyre, before it was captured by hobgoblin mercenaries in the Last War. Many goblinoids can also be found in the nation of Droaam. Goblins exist as an impoverished underclass in many human cities. Also, hobgoblins and bugbears employed as mercenaries by House Deneith are common in conflict across the continent.

Half-Elves (Khoravar)

Half-elves are common in Khorvaire as a distinct race, called the Khoravar. Most are descendents of elves who came to the continent with the elven Dragonmarked Houses. Many Khoravar are associated with the half-elven Houses, Medani and Lyrandar. Due to their association with House Lyrandar, Khoravar can be found nearly everywhere in Khorvaire.

Half-elves who are the children of human/elf couples are far less common, but they can be found in places with large human and elven populations.


Halflings are native to the Talenta Plains. The halflings that live there have a very traditional, nomadic, tribal lifestyle. Halflings who have migrated to large cities tend to be more cosmopolitan and human-like culturally.

Orcs and Half-Orcs

Orcs and their progeny, the half-orcs, have inhabited the western part of Khorvaire for millennia. They can be found throughout the regions there, primarily in the Shadow Marches, the Demon Wastes, and Droaam.

The Dragonmarked Houses

Dragonmarked Houses are extended families of a single race whose members sometimes manifest dragonmarks. They often have a near-monopoly on certain kinds of businesses and are considered neutral in any affairs between the nations of Khorvaire.

The following Dragonmarked Houses exist:

    House Cannith
    House Deneith
    House Ghallanda
    House Jorasco
    House Kundarak
    House Lyrandar
    House Medani
    House Orien
    House Phiarlan
    House Sivis
    House Tharashk
    House Thuranni
    House Vadalis

There used to be an additional House - House Vol - but it was destroyed twenty-six hundred years ago. In addition, House Tarkanan is a dragonmarked house to which people with aberrant dragonmarks belong, though it is not acknowledged by the other dragonmarked houses.

House Cannith

House Cannith is a human dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, although they once were strongly based on Cyre. The artificers and magewrights of House Cannith are responsible for most of the magical innovations of the past millennia. House Cannith made a profit from the Last War by selling arms and warforged soldiers. The house was based in Cyre but because of the Day of Mourning the barons of the house are struggling to take control of the house.

House Cannith uses magical research and invention to remain prosperous. Spellcasters are held in high regard. They use wizards to research magic for new ideas. Their Artificers use these ideas to create the items and their Sorcerers represent the house to the world by obtaining people and things needed by the house. House Cannith tries to obtain any magic resource that can help them create new things to sell.

House Cannith possesses the Mark of Making. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to make various items, giving Cannith a advantage in the manufacturing arena.

House Cannith runs the Tinkers Guild and the Fabricators Guild. The Tinkers Guild specializes in maintenance of vehicles and structures, maintaining urban infrastructure, and similar crafts. The Fabricators Guild is divided into dozens of specialties, including architects, elemental binders, alchemists, and armorers who perform many of the wondrous crafts for which House Cannith is especially famous.


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